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Locality: Ottawa, Ontario

Phone: +1 613-240-8564

Address: 1980 Robertson Road Unit 204 K2H 5B9 Ottawa, ON, Canada

Website: mccncr.org

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Muslim Coordinating Council National Capital Region 13.11.2020

Le Centre Islamique de l’Outaouais organise une soirée de commémoration de la tragédie de la mosquée de Québec le mercredi 29 janvier à 18h30 au 04 rue Lois. L’objectif de cet événement est de rappeler à la classe politique dans ce pays ce qui s'est passé et les mettre devant leur responsabilité et leur devoir d'agir pour faire face à l'islamophobie en hausse au Québec et dans l'ensemble du pays. Lors de cette cérémonie, " Loaded Pictures", partenaire de l'événement projetter...a son film intitulé: " La mosquée- Une communauté menacée qui sera suivi d'un panel de discussion. Au plaisir de vous voir nombreux pour cet événement important! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Outaouais Islamic Centre organizes an evening commemorating the tragedy of the Quebec mosque on Wednesday January 29 at 6.30 p.m. at 04 rue Lois. the objective of this event is to remind the political class in this country of what happened and put them before their responsibility and their duty to act to deal with the growing Islamophobia in Quebec and in the whole country. During this ceremony, "Loaded Pictures", partner of the event will screen his film entitled: "The mosque - A threatened community which will be followed by a panel discussion. We look forward to seeing many of you for this important event! La page Facebook de l'événement/ Facebook page of the event : https://www.facebook.com/events/1539249199572189/ La bande annonce pour le film: "La Mosquée: une communauté menacée" / Link to the trailer of the documentary: https://www.facebook.com/La.Mosquee.film/videos/118995842959025/

Muslim Coordinating Council National Capital Region 04.11.2020

Ambassador @akjailani had an engaging discussion with representatives from Muslim Coordination Council National Capital Region, today (9/10), at the Embassy. I...ndonesia is home to the largest Muslim population in the world and we are looking forward to future collaborations on promoting the values of pluralism and tolerance. @ KBRI Ottawa - Indonesian Embassy #IndonesianWay #IndonesiaCanada

Muslim Coordinating Council National Capital Region 11.10.2020

INVITATION: Ottawa Mawlid Circles

Muslim Coordinating Council National Capital Region 24.09.2020

2016 OTTAWA TOUR OF SHAYKH ALI EL SAYED Invitation by Ottawa Mawlid Circles

Muslim Coordinating Council National Capital Region 20.09.2020

Invitation for Mawlid, Sohbat and Zikr from Ottawa Mawlid Circle:

Muslim Coordinating Council National Capital Region 02.09.2020


Muslim Coordinating Council National Capital Region 22.08.2020


Muslim Coordinating Council National Capital Region 26.07.2020


Muslim Coordinating Council National Capital Region 18.07.2020

TULIPATHON 2016 Dear Friends! Please come out, with family and friends, to support affordable housing this Sunday, May 1st, 2016 COMMISSIONERS PARK at 2.30PM... Dow's Lake Road, Ottawa, K1S 5K7, ON, Canada Price: FREE See more

