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Masterchefman catering 09.06.2021

DEAR STEELWORKERS, TRADE UNIONISTS, AND SOCIAL JUSTICE ADVOCATES, I CALL UPON YOU FOR YOUR URGENT SUPPORT IN A CLEAR CUT EXAMPLE OF SYSTEMIC RACISM THAT I FACED... LAST WEEK WHILE MYSELF AND PARTNER, CANDACE ZINKWEG WERE ASSAULTED IN BROAD DAY LIGHT BY THE TWO PEOPLE AND A FEMALE (BACK TURNED) PICTURED BELOW. The USW District 6 office has started planning actions to address this situation. Its unfortunate that most are away on vacation, but tomorrow marks a week since the incident and I believe I need to get this situation out there. Also, thanks to Yolanda Mclean and Mark Brown, from the Coalition of Black Trade Unionist (CBTU) for your support and resources. I have faced racism my whole life, but never at this level. Today is Canada Day, and today, it is clear to me more than before that as a Canadian Citizen being a black male, I will never have the rights, freedoms, and access to protections from the police that a white person has in this country, as explained in my account below. On Thursday June 25, around 10:35 am, Candace Zinkweg and I were assaulted in Dentonia Park in the Victoria Park and Danforth area, while walking our dog. The assault resulted in Candace Zinkweg being soccer kicked in the head and knocked unconscious. I was threatened with gun violence, not once, but twice and made two 911 call throughout the incidents. The Toronto Police Service (TPS) has done very little and it took me pushing the envelope for anything to happen, and still, nothing has happened yet. The TPS has made it about me, the black guy, and had taken the side of a white family, that I have recently learned are known to police, and they even forgot about Candace, the victim, who was knocked unconscious and left the park on a stretcher. I was on a Zoom meeting with my Local’s grievance committee and had just completed a presentation on steps the Local is taking to ensure a safe return to work at the University during COVID-19 and training that will be offered to Local 1998’s JHSC members. I muted my audio and video and went for a walk with my 10-week-old dog. I was walking 20 ft in front of Candace when I saw a middle-aged man (Gary) arguing with his son ( lets call him Justin) who was accompanied by his girlfriend, (who I have learned is 24 years old). Gary had two small dogs off leash and was not paying attention to them. I had headphones in both ears when I heard a yelp! I turned around and saw that Gary’s dogs had bitten my dog. Candace told Gary that his dog bit our dog. Gary turned around, looked at Candace, then turned back around and continued arguing with his son (Justin). Candace then said, excuse me please put your dog on leash, acknowledge that your dogs bit my dog, and apologize. Justin then stormed over and got into Candace’s face, and starting yelling, and spiting at the same time, your disrespecting my father, repeatedly, and yelling, where did the dog bite your dog, prove it, prove, it! At that point, Gary walked away and said that, (justin) you’re an idiot and karma going to get you!, and proceeded to the splash pad about 20m west of where we were. Justin then grabbed our puppy and said, I’m stealing your dog! Candace then pulled the leash which pulled the puppy from Justin’s hands. Justin then got in her face again as I was making my way back to Candace as I saw the situation was escalating. I got between them and tried to calm the situation, stating, your dad has walked away, why do you even care! Justin continued to get aggressive continually spitting in my face and tucking his chain into his shirt and dancing around saying, I used to be a boxer and I will knock you out N#gger. I will shoot you N#gger, when I see you again in the park. I tried to reason saying that I had kids his age and he needs to calm down, but he wouldn’t. At this point, I was highly agitated I said, stop talking and do something if your going to do it, your only 130 lbs you don’t stand a chance. Justin then said that he will get his 280 lb brother to kick my ass and called him over from the splash pad. Candace took out her cell phone and started videoing while the 280 lb brother and Justin attacked me throwing punches at me. Justin then broke away, slapped the phone out of Candace’s hand, picked it up, smashed it against a tree, picked it up again and threw it about 30 metres. Then Justin’s girlfriend attacked Candace, pulling her hair and wrestling her to the ground. Justin then took a running start and soccer kicked Candace in the side of the head while she was on the ground knocking her unconscious. Candace has suffered a concussion as a result and is experiencing symptoms of dizziness, loss of balance and nausea on a daily basis since the incident. The parties soon realized that Candace was unconscious and moved to the splash park where their four children stood and watched. I made my way to Candace and tried to revive her while calling 911. Candace was unconscious for close to a minute, if not more. Two 911 operators where on the call and were guiding me in reviving Candace and asked me to ask her three questions once she was conscious: What’s your name, where do you live, when were you born, is my recollection. They then proceeded to ask me to describe the three suspects, which I did. Justin then approached again to pick up his chain as he had lost it during the altercation. I said I was on the call with 911 and Justin