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Michelle Taylor for Progressive Change 01.10.2020

Look at the children you hold dear in your life. Can you imagine having the RCMP at your door, kidnapping them and forcing them to live in schools that do their best to strip them of every ounce of who they are? You have no legal recourse to have them returned to your empty arms, any attempts you make will be severely punished. Please, close your eyes and imagine this terrifying reality. Residential schools are a massive, ugly stain on Canada. Many people, especially politici...ans, use today as merely a photo-op. They have the power to change how First Nations are still mistreated in this country but choose not to. Today, it is not enough to wear an orange shirt. All of us have the responsibility to learn more about the dark side of our country's history to counter the white-washed version taught in schools. We have the responsibility to demand real action from our elected officials. And we have the responsibility to carry these priorities with us every time we enter a voting booth. I stand with all who have had their lives forever changed by the horror of residential schools and continue to be silenced by the Trudeau government. Justice and accountability must prevail. #EveryChildMatters

Michelle Taylor for Progressive Change 21.09.2020

MPP Steve Clark- where are you when the safety of our children is at stake in a historic pandemic? Reduced maximums from people in any indoor space except for classrooms? SHAME.

Michelle Taylor for Progressive Change 06.09.2020

Imagine what life would be like for most Canadians under consistent support policy like Basic Income. Follow the bouncing ball on the economic boosts for the entire country. PM Trudeau and team: are you listening to your citizens?

Michelle Taylor for Progressive Change 25.08.2020

$382 MILLION. That's how much in federal money, ear-marked for school safety, has been left unspent. How can MPP Steve Clark and his PC government possibly justify this, as front-line education workers and families desperately try to navigate a historically-stressful back-to-school routine? SHAMEFUL. Data courtesy of Financial Accountability Office of Ontario (FAO)

Michelle Taylor for Progressive Change 10.08.2020

Hats off to Labour groups in Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands & Rideau Lakes this Labour Day, and all who have fought so hard for the workplace rights we enjoy today! Let's remember their well-earned success and keep pushing further together! Remind all in power about the true value of essential workers, those on the front-lines of this pandemic, including the living wages and benefits they deserve!

Michelle Taylor for Progressive Change 29.07.2020

Between the Ford government and the Upper Canada District School Board, parents and students are being put in impossible positions with back-to-school looming in just a few days. With constantly-changing policies more rooted in penny-pinching than health, none of this inspires confidence and puts everyone but the politicians at a disadvantage. Teachers, support staff, parents and our children will all pay the price for the complete lack of responsible forethought being used a...t every step of the "planning" process. Today's announcement that they are "unprepared" for the large numbers of families choosing remote learning and will therefore be reducing academic options available to them is completely unacceptable. Where are the resources to ensure safety and success for every student? Where has that money been spent instead, leaving all front-line players caught in an under-funded system? We deserve better from our provincial government and our school board. We do NOT have to accept this- raise your voice to both and demand accountability NOW!

Michelle Taylor for Progressive Change 23.07.2020

My heart is with the people of Lebanon and all affected by the tragic explosion in Beirut. Please keep them in your thoughts and help as you can.

Michelle Taylor for Progressive Change 09.07.2020

Once again, the Trudeau Liberals side with regressive Conservatives over climate responsibility. This is a clear pattern since the beginning of their first term, always making a political decision instead of doing what's right for the planet. The economy doesn't need more governments who prop up dying energy sectors, especially as they ignore the consequences for the environment. Campaign left, govern right- the Liberal way is costing our country so much as they placate their political friends and donors. We need to get off this red-blue merry-go-round to have any real chance at diversifying our energy sector and retraining workers, boosting the economy and the health of our planet in one shot. Time is running out- no more backroom decisions that steal from future generations!

