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Locality: Montreal, Quebec

Phone: +1 514-844-9128

Address: 1435 rue City Councillors H3A 2E4 Montreal, QC, Canada

Website: www.montrealcitymission.org/

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Montreal City Mission 24.01.2022


Montreal City Mission 06.01.2022

For those of you planning on attending one or both of our sessions on the Qur'an with scholar Imad Balkis (Ancient Texts....Contemporary Conversations on Wednesday, January 26th and February 2nd.) .... ....please take a look at chapter 2 from the United Church Document - That We May Know Each Other - http://ecumenism.net//2004_ucc_that_we_may_know_each_other . Your questions or comments will be welcome during our conversation with Imad.

Montreal City Mission 17.12.2021

GREEN THURSDAY! JEUDI VERT! https://www.faithcommongood.org/a_great_team_making_great_d

Montreal City Mission 13.12.2021

JANUARY 26: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82487312665 FEBRUARY 2: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83470514313

Montreal City Mission 05.12.2021

GREEN THURSDAY! JEUDI VERT! https://lactualite.com/environnement/vive-le-quebec-sauvage/

Montreal City Mission 27.11.2021

GREEN THURSDAY! JEUDI VERT! https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/montrealer-spends-decades-buyin

Montreal City Mission 17.11.2021

SEWING BEES AT WORK! Some of the members of our Women Weaving Their Dreams Sewing Circle are having a busy final week before the holiday break learning new techniques, sewing Kimonos and most importantly having fun with each other. Nos plus grands remerciements à notre prof bénévole Dina Basiony et à ces élèves assidues Dina K, Sonia, Saeda, Jihan et Samar.... And thanks to all those in our community of friends who ordered Christmas decorations! Au plaisir de voir les nouvelles créations en 2022!

Montreal City Mission 10.11.2021

Shukran Sammar! Our heartfelt thanks to MCM volunteer art teacher Sammar El Wakele - head of our ARK project (Art by Refugee Kids) - who came to the office today with a wonderful surprise. A textured painting she had done of the St. James United Church. I think you will agree it is a striking image of St. James and certainly one we will cherish. Sammar a commencé a donné des cours d’art aux enfants de notre réseau de nouveaux arrivants au mois de novembre et déjà les jeunes... artistes en herbe produisent des dessins impressionnants. Sammar arrived in Canada just a few months ago and she is already making a contribution to the community through her own talent and by fostering the talent of our young artists. Merci encore Sammar!

Montreal City Mission 22.11.2020


Montreal City Mission 10.11.2020

EXCELLENT REPORT ON SYSTEMIC RACISM & COVID 19 Read full report here: http://www.vawlearningnetwork.ca//Systemic-Racism-Covid-19

Montreal City Mission 09.10.2020

Good Neighbour food boxes round 2! Once again we were able to prepare and deliver food boxes to families in our network in need of a little assistance. Local mom Maryn heard about our project and with the help of son Arthur (in pic), and daughter Rosemary, contributed to the effort. Many thanks to the three of you for being such good neighbours!... Nous remercions également la Fondation du Grand Montréal, le gouvernement fédéral et nos partenaires sur le terrain - Nirmeen & Hosni du ShopDrop - pour leur contribution essentiel à ce projet. Sans oublier notre duo dynamique de la McM Anwar et Arwa !

Montreal City Mission 27.09.2020

Projet Amal Stories of Hope WHY TEACHERS MATTER! By MCM Elder-in-Residence Robert Verrall... I was 8 years old sitting at the kitchen table when the doorbell rang one Saturday morning. Mom went to answer and I heard a familiar voice. Oh my goodness - I thought - that’s my teacher Miss Adams. It was indeed Miss Adams who was there to give my mother 50 cents - a significant amount in those days - with which to enroll me in weekly summer art classes at the Art Gallery of Toronto. the boy has talent she said. Now I did like to draw but up until that point I hadn’t paid much attention to my ‘talent’. Mom took me on the street car to the gallery in downtown Toronto where a crowd of young people ranging in age from 8 to 18 stood outside waiting for the doors to open. I had never seen such a sight. I registered for art classes and every summer until my late teens I would attend those classes under the guidance of the gallery principal Arthur Lismer - from the Group of Seven of course. Lismer had a special mission to teach young children whom he felt didn’t get the proper guidance in the public school system at the time. We kids would spread out on large canvasses on the floor with our crayons and paint and were thrilled to be learning the rudiments of art in this fashion. What a difference from the classroom! During those summers I would make some of my dearest life-long friends and learn everything that really mattered. It was at the gallery that I discovered Canadian and international masters and also the existence of animated films and something call the National Film Board (NFB). One day, after attending classes for several years, I got a call from the gallery to bring my portfolio down immediately to show some NFB people. And then, In 1945 at the age of 17, I received a letter from Norman McLaren himself - he wanted to hire me at the NFB as a summer student. I boarded a train to Ottawa and never looked back. The National Film Board would become my home for the next 40 years. And that is why, dear friends, teachers matter! RV Robert has had a long and illustrious career as a prominent Canadian animator, director, film producer, administrator and Academy Award nominee. Robert remains active and is currently collaborating with the Berlin Film Festival on a retrospective of the work of Alanis Obomsawin. We are proud and blessed to call Robert our friend.