Muslim Coordinating Council National Capital Region 13.07.2020

Not in Our Names: Islam’s Total Rejection of Suicidal Terrorism The recent atrocious, barbaric, condemnable, despicable attacks in Brussels should move every Mu...slim to swift, unqualified condemnation. Why? Because as Muslims we are taught that murder is wrong. We are taught that suicide is wrong. We are taught that retaliating against unsuspecting innocent people for real or perceived injustices is wrong. We are taught that violating the sanctity of public space is wrong. These things are all unconditionally wrong, and I unequivocally condemn them. Attributing these crimes to Islam is also wrong. Dead wrong. Our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah upon him) informed us, No one of you murders at the time that he kills and remains a believer. Therefore, beware, beware (Ibn Hibban, 5979)! To clarify, the murderer is engaging in an act that true faith would have prevented, hence, his engaging in such a reprehensible act is a sign that he does not truly believe. One version of this Hadith mentions, Faith is stripped from him like his trousers. When he returns to faith, it returns to him. In other words, as long as he is pursuing his murderous path, he is following the path of one lacking faith. This is a clear proof that people who commit acts like those in Brussels, or similar acts in Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Kenya, Nigeria, Yemenor anywhere else are not acting as Muslims, or on behalf of Islam. They should heed the prophetic warning and beware. The Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah upon him) also mentioned, A Muslim is one all people are safe from his tongue and hand (Ahmad, 6753; Tabarani, 3170). This narration indicates that one who unleashes his tongue and hand against the life and honor of people is not a true Muslim. Similarly, a believer is described as one to whom people can entrust their lives and possessions (Nasa’i, 4997; Ibn Majah, 3934). Along these lines, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah upon him) once exclaimed, I swear by Allah he does not believe! I swear by Allah he does not believe! I swear by Allah he does not believe! Those hearing this inquired, Who, O Messenger of Allah? He responded, One whose neighbors are not safe from his evil deeds (Bukhari, 6016). A version of this Hadith in Sahih Muslim reads, One who does not keep his neighbor safe from his evil deeds will not enter Paradise (Muslim, 46). The perpetrator of crimes such as indiscriminant suicidal murder is stripped of faith and denied Paradise by the testimony of our Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah upon him). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah upon him) further stated, There is no faith for one who is not trustworthy (al-Bayhaqi, 18,851). It should be noted that in the latter narration the negation of faith is absolute, Laa Imaana, as it contains the particle of absolute negation (Laa an-Naafiya lil Jins). Imam al-Bayhaqi’s narration continues, and there is no religion for one who dishonors the covenant. Again, the negation of religion here is absolute. Citizenship and acceptance of a visa to enter a country involve covenants, which include respecting the lives and property of one’s fellow citizens or those whose land one has entered as a guest, émigré, refugee or visitor. All of these narrations clearly enforce the idea that criminal murderers who have declared war on their neighbors, fellow citizens, innocent and unsuspecting men women and children, have rendered themselves totally untrustworthy and are disregarding one of the most fundamental foundations of human society. These are foundations that Islam exalts and honors. By so doing, faith has been stripped away from them and they have forfeited their religion. That being the case, how can anyone claim that these people are acting on the basis of Islam? In addition to losing their faith, they have been consigned to Hell. In the case of the attacks in Brussels, and similar atrocities in the Muslim world that are too numerous to mention, the criminals multiplied the gravity of their murderous crimes by committing suicide. Suicide is strictly forbidden in Islam, and one who commits suicide will not only be dispatched to Hell, he will continue to repeat the actions which led to his death over and over for eternity in the midst of the Inferno. In other words, the suicide bomber will suffer the torment of Hell in addition to the pain of blowing himself up, continuously, for eternity. The Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah upon him) mentioned in this regard, Whosoever kills himself with a blade, that blade will remain in his hand and he will repeatedly stab himself in the stomach in the Hellfire, forever and ever and evermore. Whosoever drinks poison, thereby killing himself, will hold that poison in his hand and will continually drink it in the Hellfire, forever and ever and evermore. Whosoever hurls himself from a mountain, thereby killing himself, will continue hurling himself from a mountain in the Hellfire, forever and ever and evermore (Muslim, 109). What in the teachings of Islam provides an exemption to one who commits suicide by blowing himself up and then compounds that sin by murdering innocent people? Absolutely nothing. In the case of the suicide murderer, the adage that two wrongs do not make a right is doubly true. One aspect of these Hadiths is the strength of the wording conveying the eternal damnation befalling one who commits suicide. Imam Muslim’s version contains the words Khaalidan (remaining for eternity), Mukhalladan (forced to remain for eternity) and Abadan (eternally). Hence my translation, for ever and ever and evermore. The strength of this condemnation alone should give pause to one who thinks that such actions are in anyway sanctioned by Islam. It is well-known in Muslim teachings that no believer, even one punished for his sins, will remain forever in Hell. