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Locality: Kelowna, British Columbia

Phone: +1 250-862-6417

Website: mindbodysoulhealings.company.site

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Mind Body Soul Healings 28.01.2021

#MondayMiracles We can all use a miracle sometimes in our life. What are you working towards that you are trying to manifest? When we come together in posts like this we raise the vibrations and create strong intentions. There is great power in supporting each others dreams. Post below to have reiki manifestation energy sent to your intention.... #manifest #reiki #kelowna #okanagan See more

Mind Body Soul Healings 26.01.2021

#Healyourfriendsfriday In a world full of chaos, sometimes we just need a little extra love surrounding us. Lets give #reiki to those we love and to the world and lets not forget our self. All you have to do is post below detailing what the reiki is for and I will personally infuse it with reiki.... Jennean #reikishare #kelowna #reikirequest

Mind Body Soul Healings 06.09.2020

#ManifestMonday What are you working on manifesting this week? Putting something out there can be such a powerful force. The intention of sharing what you are working on manifesting can add power behind it. Let us know in the comments below

Mind Body Soul Healings 18.08.2020

Seraphinite is particularly attuned to the Heart Chakra, infusing the aura with vibrations of wholeness and well-being, nurturing and love, enveloping not only those who wear or carry it, but also those who behold it. Seraphinites energies are feminine in tone, and may assist in experiencing a greater awareness of the Divine Feminine. Seraphinite may be used alone or combined with acupuncture for removing blocked energies in the meridians of the body. Seraphinite harmonizes... easily with the vibrations of other high-energy crystals for healing, meditation, and attunement with the angelic realm and nature spirits. #crystals #healing #love #energyhealing

Mind Body Soul Healings 06.08.2020

Facing personal truths and purging yourself of addictions or manipulative habbits require strength, courage, humility, faith, and determination. You are not just changing yourself; you are changing your universe. Your soul is a compass. Change one coordinate in your spiritual compass and you change your entire lifes direction. All things start with one small decision to change.

Mind Body Soul Healings 30.07.2020

The solar plexus chakra, orManipura, is the center of our willpower, self-esteem, and energy of transformation. Located about six inches above your belly button within your diaphragm, the solar plexus chakra is associated with the color yellow and the element of fire. This chakra is responsible for regulating the energy associated with action, intention, identity, and vitality. Energetically, the solar plexus chakra is an energy center in the body. This is the third of seven... chakras and it governs personal power, ego, self-esteem, personality and physically, this chakra governs the digestive system. Worry, excitement, anxiety and fear are rooted in the solar plexus chakra. These, along with stomach and other digestive issues, are symptoms of an unbalanced or weak solar plexus chakra. When your solar plexus chakra is balanced and strong, you feel a strong sense of personal power, you have high self-esteem, a dynamic and positive personality and a well-functioning digestive system. #chakra #solarplexuschakra

Mind Body Soul Healings 14.07.2020

Reiki is becoming an increasingly accepted presence in hospitals and clinics. (The Center for Reiki Research website lists 70 institutions at the time of this article that include Reiki in their offerings.) It is seen as an effective and cost-reducing method to improve health outcomes and quality of care. Hospital staff, such as physicians and nurses, are adding Reiki treatments to their work. Scientific validation of Reikis effectiveness have helped bring this method to the mainstream, where it is able to aid patients in all realms, including those with mental health challenges. #reiki #healing

Mind Body Soul Healings 02.07.2020

Healing takes many forms not just reiki

Mind Body Soul Healings 16.06.2020

#HEALYOURFRIENDSFRIDAY Lets join together to support our friends, family, pets, world situations and of course ourselves with Reiki energy. It seems like more than ever we need to raise each other up in higher frequency healing energy. Comment here if you would like to receive Reiki for yourself, a friend, or loved one from myself & the rest of the group. You can ask for general Reiki or something specific.

