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Morden Adult Education Centre 11.09.2020

Its official! Our grads are all graduated! CONGRATS to everyone! We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGVxLMW1fFo

Morden Adult Education Centre 30.08.2020

And the individual graduations begin!!

Morden Adult Education Centre 17.08.2020

For all the horror movie lovers out there!

Morden Adult Education Centre 30.07.2020

What a cool job opportunity!

Morden Adult Education Centre 27.06.2020

To all heading to RRC for the fall... https://www.facebook.com/806113055/posts/10159710054228056/

Morden Adult Education Centre 20.06.2020


Morden Adult Education Centre 01.06.2020

Seriously considering!! Lol... missing everyone so much!

Morden Adult Education Centre 13.05.2020

Wishing everyone a wonderful Easter! We may not be able to see family and spend it as we usually do but we sure hope you are able to find time to care for yourself and enjoy the time you have. We are back in action on Monday!

Morden Adult Education Centre 27.04.2020

Good morning everyone! Welcome back! We are functioning again and I hope everyone had a great spring break. I am in several meetings online today navigating the provincial requirements for how everyone gets credits... kind of important!! I will have more information soon for you and apologize for any stress. This is an uncertain time and I want to find out as much information as possible so I can put you at ease and let you know exactly how this will look. What I do know at ...this point is that we are expected to continue to facilitate courses until June. Everyone has Modules we have sent home and is working on materials and we will be able to continue accommodating this remotely. If you have questions, dont hesitate to contact us.

Morden Adult Education Centre 23.04.2020

Its Spring break which is usually a time of feeling the rush of energy as the growing season begins. Instead, Im sad to be reporting that the Provincial Government has suspended classes indefinitely at this point and we are unable to resume class this year unless something changes drastically. The Ministry of Education and our funding agency Adult Learning and Literacy are working rapidly to determine how credits will be designated. At this point, everyone is expected to c...ontinue through their coursework independently as we will support you from a distance. We are here to help you and have tools to do it, even if it means Zoom meetings, FaceTime and phone calls. I recognize that this is easier said than done. You have kids at home and many have bigger fish to fry right now. We are here to support you and have those conversations about what navigating this looks like. Right now, we just need more information which we will likely not have until next week because it is spring break. Im so sad that this is the news we have received as Ive been itching to get back in the classroom with you guys. Its the part of my job I truly love the most. Im so sad its suddenly over for the year. Im going to hunker down in the meantime and try to be fully present with my family and fill my tank so Im able to serve everyone better when we get back on the 6th. We can and will do this. Sending much love to you all. "In every crisis, doubt or confusion, take the higher path - the path of compassion, courage, understanding and love." Amit Ray

Morden Adult Education Centre 09.04.2020

Good afternoon everyone. I know many of you have heard that school is cancelled indefinitely and I want to assure everyone that we are going to make it through this. Adult Ed is a different creature and we will figure this out. We are awaiting further information from Adult Learning and Literacy and Western School Division and will let you know more about what this will look like when we know more parameters around this indefinite closure. We will be back from Sprinf break ...and working as of Monday, April 6th. Sending love and strength to you all as we navigate this together K

Morden Adult Education Centre 20.03.2020

Good Day everyone! We continue to be in contact with students about courses as we move through our "classwork" independently. We realize this is less than ideal, but we want to support everyone to be successful. Please do be in contact with our staff. We are regularly dropping off and picking up materials so you are able to keep moving forward. ... Together is better and we will get through this. I have enjoyed being in touch with people, even if it is at 10:00 at night. Sending love and strength to everyone <3

Morden Adult Education Centre 14.03.2020

Hello all! We have set up a station outside of the Centre to accommodate pick up and drop of of materials. Please text us and let us know what you need and what you are dropping off so we can facilitate your continued progress, if you have any questions, dont hesitate to email [email protected] and she can distribute information accordingly or contact your tutor/ teacher directly. We will be working from home next week and available during the hours of 9 to 4.... Wishing you all a safe and healthy period of isolation!

