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Locality: Toronto, Ontario

Phone: +1 416-579-9423

Website: www.mermaid-massage.com/

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Mellow Mermaid Massage 01.02.2022

I'm engaged in some deep healing work of my own at the moment https://gofund.me/c4f75d9d

Mellow Mermaid Massage 17.01.2022

Moment by moment Stitch by stitch I'm coming undone Like the thread of my sweater... Being tugged to free me Of form I feel the old me dissolving Disintegrating before my eyes And there's nothing I can do To stop this unbecoming Of who I once was I'm shattered again Residing in new found hell With my heart wide open Nothing to do but allow Allow each moment of resentment Of rage Of injustice Of hatred Of fear To pour from me Like a river I am flowing Opening for this magnificent release The force of which moves All debris aside Nothing is the same Can possibly be the same again I am being unstitched All that I once knew Is falling to pieces The illusions of ego's safety Undone and lying on the Wooden floor Where the cat plays with it I am fluid, unformed, unmade Just an ever winding thread of wool One day I'll find needles To knit myself back into form Wear a new sweater A sweater of my dreams A sweater where I finally agree To step into this world Fully Unapologetically As me And all that I desire Without holding back The ask of these days Is huge and nothing less Than everything Can you let go? Can you allow all that you once were To fall to the floor? Unstitched we are Gorgeous and unknowing Here in this world Of new sweaters To come Hand knitted with love www.mermaid-massage.com

Mellow Mermaid Massage 02.01.2022

Do not pine for the life you lived Let go Allow the dissolution of all that was Including you This is new time... A time for the new you To be created You are going to another level Surrender Your knuckle white grip On the familiar Nothing is as it was Become molten Like the Caterpillar In the cocoon Heal all your old wounds All your old ways Set down all that did not serve you Surrender yourself Liquify You are to be born anew With magnificent wings A fuller, grander version In full alignment with Your true majesty and purpose Freedom awaits As you claim yourself www.mermaid-massage.com

Mellow Mermaid Massage 12.12.2021

Dear Ones We have created A world From our wounds From our pain... From our unknowing Innocents that we are Do not turn and point The finger of blame At another For the world we find Ourselves in today Each one of us Is living out our hurts Magnifying them Into form We have breathed life Into the oppressive systems And structures That play out before us Now dear Ones Is the time To turn to the pain That you have buried deep within To meet the grief The rage The guilt The shame Now is the time to go within To breathe love Into all the places that hurt so much And to exhale To release Gently with each breath All that traps and limits And contorts you Be with your pain Allow its expression See how you are a part Of all this Without an ounce of blame For yourself or others Take responsibility now And heal There is no other work That is more important For we are the creators The ones who came to Change and evolve this world Let us honour and love Ourselves Let us focus only on Finding alignment Within So that we are freed From grasping, controlling, exploiting Maimlng and hurting We are the alchemists And this is our day www.mermaid-massage.com If you are wanting to meet and release your pain as a flow of energy through your body please feel free to connect with me. I am offering individual sessions and am in the process of creating a group on-line space for learning about Body Wisdom.

Mellow Mermaid Massage 27.11.2021

Here in this land We meet Body to body Mind to mind Heart to heart... I feel your energy Rush to me Like a wave Rolling in From the ocean I am flooded By the sunshine Of my being Electrical Sparking Sacred twin You meet me here In this womb Of connection Where the one That is you Meets the one That is me Together Reunited As we offer our energies Freely One to the other Blending And falling into Ourselves We touch into Each other One light meeting And fusing with the other Flowing Magnifying The divine life force That lives in each of us We call up our pleasure Our power Become one In the absolute Bliss of pure union I honour the light And the beauty That is you As you generously Reach to give me All that you are www.mermaid-massage.com

Mellow Mermaid Massage 20.10.2021

Clear, succinct and uplifting explanation of the meaning of these days of upheaval and change https://www.facebook.com/jakeduceyauthor/videos/315662799635364/