Mind Body Soul Healings 31.05.2020

Healing isnt always rainbows and butterflies. We hold trauma inside our body. Sometimes its digging into the trauma or leaning into the fear of vulnerability. Reiki is not the only form of healing there are many ways to heal you mind body and soul. Reiki is amazing for releasing trapped trauma in our body making our physical, emotional, and mental body sick. ... No it isnt alway comfortable in any form of healing there is vulnerability and that can be a scary thing. The question is what is scarier healing or staying the same holding all that pain? Message me today and lets begin your healing path. The best thing I ever did was lean into vulnerability and begin healing the things weighing me down in life. #reiki #vulnerability #healing

Mind Body Soul Healings 28.05.2020

Svadhisthana is the center of pleasure and when this energy is healthy it brings a powerful and natural feeling of intimacy to the individual. It is considered strong and healthy when the ideas of passion and intimacy are seen as pleasurable and natural, and bring a feeling of happiness to your body and spirit. Life is joyous and bright. This chakra is particularly related to emotional issues and those who have a blocked Sacral Chakra will encounter emotional and intimacy iss...ues in relationships. Misuse of sexual energy, and others others relating to personal ethics, self-esteem and creativity are also the results of a blocked sacral chakra. Sacral Chakra Imbalance So how can you find out whether your chakra is out of balance? Generally, people with an imbalance 2nd Chakra will feel plenty of shame, guilt, or internal pain. Passion and love are very hard to come by in this state and impossible to nourish. Self-doubt, depression, and the acceptance of false reality are all serious problems when the sacral chakra is not at its best. These are areas that can affect every other chakra on your body, and affect your entire being if your 2nd chakra is not balanced. This is why maintaining the positive health of this particular chakra is so important. When this Svadhisthana chakra is out of balance, a person may also experience emotional instability, fear of change, sexual dysfunction, depression, or addictions. By understanding this chakra, it is simpler to regain some of that underlying passion that wants to get out. This is the chakra for a person to showcase their creativity and let it out. Has your energy felt off in one or more areas of your life? Are you specifically finding it hard to even get excited about being excited? Trying to remember even how to get you going again? If you find yourself in these situations then it is time to take a look at your Sacral Chakra and getting it back into line so you can enjoy the full beauty and benefits of life and all it has to offer.

Mind Body Soul Healings 13.05.2020

The Root Chakra: Muladhara Located at the base of the spine, the pelvic floor, and the first three vertebrae, the root chakra is responsible for your sense of safety and security on this earthly journey. The wordMuladharabreaks down into two Sanskrit words:Mulameaning root andAdhara, which means support or base.... This is the first of the chakras of matter. Balancing the root chakra creates the solid foundation for opening the chakras above. Imagine that youre laying the foundation for a house in which youre going to live for a long time. A solid foundation embedded in firm soil will provide the stability you need to create a home filled with joy for years to come. The root chakra is comprised of whatever grounds you to stability in your life. This includes your basic needs such as food, water, shelter, and safety, as well as your more emotional needs such as letting go of fear. When these needs are met, you feel grounded and safe, and you tend to worry less day to day. Whether or not you feel secure now often has less to do with what you have at your disposal and more to do with how safe you felt as a small child. As infants, if your caregivers readily gave you what you needed to survive with consistency, you felt secure in the world. You felt that the world was a place that could be trusted to provide your basic needs. Yet, if your caregivers withheld or delayed in giving you what you needed, or if that giving was inconsistent, you may find yourself with first chakra blockages. Imbalances in the Root Chakra If there is an imbalance in the root chakra you may experience anxiety disorders, fears, or nightmares. Physical imbalances may manifest as problems in the colon, with the bladder, with elimination, or with lower back, leg, or feet issues. In men, prostate problems may occur. Eating disorders may also be a sign of a root chakra imbalance. #rootchakra #reiki #energyhealing

Mind Body Soul Healings 01.05.2020

Mars stations slow down, to begin its retrograde that will last until November 13. Mars does not go retrograde that often, so this is a unique time of slowing d...own the pace and also slowing down our instinctual and Ego driven mind, to contemplate and think before we act. It slows down the energy of both Mars and Aries which can be warlike and aggressive. These aspects are not only around us, they are within ourselves. Maybe we start valuing the slower pace now, resting and not pushing ourselves and others too hard. Mars is also the divine masculine aspect and this is within all of us. We start experiencing the energy of Mars internally and we get the time to think about our goals and ambitions as well. This retrograde will especially affect Aries rising and Sun, as well as the other fire signs Leo and Sag. This is truly a time to slow down, go inward and regroup before moving on with our goals and projects. Take care during this sacred time.

