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The OM Experience 29.09.2020

You have your truth, I have mine, and the wheels of the bus go round and round..

The OM Experience 05.09.2020

I understand the risk in posting this, but it feels important to me. PLEASE KEEP READING. I will admit that at first I couldn't understand the BLM movement, because it was obvious to me that you aren't supposed to be a racist a-hole. ... I found myself afraid to ask questions for fear of offending people.. I didnt realize that I had taken a defensive position where I felt the need to convince people I wasn't racist. I was so busy doing this, that I missed the message....until a few days ago. Someone provided me with links, news articles and information. They recognized my confusion and reached out a hand. They talked TO me, instead of AT me, and it made all the difference in the world. I learned so much, and saw some shocking and devastating footage that I was completely oblivious to. I didnt realize the extent of some of the issues people of color are still facing, I was ignorant. I truly feel communication is key in these situations and was hoping to create a post where we can provide helpful links and ask questions, and perhaps those with some answers who are willing could help us understand. This isn't about pushing agendas or getting people to agree with you. This isn't about bashing or fighting. This is a (hopefully) respectful place to speak openly and grown. I am here, I am listening, and look forward to doing everything I can.

The OM Experience 28.07.2020

Have you ever noticed that watching social media can be like watching a Ferris wheel go around? At first an issue happens, an awareness campaign, a tragic event, something that grabs peoples attention etc is on boarded and the issue takes off. We share the news then quickly posture our reactions. The first set is usually highly emotional. The second wave will be more responsive. Then will be a set of in light of this, this is how you must act. Usually an article or meme... sharing war ensues until eventually the bucket crescendos and comes back for a landing to unload, only to be replaced with a new rider.... I like Facebook. It was a way to stay connected with people through all the moves, the babies, meeting new people, and finding support in lonelier times. It also has a downside. It can be addictive, angering, polarizing and irrational. Ive abruptly left Facebook for short periods of time. I knew I needed to focus on my family, myself, work, and didnt have the capacity to create the kind of community here that I wanted in order to have an authentic place to connect with people. What I discovered was startling. 1) It took a month til someone noticed I was no longer posting. Overall 2 people checked in with me. I didn't feel sorry for myself. I didnt leave for attention but it was humbling. 2) I knew nothing of my friends lives because I realized we hadnt really been talking to each other and our relationships were highly supplemented by social media. I had to text the ones I was closer to to say hey whats going on in your life? Im not on Facebook so I dont have a hot clue! 3) My life became very quiet. Id lie if Id say I dont want to leave it again right now however I also know its ok to stay. To work to connect even as the buckets go around and to encourage and share our lives. What Im learning is how to not get on the Ferris wheel. I recognize the buckets as they come around again and am learning to respond without riding it. Its less emotionally draining and helps to step back and evaluate. How can one discern when they are on a free-wheeling adrenaline pumping ride with music blaring and stomachs flip-flopping and people screaming? If your heart is tired of the ride here are a few things to take stock of: Are you looking at your Facebook and being swept up in culture and man-made morality? View your Facebook community as an extension of your in person community and address all things in love. Real people read the things you share and say. If you wouldnt share it or say it to a persons face over tea then dont do it here. It can be easy to feel shielded or emboldened when we have a screen between us. So lace your words with love. Real love. May it roll off your fingertips here and in every response of your life. Namaste

The OM Experience 11.07.2020

People are getting antsy (me included). People are getting fed up. People are becoming more negative by the minute. Here's one amazing truth I've learned and maybe it will resound with you and maybe you'll wanna punch me in the throat. (Though the throat punchers likely need it most.) Do you want to know the secret to changing your circumstances? Ready? GRATITUDE. Period. That's it! ... If you spend your day describing the water you're drowning in, over and over, you will only be surrounded by reasons that you're RIGHT. It will be confirmed back to you. More crap will go wrong. Your "horrible morning" turns into a day from hell, a week from hell, a month from hell and so on. You LOSE. ...BUT if you have a death grip on what you are GRATEFUL for, DESPITE what else is going shitty in your life or job or that circle of fake friends or in the WORLD today... you WILL see everything differently. You WILL feel like great things are possible, you WILL see opportunities when they show up, you WILL FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF and take action on those opportunities instead of rolling your eyes at them as they pass you by... just like everything else. Call me a crazy, it's completely fine. These are things I KNOW to be true. MIndset is the MOST powerful weapon within you. YOU can do anything. Just try it and you WILL see! Your life only changes by effort. For effort you need muscle. Gratitude is a muscle. thank you for your brilliance Corrina!