Mellow Mermaid Massage 25.01.2021

Hello Lovely Ones These are days of challenge and intensity. So many of us want to be helpers, want to be part of the solution. We want to offer kindness and a listening ear to those who have fallen. We want to fix and change circumstances for those we meet, and hear about who are suffering. The more we extend ourselves into the world, the more suffering we find. In our desire to help we can so easily neglect ourselves. Perhaps, guilt prevents us from putting on our own gas m...ask first. Or despair makes us so heavy we forget to eat the foods that nourish us. To such caring souls, the weight of our world can feel too much to bear. Are you beginning to wither and crumble in exhaustion? Defeated and deflated? Overstretched and burnt out? Let me whisper in your ear, to remind you that you can only give generously and freely if you yourself are filled. I want to invite you to come back home and care for yourself first. I want to give you permission to do what sustains you and brings you joy. I want to remind you that your state of Being is the biggest gift you can give in this vibrational world. "If we were standing in your physical shoes, that would be our dominant quest: Entertaining Yourself, pleasing Yourself, connecting with Yourself, being Yourself, enjoying Yourself, loving Yourself. Some say, "Well, Abraham you teach selfishness." And we say, yes we do, yes we do, yes we do, because unless you are selfish enough to reach for that connection, you don't have anything to give anyone, anyway. And when you are selfish enough to make that connectionyou have an enormous gift that you give everywhere you are." ---Abraham From this centred, nourished place your love and inspired actions can flow with ease into the world. It is time to offer yourself more self care than ever before. Your presence, your Being, your living in your light and joy has never been more important to this world than now. With immense love and gratitude for your Being <3 If you would like support and tender care on your journey you are welcome to book a Thai Yoga Massage with me, and/or an Intuitive Reading (I will be putting up more information about these new readings on my website soon, you are welcome to contact me for more information in the meantime). https://www.mermaid-massage.com/thai-massage

Mellow Mermaid Massage 12.01.2021

Grief and Gratitude These two so inextricably linked I can so easily step into the grief Remembering all that used to be but is no more... As I sit here in my living room Remembering so many events, Places and people in my life Gone Precious times that I gulped up then Fill me with yearning and nostalgia now And as I watch these memories dance across my mind's eye I start to realize how incredibly fortunate I have been And gratitude begins to seep into my being Mingled in with my tears comes joy I have experienced so many incredible moments So many incredible people So many incredible places I can sit here for hours just recalling and living them all I thought I'd be older than this Before I'd start reflecting on my life For every precious moment Of joy and connection There is also grief Because it is no more And I am reminded of the duality Of this world This is the way All that we love will one day be lost Won't you sit here with me and savour Each moment you have lived In our world where every creation Has it's day

Mellow Mermaid Massage 29.12.2020

My dearest one As the world Unfolds and swirls Before and around... And over you Gather yourself As one group Splinters from the other And collides Back into another Seeking separation And definition Gather yourself Watch as the world Changes and reforms itself Each group intent On controlling the shape The pattern The way Gather yourself Watch as nothing But flow actually exists And see There is no possibility Of leaving it all behind Or making it as you wish Gather yourself Like oil in water Everything is flowing One over and under The other In gorgeous streaks Of colour This dance never ends Never completes We are in constant Dynamic motion Gather yourself Come home to you Or the dizziness will Bring you nauseous To your knees Sobbing Forgetting your part In it all Feeling only a victim To the fear and screams Of so many Gather yourself Wrap your aching arms Around your own body Love yourself In this very moment Of unbearable grief and sorrow Whisper words of comfort To your own ears And turn to what Lies within With compassion and tenderness You are asked only To receive your own love Playing out before your eyes In every colour and hue Be not afraid Think not of what You can give and offer But of what you already are By your very Being Gather yourself www.mermaid-massage.com

Mellow Mermaid Massage 12.12.2020

To be present is to understand when to return home. When I have physical pain. When I feel a lack of joy When I sense the stress of life mounting ... If I feel lonely When I want to acknowledge and give gratitude to myself. When I seek peace and comfort When I need Love I am present...I acknowledge & I go home to my eternal mind that awaits me and offers healing to uplift my soul.

Mellow Mermaid Massage 09.12.2020

"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depth...s. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen." ~ Elisabeth Kübler-Ross ~

Mellow Mermaid Massage 08.12.2020

Rest, replenish and restore

Mellow Mermaid Massage 26.11.2020

We are all asked to ride massive waves right now .... Come to stillness, find your balance and let go ...... Let the waves take you Sand tall... Bend and move Allow this ride to happen You already know how to surf You have just forgotten This is the time You remember And If you fall off ..... (which you inevitably will) paddle your board back out and climb aboard again These days offer you Nothing less than The ride of your life https://worldwithoutfear.org/kore-2021/..

