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Mind Body Soul Miracles 30.01.2021

I don’t know about you but I personally think that a personal message, a this is what I admire about you or love about you reminder is always appreciated Words can lift our spirit. Give us courage. Help us show up and shine our light. Feeling seen can allow us to feel safe to show all parts of us (and not just the pretty parts) because someone taught us by being with us: that all of us was loveable. All of us was worthy Who helps you remember this truth? ... Let them know today Share below someone you appreciate and who has uplifted your spirits and brought courage, inspiration or that feeling seen feeling to your heart?! And if you’re not feeling it lately, start with you What words are you longing to hear? And who might you feel called to connect with? They might be longing for those words too xoxo

Mind Body Soul Miracles 17.01.2021

Today my Sunday email was all about this: being imperfect, feeling safe to say I don’t know and the wisdom that comes when we share that and open up! And in all honestly, I didn’t plan on posting this...I just felt guided to suddenly speak it and share it! And sometimes when we need to hear and learn something, chances are someone else might benefit from it too! Which is why it’s important to share in whatever stage of our process we are. Even if we don’t know yet an...d to find someone who can hold you, hear you and lovingly listen. So here is my Sunday non-storytime. As imperfect and messy (no makeup and unshared) as I am as a human! We sometimes make up stories so this is an un-story today to let your mind, your body and soul declutter from the untruths that no longer support the person you are and are becoming Because sometimes our minds make up stories, we get stuck in our heads/thoughts and simply need to feel. Just a reminder that asking for help, being imperfect, messy and having lots of feelings is and can be empowering. The fear of being imperfect or getting it wrong has in my opinion sometimes been where I’ve made the most mistakes. When I was afraid to FEEL, afraid to be vulnerable, let another in and where I wasn’t able to be real and to connect. (Usually for fear of rejection albeit this fear is the opposite of real authentic connection) Connection requires empathy and vulnerability and when we admit that we don’t know or we have our imperfections, made a mistake and feel messy sometimes - it lets another know it is safe to be that way too! And when we open up, share our feelings, ask for wisdom and guidance: we create the space to let it come our way. So today, can you pause and embrace your own messiness, maybe the places you made a mistake without judgment. Can you simply witness the humanness and love the person who tried and has learned a lot since? Can you see that your feelings are messengers for a need that wants to be met? Can you embody compassion and embrace your imperfections and let it all be seen, be heard and loved just as you are?

Mind Body Soul Miracles 10.01.2021

Check-in questions! (after a busy and change-filled week!) Checking in on you mamas and fams... How are you feeling? Can you let yourself pause, name the feeling, breathe through it and FULLY feel and let it be loved and moved through?! ... Step 2 of the feeling and NEEDS process: Can you identify what you need? When we can check in with us first and realize what our feelings are asking for, we can ask for the need to be met that may not be. What do you need? (Its okay if the answer is I don’t know, awareness and asking is always the first step. Let the questions lovingly guide you to the answers and to remembering that it’s okay to ask for help!) When you know what you need, you can ask with more clarity and expect others to want to be there and support you too. Some potential needs that want to be met: clear routines, more space or time for you/what you love, some support with your big feelings and the feelings of your family, more CONNECTION, more time for what you want to be doing, more clear ways to navigate challenging situations, more space... or more fun! Whatever your need, check-in with those feelings and needs and watch how that alone shifts things for you! If you’re ready for even more shifts and a whole LOT more consistent ongoing support for you as a parent and for your kiddos...check in if working (and playing) together feels aligned for you. Something in you feeling the pull!? Get curious with that and click the link in my bio to book your complimentary 30 minute connection session or DM me to ask any questions and find out if connecting feels like the right next step for you!

Mind Body Soul Miracles 02.01.2021

Pinkalicious APPLES APPLES APPLES This storytime is all about working together as a TEAM, how to solve problems and how we can create together as a family!!!! ... What are your fave fam memories or things to bake, cook, create or do together??? How do you feel when you’re sharing in that time together? And how will you bring more APPRECIATION into your day and week ahead!?! #appreciation #acceptance #love #togetherisbetter #stayandplay #storytimesunday

Mind Body Soul Miracles 31.12.2020

Sometimes we need a reminder that all our feelings are safe and OKAY to feel (and express!) In comes: ANGER When it comes - how do you greet it? ... What is anger asking of you, telling you or sharing with you? What can you do if something angers you? Can you listen to what the feeling is telling or sharing with you? And can you feel safe to feel it fully before anger turns to resentment? Are you willing to feel it and heal the layers, to feel the anger...to feel any hurt...to get to the love that is there? And love yourself and your littles ones through all feelings, knowing it’s safe to feel and share them all? #storytimesunday #readaloud #anger #allaboutfeelings #safe #share #care