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah upon him) mentioned, One who says, ‘There is no God but Allah’ and in his heart is good equivalent to a grain of barley will be extracted from the Hellfire. One who says, ‘There is no God but Allah’ and in his heart is good equivalent to a grain of wheat will be taken out of the Hellfire. One who says, ‘There is no God but Allah’ and in his heart is good equivalent to a grain of corn will be removed from the Hellfire (Bukhari, 44). What does this say about the hearts and the destiny of a murderous suicide bomber? What does it say about his good, or lack thereof? The gravity of suicide and its implications are summarized in the following Hadith Qudsi. The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) has related directly from our Lord, My servant has competed with me concerning his life [by hastening his death], therefore, I have made Paradise forbidden for him (al-Bukhari, 3463). Anyone contemplating the murderous crimes that threaten the very foundation of our societies should reflect well on what we have mentioned here. By the testimony of our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah upon him) suicidal terrorism is not the weapon of the weak, it is the weapon of the wretched and the damned. The fatwas and commanders who justify the suicidal murder committed by their dupes have no weight in this regard. As for the fatwas, they are all flawed in that they are based on a false analogy. Namely, they mention the Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah upon him) who launched themselves into a battle knowing they faced certain death. While the incidents being referenced by these fatwas are certainly true, in every instance the Companion was killed by the actions of others. None of them killed themselves. Furthermore, there are occasions when individuals committed suicide on the battlefield, and in each of them the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah upon him) mentioned that he was going to Hell. For example, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah upon him) mentioned during a battle that a particular man was going to Hell. The Companions were incredulous hearing this, seeing that the man had fought valiantly, so they investigated. They found that the man had committed suicide owing to an injury he sustained during the skirmish (Muslim, 111). His valor and faith were negated by his suicide. The gravity of suicide is further accentuated by the fact that the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) would not perform the funeral prayer for one who killed himself (Muslim, 978; Nasa’i, 1966). As for the commanders who order these foul operations, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah upon him) has emphasized that they are not to be obeyed. One of those given command over a group of Muslims, during the prophetic epoch, ordered them to jump into a blazing fire. When the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) was informed of this he said, Had you jumped into the fire you would have remained therein until the Day of Resurrection. Verily, there is no obedience that involves rebellion against Allah. Obedience is in lawful matters (Muslim, 1840). Suicide and murder both involve rebellion against Allah as they are both unlawful, therefore, any order to commit them is to be flatly rejected, regardless of who issues that order. Islam’s strict prohibition of terrorism and suicide bombings is exhaustively treated by Shaykh Tahir al-Qadri in his masterful, "Fatwa on Terrorism and Suicide Bombings." Knowing that there are some Muslims who will complain that what I have written here does not address the injustices of the West and its state-sponsored terrorism in the Muslim world, that I am only penning these words because I am embarrassed by the acts of these miscreants, that I waited until such attacks afflicted Americans or Europeans to speak out against them, or the usual litany of objections and complaints against the timing or content of the likes of what I have written, I believe that the following quote from the introduction of Shaykh al-Qadri’s, "Fatwa", is appropriate: I also regard it my fundamental duty to inform the respected readers that I am writing this book solely for the sake of Islam’s dignity and in service to humanity. This book has not been written to condone or approve of the unpopular and unwise policies of global powers, nor does it seek to justify the wrong policies and actions of any government, including that of Pakistan. I neither seek the pleasure of any government, nor the tribute or appreciation from any international power or organization. The objective is to wash the stain of terrorism from Islam, to familiarize the Muslims [and others] with the real teachings of the Qur’an and Sunna (the Prophet’s way) and to attempt to prevent human suffering from the flames of terrorism (Fatwa, 17). May Allah bless us to wipe the scourge of terrorism from the face of the earth and to do all we can to show that it has absolutely no foundation in the teachings of Islam. This is one of the great callings of our generation. May we respond in ways that are best, motivated by the saying of the Almighty, Good and evil are not equal. Respond to evil with what is best [good]. You will unexpectedly find one between whom he and you there was enmity become like an intimate friend. This will only be obtained by those who are both patient and possess a great portion [of spiritual rectitude] (Qur’an, 41: 34-35). Imam Zaid Shakir This article was original published at New Islamic Directions. See http://tinyurl.com/zz87rjc #BrusselAttacks #terrorism #muslims #islam #religion

