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Phone: +1 519-500-6211

Website: melissamather.guru/

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Melissa Mather 22.01.2022

Hey Lady, I'm Melissa - Success coach for women entrepreneurs! I LOVE helping women transform their BIG ideas into an IMPACTFUL business. I help go-getter women like you, get out of your head, uncover your strengths, and implement marketing strategies so you can GET ROLLING with serious momentum in your business! I started my business so I could have the FREEDOM to focus on what matters most. ... I have a 2 children who *have my heart* - both will be in Kindergarten this fall *tear*! I'm passionate about teaching, coaching, and mentoring women so they can live their best life! Read more about my story here: www.melissamather.guru/about See more

Melissa Mather 06.01.2022

Ahhh I'm so excited to finally share my new website with you!! www.melissamather.guru *LINK IN BIO* Sandra did a beautiful job and it reflects my brand perfectly! ... PS - I've started and launched 2 successful businesses! If you're serious about making an impact as a service based business owner, I'm holding space for a limited number of one-on-one clients starting September 2018.

Melissa Mather 17.12.2021

Hey hey! It's been a while since I've been on IG and social media for my business. We've been truly enjoying a HOT Canadian summer - cottaging, going to the beach, treehouse building, and some exciting home renos. Exciting announcement coming soon about a change in my biz this fall!

Melissa Mather 09.12.2021

Meeting a client this morning, mastermind call, getting some work and errands done this afternoon, then tutoring. It's going to be a great day!

Melissa Mather 23.11.2021

My little sunshines on a rainy day. I being their mom!

Melissa Mather 10.11.2021

EEEK! Planning a spontaneous vacation to FLORIDA in May with two of my closest business friends!! We met about a year and half ago, and have supported each other through thick and thin as we grow our businesses. And in a month, we get to finally meet in person!! I never would have imagined life would be possible!... Dream big ladies! <3 See more

Melissa Mather 23.10.2021

This week has been a ROLLER COASTER of emotions related to my business. But today is a new day, and I decided that I'm done feeling sorry for myself, done feeling stressed and overwhelmed. . . Today, I choose to be strong and capable. Because I've build 2 businesses from the ground up, and my work SERVES others in big ways. And I get to make money while I'm doing that. And that's pretty awesome. .... . "I am strong, capable, and ready for this day". . . Do you use affirmations? Share your fav in the comments. See more

Melissa Mather 11.10.2021

Choosing to focus on what I have, instead of dwelling on what I don't, has made all the difference.

Melissa Mather 21.09.2021

Maybe, if you put your disbelief aside, roll up your sleeves, take some risks, and totally go for it, you’ll wake up one day and realize you’re living the kind of life you used to be jealous Jen Sincero, You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life

Melissa Mather 04.09.2021

There is only *one* of you - with your experience, talent, and approach. No one can take this away from you. So what are you waiting for? Be the girl who decided to go for it.

Melissa Mather 24.08.2021

THIS HELD ME BACK FOR TOO LONG - HOW ABOUT YOU? That moment when you’ve come as far as you can, and now it’s time to do something different. And that *different* is the thing that’s hard. It’s time to get to the next level. ... It’s time It’s time to get on your first discovery call. It’s time to ask for your first sale. It’s time to go live for the first time. It’s time to pitch your program for the first time. It’s time to find your first client. There’s distinct shift in the beginning part of your business. Have you felt it? I did. And I didn’t do what I knew I should do next. Because I was afraid of failing. I would make excuses to NOT work on my business, because then if I DID fail, I could use that as a reason why didn’t wern’t working out. AT LEAST I could say it wasn’t ME, it was just that I don’t have time. Or I didn’t put the effort in. Have you ever felt this way? Trust me when I tell you this. YOU ARE CAPABLE. You’re capable of more than you think. Your FEAR, is trying keeping you safe. But everything you’ve ever wanted, is on the other side of fear. I love this quote by Jen Sincero: Nobody who ever accomplished anything big or new or worth raising a celebratory fist in the air did it from their comfort zone. They risked ridicule and failure and sometimes even death. (Big Magic). So, if you’re feeling fearful of getting to the next level, try these 3 shifts: Where is this fear stemming from? Are you blocking yourself from getting to the next level because of time? Relationships? Dig deep here to figure this out. What’s the worst case scenario? What if no one signs up? What if I don't make any money in my business? *Insert whatever success means to you*. Shift from failure to success: Instead of thinking, what if I fail, think about what if I’m successful? What will that feel like? What will change? See more

