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Moms_With_Strollers_Getting_Coffee 21.02.2021

Apparently they’re very interested in patterns at this age. It’s hilarious watching her while we wonder around, go out of her way to walk on a painted line or bricks placed in a pattern. I think watching them explore is one of the best things about being a parent . #minime #prettyinpurple #hightops

Moms_With_Strollers_Getting_Coffee 17.02.2021

Life in the day of... . Up 5:15 for a nurse and a snuggle. . E doesn’t go back to sleep right away so I’m wide awake by the time she does.... . Get out of bed at 6 . 20 min of personal development. . 20 minutes working. . Quick shower. . E gets up. . Power eat breakfast (Thank God hubby made it!). . Work at 8. . 8 hours later... . Get home and a quick boob for the babe. . Talk to grandma for a bit before she leaves. . Eat a quick snack. . Food everywhere. . Quick post on social media. . Jump on training callwhile also doing a couple admin thingswhile also entertaining E every so often. . Still on training...start making dinner. . E needs up right in the middle. . Hubby comes up from work wondering what was going on with a reservation. . Put E down to chop some lettuce and the world is ending. . Put dinner together and bring it to hubby. . E starts screaming while trying to explain the reservation . Go back upstairs and E needs another boob. . Go to get MY supperbuuuut have to quickly bag the chicken to freeze it (cuz it ain’t gonna happen if I don’t do it now). . Finally sit down and eat dinner. . Kitchen’s a mess. . Living room’s a mess. . Oh, and E needs another feed and a diaper changeand will have to be put to bed yet. . . . That 20 minutes of increasing my chance of staying sane this morning is looking mighty far away. . . . Life is so much crazier with this little one and while I wouldn’t trade HER for the world, I wouldn’t mind a little less crazy! #momlifebelike #mommingishard . . . PS. This is NOT a hubby bashing posthe is amazing! Just sharing the craziness that motherhood can be. See more

Moms_With_Strollers_Getting_Coffee 13.02.2021

Why can’t I be like that, I thought, watching the ‘cool kids’ at lunch laughing and chatting together or playing sports in the gym. That was the day I decided that I was GOING TO BE confident. It was 15 years ago (omg, I’m old!) when I first started going to a school that wasn’t at home. I had struggled with shyness up until that point, and I was done. ... I wanted to be able to talk to anybody I wanted to. I wanted to have the fun that I saw confident people having. I didn’t want to be LEFT OUT of my own life. And so I taught myself to become confident. I decided that day that it was a non-negotiable. I’ve come a long way, but it’s still a work in progress as I find other areas in my life where I lack confidence. Like launching this course. I wasn’t confident that I could provide value to anyone. But I can. And even if I just help ONE person, then I at least tried. And helped that person. Which is kinda, sorta, maybe my goalduh. So today I’m doing a beta test of my course Your Way or The Happy Way. I’m looking for THREE testers who will provide a testimonial in exchange for a confidence building session with yours truly. Check me out... https://momsgettingcoffee.ca/love-yoself-coaching/ . #yourwayorthehappyway #loveyoselfcoaching #selflovecoaching #beyourbestself #dontquitonyourself

Moms_With_Strollers_Getting_Coffee 05.02.2021

Are you a mom feeling the weight of your family on your shoulders? The never ending laundry and dishes are starting to drive you batty and the kids are aaaalways demanding your attention. You feel like the only time you get relief is the few minutes just before you fall asleep, only to start over as soon as you wake up the next day. It’s dreary.... It’s humdrum. It’s doesn’t end. Sure there are happy moments, and you freaking love your kids. But what would you give to get some damn alone time. Is that all you wanted on Mother’s Day? And then you probably felt guilty for wanting that. I get it. I’ve been there. I still have those days. But now they happen less often and when they do, I am able to get back to my happy place quickly. Want to know how? Your Way or The Happy Way gives you the tools to: Have an hour to yourself WITHOUT the guilt Get a monthly massage (or whatever your self-care thing is) and ENJOY it Not freak the eff out when your kid screams because her shoes aren’t green and then screams when they are Wear the damn two-piece and be proud Change your mindset; change your life. Your Way or The Happy Way is in beta launch right now, BUT only for the first 5 people who sign up. Book a love call with me today to learn more about how you CAN be a calm, relaxed mom with MORE energy for yourself and your family. https://momsgettingcoffee.ca/love-yoself-coaching/ #yourwayorthehappyway #loveyoselfcoaching #fillyourcupfirst #mindsetiseverything