The OM Experience 22.06.2020

The Big Picture: This is Nepal with the beautiful Himalayas in the background. Mount Everest looming clearly in view! This is a rare sight. The pollution usually obscures the mountain range, but as the country self-isolates and humans stop their mad scramble everywhere, the air settles and clears....and just look at the beauty! Ive spent the last three weeks using every waking moment thinking about CoVid19, trying to get people to understand how serious this is, trying to... get the message out that we need to stay home. We need to stay home not for ourselves but for those we love. Yes, it sucks. I miss my kids to the point of tears most days, but I know that what Im doing keeps not only them, but my granddaughter safe. And although I cant look outside and see the Himalayas, I can look outside and see clean, crisp snow. I can see clear blue skys. I can hear the birds chirping and the geese calling. And I can looking inside myself and know Im part of the solution. How about you?

The OM Experience 06.06.2020

It is early. So early. So early my head screams go back to bed!... In the kitchen I reach into the dark cupboard to grab a mug, my favourite, the one with the chip in the top. Oh well, I'll drink from the other side. To the swooping sound of the coffee pot brewing, ready to fill up my cup, my morning mind left unattended, wanders. I should do that with people too. Drink from the other side. Turn the cup, and drink from the other side. And life. How often do I try to drink over the chips instead of just turning the cup to the other side? How often do I continue to do life dwelling on it pouring over the cracked places, filtering through old wounds? Being frustrated with the roughness on my lips and the interruption in my sip flowing over the cracked edges of life. What if I just turned the cup, and drank from the other side? It doesn't take the chip away, but it solves the problem. It makes a broken mug useful again and with cherished whimsy I simply accept the chip on the rim across from me. Turn the handle and drink from the other side. What do you need to choose to turn today so you drink from the other side? Is it a problem? An old wound? A person? Someone who needs you to remind them of all their good as you drink deeply of a timeless friendship? That's how they last you know, when you choose to not pour over the chips in their lives... Namaste

The OM Experience 21.05.2020

In my meditation today I had the strong feeling to share these words with you - even though I know what they say is not new, and is being said by many of us, but anyway here it is: Everyone of us is responsible - responsible for keeping our spirits high, responsible for keeping our hearts strong, responsible for not giving in to fear and panic. More than ever we need to focus our thoughts on light, love and compassion.... So each time you find yourself going down that road of darkness we have an anchor - something that you holds us for instance, the sound of OM with every out breath, or chanting the Gayatri Mantra or whatever it is that uplifts your spirit and releases you from the imprisonment of the busy mind. Be aware. Be conscious. Find your anchor. Many possibilities are available to us if we look. We are all broadcasters of energy, with our thoughts and feelings as well as - or maybe even more - than with our words and actions. YOU MATTER - every moment, even in lockdown, even in the confinement of your home. There is so much fear in the world now and that is the most draining, debilitating and damaging of emotions. Fear arises usually from thoughts projected into the futureso lets stay in the moment, lets see what the blessings are in the here and now as it is. They are here - for sure. Namaste

The OM Experience 17.05.2020

So Ive been thinking...Maybe put things into perspective. I am so fortunate that most of my fb friends are ultimately reasonable (some of us be a bit on the weird and crazy side of the spectrum lol) intelligent, compassionate individuals so this is more musing and me getting it out of my head than trying to bring rational thought and reminders of compassion. What we are experiencing is unprecedented in our lived time. Sure there were pandemics that tore through the world be...Continue reading