continued to threaten me with gun violence and physical violence. He then picked up the cell phone and said he’s keeping it as evidence, which I know favoured us. The phone took a picture while in mid-air (see pic). Although blurry, you could see Candace reaching for the phone. I believe that the video was erased. I was on the phone for 11 mins with the 911 operators when I asked where the police and ambulance are, I don’t hear any sirens. They told me to keep calm as they were trying to help Candace. I was irate as they had only asked the three questions since Candace regained consciousness and spent 9 minutes asking about the suspects descriptions as they were still threatening to shoot and physically assault me. The 911 operators said that the police have been driving for 11 mins and will be there shortly. I actually had to open my google maps and tell the 911 operators the streets that surrounded the park, after telling them the name of the park and my address, that backs onto the park. After 22 minutes of telling the 911 operators that Candace could not stand and did not know what happened, the ambulance shows up at the other side of the park. I ran into the park waving my hands to get the ambulance attendants attention and they slowly drove around the park and backed up the ambulance about 150 m from where we were. The ambulance attendants then slowly started walking towards us. I had to yelled across the park, bring the F’ing stretcher, repeatedly! You would think that they would know to bring a stretcher for someone who has been knocked unconscious; Moreover, I was on a 911 call giving the details of Candace not being able to stand and being disoriented. The ambulance workers then slowly walked back to the ambulance, dawned gowns and masks, got the stretcher from the back of the ambulance and slowly walked towards us. I asked the ambulance attendants what took so long to get here. They said that the 911 operators said that Candace was conscious and ok. I said, conscious does not mean ok! Before the ambulance attendants took Candace away, I approached the two white police and said I needed Candace’s phone. The police gave me the phone and did not question why Justin had the phone or why the phone was damaged. I asked if they were going to charge Justin with possession of stolen property and why the phone was damaged. The police were not interested, as the white kid could do no wrong, it was the black man, me, who started this in their minds. The ambulance then took Candace to Scarborough General Hospital. The police then showed up 27 mins later, a female and male white officer, and a Chinese and East Indian officer. You guessed it, the Chinese and East Indian officers approached me and the white officers approached the white family. I asked them what took them so long, we could have been further injured and killed. The officers responded that they were doing community patrol at Flemingdon Park, at Don Mills and Eglington, because there was a shooting last night and they had to make their way back to the car and drive the 9 kms to Dentonia Park. I asked if there were no other officers within a 9 km radius of this park, which is known as a high crime area. The officer said no. I then explained what happened. The officers did not take any notes and did not ask for Candace’s full name or contact information. I told them that I would take my dog upstairs and come and give a video statement. The police made no effort to interview people that may have witnessed the incident in the park. I proceed to the basement level of my building, which exits to the park, to catch and elevator and put the puppy in the house. When I walked into the elevator lobby, I saw the 280 pound brother with one of the kids on his shoulders and the three other children at his side. I live in a 30 story building with approximately 25 units per floor. One elevator was out of service and with COVID, only 3 people can go on the elevator at a time, so there was a large amount of people waiting for the elevator. I looked at the 280 lb brother, and he said, what are you looking at. You want me to punch you in your face! I said, out of respect for you kids, don’t say another word. He replied, shut up I’ll punch you in your face!, and that, the next time he sees me in the park he’s going to knock me out. I said, "your a great role model and setting great examples" Just then, Justin enters the lobby area and states, Are you having a good day? do you like metal? .22 (referring to a 22 calibre gun) It’s gonna be a good day for me and a bad day for you next time I see you. I am convinced that Justin has the .22 calibre gun or access to the gun; who brags about having a gun of the smallest calibre. If he wanted to just scare me, in my opinion, he would have referred to a shot gun, 9 mm, 45 calibre, Uzi or a large gun if he just wanted to scare me. Justin then entered the stairwell and I walked outside and called 911 to report the second incident. About 20 second later, the Chinese and East Indian police officers showed up in their SUV while I was still on the 911 call. I told them what just happened. The Chinese officer rolled up his window and was talking to his partner. He then rolled down the window and said take you dog upstairs and come back down. They made no attempt to ensure I was safe going upstairs alone, even after telling them that I was just threatened to be shot. I went upstairs anyways and came back down to give my