Mellow Mermaid Massage 17.11.2020

Days unfurl like weeks Cascading across The landscape Of sliding realities... The ancient Salutes the new Wisdom long lost Is found again A single strand Is all it takes A single fern That dares to open Into joy These days are timeless Open vaults For possibility, for creation Out of all that ever was and is Celebrate without knowing why Celebrate without understanding For all is known and seen Move with the flow my friend Create from gratitude From wisdom From love Unfurl in golden spirals of joy These are the days When anything is possible www.mermaid-massage.com

Mellow Mermaid Massage 12.11.2020

In the confines Of the darkened cave We grow Silently Day by day... Terrified by each fear That rises to meet us Face to face with Each monster That calls out our name We grow roots Each time we discover That all that has been destroyed Is everything but Who we are We are forced to turn To meet ourselves For all else leads To confusion and turmoil And so too Our inner light Begins to grow For we are feeding The light that we already are With the love that We have always been www.mermaid-massage.com

Mellow Mermaid Massage 04.11.2020

Oh my goodness ... Are you feeling the call to clear out the old and make space for the new? Tired of the cramped and soul searching days of restriction and limitation? Ready to open up your heart and body to new possibilities and new ways of being? Thai Yoga Massage offers such beautiful stretches to open your energy lines and allow all that is no longer needed to flow freely from you. ... Let the stress, grief and hopelessness be felt and released. Allow tense muscles to surrender into peace. And open to feel new life and vitality flowing through you. We live in a time of huge transformation and change. Now, more than ever it is vital we take care of ourselves and our vibration so that we can herald in the new days of light. Don't give up, open yourself to all that is still to be created. I'd love to assist you on your journey with a beautiful Thai Yoga Massage https://www.mermaid-massage.com/thai-massage Happy Solstice Lovely Ones <3

Mellow Mermaid Massage 14.08.2020

She felt like doing her part to change the world, so she started by giving thanks for all of the blessings in her life, rather than bemoaning all that was missi...ng from it. Then she complimented her reflection in the mirror, instead of criticizing it as she usually did. Next she walked into her neighborhood and offered her smile to everyone she passed, whether or not they offered theirs to her. Each day she did these things, and soon they became a habit. Each day she lived with more gratitude, more acceptance, more kindness. And sure enough, the world around her began to change. Because she had decided so, she was single-handedly doing her part to change it. ~ Scott Stabile [Art: Catrin Welz-Stein]

Mellow Mermaid Massage 31.07.2020

When the world is swirling all about and nothing makes sense anymore, remember to pause and go within .. to find the light that shines within. Put your focus there and watch it grow. Cultivate the energy and beauty that you bring to the world. Emanate and shine. https://youtu.be/Kmg34_dv9sw

Mellow Mermaid Massage 22.06.2020

For all of you who are, like me, waiting for your dream to come to you https://www.youtube.com/watch

Mellow Mermaid Massage 20.06.2020

Floating on undulating liquid reflections <3

Mellow Mermaid Massage 11.06.2020

The great cleanse Is here Let everything That hurts... Rise Every injustice Every layer of guilt Every moment of rage Every betrayal Let them emerge Let them be seen Let them be cleansed And purified By the sacred waters That rush We are one We are love We are flow Let the river Take you To truth To freedom

Mellow Mermaid Massage 07.06.2020

"You dont require a shield of white light. You are the light. You are also the shadow. Claim it." https://goddesskindled.com/the-power-of-softness/

Mellow Mermaid Massage 26.05.2020

Only through Being confined Do we fully Come to know freedom

Mellow Mermaid Massage 24.05.2020

Be gentle, be kind with your lovely self

Mellow Mermaid Massage 03.05.2020

Sometimes coming into alignment with your dreams takes extra focus, flexibility and support. Today work begins on heating the pool at MoonRaker! Oh I am imagining giving Watsu in the gorgeous warmth. #watsu #sunshinekulayoga @ Sunshine Kula Yoga

Mellow Mermaid Massage 19.04.2020

Gift yourself a few moments of breathtaking silence https://www.flixxy.com/breathtaking-ice-skating-performance