Michelle Taylor for Progressive Change 19.06.2020

It's mind-boggling that at every single glaring opportunity to institute Basic Income, the Trudeau Liberals choose instead to piece something together that will once again leave many Canadians without support. There are very few groups who aren't loudly advocating for Basic Income at this point, most notably the corporate elite and Conservatives. The choice should be a no-brainer, considering BI would cost our federal government significantly less than the piecemeal approach ...they've been taking so far. You've got to really ask yourself this, by now- why do they keep ignoring these needs of Canadians, and the benefits to our economy? This is no mistake, as their true colours are on full display on this issue- they answer to those with deep pockets and the right-wing of this country when the chips are down. Please remember this when they attempt to cast themselves as the "progressive middle-ground" at election time.

Michelle Taylor for Progressive Change 08.06.2020

Temporary Foreign Workers play a critical role in the Canadian economy and add so much to our national fabric. Our federal laws and policies take advantage of them, enabling some employers to do the same. We must demand better!

Michelle Taylor for Progressive Change 23.05.2020

Louder for those in the cheap seats, particularly those in power. #NoHumanIsIllegal #SeekingAsylumIsARight

Michelle Taylor for Progressive Change 07.05.2020

Friday night "light reading" now that the house is finally quiet. Ready to dive back in! #StudentLife #LegalBeagle

Michelle Taylor for Progressive Change 02.05.2020

Please join me in wishing a warm Eid Mubarak to all our beautiful Muslim neighbours across Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes!

Michelle Taylor for Progressive Change 25.04.2020

As a fellow parent, I have been watching for the Ford provincial government plan for September with honest expectations for him to miss the mark entirely, and miss he did. The vast majority of his decisions since he came into power two years ago have been purely for "the economy", with little to no regard for human lives. Since the pandemic, he hasn't strayed substantially from that and the re-opening of schools with such limited funds and overcrowded classes is no different.... This level of "investment" is a terrifying joke, putting teachers, support staff and our children on the line in the interests of throwing parents back to work post-haste. This will fail students both academically and safety-wise, with a massive spill-over effect into our surrounding communities. Once again, they are doing what their government does best, prioritizing money over people and putting very difficult decisions in the laps of those who should instead feel supported by their government. The results will be on the hands of Ford and his entire team of sheep. SHAMEFUL.

Michelle Taylor for Progressive Change 09.04.2020

I have huge respect for strong women leaders like AOC and Jacinda Ardern, both for who they are and what they have accomplished. They have developed a powerful following because of their strength and I think that's wonderful. Where I see a huge disconnect, though, is when I see people moan about how "if only we had someone like that here, we would be much better off". A couple of points on that- firstly, we DO have them here. If you don't see them, you're not paying attentio...n. For the record, this is not about me. Having run three times as a candidate in the last few years has given me a unique perspective on the massive wealth of female candidates in this country and I have been privileged to get to know many of them personally, especially those on the NDP team. Some were elected, many weren't- but all have just as much fire, strength and progressive ideas as those making headlines. They were successful in moving the needle on a plethora of social issues and caused conversations to be had that would otherwise have gone unspoken, and of that they should be extremely proud. Second point- let's consider that statement again "if only we had someone like AOC or Jacinda Ardern here, we would be better off". My question is bluntly this- would you actually support them, though? I have seen many a fantastic female candidate go unelected because people decided to go with the perceived "safe choice". You support what she stands for, but it's "too soon" for ideas like hers or you're worried about vote-splitting or if only she wasn't quite so pushy. Maybe you'll vote for her next time, you say to yourself. And once again, you settle for a candidate and party who you see as the "happy medium" between "the worst" and what you claim to really want. This usually also comes from a place of privilege, as you choose to disregard the ensuing policy consequences for those in our society desperate for real social change. If you really want strong female leadership, show that with your voice and your actions. Support someone and help them build towards elected success, not just right before an election but at the critical building-times in between. Run for office yourself, if compelled. Either way, always ensure that your vote is for the change you really want and stop settling for anything less. Encourage strong women with the determination to put themselves on the political stage, one that takes a great deal of personal sacrifice to do. Don't keep looking wistfully at the female leadership elsewhere while doing little to support that very same growth in your own backyard. The giants like those in the headlines have committed teams behind them to help them achieve what they have. Whenever we decide to do so, we CAN make that happen in every riding across Canada too.

