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Meagan Saum 22.06.2021

Social media is something almost everyone uses every day. It’s used for personal as well as business. Since the pandemic has happened there are more and more entrepreneurs bringing their business to social media. With all the good that comes with it, there is also a negative side. One of the biggest downfalls of social media is the comparison and the appearance of a perfect life from what people are sharing. We all know that there are filters for photos and videos and tha...t people are only sharing a glimpse into their lives, and of course, only showing the good and glamorous, but even with knowing all of that, it can still bring about serious feelings of insecurity. Airbrushed photos, tropical vacations, promotions and the appearance of extravagance are all examples of things that we may see day to day. These may lead us to have a fear of missing out, anxiety or even depression. Here are a few things you can do to modify social media use and avoid any feelings of insecurity. Reduce your time online: If you use social media for business, carve out time in your day and only visit the channels that you need for business. Try to avoid mindless scrolling and searching. Change your focus: When you go onto social media, instead of aimlessly scrolling, search for things that interest you. Find business owners who have a similar mindset to you. Connect with others who have real and genuine content. Find things that will help you to learn and grow instead of things that drag you down. Practice gratitude: Focusing on all the positives you have going on around you will help change your mindset. When you realize all the good you have, you won’t feel negatively impacted by someone else's perfect post. Although it’s fun to stay connected, and necessary to be visible as a business owner, knowing when you need to step back from social media for a bit and make some changes is important.

Meagan Saum 12.06.2021

Do you have dreams, ideas and a calling inside of you for more? Are you a seeker of freedom, time for yourself, relationships with boundaries, acceptance, a life that is meaningful & purposeful? Are you excited to start doing what you actually want to be doing? If you are sick & tired of the same old patterns that keep you stuck. It is time! Time to reclaim your power! Time to believe in and love yourself again! The Women Unbridled Roadmap is a special empowerment & transform...ational self-directed program Meagan Saum has created for women who are ready to be visionaries, women who are dedicated to the connection & creation of freedom in their lives. Exploratory & integrative coaching methods help guide you in the process of unearthing beliefs & barriers that may be preventing you from feeling beautiful, confident, successful & whole in your relationship with others, self & within your soul callings. The Women Unbridled Roadmap is a detailed workbook with 8 modules and a BONUS module will help you work through the Women Unbridled Roadmap. Module One: Awaken Your Potential With Your Story Module Two: Emotional Resourcing Module Three: Wishes, Dreams & Goals Module Four: When Not Trusting Will Hold You Back Module Five: Inner Child & Subconscious Exploration Module Six: Your Relationship with Power Module Seven: Stand in Your Inner Adventurer Module Eight: Developing a Vision, Purpose & Mission BONUS Module: Self-Care Is Self Worth Grab your copy of the Woman Unbridled Roadmap here: https://www.meagansaum.com/the-women-unbridled-roadmap/

Meagan Saum 07.06.2021

Do you feel unsatisfied, overwhelmed or anxious? Maybe you lack self-confidence, belief in yourself and you are the queen of I SHOULD be, SHOULD do, SHOULD have, SHOULD of Self Care. YES! Wait.what’s that?... Frankly, you’re exhausted. I mean really with all the needs of others & trying to make everyone else happy who has time for your own needs! You have dreams, ideas and a calling inside of you for more. You’re a seeker of freedom, time for yourself, relationships with boundaries, acceptance, a life that is meaningful & purposeful. You are excited to start doing what you actually want to be doing! ANDmost of all YOU ARE READY. You are sick & tired of the same old patterns that keep you stuck. It is time! Time to reclaim your power! Time to believe in and love yourself again! The Women Unbridled Roadmap is a special empowerment & transformational self-directed program I have created for women who are ready to be visionaries, women who are dedicated to the connection & creation of freedom in their lives. Exploratory & integrative coaching methods help guide you in the process of unearthing beliefs & barriers that may be preventing you from feeling beautiful, confident, successful & whole in your relationship with others, self & within your soul callings. In this program you are going to be reclaiming positive power, creating your life or business vision, removing barriers that are keeping you STUCK and rocking your successes in self-worth, relationships, and soul callings!! It’s your time! start doing exactly what you want to be doing! Learn more here: https://www.meagansaum.com/the-women-unbridled-roadmap/