The OM Experience 10.05.2020

How not to freak out: Are you freaking out right now? If so, you are not alone. Youre likely feeling some anxiety around the CoVid 19 Pandemic, and whether or not your stock piling toilet paper, its hard not to be at least a little concerned with the 24/7 news cycle we are exposed to right now. We are being flooded with updates on the falling stock market, the possible lack of supplies, cancelled concerts, sporting events, even the cancelation of educational settings. It...s nearly impossible not to feel overwhelmed. One of the main Buddhist teachings Ive learned over the years is that its not all about me. Oddly enough, this pandemic has reinforced that teaching. For the vast majority of us, even if we catch CoVid 19, it would be nothing more then a mild respiratory illness. But again this isnt about me, its about all of us. When we take steps to prevent ourselves from getting sick (hand hygiene, for example), we protect others as well. If we practice mindful consumption and dont hoard all the hand soap or antibacterial wipes, then the elderly or immunocompromised wont find the shelves bare when they need them the most. Ultimately we each must mindfully do what we can: wash our hands, stay home if feeling unwell, practice social distancing, and most importantly look out for each other! Namaste

The OM Experience 23.04.2020

Today I woke up feeling overwhelmed...for someone with anxiety this is pretty typical but today was different. Lately Ive been shocked, saddened, even horrified by the volume of negativity Im bombarded with on a daily basis. We all know social media is a breeding ground for chaos if we let that happen, but what Ive been feeling is more then that. Some of this chaos, negativity, celebration of bad news has come from people I love and respect, people I choose to have in m...y front row. How can that be? How can they be one of my greatest supporters, yet participate in such blinding mud slinging? Heres the thing...people are complicated! I know...shocking, right? People can love you and support you, and listen to you, and yes they can hold very different perspectives then yours. Thats ok as long as you appreciate the differences and choose to acknowledge that you each see the world differently yet still want the best for each other. So after I crawled out of bed, stood in front of the mirror and reminded myself Im in charge of what I engage in...I tackled a full on social media purge. I reviewed every group I belong to, every celebrity, politician, musician I follow, every page Ive liked...and yes I did some unfollowing, unliking and disengaging. Just because I love you and sit in your front row does not mean I need to see your social media presence if its not healthy for me to do so. That does not mean I love you any less, and yes, I am still in your front row. I challenge you to do the same, even if you unfollow, or unlike nothing, at least you will have taken the time to be mindful of your involvement in social media. And isnt that worth doing? Namaste

The OM Experience 06.04.2020

Its taken me a long time realize that not everything in life is meant to be a beautiful story. Not every person we feel something deep and moving with is meant to make a home within us, is meant to be forever. Sometimes people come into our lives to teach us how to love; and sometimes people come into our lives to teach us how not to love. Sometimes the ones who capture our hearts cause us the most pain but teach us the biggest lessons. Always remember you are enough, even when someone makes you feel less then enough.

The OM Experience 26.03.2020

Being strong does not mean you cant have weak moments. After all, even the strongest person gets tired of being strong because they have not been born with their strength. They have learned how to be strong on their own, having faced many challenges and difficulties when no one was there to give them a hand. Sometimes even the strong need a shoulder to lay their head on and breath, a hand to hold, a hug, a moment to just be. Check on your strong friends...they need you as much as you need them!

The OM Experience 23.03.2020

I want to be a come-as-you-are-friend. I want my friends to come as they are when we're together. Rough day? Haven't showered in a week? Going through something hard? Not feeling yourself? Perfect. Come as you are. I want my friends to know they don't ever have to censor themselves around me. You don't ever have to say, "I hope this doesn't sound bad, but..." Sound bad. It's okay to sound bad around me. Come as you are.... I want my friends to know that I'm a safe place for them to erupt like a volcano, laugh like a lunatic, and cry their ugliest without ever feeling judged. I love you in all the ways and I don't ever want you to quiet yourself around me. Come as you are. I want my friends to know I'm here for all their controversial opinions. It doesn't matter if I agree or I don't, I'm here for your thoughts. Can't post it on Facebook without a cat fight breaking out with an entire side of your family and also some strangers? PERFECT, I'm here for your unedited thoughts. Come as you are. I want my friends to know I'm there for the middle place. Don't have it figured out? Still in the woods? Stuck in a struggle and you're not sure you're way out yet? I'll plop myself down in that uncomfortable place with you and pour you a glass of wine. Your mess doesn't scare me. Come as you are. I want my friends to know I'm there for their celebrations. Don't tone down your successes around me. I want to shriek and clap in the front row of all your accomplishments. I want to get a text with the video of your son taking his first steps and I want a screenshot of the email that says you got the job. Come as you are. I want my friends to know they can be "too much" around me. Be loud, be funny, be obnoxious, be crazy. I love you for all your too muchness. Don't turn down the volume or edit the you out of yourself when you're with me. Come as you are. I want my friends to know they can be "not enough" around me. Be tired, be empty, be quiet. When you run out of gas and when you need a good long nap I'm still here. Come as you are. I want my friends to feel completely free to be THEMSELVES around me. Be you. In all your tiredness, in all your loudness, in all your opinions (uncensored), in all your big feelings. Come as you are. Be you in your stained T-shirt and your dry shampooed hair or be you in your cute Instagram worthy outfit and recently whitened teeth. Be you. I want you to be you because that's what friendship is all about: you being you and me being me and loving each other through it all. Come as you are.