Mind Body Soul Healings 13.04.2020

A study published by the Cross Cancer Institutes explored the ability of Reiki to reduce pain sensations. Researchers measured pain on both the visual analog scale and a Likert scale. Patients participating in the study showed a reduction in pain on both scales when treated with Reiki #reiki #indigenous #healing https://iarp.org/reiki-can-help-arthritis-pain/

Mind Body Soul Healings 08.04.2020

What does it mean to hold space? Have you herd the term? If so are you sure you are doing so in a healthy way? Holding space means to be with someone without judgment. To donate your ears and heart without wanting anything back. To practice empathy and compassion. To accept someones truth, no matter what they are. To allow and accept. Embrace with two hands instead of pointing with one finger. To come in neutral. Open. For them. Not you. Holding space means to put your need...Continue reading

Mind Body Soul Healings 29.03.2020

A skeptic transformed Feeling more relaxed than I had in weeks, I resisted the temptation to open my eyes and see what the practitioner was doing. The temptation faded quickly, though, because I realized I could feel what she was doing. https://greatist.com/live/i-tried-reiki

Mind Body Soul Healings 16.03.2020

Under this Aquarius Full Moon energy, it is better to let things shake and fall where they may, rather than trying to control. If we surrender and go with the flow, we can allow the Universe to show us the way with grace in our hearts. This shaky energy from Uranus also serves another purpose awakening our soul energy.... When things shake and rattle us, it causes us to see things in a new light and to feel differently about ourselves and the world we live in. This can trigger an awakening, and a coming into new knowledge and wisdom. Uranus shakes us to awaken us, and to show us a new and higher path. Uranus also rules over Kundalini energy, which is seen as a serpent that lives at the base of our spine. Allow yourself to shift and detach with love. Now is a time to center and focus on letting go of things that may be weighing you down. Cutting chords and attachments feels like the theme of this full moon. Cup full is a reoccurring message I have been recieving lately. This entire year has been focused on turning inwards in a way that many of us might not have done otherwise without the isolation demand. So spend time feeling any pain surfacing now and release it with love and light. Write down what your ready to let go of and burn it under the full moon.

Mind Body Soul Healings 07.03.2020

Reiki is also a tool for maintaining a healthy state once attained. Reiki and healthy living are inseparable when it comes to wellness. There are at least five ways in which Reiki is important in self-care and staying healthy. https://iarp.org/reiki-healthy-living-inseparable/

Mind Body Soul Healings 22.02.2020

Super Seven stone, also commonly known as Melody stone or Sacred Stone. This gemstone is so buzzing and lively that it truly takes you into an entirely new worldjust like a little powerhouse of psychic energy. Super Seven removes the blocks that are holding you back from your life purpose, and stimulates the soul to its divine brillianceSuper Seven is a catalyst for expansion and transformation. Super Seven is a potent healing allybringing you protection, release of negat...ive emotions and past patterns, and purification of our soul, allowing you to reach a place of clarity, focus, creativity, and positivity. Amethyst: This stone carries the property of healing which helps in curing the emotional and physical ailments. The therapies of Amethyst crystals are mostly helpful in solving nervous problems, insomnia, nightmare and most importantly balancing the crown chakra. Cacoxenite: This stone contains positivity and has the ability to make good even better. It opens spiritual pursuits and empowers the super seven to dispel all sorts of negativity. Smoky Quartz: This crystal helps you to stay alert, focused and at power with the surrounding. Smoky Quartz is healing and protective stone which also enhances the quality of becoming a good business man in an individual. Clear Quartz: This crystal is a powerful healer and known for amplifying and strengthening auras. Quartz crystal helps in continuity of the flow of energy. Rutile or Rutilated Quartz: It is the stone which is known to bring optimism, joy and harmony around you. Rutile stone strengthens love, brings stability in love and relationships, mental balance and growth in spiritual aspirations. Geothite: It is the stone which helps you making clear cut decisions and helps in concentrating and focusing the tasks ahead. Geothite also balances between the positive and the negative energies. Lepidocrocite: It is a Quartz crystal, which enhances intellectual ability. The energy of this crystal helps in making contact with the angles and the guides of spirits at the time of meditation. The metaphysical properties of this stone align you with the Divine sources and helps in releasing the fear.

