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Kluba Counselling & Therapy 25.06.2021

Many of us become resentful to individuals in our lives, due to specific behaviours they have, but we often haven’t clearly communicated this to them. Although it does not justify the behaviour of others, we must recognize not everyone thinks like us. We can’t expect others to read our minds. Here’s some key points: Be direct and concise. Quick and to the point.... Use ‘I’ statements. Avoid language that insinuates blame (i.e., You make me...). You’re not required to explain yourself. Do not omit Step 3. #boundaries #boundary #relationships #family #familydynamics #communication #saskatchewan #canada

Kluba Counselling & Therapy 20.06.2021

Many of us have found ourselves asking this question: If I don’t, then who will? We may have an ill loved one (mentally and/or physically), we may be the only one in our role, maybe we’re conditioned to be the family hero or chief enabler, and the list goes on. There’s moments we may experience passion, joy, a love and a drive like no other. However, inevitably, we’ll experience overwhelm, panic, codependency, irritability, isolation and loneliness, and grief. Anticipatory... grief of the inevitable, but also grief of what we may have missed, been missing, what we expected but never received. It’s imperative we assert boundaries here - with others and with ourselves. This may look like: Asking for help. Hiring assistance. Saying no. Saying yes to help. Working with a therapist. Scheduling in self-care. What’s a boundary you have for yourself and/or others? #family #familydynamics #work #role #boundaries #grief #overwhelm #panic #selfcare #selfcompassion #compassion #addiction #addictionrecovery #recovery #codependency #codependencyrecovery #loneliness #isolation #saskatchewan #canada

Kluba Counselling & Therapy 02.06.2021

If we experience emotional abandonment - when a parent figure doesn’t show up for us, when they’re dismissive, devalue us, don’t acknowledge, aren’t present, or neglect, to give a few examples - we may grow to develop the core belief that we are ‘not enough,’ ‘don’t matter,’ or are ‘not cared for.’ Repeat after me: My worth is not contingent on how others show up for me. I matter. I am cared for. I am enough. #worth #repeatafterme #corebeliefs #cbt #narrative #imatter #iamenough #canada #saskatchewan

Kluba Counselling & Therapy 18.05.2021

During this Victoria Day long weekend, I think of where we’re all at right now. A large percentage of us are half-vaccinated, government has released a plan for reopening in some areas, summer is - well - stubbornly beginning to make an appearance, but with that, I’m seeing and experiencing the prolonged effects of the pandemic. Seemingly, all of us are experiencing depletion, we’re languishing, and/or exhausted. Many of us are feeling conflicted with our emotions. We’re lone...ly, but we want to be left alone. We’re anxious, but we’ve developed a comfort in the monotony. We’re excited for change, but terrified of what the ‘new normal’ will look like. We often think we must choose one emotion, that experiencing more than one isn’t possible, and this is what can lead to feeling conflicted. We can experience emotions simultaneously, and rest knowing it’s okay to feel this way. It makes sense we feel this way. I hope this Victoria Day long weekend we all get a little of what we need, whether that’s time in the yard and garden, a hike with a friend, a new recipe with your partner, writing, or art. Try to switch it up - check out a new trail, listen to a new album in the yard, experiment with some ingredients you’re not entirely familiar with. It’s these subtle shifts in our pandemic routines that will slowly dismantle the monotony. That said, so many of us are struggling with our mental health and addiction. Relationships are suffering. Some are unsure of employment, while others are grieving all sorts of loss. Many are experiencing a combination of it all. Make that step, however small, to reach out to a friend, research a therapist, or even spend some time planning out a routine that consists of subtle shifts meant to dismantle the monotony, or whatever it is you require. Be safe, but enjoy this long weekend. -Michael #longweekend #victoriaday #canada #saskatchewan #pandemic #covid_19 #mentalhealth #addiction #recovery #depletion #fatigue #monotony #relationship #grief #therapy

Kluba Counselling & Therapy 08.05.2021

#cbt #cognitivebehavioraltherapy #anxiety #anxietytips #anxietyrelief #therapy #mentalhealth #relationship

Kluba Counselling & Therapy 05.01.2021

Forgiving yourself doesn’t mean letting yourself off the hook or justifying your actions. Forgiving yourself means you’re taking ownership for a part of the story. It means you recognize you could have done things differently, and you know differently now. It means you stop beating yourself up for your piece in the story. You stop holding yourself back by punishing yourself. You grieve what you didn’t know at the time or simply knew but chose to do differently for whatever reason that made sense in that moment. You grieve this, while you simultaneously move forward. You’re doing the work now to prevent yourself from making the same mistake that has left you beating yourself up for all this time. #forgiveness #past #story #selfcompassion #selfkindness #selfforgiveness #sask

Kluba Counselling & Therapy 20.12.2020

#patterns #pattern #cyclebreakers #selfhealers #selfcompassion #selfkindness #sask #livingyxe

Kluba Counselling & Therapy 07.12.2020

#selfhealers #cyclebreakers #family #relationships #patterns #pattern #selfkindness #selfcompassion #mentalhealth #addiction #recovery #addictionrecovery #codependency #codependencyrecovery

Kluba Counselling & Therapy 02.12.2020

New Years Giveaway! Giving away a 1 litre YETI Rambler thermos. To enter:... 1) Like this post. 2) Follow me. 3) Tag three friends. 4) Share this post in your story. Contest deadline is midnight on Thursday, January 7! #giveaway #giveawaycontest #newyear #saskatchewan #saskatoon #canada

Kluba Counselling & Therapy 30.11.2020

#assertive #boundary #boundaries #chooseyourbattles #peoplepleasing #saskatchewan #saskatoon