Morden Adult Education Centre 04.03.2020

Snicker snicker

Morden Adult Education Centre 18.02.2020

Hello English Class! Im out with this virus (not the corona kind!) and my littlest has it too. Carmen will be filling in for me today. You will be receiving a booklet of work today with descriptions of the assignments, but I will be helping to give you guidance on this. You will not be completing the first 2 pages but instead going directly to selecting a novel. I will upload the course booklet to the folders on Edmodo. If you are unable to reach them, please do connect wit...h me and I will try to send the file to you directly. 1. Selecting a Novel There will be copies of all the memoirs we have around the center to accommodate appropriate social distancing. You will watch a video I made for you (Yay screencasting!!) https://youtu.be/2kw1oGE_2iQ. * If you are working remotely, I can send you a list of further novels. Google them and see what you are interested in. You can come into the centre to grab one, we can leave it in the dropbox with your name on it, or you can get a copy from GoogleBooks or iBooks if you wish. 2. "Fix Up Strategies" by Cris Tovani For this part of class, you will be required to "shrink the text" (essentially picking out the main idea) for the 11 strategies identified in the article from your Booklet. Use the Document titled "Shrink the Text- Fix up strategies" to guide this activity. Find the Google doc at https://docs.google.com//1s_FBklj5dneH53IsXhCZKVDqqY/edit You can make a copy of this file or download it as a word doc and complete it. Save it as; Memoir_shrinkthetext_studentname Then email it to me or share it if you complete it on google docs 3. There is a BEFORE READING component to your Double Entry Journal (DEJ). Carmen will explain the DEJ and how it works then you must complete the BEFORE reading component BEFORE you read. You have 2 options for completing the double entry journal: You can do it in a new scribbler specifically used for this unit only OR You can use a google doc titled "Google Doc Double Entry Journal Template" https://docs.google.com//1W0eAOAGF2-UZUnOekuCkNVd6Ww/edit If you are working remotely, call me and we can chat to clarify any confusion. These responses in your DEJs are evaluated similarly to responses we have done in class already with regards to their IDEAS and DETAILS. You need to be thorough and incorporate both details from the text and your own ideas effectively to get full marks. Once you have completed your before reading entry in your DEJ, divide your book into 5 sections. You will create 5 responses per section. You would be smart to avoid starting reading until Fridays class. I will go over response types and entries on Friday so you have a good idea what is expected before you start reading. If you start reading without being familiar with how to track responding, it can get to be an overwhelming task. Thank you for your patience everyone and I wish you good health and a sense of calm in the midst of this storm <3 K

Morden Adult Education Centre 02.02.2020

Hello all! In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Manitoba is taking precautions to prevent the spread of this virus. All schools in Manitoba will be closed effective Mon. Mar. 23rd until Fri. Apr. 10th. School will resume on Mon. Apr. 13th. To our beloved students, we are working on how to support you during those 2 weeks so that we can ensure you are able to continue on your courses at a reasonable pace. Classes are still on for Monday and we will know more at that time. Wishing everyone a quiet, healthy weekend <3

Morden Adult Education Centre 27.01.2020

A beautiful opportunity to encourage others

Morden Adult Education Centre 11.01.2020

For all you future LPNs!!

Morden Adult Education Centre 13.12.2019

Semester 2 begins tomorrow morning! We are so excited to get started. In just 4.5 months, it will be grad season again! Semester 2 begins tomorrow morning! We are so excited to get started. In just 4.5 months, it will be grad season again!

