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Money 25.01.2022

One of the most valuable things you can do is to switch your thinking from low income tasks to high income tasks. Here's a thought. Take inventory of the money making activities you do every day. I don't just mean being at work...I mean the time you spend actually being productive in that work. The time you spend making money. Some of you will be surprised how little time you spend actually doing high income tasks. For instance...I bead...it's a side hustle...but ...the average hourly income from beadwork for me is about $7-10.00/hr. That's why it's side income. I make about $1000/month doing it. I spend maybe 1-2 hrs per day doing it. I also am a consultant and that makes me well over $50.00/hr. I am a proposal writer...and that makes me more. In my daily work...I do tasks..participate in meetings etc..but I Much of it...does not gain value for me or the organization...so..I don't do alot of it... the key is to really honestly take inventory and to clearly see what makes you money...and to spend 50-70% of your time doing those things. If you don't have the skills to make more...then build those skills. This will increase your wealth exponentially. It's Monday ladies... make some money See more

Money 04.01.2022


Money 16.12.2021

To come up...to make it as a woman...in my case an indigenous woman...is a form of revolution...it is a stick in the eye of a mysogenistic exploitative system. My belief in women does not make me a hater of men...I love men..have sons and nephews and grandsons that I want to understand the true nature and awesomeness of women's nature and skills.... and I believe in women...I believe in us creating a revolution of wealthy...independant...and free women... where the freedo...m of our own choices....could only overwhelm us today. I believe we Can do it alone...because we are strong like that...but I believe a revolution happens with critical mass....when we begin to have numbers of women who are tracking toward the same inspiration...and vision...the kind of vision that hits you right in your gut...or your heart. I believe in a women's wealth revolution....and that we should do it together. That we can achieve more together. I am at that quiet time between Christmas and new years ..when I find a quiet spot and reflect on my past year and my upcoming year....I listen to podcasts...and bead (cause I always have a hustle)...and find my inspiration and my path....and that intuition is speaking revolution. It doesn't need to be loud...it can be whatever we choose.... and it can create fundamental change... the question is what ways are we creating a women's wealth revolution? How are we teaching inspiring and motivating our packs? Our tribes? See more

Money 06.12.2021

We are already wealthy by global standards. What we are looking for is freedom...and when we are free...but everyone else is struggling...then what? Our thoughts need to move here ultimately... because finances are just a means to something... we need to be clear about what ends money will be put to...once we have what it can buy us..what is our service to humanity? Our families..Our community...our people...else we fall into the trap of just greed...bigger...more...better for its own sake... https://youtu.be/yn3f7TCXPVIhttps://youtu.be/yn3f7TCXPVI

Money 24.11.2021

Doing things different...expands on who you are....who of you...are doing 99% of the same things today as you did yesterday? Or last week? If you want different....you have to DO different things...start small...get up at 6 instead of 7 or 8....go to bed at 10 instead of midnight....read a new kind of book...use a different soap....speak only positive words about money....focus on those things that wealth brings....trips...vehicles... do things that are different and uncomfortable for you....meet a few new people ... wealthy people... ask them about wealth...about their journey...do something different....anything....and see what happens....change yourself every day... make room in your brain for new thoughts...new focus... its wednesday ladies... Make some money

Money 09.11.2021

Set your intentions....not your goals...not your plans....its that time of year... almost solstice....set your intentions....for your income....bank account.... investments...time...energy... love... set your intention....write them down... set them....now...not later.....

Money 21.10.2021

Becoming more....its not a destination...its a journey...every ...single...day...of...our lives...from when we are born until we die ..and thats why its never....ever too late...ever

Money 12.10.2021

Thinking....any thinking is a habit... an addiction because we go back ti it again and again....are you addicted to stinking thinking? Are you addicted to poverty and all of the negative emotions and thoughts associated with it? We can use 12 steps as a process for wvery kind of addiction even a thinking addiction. All of the euphemisms in 12 steps can be applied to the change process of poor habitual thinking. Its Sunday ladies....make some money

Money 01.10.2021

Money is not an ends in itself.... it cannot be about fear....when we tie fear or trepidation or urgency to money....it will always escape us....because thats the emotional connection we have to it ... it remains constant. When we tie joy to money, contentment, a sense of freedom...money will tie itself to that state... why? Because money is just a representation of energy expended....it is energy....it is drawn to whatever emotion we tie to it...practise thinking of freedom....of peace...of joy..when you meditate on money....see money as energy...flowing to you....be prepared so that when opportunity knocks....you are ready to receive...be joyful when you recieve it and when you let it go in the form of bills...or payments... Happy friday ladies Make some money

Money 29.06.2021

How are you growing? And how is that growing your wealth?

Money 10.06.2021

when we claim all of our blessings...our right to live in grace.....when we let go of our expectations and learn to live fully in every moment ... claim every blessing in this moment... all our desires can be fulfilled..... all our hopes for joy ....happiness... financial freedom , and contentment are right there waiting watching and hoping that we find them...

Money 25.05.2021

I like this kid....abundance mindset https://youtu.be/I6i9KDTw8xQ