The OM Experience 12.03.2020

Just stop! How can everything be perfect if its so screwed up?? That question goes to the heart of the situation we find ourselves in, thats the endless cycle driven by our struggle to try and fix whats broken - in ourselves, in our lives, in our world.... But what if nothing really is broken? What if our problem is that there is no problem, but we dont know it? What if all our effort to solve our problems are whats creating the problems in the first place? What if we just stop. We do nothing at all, and see what we see. There is nothing to fix, nothing we need to do. Simple, but not easy. Nothing is the hardest thing for us to do. Our entire existence is predicated on doing things. We think we need to do things to ensure our well being, to fix ourselves, to survive. Most of all, we fear that if were not doing anything well discover we dont exist. Of course, this doing nothing means stopping what we are doing at every level. It means not trying. It means not trying not to try. It means not philosophizing about not trying. Our minds are so subtle and tricky. We have to step completely outside our funhouse of infinite mental mirrors. We have to sit down and give it all up! Once we stop, even for a minute, we might catch a glimpse of reality, of ourselves. In other words...once we stop screwing everything up, its all perfect. Namaste

The OM Experience 08.03.2020

Im in your front row! Whos front row are you in? And, whos in YOUR front row? Its something worth stopping to consider for a moment, dont you think? Whos front row are you in? ... Who are you spending time with? Who do you listen to? Who are you giving your energy and your attention to? Who are you following? Who are you connecting with? Who are you emulating? Who are you modeling? Who do you look to for inspiration? Whose books do you read and whose advice do you follow? In what or whom do you place your trust when you cant handle whats going on? They say the top 5 people you spend the most time with is who you will become more like. Its true. Ive picked up qualities and attributes of the people I hang out with the most - . My office mate texts me almost every day how great is your day? And its made me really think about how great my life is instead of thinking of how not great it might be. And WOW! What a great view that is! The point is, I can see, hear and feel the impact of the people I surround myself with regularly - and I LOVE IT. I choose my people wisely, knowing that every single moment, every word, every breath, every nuance, every hug and every conversation is a direct suggestion to my unconscious mind about what I am inviting in. And, whos in YOUR front row? Who are the people showing up in your life every day to support you, to love you, to lift you up, to encourage and cheer for you? Just as importantly, who are the people in your front row who arent supportive, who arent present, who only show up when theres something they want or need and they take and take and take? Its important, also, that youre choosing who to invite and who to allow in your front row. Sometimes its necessary to do a little pruning both in your back yard and your front row. Namaste

The OM Experience 18.02.2020

You can't do it all so prioritize your life's list and do what will take you to the dreams you have for your life. Let the things that truly don't matter go and put everything you have into the things that you love deeply and care deeply about.