Meagan Saum 01.06.2021

I became an entrepreneur in 2003 as an equine sports therapist, equine behaviour and biomechanics instructor, and relational horsemanship clinician that has morphed into helping people understand themselves, realize their potential, and build the lives they want. I bring my knowledge and experience into every coaching relationship supporting the discovery of the inner workings of envisioning, building, managing, and scaling your own business. From simply being a calling/dream... to birthing the foundation and sustainability strategy that aligns with your unique business. Unbridled Entrepreneur Business Coaching can support you whether you are just getting started or are ready to scale your business. Common areas of exploration and improvement are: - Vision and strategy - Foundations of business - Goal planning - Boundaries in business - Sustainability - Knowing your customer - Productivity - Organization and effective action - Leadership & adaptability - Power differential - Building your brand (vision, values, intention, action) - Marketing and sales - Adopting follow-through And so much more! Learn more here: https://www.meagansaum.com/the-unbridled-entrepreneur/

Meagan Saum 28.05.2021

I’m sure you’ve heard of the term Mindset. It’s pretty similar to outlook and it acts as your foundation in life. Mindset consists of your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and those combined impacts your actions. How many times have you got out of bed and thought well, today’s gonna sucks and then, the whole day is awful. And not necessarily because anything specific happened, it’s just the mindset of the day. You woke up, rolled out of bed, and told yourself that the day... was going to be awful and so it was. That’s a negative mindset and we know that negativity is a vicious circle. When you have a negative thought, it creates negative emotions and produces negative actions. But what if I told you that positivity could have the same results? Check out my newest blog for ways to change your mindset. https://www.meagansaum.com//change-your-mindset-change-y/

Meagan Saum 24.05.2021

When you have a business, you can almost bet that there is someone else out there selling the same product or offering the same services, BUT that does not mean you won’t be successful. Finding what sets you apart from your competitors will help in your success. Here are a few things you can do to help set yourself apart. Unbeatable Customer Service: Find ways that you can offer customer service to your clients or customers that go above and beyond. Think about your values ...and beliefs as a business owner and create a customer service system that matches. Address Pain Points: Think about a problem that your customers or clients would have, and find ways that can help to solve it. When you match that with outstanding customer service you are sure to stand out. Surprise your clients: Sometimes the smallest effort can make a huge impact. Finding ways to surprise your clients will show them you take the time to know them, and appreciate them. Thank you notes in the mail, birthday cards or work anniversary gifts. Anything that can be personalized to that client or customer. Create a memorable business culture: Finding ways for your clients, customers and employees to LOVE your business and working with you will be huge in setting you apart from other companies. Be Yourself: Nothing sets a business apart more than the owner being their true self. You will attract clients and customers that share the same values and beliefs you do. Make sure that you are crystal clear on what those are. Even if someone has the same business, you are unique in what you offer and bring to the table. And it’s crucial you stay true to yourself and your values.

Meagan Saum 21.05.2021

Are you an overthinker? Are you someone who worries and constantly thinks about the what if’s in life? When you let overthinking take over your life, it can turn into bigger issues such as anxiety. Here are a couple of ways you work on letting go of overthinking and start to bring more calm into your life. ... Acknowledgement: In order to make a change, you need to take note of when and how often you find yourself overthinking. The next time you catch yourself, stop and acknowledge that you are overthinking. That simple act over time will help with your awareness. Don’t believe every thought: I’ve talked about this a lot - mindset is huge. Our thoughts hold so much power, but it doesn’t mean it’s always true. We have the ability to control our thoughts, it just takes some time and practice. Find a distraction: When you get into your head and find yourself overthinking, look for a distraction. It can be anything that will help to clear your head. Listen to music, move your body or meditate. Once you’ve had some time to get your thoughts straight you will be better equipped to deal with the situation that was causing you stress.

Meagan Saum 20.05.2021

Do you dream of having your own successful heart-centered equine business? Maybe you have been in the industry for a while and you are ready to pivot or explore how you could make your career even more fulfilling. This 10 session (you are not limited there ) package is for those who are in an Equine Industry: - Equine (guided, facilitated, partnered) mental health professionals - Equine-assisted learning professionals Horse trainers... - Equine coaches (riding instructors) - Equine bodyworkers - Equine energy workers - Animal communicators - Farriers - Equine artists - Equine veterinarians - Equine dentists - Equine writer - Facility owners/managers Click the link to learn more about this coaching program! https://www.meagansaum.com/the-unbridled-entrepreneur/

Meagan Saum 05.05.2021

When you sit back and think about where you currently are in life, are you where you want to be? If you answer no, that’s ok! A common mistake made by people who want to be in a different place than they currently are is getting frustrated with the lack of progress they are making. ... We live in a world where we want instant gratification. But we need to remember that life is a journey full of challenges, setbacks and amazing joys. It’s not a destination that we need to reach. You will reach your goals and get to where you want as long as you stay consistent and work hard.

