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Monika Czaja 16.09.2020

OH! Summer! Let's enjoy it while it lasts... I remember a couple of years ago when I had two work two jobs and I didn't have any time to spend with my daughter.... I had only one weekend off every three weeks to spend with my little one. With two jobs and a young daughter, I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. My heart was breaking when I had to leave her for work instead of enjoying a summer together. In 2016 I was done! I've had enough. I made some really big life decisions. I knew I didn't want to miss precious moments with the family and trading my time for a paycheck. That was the time when I decided to start my journey as an entrepreneur. It wasn't easy but it is never easy in the beginning. I decided to study real estate and I also got involved in network/online marketing. Even though people called me crazy and said that network marketing/online marketing is a scam, I never gave up... Even tough people told me that real estate is sooo hard and only a small percent of people actually make it, I never gave up. I did not give up when I was sleep deprived when my son was born and instead of catching on my sleep when Julian was asleep, I studied for my real estate exams. I showed up exhausted from lack of sleep to write my last exam because caring for a newborn and studying for commercial real estate exam was not easy but I never gave up.... Fast forward to today.. I am in charge of my schedule and working on my terms. I am able to spend time with my babies as much as I want without sacrificing my career. I teamed up with some amazing people in real estate from whom I am learning so much everyday and I know we will kill it and I am looking forward to what the future brings for us.. I am working with so many talented people in network and online marketing and together we will reach to the top. I am who I am today because I never gave up... I know that things sometimes seem impossible but remember that everything is possible if you just change your mindset and you want something really bad. Nothing is impossible. The word itself says " I'M POSSIBLE' .... To Your Success, Monika

Monika Czaja 07.09.2020

If people are doubting how far you can go, Go so far that you can’t hear them anymore

Monika Czaja 27.08.2020

When you are feeling lost.... Remember who you’re doing this for My inspiration and motivation to reach my goals

Monika Czaja 10.08.2020

The Dream Is Free. The Hustle Is Sold Separately. I am on a mission to build an empire and leave a legacy!

Monika Czaja 29.07.2020

New Monday. New Week. New Month. Let Nothing Stop You From Reaching Your Goal!

Monika Czaja 14.07.2020

Happy Thursday my friends Have you heard about the many health benefits of dandelion? You may be most familiar with dandelion as a stubborn weed that never seems to leave your garden or lawn.... However, in traditional herbal medicine practices, dandelion are revered for their wide array of medicinal properties. Dandelion is very nutritious! Yes, you read it right.It is highly nutritious. It’s loaded with minerals, vitamins ans fiber. There are plenty of recipes online that will give you some ideas where you can use a dandelion, you can also blend it, make tea out if it, or even eat it raw. It contains potent antioxidants,it might help fight inflammation, it may lower blood pressure. It can also promote a healthy liver and it prevents gallstones. Dandelion contains insulin, a carbohydrate that helps maintain healthy gut flora and help to regulate blood sugar levels. You can do your own research because there are many many more health benefits of dandelion. Share your favourite dandelion recipe below if you tried it before

Monika Czaja 02.07.2020

Hello friends. Today I'm going to talk about food. You know you are what you eat. I'm not going to provide you with daily diets or nutrition tips for building muscles. I want to give you a list of products healthy for our brain. As you know, the work of our brain is essential. Otherwise, you cannot generate business ideas, make plans, and solve problems. 1. Berries. Blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries are full of antioxidants that slow down brain aging and incre...ase brain blood flow. These berries contain many components that are useful for memory improvement. 3. Nuts. Almost all types of nuts are the source of dietary fiber and provide a wide range of vital nutrients for the brain. When you eat nuts, you start to have clear thinking and feel a positive attitude to life. It's all because of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids that act as antidepressants. By the way, have you noticed that walnuts, for example, look like a brain? 4. Vegetables and fruits. Since they have all the necessary components for the health and beauty of our organism, do not neglect to eat enough fruits and vegetables. 5. Spicy food. Curry, Saffron, and Cinnamon not only make our food more delicious but are also very healthy. Friends! Proper nutrition is also the right investment in yourself. Eating healthy, you will feel energetic, enthusiastic, and ready for new achievements. You can quickly solve any problem! And remember about proper hydration !!! In my next post I will share a few tips how to get rid of toxins and heavy metals from your body. Do you eat healthy? If yes, what exactly do you do for that? Share your answers in the comments!

Monika Czaja 14.06.2020

Here is the fact. The way to success is full of difficulties. If you plan to take your place under the sun, get ready to overcome obstacles every day. By the way, do you know what is the biggest obstacle? It is you. You have to break yourself, and then to create from scratch. Get rid of complexes, learn to take risks, discover new knowledge. It’s not an easy way, but it’s absolutely essential, yet very informative. You will get to learn yourself from new perspectives, f...ind new angles and sides of your personality. Your life will be full of ups and downs, white and black stripes. But you determination for something better will bring bright colors into your life. Each new day will bring new knowledge, new mistakes, and thus more experience, and new people. The main thing is to never give up. Whatever happens is for the better. So go ahead, get to the top, conquer this mountain and look for new one! See more

Monika Czaja 29.05.2020

Be so positive, that negative people want to delete you on Facebook

Monika Czaja 20.05.2020

The human spirit needs places where nature hasn’t been rearranged by the hand of man

Monika Czaja 09.05.2020

I am happy to announce that I am back in the game! I have been working on a few projects behind the scenes with lots of very successful people in the online and network marketing but I need to admit that I lost my focus for a couple of weeks due to the current situation. Sometimes the best thing you can do is take a step back and give yourself a chance to breathe.... But I am back again and ready to crush it! I have been involved in digital and network marketing for almost 3 years now and I have to say that this was one of my best decisions ever. I have been lucky to work with and be trained by the most successful people in the industry and the best things are still yet to come.