The OM Experience 07.02.2020

Recently I had someone I care for very much ask if I wanted them to OM with me. It was cute, and sweet and funny...but it got me thinking about why I started the OM experience in the first place. Meditation is often misunderstood as some bizarre mind control, stop all thoughts kinda thing. It can also be seen as only for those that hold certain beliefs. People envision a Buddhist monk perched cross legged in a cave dressed in robes and and chanting. I started my journe...y into meditation shortly after I started suffering from anxiety. I used meditation to relax, breath, calm my racing mind. Meditation is not about controlling your thoughts, but no longer allowing them to control you. Meditation brings calm and peace into your awareness. Meditation can be practiced by anyone, regardless of their spiritual beliefs. Meditation is also not about getting rid of thoughts, but letting them flow with no attachment. You can meditate anywhere, any time. Ive meditated seated in a chair, laying flat on a yoga mat, in a church, in a temple, on a boat, on a cliff, and yes, cross legged in a cave with a monk. Ive meditated anywhere from 5 mins to 6 hours. I suffer from extreme anxiety and have a significant back injury and I can still meditate everyday. I started the OM experience to share the art of meditation with others. Its since then turned into a place we can share positive thoughts, be mindful of life as it happens and yes, still a platform to share the art of meditation. If at anytime you want to OM with me, Ill meet you in a cave, on a cliff, on a yoga mat or in a coffee shop and we can welcome the calm together.

The OM Experience 02.02.2020

It's very possible (and perfectly okay) for someone who is Catholic, Muslim, or Jewish, for example, to still find the Buddha's teachings inspirational while continuing to love Jesus, repeating a Hindu mantra, and going to temple after morning meditation. Thats because Buddhism isn't a threat to any religion, its a practice that can actually strengthen your existing faith, whatever it may be, and expand your love to include all beings. I recently had an experience where som...eone thought they were insulting me by calling me a Buddhist. I dont find that offensive...to me that means my actions speak load and clear that I have embraced the Buddhas teachings and I show my acceptance of all mankind. I dont judge based on faith, political affiliation, sexual orientation, financial or social standing, and I definitely dont judge based on what you can do for me but rather love you based on the fact you are a fellow human being. Namaste dear ones! If you need me, Im here to stand beside you.

The OM Experience 19.01.2020

"What you do today is important because you're exchanging a day of your life for it. Therefore, every day lived NOT making the choices that serve your soul and your purpose is a day wasted. Live your life BOLDLY, AUTHENTICALLY, and with INTEGRITY - and know that in every choice we affect our souls, our future and our growth." - davidji [READ THAT AGAIN...AND AGAIN] How are you rising up to make today exceptional?

The OM Experience 06.01.2020

Be a lady they said. Your skirt is too short. Your shirt is too low. Your pants are too tight. Dont show so much skin. Dont show your thighs. Dont show your breasts. Dont show your midriff. Dont show your cleavage. Dont show your underwear. Dont show your shoulders. Cover up. Leave something to the imagination. Dress modestly. Dont be a temptress. Men cant control themselves. Men have needs. You look frumpy. Loosen up. Show some skin. Look sexy. Look hot. Dont be so...Continue reading

The OM Experience 04.01.2020

Love is a beggar as taught by those who use it as a weapon Love is hard work... according to those who do not know its purpose and power Love is a bomb ticking away inside the chest of the fearfully wounded Love is a lure tucked into a trap by those who seek to use it for control Love is a school say the ones who know not how to practice its full potency And love is a dream say those who lost it. I say love is none of these on its own And only becomes these when twisted by the minds of those who fail to grasp the concept of loves freedoms. Love is a frequency an ever present signal pulsing and pulling beckoning without chase. A calling with no pursuit love is an open door and a permanently playing song just waiting for the volume to be turned up. Love has no requirement save one. The choice to receive it. Love has no condition except the willingness to let it in. And love has no source For love is the source itself.

The OM Experience 26.12.2019

We don't have to agree on anything to be kind to one another. What does one thing have to do with the other? Just be kind. Period.We don't have to agree on anything to be kind to one another. What does one thing have to do with the other? Just be kind. Period.

The OM Experience 12.12.2019

Every experience in life, with everyone we meet, is here to teach us and show us what we need to build the life of our dreams. So use the lessons, grow, evolve, and become the greatest version of you!

The OM Experience 30.11.2019

The Last Cab Ride I arrived at the address and honked the horn. After waiting a few minutes I honked again. Since this was going to be my last ride of my shift I thought about just driving away, but instead I put the car in park and walked up to the door and knocked. After a long pause, the door opened. A small woman in her 90's stood before me. She was wearing a print dress and a pillbox hat with a veil pinned on it, like somebody out of a 1940's movie. By her side was a sma...Continue reading

The OM Experience 16.11.2019

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset. When you wake up, think about what a privilege it is to simply be alive and healthy. The moment you start acting like life is a blessing, I assure you it will start to feel like one. Time spent being grateful and appreciating life is time well spent. Look around...what do you have to be grateful for?