Montreal City Mission 20.09.2020

Projet Amal Stories of Hope By Ryoko Hashizume I'm excited to participate in the development of the MCM-St. James new project Green SAGE Vert as an Intern from the Social Service program at Dawson College. I consider myself privileged to be a student at my age. ...Continue reading

Montreal City Mission 17.09.2020

ON THE MOVE FOR JUST SOLUTIONS! BOUGEONS POUR DES SOLUTIONS JUSTES! ONLY A FEW DAYS TO GO! ... On September 26th we invite you to walk, run, bike or exercise in support of vulnerable migrants. You can show that support with a simple click to send a donation TODAY to Just Solutions Legal Clinic at https://www.canadahelps.org//charit/montreal-city-mission/ Montreal City Mission’s Just Solutions Clinic provides free legal information and assistance, rights advocacy and accompaniment to disadvantaged individuals in the domain of refugee and immigration law. The majority of people we assist are vulnerable migrants and other newcomers with a precarious immigration status. LET’S GET ACTIVE SO OTHER CAN BE SAFE! And don’t forget to snap a picture of yourself ON THE MOVE and send it along [email protected] so we can create an online picture gallery! Thank you!! BOUGEONS POUR DES SOLUTIONS JUSTES! IL NE RESTE QUE QUELQUES JOURS! Nous vous invitons à marcher, courir, faire du vélo ou toute autre activité le 26 septembre prochain pour soutenir des migrants vulnérables. Vous pouvez démontrer votre soutien AUJOURD’HUI en faisant un don à la clinique juridique Solutions Justes à https://www.canadahelps.org//organi/montreal-city-mission/ La clinique juridique Solutions justes de la Mission communautaire de Montréal fournit gratuitement de l’information et une assistance juridique, la défense des droits et l’accompagnement des personnes vulnérables et défavorisées dans le domaine du droit des réfugiés et de l’immigration. La majorité des personnes que nous aidons sont des migrants vulnérables et d’autres nouveaux arrivants dont le statut d’immigration est précaire. En cette année de pandémie et de distanciation sociale, soyons actifs et priorisons l’accompagnement et l’encadrement des migrants vulnérables ! Et n’oubliez pas de prendre une photo de vous EN ACTION, que l’on pourra publier avec celles des autres participants ! Envoyez vos photos à [email protected] Merci !!

Montreal City Mission 02.09.2020

Reflection after a recent American event by MCM Elder-in-Residence Robert Verrall After watching the grand finale of the Republican Convention, as the President gathered his family and closest advisers to present them to his adoring thousand, and an opera singer appears singing on a huge screen above, and glorious fireworks exploded Trump and Spence’s names over and over again, I was reminded of an epic German documentary titled TRIUMPH OF THE WILL, filmed by Leni Riefenstah...l at the request of Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda for the Nazi Party. The film begins with a plane flying through the clouds to the music of Wagner, on its way to Nuremberg, where an enormous crowd waited to welcome their new Messiah, Adolph Hitler. What followed was a street-lined parade which ended at a stadium where the leaders of the party each spoke with adoration of the one who would lead Germany to its place as the greatest nation on the globe. I saw TRIUMPH OF THE WILL in the fifties at the National Film Board where a copy of this film was available for screening. John Grierson considered this film a master piece of propaganda, demonstrating that documentary could tell lies. The NFB had to try its best to tell the truth. The master-mind behind the film was Goebbels, who was quoted as advising the following: Never admit to a fault or wrong; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time; blame that enemy for everything that goes wrong; take advantage of every opportunity to raise a political whirlwind. One more quote If you lie about something often enough, people will begin to believe it must be true. I do not equate Trump and Hitler: Hitler is in a class by himself; Trump is a buffoon in comparison. But they share this - the need to be adored by their people, and possess the talent to make this happen. Even a buffoon can be dangerous. Comparisons can be odious, I believe this one is apt. R.