Meagan Saum 28.04.2021

If you want to succeed in business you NEED to stop letting the opinions of others control you! When you run your business based on what others say to do, you will end up running in every direction to please different people with different things and never doing what YOU want. In order to reach all the things you desire in life, you need to learn to tune out the opinions of everyone around you. (Now, that’s not to say you should never listen to the opinions around you, but w...hen you take the advice of EVERYONE - it can make life difficult). So, how do you go about tuning out everyone's ideas and focus on the ideas and opinions you have? Let me give you a few ideas. Take Responsibility There are times when we worry about what others think and it’s a projection of our own fears and self-judgment. When we take responsibility for letting go of others judgments, or perceived judgments, we end up empowering ourselves. Stop Comparing When it comes to business, you need to turn the other cheek and stop looking at what others are doing. When we look at what others are doing it can be easy to compare where we are to where they are - however you don’t know the journey they have been on to get to where they are. When you drop the comparison and focus on your own goals you actually reach those goals and in the end, be much happier. Increase your self-confidence One of the best ways to stop caring so much about what others think is to build your confidence and self-worth. When your confidence is high you no longer second guess yourself or look to outside sources for approval. Set boundaries This is another key component when running a business. Boundaries are crucial in avoiding burnout but also in filtering the kind of people you surround yourself with. If you keep people close who project their ideas and opinions constantly, it may be time to look at that relationship and find ways to set some boundaries. It’s common for entrepreneurs to follow the pack for fear of failure. But remember, what is right for one business owner may not be right for YOU. Your business path and success will be different and unique just like you are. It takes some work but it’s so worth not living your life and running your business based solely on other people.

Meagan Saum 17.04.2021

Comparison is so important to look at it because it is one of the big reasons we may doubt ourselves. When comparison starts to lead you to devalue yourself, question your abilities and talk negatively to yourself, you're entering a slippery slope towards loss of self and confidence. Here are a few ways to stop the comparison game: - Surround yourself with people that support you. We never move readily into a place of standing in our power without feeling like we have our ba...ck covered. If you have people in your life that are unsupportive, they are NOT the people you go to when you are feeling vulnerable or uncertain. Go where there is flow and kindness! - Bring people into your life that inspire you whether that be a mentor, a friend, a coach, a therapist or an author or a public figure. - Check in and see if your expectations are realistic. Are you offering yourself a compassionate mind-frame moving into something new or a rigid one? Growth comes from having an expansive way of thinking and a self-accepting attitude for who you are in the present and where you want to go. - Awareness! Most often we do these social comparisons without realizing we're doing it. When you do notice you are doing it, stop yourself and on the next inhale and exhale cycle label your blessings. Gratitude is an immediate way to mind shift! - Focus on your strengths. Write them down, be honest with yourself! We all have strengths, talents, and skills. You don't need to knock others down to celebrate your own strengths nor do you need to knock yourself down because someone made you believe you don't stand in awe and love of those strengths. I have created a FREE self-belief workbook that will help you end compassion and get you to believe in yourself! https://www.meagansaum.com/10-tips-to-building-your-confid/

Meagan Saum 06.01.2021

Now that the New Year is well underway, I’d like to take a moment to focus on Release-letting go, and different methods to help you experience it. For the next four weeks, I’ll give you some actionable tools that you can use to help you release negativity, rebuild mentally, physically, and emotionally, and reconnect with your sense of spirituality. If you’re anything like me, I have a tendency to hang on to things that cause me stress and anxiety, sometimes even to the detrim...ent of my own well-being. What I’ve discovered is that this is all counterintuitive and could ultimately lead to greater stress, physical ailments and pain, and a host of other negativity-induced health and body issues. Here are some tips to help you physically RELEASE whatever has a negative hold on your body, mind, and spirit. Try one or try them all. Remember, this is your first step towards a healthier, happier you. Breathe It seems like such a simple thing to say, yet having control of your breathing can instantly return you to a place of calm. Try this: lay on your back. Make you are comfortable. Close your eyes and slowly breathe in as you count to five. Hold it for a count of five, then exhale as you count to five. This will help you to relax and attain a sense of calm. This is especially effective when you find yourself feeling stressed out. Meditate Often, we are so busy caring for others, that we forget to take time to care for ourselves. Take 10 minutes each day for your own quiet reflection. Turn off your electronic devices, tell the kids that you’re taking a time-out, put the dog outside, and find a place where you can be alone. This is an opportunity to really become intentional about calming your mind. As you meditate, focus on releasing your stress, pain, and negative energy. Get Back to Nature When was the last time you took a walk, threw a snowball, or sat by a calm pond? There is a reason we feel so good when we go outside. Not only will you experience an improved sense of well-being, but according to the Harvard Health Letter published July 2010, you’ll increase your Vitamin D levels, improve your concentration and you may even heal faster. Journal Sometimes, the simple act of writing down your thoughts can not only help you focus on issues that weigh you down but help you write your way towards self-remedy. No need to write a book, just mindfully jot down what you’d like to release. As you write, you’ll be able to see how you’ve moved from hardship to healing. What’s more, you’ll experience greater cognitive function while counteracting the negative effects of stress. Whatever you do this week, take some time to RELEASE your way to better health and peace of mind. Taking simple steps towards release can make you feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Meagan Saum 23.12.2020