The OM Experience 08.11.2019

I invite you to forgive yourself for one mistake youve made in the past year and treat yourself gently about it. Feel free to choose a big or a little mistake; just choose one thing you have been beating yourself up over and act kindly to yourself about it. Can you do that? Can you love yourself just a little bit more? (dont worry its just a little bit) Can you forgive yourself? (finally) Can you give yourself a second chance? Or third? (just one more time). . Sit wit...h your fear, disappointment, embarrassment, irritation, resentment, anger, or jealousy own it. Sit with your sadness and feel it. Allow your feelings to become so deep that they pierce your heart. A magnificent experience will unfold. You will die to the past. You will step into the now. Your love will become true. Your heart will expand as will your ability to have compassion for yourself. I knoweasier said than done. But if we take the time to just allow one emotion to ripple into our heart, a powerful cleansing will occur. Be gentle. Be loving. Be forgiving. Keep it real, keep rippling, and keep meditating. Namaste. -davidji . See more

The OM Experience 01.11.2019

Merry Christmas! Happy Chanukah! Namaste! Nollaig Shona! Wishing everyone love and light during this holiday season. No matter what your beliefs are, I wish you peace, love and happiness. No matter if you are surrounded by those you love, basking in the tranquility of time alone or struggling during this season...know you are loved, you matter and tomorrow is another chance to take a step forward in this journey we are all on. If you are blessed to be with those you lov...e...reach out to someone who might not be so lucky. If you are struggling...take the hand of those that reach out. Together we can make today a better day, this world a better place.

The OM Experience 19.10.2019

Its holiday time and you can feel it in the air in our homes in the workplace in the stores on the roads and in our minds. This is the time of year where theres a lot of self-reflection, judgment, and catching up. As we coast into a few weeks where we will spend time with family, friends, and co-workers to share, reminisce, eat, drink, and make merry our stress levels can rise, contributing to us not necessarily being our best versions. We may find ourselves pretty... vulnerable to people we havent seen or spoken to in a while. We will suddenly converge with groups that have been apart for a whole year. Each day may be filled with fears, tears, expectations, posturing, withdrawal, or uncertainty but this is our moment to bring our best version to the table.Lead with LOVE this holiday season. BE present. Give the gift of your presence and your celebration of love! Sometimes it can seem as if you can barely think during the holidays because of the non-stop, relentless flow of thoughts pouring into your our head. You start thinking about something really important and within five minutes, youve also thought about your dinner plans, other appointments youve made, your pet or your kids, a conversation you had with a relative, paying your bills, whether or not you set your TV to record a show, a trip youll soon be taking, and on it goes from the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep. The feelings of overwhelm impact our decision-making, our stress levels, our creativity, our emotional intelligence, our sleep patterns, and ultimately our health. The answer rests inside. We have the ability in any moment to stop the swirl, re-connect to the calm deep within, and then step into the next moment with greater clarity, creativity, intuition, and ease. And all we have to do is breathe! Namaste. -davidji

The OM Experience 07.10.2019

We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then another. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough, and we'll be more content when they are. After that, we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage.We tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our partner gets his or her act together when we get a nicer car, are able to go on a nice holiday, when we ...retire. The truth is, there's no better time to be happy than right now. If not now, when? Your life will always be filled with challenges. It's best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway. A quote comes from Alfred D. Souza. He said, "For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, or a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life." This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. So, treasure every moment that you have and treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time...and remember that time waits for no one. So, stop waiting until you lose ten pounds, until you gain ten pounds, until you have kids, until your kids leave the house, until you start work, until you retire, until you get married, until you get divorced, until Friday night, until Sunday morning, until you get a new car or home, until your car or home is paid off, until spring, until summer, until winter, until your song comes on, until you've had a drink.... there is no better time than right now to be happy. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. Work like you don't need money, Love like you've never been hurt, And dance like no one's watching. Copyright 1997 Crystal Boyd Artwork: Sarah Treanor

