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Michael Faulkner 20.11.2020

Sadly, we don’t always know the depths of someone’s depression until it is too late. May I please have even 1 friend or family member to copy and re-post? I am trying to demonstrate that someone is listening. Just one. Any one. Say DONE

Michael Faulkner 15.11.2020

Does Anyone Else Remember the Days when there were Less Fears and More Fun?

Michael Faulkner 08.11.2020

Million MAGA March

Michael Faulkner 03.10.2020

United States of America

Michael Faulkner 14.09.2020

Updated Bio. Music download page.

Michael Faulkner 05.09.2020

Today is International Safe Abortion Day...but here’s the thing... Abortion is NOT safe. The definition of safe is -protected from or not exposed to danger or... risk; not likely to be harmed or lost. Our bodies are not safe from abortion. Our hearts are not safe from abortion. Our minds are not safe from abortion. Our children were not safe from abortion. Abortion is the opposite of safe. If you have experienced an abortion and need help please contact us today at surrenderingthesecret.com/find-help : Surrendering the Secret #surrenderingthesecret #IAmProLife #prolife #endabortion

Michael Faulkner 01.09.2020

Tonight on Newsmax, Greg Kelly asked me about an interview my father Billy Graham did with Woody Allen back in 1969. I thought you might enjoy seeing it...

Michael Faulkner 26.08.2020

The reason rock n roll will never die. This made my day! Hope it makes yours!

Michael Faulkner 16.08.2020

God is the only hope for America. Watch #PrayerMarch2020 from Washington, D.C., and pray with us from wherever you are. SHARE this with others who will pray.

Michael Faulkner 05.08.2020

I have studied the Bible a lot in my life, in many different forms and it really does always come down to this. I have heard about the second coming of Christ a...nd the events unfolding since I was a kid. The "Mark of the Beast", microchips, no cash/just plastic, Martial Law, TOTAL Government dependency/control. When we are raising a family, working long hours (some two jobs), lots of things go unnoticed or just get ignored. No one can comprehend how bad it will be until it is. We have NEVER been told to stay home, quit work and rely on the Government. WE are seeing a lot of "firsts" since January. Can our minds and bodies handle what's coming? Not without God I wonder what doctor they will have on the news explaining the rapture and the disappearance of so many people? I won’t be here for it, but it’s just a thought. While the devil is preparing people for the Anti Christ, God is preparing people for the Rapture. I don’t know when the rapture will take place, but I do believe it could be soon. And I KNOW that I won’t be left behind when that trumpet sounds! I also believe right now that God is giving us a chance to repent. We need to get the Gospel message out!!! Until the Good Lord calls me away from this world to go home, I want to make it clear that I believe in Jesus Christ as the one and only true Lord and Savior. Despite the fact that I am human, and I fail a lot, I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe that He came as a baby, I believe that He died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins and that He rose from the dead on the third day. I believe that He is in Heaven preparing a place for all those who believe and trust Him as their Savior. He loves us all dearly (far more than we deserve) and forgives our sins when we repent. "Whosoever believeth in Me, should not perish but have ever lasting life, John 3:16. His word also says in Matthew 10:33, "But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which art in heaven. This is the best challenge I have seen on Facebook. So, if the Holy Spirit moves you and you’re not ashamed, just copy, and make this as your status update. Can I get an Amen for being a believer in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit? Amen!!

Michael Faulkner 14.07.2020

"Woe unto them who call evil, good, and good, evil!" - Isaiah 5:20

Michael Faulkner 01.07.2020

She is so sensible! Credit: Jukin Media

Michael Faulkner 15.06.2020

SAY MY NAME. I was killed on a Wednesday morning, while responding to a routine disabled vehicle call on the side of Interstate 95 in Martin County. I was mur...dered by a male who did not want to pay a tow bill for his disabled vehicle that was facing sideways in the grass, a vehicle that 911 kept getting calls for that looked like a vehicle accident. I didn’t have the opportunity to defend myself in any manner. My killer approached me as I sat in my squad car, lights on, engine running, and pulled the trigger. He tried to leave me for dead but luckily, there were passing motorists who witnessed this and stopped to help me. I was a veteran and I survived 4 years of serving in the Air Force. I did not, however, survive serving those in my own community. I was senselessly taken from my mom, my dad, my two sisters, my nieces, my nephew, my girlfriend, my friends, my co-workers and so many more. Now my family and blue family are left with empty broken hearts and lives changed forevermore. On Monday, I would've been celebrating my 43rd birthday with the people I love, but that male took that opportunity away from me. My name is Joseph Jon Bullock , and my life mattered. #SayHisName #AllLivesMatter #BlueLivesMatter