Monika Czaja 20.04.2020

What a beautiful message and so true! Have an amazing weekend everyone

Monika Czaja 06.04.2020

An evening stroll with my daughter Nothing is better than a fresh air

Monika Czaja 04.04.2020

Remember what you focus on expands and if you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it!!

Monika Czaja 13.03.2020

While most people are waiting in line to Costco or Walmart today , we are getting some vitamin D and enjoying the sunshine

Monika Czaja 23.02.2020

Every minute someone leaves this world behind. We are all in the line without knowing it. We never know how many people are before us. We can not move to the back of the line. We can not step out of the line.... We can not avoid the line. So while we wait in line - Make moments count. Make priorities. Make the time. Make your gifts known. Make a nobody feel like a somebody. Make your voice heard. Make the small things big. Make someone smile. Make the change. Make love. Make up. Make peace. Make sure to tell your people they are loved. Make sure to have no regrets. Make sure you are ready.

Monika Czaja 14.02.2020

It was March 2020 ... The streets were empty, the shops closed, people couldn't get out. But spring did not know, and the flowers began to bloom, the sun shone, the birds sang, the swallows would soon arrive, the sky was blue, the morning arrived early.... It was March 2020 ... Young people had to study online, and find occupations at home, people could no longer go shopping, or go to the hairdresser. Soon there would be no more room in hospitals, and people continued to get sick. But spring did not know, the time to go to the garden arrived, the grass greened. It was March 2020 ... People have been put in lockdown to protect grandparents, families and children. No more meetings or meals, family celebrations. The fear became real and the days were therefore similar. But spring did not know, apples, cherry trees and others bloomed, the leaves grew. People started reading, playing with their families, learning a language, singing on the balcony inviting neighbors to do the same, being supportive and focusing on other values. People realized the importance of health, of suffering, of this world that had stopped, of the economy that has plummeted. But spring didn't know. the flowers gave way to the fruit, the birds made their nest, the swallows had arrived. Then the day of liberation came, people found out on TV, the virus had lost, people took to the streets, sang, cried, kissed their neighbors, without masks or gloves. And that's when summer came, because spring didn't know. He continued to be there despite everything, despite the virus, fear and death. Because spring didn't know, he taught people the power of life. Everything's gonna be fine, stay home, protect yourself, and enjoy life. Read This, spread it by copying/pasting this text, but mainly remain confident and keep smiling!

Monika Czaja 03.02.2020

Our quarantine in the nature. Off to the woods we go

Monika Czaja 21.01.2020

And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently. And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal. And when the danger passed, and the peopl...e joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed." ~Kitty O'Meara'~

Monika Czaja 15.12.2019

Fun in the woods

Monika Czaja 26.11.2019

Slow down and enjoy life...

Monika Czaja 30.10.2019

I am so happy to be able to record my own webinar on how to start a digital marketing business which will be seen by thousands of people!!! Love my mornings at my home office Have an amazing day everyone!

Monika Czaja 23.10.2019

We always have so many excuses... We say that we will start working out tomorrow but we never do.. We say that we will start reading more but that never happens because we feel too tired to do it..... We say that we will start working on our goals and start a new business but we are actually too scared to follow our passions and our dreams. Thank you Izabela Skora for introducing me to this amazing BeachBody workout that I can do anywhere and anytime I want.I love going to a gym but sometimes I just prefer to workout at home and I feel great afterwards!! I am working to be the best version of myself physically,emotionally, mentally and spiritually and this is an amazing kick ass workout that is going to help me achieve my goals!!

Monika Czaja 15.10.2019

I just booked a hotel in Krakow, Poland for this weekend using I Go For Less and let me tell you that the savings are incredible!!! Message me if you want to find out how you can save money when booking a hotel and how you can stay at 5 star hotels around the world at 3 star prices

Monika Czaja 30.09.2019

My Life My Passion My Choice Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress.... Working hard for something we love is called passion. My little helper was with me today and kept his mama’s energy high and helped me generate even better and bigger ideas for my marketing business!

Monika Czaja 06.09.2019

10 Things I don't have to say because of digital and network marketing: 1) Thank God it's Friday 2) Is it 5 o'clock yet? 3) I need a vacation... 4)I'm calling in sick 5) I need a day off 6) Is it lunch yet? 7) Don't call me at work 8) I hate Mondays 9) Set the alarm for 5 am because I have to I set it up for 6 because I want to be up early. 10) Ask someone for a raise Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life.

Monika Czaja 08.08.2019

While everyone is baking Christmas cookies, I am on a mission to get the house ready and move in before Christmas I hope we will make it Mommy on a mission