The OM Experience 01.10.2019

I love this analogy! You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your arm, making you spill your coffee everywhere. Why did you spill the coffee? ... "Because someone bumped into me!!!" Wrong answer. You spilled the coffee because there was coffee in your cup. Had there been tea in the cup, you would have spilled tea. *Whatever is inside the cup is what will spill out.* Therefore, when life comes along and shakes you (which WILL happen), whatever is inside you will come out. It's easy to fake it, until you get rattled. *So we have to ask ourselves... what's in my cup?"* When life gets tough, what spills over? Joy, gratefulness, peace and humility? Anger, bitterness, harsh words and reactions? Life provides the cup, YOU choose how to fill it. Today let's work towards filling our cups with gratitude, forgiveness, joy, words of affirmation; and kindness, gentleness and love for others. (Shared from a friend whose cup is full of goodness and inspiration.)

The OM Experience 26.09.2019

I have something weighing very heavy on my heart. Please hear me out for a minute There has been such a shift in how people have been treating each other lately on the inter webs and in person and honestly its getting old. This picture shows a smile, but I was struggling on this day...truly fighting a battle no one knew about. The point being, and I cannot express this enough - You have NO IDEA what other people carry with them EVERYDAY. You have NO IDEA what someones li...fe is like. Dont create more pain and stress to others. BE KIND. BE GENUINE. Stop being so mean to people to fulfil whatever it is you dont like about you . If you can choose to be anything...Be Kind!!

The OM Experience 14.09.2019

An amazingly brilliant friend sent me this and I want to share it with you... Self-care is often a very unbeautiful thing. It is making a spreadsheet of your debt and enforcing a morning routine and cooking yourself healthy meals and no longer just running from your problems and calling the distraction a solution....Continue reading

The OM Experience 25.08.2019

Its been said that the meaning of life is to give life meaning; to search for, find, and be motivated by a sense of purpose or a mission. Im not necessarily talking about grand, philanthropic entrepreneurship, running an orphanage, or saving lives, it can be whatever internal drive fuels you with a vision that gets you out of bed each morning. For some people, raising children is the ultimate calling, while others vocation is their artistic expression, career, or the objec...tive of progress (be it environmental, humanitarian, or spiritual). Regardless of the path we choose, many people still tell me they feel empty despite having loads of money in the bank, a big house, or the latest iPhone. I think thats because those things take amazing photographs, impress strangers, or provide a false sense of security, but they dont give our life meaning. In other words, altruism (not consumerism) is the path to true fulfillment. And thats because altruism gives us purpose, while consumerism just gives us more stuff. But let's be honest and realistic: we are all consumers at the end of the day, so I'm not going to sit here and suggest we start leading austere, ascetic lives as a path to fulfillment, I just think that by making mindful purchase decisions, we can make a meaningful impact, not just in the world outside of us, but also within. An altruistic lifestyle is not just for billionaires like Bill and Melinda Gates, its a way for all of us to avoid feeling empty inside. The key is to practice discernment at every turn. Whenever Im tempted to buy something, I first ask myself why I want to buy it. If I think it will make me happy, then I leave it in the store because I already know material things only momentarily boost my mood, they are not an investment in my overall well-being (especially if the true cost causes harm). Healthy food, however, or supporting organizations that are doing incredible work in the world, can lead to true fulfillment in the long-term. So when it's something useful, I ask myself where to buy it, and then decide which retailer I want to support. As Shantideva said, Our suffering stems from wishing our self to be happy, while all the happiness in the world arises from wishing others to be happy. Its why I keep telling people to read books, for example, and then pass the books on to someone else; it is more meaningful to give than to receive. Did you catch that? Generosity is meaningful (as in, full of meaning). So if you want your life to have meaning and a sense of purpose, then shift your focus from accumulating to sharing. Do you remember Into The Wild? Even happiness is only real once shared! It is in giving that we receive Saint Francis of Assisi. So let's live meaningful lives by giving life meaning.

The OM Experience 22.08.2019

I have made plenty of bad decisions in my life. A few judgment calls were damaging to my own well-being, and many unwise choices ended up unintentionally hurting others in some way. Ive never had a problem apologizing to people for my wrongdoings and promising to be more mindful in the future to never repeat the same action (or inaction) again. But when a decision I make ends up hurting only me, the conversation in my own head isnt so civil It goes something like this: You...Continue reading