Michelle Taylor for Progressive Change 05.04.2020

The Safe Third Country Agreement we have with the U.S. completely flies in the face of humanitarian treatment guaranteed by our Charter to ALL in Canada, regardless of how they got here. The Trudeau government has already stood quietly and complicitly as the Trump administration subjected asylum-seekers to conditions on par with the worst we have seen in history. Will PM Trudeau FINALLY direct his team to show moral leadership and accept this court ruling, or will we see him... bend to uneducated regressive pressure from those hell-bent on putting the hammer down on those desperate for safety? Watch closely, and keep raising your voice for refugees! #NoHumanIsIllegal #CharterRightsForAll #EveryoneDeservesSafety

Michelle Taylor for Progressive Change 19.03.2020

It says so much that many in power don't see this truth. I believe valuing every human being in my core, and it drives everything I do. Proud to be working towards a legal & political career that embodies these very principles.

Michelle Taylor for Progressive Change 11.03.2020

Front-line workers are nothing more than an opportunistic photo-op for our PC MPP Steve Clark and his Ford government, seen here signing "certificates of appreciation" to the pandemic "heroes". Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty damn sure that a senior minister in the ruling party of Ontario should focus more on passing legislation to ensure fair wages, access to PPE, sick days and much more for those who continue to keep our province afloat while instead the government continues their self-congratulatory parade. Can these certificates be redeemed for anything of value like basic income, affordable housing or childcare, Steve? Asking for a province. Photo credit: MPP Clark's social media

Michelle Taylor for Progressive Change 21.02.2020

"If it was your son you would fill the sea with ships all by the millions acting as a bridge to get it through.... But don't worry, He's just a child of lost humanity, of dirty humanity, which makes no noise. He is not your son. Sleep peacefully, it's not yours." Muhammad Najem #NoHumanIsIllegal #RightsForRefugees #EndTheCanadaUSSafeThirdCountryAgreement

Michelle Taylor for Progressive Change 18.02.2020

I am a signatory on this incredibly powerful letter, together with a group of other long-suffering Canadians from COVID-19 symptoms. Thank you so much, Chandra Pasma, for putting this advocacy group into action. Our stories need to be taken seriously by the medical community NOW, not only for our sake but for comprehensive research that needs to be documented on this virus. For public health to continue to dismiss us is irresponsible on many different levels.

Michelle Taylor for Progressive Change 16.02.2020

Canada Day means many different things to those who live here. We cannot mark the birth of this nation without acknowledgement that the country we love was built on unceded land. As Canada moves forward, we must commit to true reconciliation with First Nations People and responsible stewardship of all resources here. This beautiful flag by Indigenous artist Curtis Wilson features salmon on each side and the whale in the middle. Canada Day is of huge significance to many of ou...r Canadian Forces veterans and their families. Fighting and peace-keeping on behalf of us all, proudly wearing our flag on their uniform while putting their lives on the line for democratic freedom around the world. A grateful nation thanks you. Immigrants, refugees and asylum-seekers all striving for Canadian citizenship hold a special place for this day as well, still seeing this country as a beacon of safety and opportunity. Whoever you are and wherever you're from, welcome home. This country of people with diverse backgrounds is wonderful in its natural beauty and the potential for being a place where we all have equal rights, in policy and action. Let us celebrate that diversity, educate ourselves on the reality of others and commit to being true nation-builders with respect for every Canadian.

Michelle Taylor for Progressive Change 14.02.2020

Anyone looking for more clear signs of love and action against racism in our riding, look no further than the beautiful people in Delta! Well done, so proud of these community leaders! What will you start in your area? Post ideas and pictures to share!