statement. The police made no effort to interview people that may have witnessed the incident in the park. How do four Toronto Police Officers allow parties that have been in a violent altercation that included Candace being knocked unconscious and threats of gun violence meet again, alone, without police protection, 20 30 mins later and then send me upstairs alone. I’m outraged! The officer put me in the cruiser and said he would leave the door open. I said I’m not claustrophobic and he can shut the door, I have nothing to hide. They started recording a video statement. About 10 mins into the statement, Justin came out of the building and got into a car with his girlfriend, laughing while doing so, thinking I was under arrest. I noticed that the car that the got into, a 2000ish black Mazda 6, did not have a front plate and brought it to the officers attention, but they were not interested. I must note, I have learned that there were three 911 calls around this incident. Two from me, and one from the assaulters after they had found out that I had called 911. In am disheartened and upset that with the park bustling with parents with young children in the park and splash pad 20 metres away, people sitting, walking, and jogging in the park, not one person called 911, tried to deescalate the situation, or help me with Candace when she was unconscious and recovering, with the exception of one City of Toronto Parks worker, who came to check on us to see if we were alright, while waiting for police and the ambulance. I received a call about an hour later from the Chinese officer who said that he had passed on the information to the investigative department and the detectives said they could not do anything or charge everyone because it was a he said, she said incident as the assaulters alleged that I had started the confrontation, the black guy! I was in disbelief and decided to deal with it after I attended the hospital. I made my way to Scarborough General, but could not enter because of COVID. Candace called me and said that she had two CT scans and that they had found and unrelated benign tumor in her brain and that it would have to be removed. You can imagine how my heart dropped. At the same time, it was a blessing in disguise, because if the incident didn’t happen, we would have never known about the tumor. I wish we could have found out another way than Candace being assaulted. On the way home from the hospital I called the staff sergeant on duty at TPS 55 division who listened to my story and escalated it to the detective sergeant. The detective sergeant called the next day and said there must have been a mistake. The case has been assigned to a detective and they would be in touch soon. I said, are you saying that the officer that called me an hour after the incident did not pass the information on to the investigations department and a detective did not say there is nothing that could be done? Is the constable not credible? The detective answered, that there was misunderstanding. This raised serious concerns in my mind! On Saturday, a received a call from detective G, who showed up unannounced and said he was in the lobby of my building and that he wanted to talk to me. I told him I was in the basement working on my daughter’s car and would be there soon. When I got to the lobby, the detective had photocopied police notes and a voice recorder. He stated that he was in the park looking at the crime scene and looking for video camera, but only found one which would not of captured video of the area the incident was in. I asked him if he wanted to talk to the victim, Candace, who was knocked out cold and left the park on a stretcher, the officer said yes. Since the day of the incident, no police officer attended the hospital, followed up with her when she left the hospital, followed up on Friday, and if I didn’t mention her on Saturday, I don’t think they would of even spoke to her. While waiting for Candace to come down on the elevator, the detective said that he had spoken to the family of assaulters and they do not want to press charges and that he would have to charge everyone because they are accusing me of starting the incident. Again, putting the blame on the black guy for starting this incident. I welcomed the officer to charge me so that I could have my day in court. Candace and I walked to the park with the detective and we described what happened on Thursday in the park and in the lobby of the building. After giving our account, the detective said, it’s a he said, she said thing and there is nothing he could do, unless I found a witness who saw something in the basement lobby. I said, your telling me that unless I bring a witness to the lobby incident there is nothing you can do? My partner was knocked unconscious and there is nothing you can do? The detective confirmed and said, what am I supposed to tell a judge when I charge all parties, what do you think the judge will say? I said, the judge will listen to testimony of all accounts of the incident and make a rational and reasonable decision based on facts and the credibility of the witnesses. I stated that if I am not satisfied with the decision, I can appeal. The detective said that I would need to prove the assault happened without a reasonable doubt. I corrected the detective and let him know that a judge’s decision is based on the premise of beyond a reasonable doubt. The officer asked how do I know and I provided details of