Mind Body Soul Healings 02.02.2020

Reiki improved patient sleep by 86 percent, reduced pain by 78 percent, reduced nausea by 80 percent, and reduced anxiety during pregnancy by 94 percent. I know kelowna hospital is working on a volunteer program to offer reiki services. It takes time to get up and running through a hospital union. There are so many benefits from reiki and to establish helping vulnerable patients is a very exciting program I can not wait to be apart of.

Mind Body Soul Healings 21.01.2020

Reiki is becoming a wide spread holistic healing method. It can truly help all beings in need. One of the best side effects to reiki is realized state of being due to balanced energy centers. When energy is flowing freely in your body you are more in alignment feeling more relaxed and revitalized. This includes all animals. https://www.thisdogslife.co/why-some-shelters-are-turning-/

Mind Body Soul Healings 15.01.2020

Did you know reiki can be used to help with physical problems in the body and not just energetic imbalances? There are so many amazing ways reiki can help aid you in your life. Message me for details on a consultation.... #reiki #kelowna #okanagan #energyhealing

Mind Body Soul Healings 31.12.2019

So excited for a new year here at Mind Body Soul healings with a new space. We have some really exciting products coming on the horizon Im busting at the seams to create and offer. Looking forward to all this year has to offer and all the wonderful changes happening. Stay tuned to find out what amazing healing products are coming soon #reiki #kelowna #okanagan #energyhealing #love #spiritiality

Mind Body Soul Healings 17.12.2019

Check out Mind Body Soul Healings on Google! https://g.page/mind-body-soul-healings?gm

Mind Body Soul Healings 13.12.2019

We are excited to be offering customized healing packages. Have you ever been scared of the by the hour healing prices? We are now offering customized packages tailored to fit your needs. Each package is created following a initial free consultation and intuitively created to suit not only your healing needs but your financial needs as well. ... #reiki #kelowna #okanagan #energyhealing

Mind Body Soul Healings 24.11.2019

We are now offering a space infused with focused life force energy. We strongly believe in creating a healing environment that helps you to your fullest potential. FOCUSED LIFE-FORCE ENERGY A positive energy field that raises the consciousness of your space, and gives you more energy for your life.... Supporting you in co-creating a more nurturing environment. To expand your consciousness. + To sleep and meditate more deeply. + To boost your bodys natural healing ability. + To increase focus, concentration, creativity. + To energize your living/working space The high vibration, high consciousness energy field enfolding the land and buildings supports the land to become more positive every day, and your personal energy to be lifted. A minimum level of consciousness of 560 on the Dr. David Hawkins Scale of Consciousness 98% of the time or more is guaranteed at your home while the FLFE service is active. Message to book your reiki appointment and come try out our amazing healing space. 250.862.6417 #flfe #reiki #energyhealing #holistic

Mind Body Soul Healings 08.11.2019

Coming from a long lineage of healers. Jennean came to practice reiki and intuitively incorporate her shamanic practices. Honoring her heritage while incorporating healing practices she resonates with has allowed jennean to offer a unique healing experience. When you come in to Mind Body Soul Healing you are given a complimentary chakra assessment & visual guide to your unique chakra system. Each session is tailored uniquely to your specific needs and you will leave knowin...g where your chakra energies are at the current moment. As you continue healing sessions with Mind Body Soul Healing our chakra assessment and visual guide allows us to give you a visual progress report that will match what your experiencing inside & out. To book your unique healing session call: 250-862-6417 #kelowna #reiki #energyhealing #shamanichealing #indigenous