Mellow Mermaid Massage 04.04.2020

Surfers Bay Beach Bar under the full Moon #moonraker #barbados #fullmoon

Mellow Mermaid Massage 26.03.2020

Feeling tired and stressed? Sorrowful and lost? Come sit and watch the waves Crash to shore... Breathe in Their motion And fluidity Let your emotions Rise to be felt And honoured Held and cleansed By the sea You are love You are loved #mermaidmeditation #relaxation #mellowmermaidmassage #meditation

Mellow Mermaid Massage 18.03.2020

i am discovering that walking the path toward what i truly want is strewn with fears... the light calls me forth dazzling me with the possibity of meeting myself there in my brilliance each step each twist and turn brings me up against another terror another boulder another ghoul leaping from the shadows berating me blocking my way often the path is completely shrowded in darkness and the light seems an inpossibility who am i to think that i can have what i truly want? who am i to walk towards such a bursting of potential? and will i make it? will i be stymied by a fear that i am unable to move through? will i turn away in despair? defeated what journey is this that i allow myself to even embark upon? the only true one and so i walk not knowing what will unfold for anything else at this point would be a lie

Mellow Mermaid Massage 03.03.2020

my ancestors paved the way for me to come here they opened... the possibility of my existance in this earthly realm i bow down to honour them with my healing See more

Mellow Mermaid Massage 25.02.2020

"Let yourself be floated in someones arms in water that gently lifts you each time you breathe in, its warmth penetrating, melting the tension in your body. Drift into deeper and deeper levels of relaxation as your body is stretched freer and freer. Flow into states of consciousness to which stored tension or trauma otherwise deny access. Flow onto a level of Being where there is such joy and peace, and wholeness, the causes of that tension or trauma can no longer overwhelm you. This is Watsu." - Harold Dull #watsu #massage #relaxation #healing

Mellow Mermaid Massage 10.02.2020

i am leaving soon the pioneer embarking on adventure leaving all i know... for the unseen i feel the grief of this departing rising from within my core and turn to journey into it deeper into the darkness the hollowed out chamber cave like within my chest i go in and in and in and discover so much loneliness grays and blues and shards of harshness i burrow in in to myself into this bleak isloation i know how to trust me rely on me i am here for me it is only now that i allow myself to feel the loneliness how bleak in this damp dark cave fending for myself how i have shut myself away created my own jail for protection and in this seeing in my willingness to feel i release myself from the darkness of my loneliness i allow the light to enter i open my heart beating in the vast nothingness and i emit my light "i am here" "i am open to connection"

Mellow Mermaid Massage 24.01.2020

The ice queens are full of majesty

Mellow Mermaid Massage 09.01.2020

"I hold my hand on my throat felt its width it vulnerablility thrown open as i reach my head... back and back and i sense my throats expansion as if for the first time allow the passage to inflate, elongate become so much vaster i am allowing my voice to come to be heard i am coming into existance into this life more fully here i am" how does your throat feel in this moment? how open or constricted is it? what are you letting move through and what are you holding on to?

Mellow Mermaid Massage 22.12.2019

Watsu offers A releasing of your muscle tension and stress into the warmth of the healing water. A feeling of deep safety and nourishment as you are gently supported and held... An unbelievable experience of freedom and peace Tender support for your healing process www.mermaid-massage.com/barbados-watsu-massage

Mellow Mermaid Massage 06.12.2019

Love to receive a massage on your vacation? Looking to deeply relax and sink in so you can really enjoy your time away? Treat yourself to a unique experience of bliss, like no other.... One youll be talking about for a long time after you get home. Let me introduce you to Watsu...a gorgeous massage received in warm healing water. This winter I am going to be offering deeply relaxing Watsu sessions in Barbados. 17th February to 31st March 2020. Come relax, release and rejuvenate your body, mind and soul. https://www.mermaid-massage.com/barbados-watsu-massage https://youtu.be/pUNXAAQcfNQ

Mellow Mermaid Massage 18.11.2019

Its never too late to give our inner child the care and permission they need to heal.

Mellow Mermaid Massage 05.11.2019

Join me for 3 minutes of focus and love at 2pm est today ... for the people and creatures of Australia <3