I’m not into resolutions, huge goals that get set and never completed or feeling like where I am at isn’t good enough to be celebrated. that non sense. I am ...into utilizing the pause. Implementing moment to moment pauses, inviting reflection, breath, appreciation, acceptance, gratitude and action to better experience the life that isn’t happening to me but happening around me and for me. This was my year to slow the F down! I like to pick a word for the year going forward that helps me stay intentional and 2020 was pause (listen). This years is Thrive. Through the year of 2020 I felt like the world was sent into a deep dive of self discovery and preservation lacking an invite or willingness of participation LOL. What a whirlwind! I personally had some of the hardest moments I’ve experienced for a very long time. I’ve had some wake up calls that brought my attention to areas in my life and self that were lacking awareness and intention and the consequences of that lack. I saw sides of myself and others that I didn’t know existed. Yes the shadow parts, where it’s evident we still have some work to be done and the reality of our world and humans in survival mode, but I also am blessed to witness the soft parts, the vulnerability, fragility and incredible strengths. All of it beautiful I am so thankful for my family, true friends, sweet and furry animal babies and amazing coaching clients! We’ve seen, been through and been dealt a lot this last year and we are here, we made it and that’s good enough, it’s exactly right and I couldn’t ask for more So instead of Happy New Year to You all I wish for you a deeper sense of self, more connected loving relationships, meaningful conversations, a yen for continued growth and learning and a mountain of adventure, fun and laughter. Cheers to 2021!

Meagan Saum 18.12.2020

Wishing everyone a Christmas that brings you a moment of separation from the happenings around the world, a warmer heart or some relaxation and joy.

Meagan Saum 11.12.2020

Writing is something I’m not yet sure about and have been dipping my toes into but teaching I know I love . I am thrilled to be able to put those pieces together and write for the Trailblazher Magazine in my own section Grounded In You and share some ideas and learnings that I have gained along the way as I develop my writing skills too . Give the Trailblazher Magazine page a follow to see highlights of the amazing businesses and women featured and to get your membership!

Meagan Saum 29.11.2020

Wow!! Don’t miss out on this awesome giveaway

Meagan Saum 25.11.2020

Can you believe it - tomorrow is December 1st and after the crazy and unpredictable world we have been living in during 2020, I really wanted to offer up some joy and help when it comes to releasing that feeling of overwhelm and burnout that is being talked about a lot right now. Join me over in my Women Unbridled group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/womenunbridled) for the first day of my "Release the Overwhelm" holiday advent calendar. Every day during December I will sh...are with you something you can do (don't worry they are fun and quick) to help you release some of those overwhelming feelings you may be feeing as we head into the holidays!! If you would rather receive the daily advent calendar to your email inbox use this link to sign up: https://www.meagansaum.com/advent-calendar/ Share a GIF or emoji showing how excited you are!!!

Meagan Saum 23.11.2020

The last relaxation technique for this week is Meditation. Meditation can look and feel however you want it to. It could be breathing, yoga, a quiet place, guided or not. There are many ways to practice meditation and you can choose which one works best for you. Do you meditate? What does it look like for you?

Meagan Saum 12.11.2020

When you practice visualization you want to imagine yourself somewhere that brings you peace or joy and where you can let go of any tension or anxiety you might be feeling. Make sure you picture your place using all your senses - what do you hear, what do you taste, what do you smell, what can you touch, and what can you see? Let your worries drift away while you are using this technique. ... What place would you use to bring a sense of calm over your body?

Meagan Saum 20.10.2020

Relaxation techniques are incredibly helpful to your daily life. No matter what kind of life you have there will always be some kind of stressors so learning to have coping mechinisms in place is valuable to your daily stress management. Today we are going to talk about deep breathing. When you are feeling stressed deep breathing is a great way to calm you. Close your eyes and take a big breath in, feel it fill your lungs and then slowly release it. You can count to 10 doin...g deep breaths or just take a few. Whatever works best for you but feel your body and mind calm. Do you practice deep breathing?