Muslim Coordinating Council National Capital Region 05.07.2020

A message from Tarbiyah Learning Academy: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/mother-daughter-gala-tickets-22

Muslim Coordinating Council National Capital Region 22.06.2020

OTTAWA MUSLIM WOMEN’S ORGANIZATION Dear Family and Friends, Please mark your calendars for this FOF Annual Dinner you have been supporting for years. Please give us the names of your family and friends sitting with you at your table. We look forward to seeing again as usual. Please bring new friends and relatives also this year. Thank you so much fun your on getting support and participation. Please forward this invitation to your friends and family. Thank you so mu...ch. With my best wishes and regards Nazira Naz Tareen. 613-829-5159 See more

Muslim Coordinating Council National Capital Region 02.06.2020

INVITATION-17TH ANNUAL RECONCILIATION DAY - OTTAWA The 17th annual Reconciliation Day in Ottawa, Sunday, March 13, 2016 2:00-4:00pm, at St. Albans Church, 454 King Edward Avenue, Sandy Hill (King Edward at Daly Avenue) Theme: "We desire a better country" Focus: Calls to Action of our nation's Truth and Reconciliation Commission.... Featured Speaker: Dr. Cindy Blackstock, Executive Director, First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada Attached is our invitation to you, to the 17th annual Reconciliation Day in Ottawa. We also ask you to send this invitation on to others in your networks and to post it on Facebook. We hope for your engagement in the Conversation Along with Dr. Cindy Blackstock, we will also hear from Host, Rev. Mark Whittall, St. Albans Anglican Church; M.C. Rev. Dr. Anthony Bailey, Parkdale United Church; Ed Bianchi, KAIROS; Imam Dr. Zijad Delic, South Nepean Muslim Community; Rubin Friedman, Canadian Race Relations Foundation; Waubgeshig Rice, Author and Journalist and Kokowa Horn-Kirby, Student, Grade 11. There is no charge for admission. Reservations are not required. Refreshments and fellowship will follow the Conversation. We look forward to your presence. Warm regards,

Muslim Coordinating Council National Capital Region 31.05.2020

Join the Intercultural Dialogue Institute - Ottawa, in celebrating our 2nd Annual International Women's Day Celebration Banquet! Purchase tickets at: www.womensdaycelebration.eventbrite.ca

Muslim Coordinating Council National Capital Region 13.05.2020

ILEAD CONFERENCE, APRIL 16, 2016 ------Info for Bazaar Participants------ ILEAD Conference brings together Islamic Organizations to discuss issues pertaining to the Muslim community, and most importantly, to promote harmony and unity in this great city of Ottawa. An exciting line-up of speakers, the support of numbers of organizations, and a bustling bazaar with activities aimed to delight and engage everyone.

Muslim Coordinating Council National Capital Region 27.04.2020

An invitation from Sanad Collective to join every Friday evening at the Rhoda Institute to study Shama'il, the character of the Prophet . Shaykh Hamdi Ben Aissa expands on the meanings of the hadith and highlights how they are meaningful in our own journey towards God. Sanad Collective Rhoda Institute, 1724 Montreal Road, Ottawa, ON https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-j_JqrHy3cU