Mind Body Soul Miracles 13.12.2020

I felt like these pictures represent the truth of what can happen when we either a) don’t feel safe in our body, in a family/group or the world or b) simply desire to be in connection with others and have that sense of belonging and connection (like puppies snuggling together and knowing they all have a place in the cuddle puddle) ie the group! Yet just like it might LOOK like this Lil pup is walking all over the rest (to get where he wants to go), he really just wan...ts IN Let’s remember that the next time we want to judge rather than seek to understand or get frustrated when we can’t understand behaviour vs. a need not being met Just like we do, this little guy just wants IN: into the group, into the snuggle and that adorable cuddle puddle (see pic 2 for reference and heart full of OMG you are so cute kinda LOVE ) And sometimes we can’t say or we aren’t always sharing what we need when what we really want and need is connection, love and understanding This is a cute reminder that behaviour and what something looks like can be a lot different than what is going on behind the surface. And sometimes the TRUTH is nothing like what we can see with our eyes. That’s why when it comes to our children, our humans (friends, family and loved ones) and even puppies...we need to listen with our ears and our HEARTS too. (And sometimes to what is not being said so that those we love feel safe to share...or come in for that snuggle or connection when feeling scared) The picture isn’t always how it seems and love and cuddles/connection is always the answer And yes...this is my subtle not so subtle way of also announcing I am getting a puppy and that adorable one climbing onto the rest to get RIGHT into the love is my little guy. (I guess like mother like puppy...let’s be fair, that would be me just wanting in and sometimes stumbling awkwardly to get into the group and find my way...I know I haven’t always had the words myself in the past to express my truth and get my needs met - and feel grateful to always be working on this and know that love is always the way through (and puppy snuggles sure do help too!)

Mind Body Soul Miracles 30.11.2020

I love this time of year - mostly for the fall colours and the reminder of letting go I feel like letting go hasn’t been my greatest strength because sometimes I like to haaaaang on, cherish the feelings and wish for things to stay the same or be how they used to be...despite the fact that the only thing constant is change. Which means that letting go is happening always when we are evolving. But what do we really want to let go of? I like to think of every fall as a r...eminder to let go like the leaves, start again and let in what we really DO desire and are ready for! What are you letting go of/what are you CHOOSING to let in? Here’s to letting go of: - Pressure on myself or those around me (letting perfectionism POP back up!) #nothankyou #doneisbetterthanperfect - Reliving the past when it is not needed anymore! Letting go of drama, trauma and limiting beliefs or thinking! or relationships that are not aligned. -Controlling and trying to move faster than is really loving and saying no when my soul really wants to say yes (even if it means yes and let’s go slow until it feels like a full YES I CAN!) while also letting go of: - Saying yes when I really mean NO (thank you!) Keep saying no so you can say yes to you and what is a full wholehearted YES! - Staying silent when I have something I want to say, something that might serve or something that comes from my heart, my soul, my trust in myself and choosing to speak rather than let shyness or fear of what someone may think or feel get in the way -Lastly letting go of feeling or fixing for others and staying in my own lane (or energy field) so I can be me, while letting (you) be you and trust we both know what to do, what we need and ask instead of assume (or try to telepathy instead of communicate - my fellow empaths and healers - you hear me it’s easier when we all use, find and share our words!) That said, I am choosing to let in: -Lots of LOVE and soul aligned relationships -FUN and freedom in the moment -Speaking and listening from the heart, the soul and sharing what is true (even if it feels scary or uncomfortable) -Clear communication, loving, sharing & caring

Mind Body Soul Miracles 23.11.2020

Today's mood: Why you might ask? Why the FOCUS on FEELINGS if it's the thing that we think is IN THE WAY!? (Or is the thing we think will SCARE IT or someone away?) I was reminded recently of the quote and book title: "What's in the way IS the way". WOAH. Maybe this relates to our feelings. ... Example A) What do I mean by this? Some of us have learned that when we fully FEEL a FEELING (like an elevated feeling of love, joy, gratitude or EXCITEMENT) when thinking of the things we want, we become MAGICAL MANIFESTORS. It's like sitting in the feeling while believing in what's to come...brings it our way! So when we think (or feel about it) THAT WAY, we are like "shut down those feelings and let the *good* ones in). But the thing is...when we do this, we make some "feelings" "bad", "negative", "not okay to feel" while only letting some feelings be accepted, be welcomed, be safe to feel. (I know I once did. And I wish I had learned to feel safe with them all, express and hold each feeling with tenderness, love, appreciation and be able to listen to what it needed. Because by only focusing on how I WANTED to feel, I didn't give myself the chance to be held, heard and truly seen... or to share my truth, my vulnerability and ask for what I needed or wanted to be met. #disappointing Example B) What if we used the knowingness of the above. With welcoming ALL OUR FEELINGS with the same level of love, acceptance and reverence for what they want to express, to share, to let us know so we can more easily be MET, be in connected, communicative relationships and know that all of us deserves to be seen. So how might you let "anger" or "sadness" be welcome just as much as "happy", "joy" or "love" ...you let others see you while you name the feeling, you share it truthfully without needing to "fix it" or have them "fix it for you". You let you and your feeling be sat with, be seen, be heard and notice how good it feels to let others and yourself into it. To no longer hide from it, run from it and shut down when feelings come your way. To be able to say: I FEEL (this way) and THAT'S OKAY. I can let this feeling be seen, be witnessed/loved. See more

Mind Body Soul Miracles 03.11.2020

A special (Canadian) Thanksgiving Storytime for you and your family (and loved ones) May your day be filled with love , JOY and songs that take you back (back to the FUN and the love-filled memories that bring you together) I loooooove you you boo boop bi doo! #storytimesunday