Mind Body Soul Healings 21.10.2019

We are in the works this spring to be offering some intuitive cooking classes. For those of you looking to take your spiritual practice even further you can learn to cook intuitively. We will be using fresh organic local produce as well as locally foraged ingredients. Cooking intuitively can be an extremely powerful tool not only for nourishing your body but balancing energies aw well. You can learn to connect your mind body and soul on a deeper more intuitive level. ... Our bodies are always speaking and telling us what we need. The trick is harnessing your awareness so you can communicate inside yourself to know what is being said. With our upcoming course in spring we will be teaching some intuition skills as well as some very cool holistic cooking skills. Jennean has been cooking for 15 years and graduated from culinary arts in 2005. Her grandmother is a very respected medicine woman and cooking holistically is something that came naturally. She has a passion for food and local ingredients. Class dates are to be announced. #intuitvecooking #kelowna #cookingclass #chef #okanagan #holistic

Mind Body Soul Healings 18.10.2019

We took the past few days as a reset. Sometimes in order to balance your energies and get back to a mind body connection you need to go back to basics. This getaway allowed us to disconnect from technology and hunker into an absolutely cozy cabin with a hot tub. We explored, napped, read, had cozy fires and so much more self care. After some chaotic holidays it was a huge help along with some reiki and massage to get energies flowing nicely and balance each chakra. ... Most times the things you need most are right infront of you. The challenge is awareness of needing them. Cheers to the most amazing little getaway chalet. We plan on making it our winter healing ritual. #bluebirdchalet #reiki #getaway #selfcare #healing #cozy #chalet

Mind Body Soul Healings 29.09.2019

We are now offering mobile sessions to the Central Okanagan area. You can now experience reiki in the comfort of your own space at home. Easier to fit your self care into your routine from home. No more skipping your self care from lack of time. Fit a session into your busy schedule by having it at home. Willing to travel to #vernon #lakecountry #westbank #peachland #summerland #penticton Message or call for more details 250-862-6417

Mind Body Soul Healings 17.09.2019

We are all beautiful unique souls. One thing Ive learned over the years with reiki is how to honor that and nourish it. Reiki has taught me so many things and not just healing. I learned principles to live by and a way of life that resonates with the healer inside me. If there is one thing every healer wants to do its to help you realize your divine being. See your soul and move into the synchronicities along the path your soul chose. ... ~ Jennean Bruner

Mind Body Soul Healings 08.09.2019

We are so excited to announce we are up and running again. As we launch our new opening to our healing space you can look forward to some really cool events coming soon. Offering personalized reiki sessions and mobile reiki. *available now*... Smudging and clearing sessions And so much more coming really soon

Mind Body Soul Healings 27.08.2019

We are finally finished our meditation healing space. We look forward to welcoming you into our space. We have intentionally created a healing space to accommodate the needs of our clients. It has been a year full of many changes and deep healing. We are so excited to share our healing space with you. ... Book a session and dive into 2020 with some healing and balancing reiki. To book call : 250 862 6417

Mind Body Soul Healings 29.07.2019

It is with the great sadness that I announce my decision to leave CJR Acupuncture clinic. I am still available for mobile sessions and am working on a space right now. Chris has been and continues to be a very important part of my wellness journey and I have the most respect and gratitude for what the clinic and he stands for. My decision not to continue was a personal one as Ive lost some people close to me in my life and decided its best I work through these losses s...o I may continue to be a good healer. I have the most gratitude for this journey and where life is taking me. A huge thank you to Chris & Katrina for your support and faith in me as a healer. I look forward to the continued growth and the fantastic things CJR Acupuncture clinic is offering.