my educational and professional background. At this point, I started to feel that the TPS had discounted my account of the incident and were blowing me off because i was black. The police had not even thought about Candace. I told him that the system has failed us, including the TPS, that has failed to serve and protect us. The detective apologized. I said that you haven’t even canvassed the area. The Detective said, do I expect him to canvas four, thirty story buildings with 25 units per floor? I said, why don’t you start in the park? It was 10:15 am on Saturday morning, the incident happened at approximately 10:40 on the Thursday morning. People are creatures of habits and I explained to the detective that there were people who probably witnessed the incident. The detective just looked at me, so I started canvassing the park myself and sending people to the detective. Eventually, the detective started canvassing himself. The detective found a man that had witnessed the incident from distance of approximately 200 meters. After speaking with the gentlemen, the detective came and asked me if I kicked anyone. I said I had no time to kick anyone and I was in defense mode and only Candace was kicked in the head. The detective said that the witness did not want to be involved and did not give a name but he saw a black man kicking a white person. I asked the detective, did you ask him if he wore glasses? Did you ask him what colour shirt the black man was wearing as I was wearing a red Blue Jays shirt and Justin was wearing a black shirt that was easy to distinguish from a 200 m distance? Did you ask him if he knows the assaulter? Would a white man with a shaved head, dressed in clothes traditionally worn by black youth not look like a black man from that distance? The detective said that, its easy to differentiate a black man from a white man from that distance. But some how the witness could not differentiate the colours of the shirts. At that moment, Gary walked by with his two dogs, on leash this time. I said to the detective, that’s the father! The detective said, that’s Gary!, and walked over to question him. When the detective returned, I asked, did you ask Gary why he was arguing with his son? The detective replied, I told him I would follow-up with him later. This signaled to me that Gary was not interviewed about the incident and that he was known to the detective. I asked the detective if he had seen my video statement. The detective replied, You gave a video statement? I will look at it when I get back to the station. I then stated that 3 days have past and no police officer had interviewed Candace, the victim that was knocked unconscious and left on a stretcher or checked on her on the day of the incident or the following days. The detective asked Candace to come to the station Sunday morning, which we did, and that he was now going to stay in the park for another hour canvassing community members. The detective all of a sudden wanted access Candace’s medical records from the hospital visit. What a change of heart! We attended 55 division on Sunday and Candace provided a statement. The detective’s attitude was now changing about the incident to the point where he stated that he believes Justin started the incident. I again stated my disappoint with the 911 call operators, the ambulance response time, the constables that were on scene and Detective G discounting of our version of the events. I have thought long and hard and the only conclusion that I can come to is that I am a victim of systemic racism, which I respectfully explained to the detective. The TPS stereotyped me as a black, low income, criminal, and troublemaker because of the neighbourhood I live in and made this incident about me, the black guy, totally forgetting about the real victim in this case, Candace. Let me remind you that I was on a Zoom video conference call when this incident started. The detective stated that he was offended by my allegations. I didn’t expect the detective to admit the TPS’ response was racially motivated. While canvassing the neighborhood, I ran into a black man that was spit on by a white man in the park two weeks earlier. The man spoke of beating the white man up after being spit on. He said the police were on scene in three minutes and placed him in handcuffs. If the black man did not have the spit on his shirt as proof, he would have been charged! I told the detective of this incident and I stated that, if I was a white man and my partner was assaulted and threatened with gun violence by s black male, the SWAT team would have been in the park in 5 minutes. The detective did not know how to respond. I thanked the detective for his work and walked away putting him on notice that he has not heard the end of this. I am calling on all my USW brothers, sisters, and comrades; the OFL, CBTU, and all trade unionists; and social justice activist for your assistance to bring this account of systemic racism to the City of Toronto, the Mayor, the Toronto Police, and all relevant parties. If we can stop one racialized person from having this type of experience, we have made a difference. Please share with your contacts far and wide and do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.

Masterchefman catering 28.05.2021

My God!! What a powerful and anointed voice for the Lord.

Masterchefman catering 19.05.2021

This dude's outrage is ON POINT!

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