Melissa Mather 10.08.2021

There are weeks when I'm pouring everything into my family and my clients, that I feel there's nothing left in me to give. I can't do social media. I can't go live. I can't promote myself, because I can't do it all. And then, it's like the creative doors open, and I'm flowing with ideas, inspiration, and an overwhelming desire to speak to the woman who needs to hear my message.... Attraction marketing has grown my business from zero to consistent clients with little to no paid advertising. Dreamy (aka Clients who could be my best friend), come to me, and I never feel like I'm pushing my services on them. AND so I make sure my message is heard, I've developed a simple content strategy that maps out, schedules, and organizes my content a month at a time. So when life happens, I'm still visible, working my biz, and living my life! Leave a comment if you want to learn exactly how I plan my content for the entire month in less than 2 hours! See more

Melissa Mather 25.07.2021

How to Juggle Family and Business without losing your sanity Your business is new and you feel like you have to pour everything into it. You’re posting daily on Facebook but when you stop (because at some point, you can’t keep up with it) - everything in your business stops too. You also have young kids, a marriage/relationship, friends, and let’s not forget - yourself! You need time for yourself to take a walk, enjoy a hot cup of coffee, or veg with Netflix... for a while! We all have the same 24 hours in the day - so why does it seem like some women get more done? Time Blocking: Plan time in your week for meal planning and batch cooking. Schedule errands, appointments, and salon appointments on the same day of the week. Schedule social media time and client time in blocks so you’re not jumping back and forth between tasks. Plan your content a week in advance and schedule for the week. Create a schedule that has clearly DEFINED family time and work time. Be Present always: Whether you’re working on your business or spending time with your kids, or taking a walk, or doing yoga - focus wholeheartedly on THIS. If you’re always checking your phone during dinner, or while at the park with your kids, you’ll split your attention - and at the end of the day - won’t feel like you’re getting anything done. Outsource Hire a babysitter or use daycare a few hours a week: Having my kids in daycare 2 days a week gave me undivided business time - while giving them a chance to meet new friends and socialize in a different setting. Consider hiring a cleaner or a VA to free up your time. Set clear priorities for the day Prioritizing is key to successful time management. Have a BIG brain dump list of everything you need to get done. Then, decide on 2-3 essential tasks for the day. What are your best time management tips? Share one below!

Melissa Mather 29.01.2021

Hey Lady, I'm Melissa - Success coach for women entrepreneurs! I LOVE helping women transform their BIG ideas into an IMPACTFUL business. I help go-getter women like you, get out of your head, uncover your strengths, and implement marketing strategies so you can GET ROLLING with serious momentum in your business! I started my business so I could have the FREEDOM to focus on what matters most. ... I have a 2 children who *have my heart* - both will be in Kindergarten this fall *tear*! I'm passionate about teaching, coaching, and mentoring women so they can live their best life! Read more about my story here: www.melissamather.guru/about See more

Melissa Mather 25.01.2021

Ahhh I'm so excited to finally share my new website with you!! www.melissamather.guru *LINK IN BIO* Sandra did a beautiful job and it reflects my brand perfectly! ... PS - I've started and launched 2 successful businesses! If you're serious about making an impact as a service based business owner, I'm holding space for a limited number of one-on-one clients starting September 2018.

Melissa Mather 22.01.2021

Hey hey! It's been a while since I've been on IG and social media for my business. We've been truly enjoying a HOT Canadian summer - cottaging, going to the beach, treehouse building, and some exciting home renos. Exciting announcement coming soon about a change in my biz this fall!

Melissa Mather 15.01.2021

Meeting a client this morning, mastermind call, getting some work and errands done this afternoon, then tutoring. It's going to be a great day!

Melissa Mather 03.01.2021

My little sunshines on a rainy day. I being their mom!