Montreal City Mission 28.08.2020

Beyond Fitness! Du sport et des rencontres! An ever growing group of women are meeting twice weekly in an NDG park to socialize, combat isolation and get in shape with a professional trainer. ... Encore une fois, nous remercions nos partenaires du Fond communautaire d'urgence et de la Fondation du Grand Montréal qui nous aident à créer une communauté forte et dynamique. Join us! All are welcome! Venez nous rejoindre! Vous êtes la bienvenue! Monday & Wednesday Lundi & Mercredi 6h30-7h30 p.m. Parc Benny 6445 Ave. Monkland

Montreal City Mission 23.08.2020

La rentrée scolaire......In style We were happy to provide newcomer and local families with school supplies for the new fall season thanks to the Emergency Community Support Fund. Nous remercions également nos partenaires à la Fondation du Grand Montréal qui facilitent ce travail important. ... Bonne rentrée ... ...to all the children in our community of friends and indeed to all Montreal students! Bonne chance!

Montreal City Mission 15.08.2020

Feel free to join MCM community of friends!

Montreal City Mission 01.08.2020


Montreal City Mission 17.07.2020

Projet Amal Stories of Hope By Nadia Rezkallah .I love people and I love to give back to my community!... As many of you, I had difficult moments during the lockdown ..suddenly, I was closed in our apartment with my husband and 4 small kids..it was not easy at all. However, I thank God that I have a home, family and friends to rely on and spend time with. I came to Montreal in 2017 with 3 kids and my husband. At the beginning I had many challenges and difficulties facing a new world, new tradition, culture and attitude. With the positive energy and the support of my friends, I started a full new life of dreams to realize I started to volunteer in different community organizations in Montreal until I got to know Montreal City Mission and their amazing work and social activitiesI started to feel a sense of belonging to Montreal, I feel more responsibility for what is happening hereI want to add my part to make our city more welcoming for everyone. I feel part of the MCM community and I love to participate in their - our ! - activities and eventsohhh I cook too for these event within the WWD catering and it’s fun to meet others therewhile cooking and after that when I watch the guests eating my food. It’s complete satisfaction! During the Covid-19 lock down, we the WWD women who are part of the sewing circle at MCM - took a decision to help our neighbours face the pandemic and started to make masks for front line organizations. I wanted to show my solidarity with this great country, Canada, and to the Canadian people by making masks. It is not a huge thing but it is my heart's work to show my affection and gratitude to all those who have helped and supported me since my arrival with so much love and kindness, especially Montreal Mission City by giving me the chance to meet new wonderful people. *** Nadia prepared a delicious lentil soup to offer to passers-by at the unveiling of the ‘Homeless Jesus’ sculpture last winter on the St. James Square. Her wise words to a journalist at the time were: We are all part of the human community and need to support one another. Nadia you are certainly an important member of our community and we thank you for your presence, energy and spirit!

Montreal City Mission 27.06.2020

Thanks to a grant from the Greater Montreal Foundation that is allocating federal Covid subsidies, we were able to prepare food baskets for our Muslim friends in celebration of Edi, as well as for those in the wider community in need of some assistance at this time (single moms, seniors & international students). Nous remercions la Fondation du Grand Montréal, le gouvernement fédéral et nos partenaires sur le terrain - Nirmeen & Hosni du ShopDrop - pour leur contribution ...essentiel à ce projet. Sans oublier notre duo dynamique de la McM Anwar et Arwa ! Voici quelques commentaires : Hello Montreal City Mission, Thank you for generously delivering food items at my door. This is a short note to let you know that you put a big smile on my face. I really appreciate your kindness and thoughtfulness about those who are less fortunate. May Allah continue to bless your work and keep y'all safe. Happy EID MUBARAK to y'all. Thank you so much for your kindest services. (international student from Sudan) I am pleased to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation. To Montreal City Mission for all the support And especially thanks to Anwar for his work with newcomers A wonderful institution. Really... I put myself at your disposition for any volunteer work. Hassan (member of our Seasons-Saisons seniors’ group)

Montreal City Mission 19.06.2020

REFUGEE RIGHTS WORKSHOP SERIES We are happy to be working with Beaconsfield United (BUC) in a series of virtual workshops presented to the BUC Nigerian network. The first conference in June with over 100 participants focused on the rights and responsibilities in the field of family law and domestic violence. Conference number two on the refugee claimant process took place this week with once again 100 individuals tuning in.... Many thanks to MCM law intern Kelsey Ayow for organizing this workshop series and to her colleagues who participated in the second conference: Daniela Dobrota, immigration and refugee lawyer, and Robyn McDougall and Allisa Ali, McGill law students; to all the participants for your important questions, resilience and courage and to our friends at Beaconsfield: Shaun, Jen, Temi, Ade and Raphael for bringing us all together. (photo: Kelsey & Robyn)

Montreal City Mission 08.06.2020