Morden Adult Education Centre 27.11.2019

Sometimes, #children who have issues self-regulating or who regularly fall off their chairs or who are in constant motion or who have uncommon troubles with ...toilet training may be having #sensory difficulties that need to be compassionately recognised and addressed. Weve all heard of the 5 senses. Yet there are actually 8 senses that are part of the sensory system in the body. Unfortunately, 3 of them are virtually unheard of, not just because they are hard to explain and pronounce, but also because they only come up when theres a problem. Another reason many have not heard of sensory processing or integration issues confined to the additional 3 senses is because of a debate that continues to unfurl in the wider clinical community. Sensory processing disorder is not included among the conditions spelled out in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), the guide used by psychiatrists and many other clinicians including pediatricians, psychologists, and social workers in diagnosis. It is occupational therapists (OTs) who first theorised that sensory processing and sensory integration issues are a source of distress for many children and their families. Many issues still progress unrecognised as they cannot be diagnosed with any disorder in the DSM. Yet it is indisputable across the disciplines that identifying sensory issues and working with an OT helps many children become calmer and better regulated. Debates put aside, its clear that all parents and educators who wish to optimise childrens physical development should have a recognition of a childs 8 developing senses, and not just limit #play and learning opportunities to the realms of #sight, #sound, #smell, #taste and #touch. The other 3 senses and how to recognise problems with them are explored below. #VESTIBULAR SYSTEM The vestibular system includes the parts of the inner ear and brain that help control balance, eye movement and spatial orientation. It helps keep you stable and upright. It is the leading system informing us about movement and position of head relative to gravity. Our movements include two positions rotations and linear directionality. It sends signals primarily to the neural parts of the #brain that control our eye movements, and that keep us balanced and upright. #PROPRIOCEPTION The proprioceptive system senses the position, location, orientation, and movement of the body muscles and joints. Proprioception provides us with the sense of the relative position of neighbouring parts of the body and effort used to move body parts. Proprioception is activated by input to a proprioceptor in the periphery of the body. The proprioceptive sense combines sensory information from neurons in the inner ear (detecting motion and orientation) and stretch receptors in the muscles and the joint-supporting ligaments for stance. Because of proprioception, if you raise your hand, you know that your arm is over your head. You dont have to think about it or look in a mirror. Kids who have trouble with the vestibular sense or proprioception could struggle with motor skills in a number of ways. They may seem awkward and clumsy. An activity like running or even going up and down stairs may be hard for kids who have difficulty knowing how their body is oriented and whether its stable. They may move slowly or avoid activities that are too challenging. They may not know their own strength and use more muscles than they need for simple tasks, breaking pencil tips, ripping pages or giving overenthusiastic hugs. They may not like physical activities that other kids find fun. For example, they may not feel safe on the swings because theyre not getting the sensory input that tells them theyre securely seated. They may be in constant motion, bump into things or seem out of control. When kids dont get enough feedback from the sensory system, they may exaggerate their movements to get the information they need from the environment. When they walk down a hallway, they may knock into the wall to feel more anchored. They may kick their legs under their desk for the same reason. They may love physical activity like doing flips off the diving board or just jumping up and down. #INTEROCEPTION Interoception refers to sensations related to the physiological/ physical condition of the body. Interoceptors are internal sensors that provide a sense of what our internal organs are feeling. Hunger and thirst are examples of interoception. It detects responses that guide regulation, including hunger, heart rate, respiration and elimination. The stimulation is detected through nerve endings lining the respiratory and digestive mucous membranes, and it works alongside the vestibular and proprioceptive senses to determine how a person perceives their own body. Well-modulated interoception helps the person detect sensations normally. For example, if a person feels their heart pounding, while it is not comfortable, trauma from the stimulation is not likely; nor will the stimulation be craved. The same is true for hunger and thirst, as well as the feeling of the need to urinate or have a bowel movement. Kids who struggle with the interoceptive sense may have trouble knowing when they feel hungry, full, hot, cold or thirsty. Having trouble with this sense can also make self-regulation a challenge. Most of us know if were hungry, full, hot, cold, thirsty, nauseated, itchy or ticklish. For kids with sensory processing issues, the brain may have trouble making sense of that information. They may not be able to tell when theyre feeling pain or when their bladder is full. An itch may feel like pain or pain may feel ticklish. Kids who struggle with the interoceptive sense can also have trouble feeling their emotions. They may not be as tuned in to the body cues that help interpret emotion. Without being able to feel and interpret those body sensations, its harder to clearly identify the emotion. For instance, a child may not feel fear because they dont recognise that their muscles are tense, their breathing is shallow and their heart is racing. Kids who are under-responsive to interoceptive sensory input may not feel or respond to sensations when they should. They may take longer than other kids to learn to use the toilet or have more frequent accidents. They may not eat as often as others because they may not feel hunger or thirst. WHAT CAN YOU DO? If you suspect your child has sensory processing issues, consider having them evaluated by an occupational therapist (OT) who specialises in sensory integration. Follow the instructions from your therapist and spend some quality time together having fun. With vestibular sense or proprioception, you may find yourself helping your child complete activities that give them opportunities to use their arms and legs at the same time. Encourage your child to spend time in free play. Make a home obstacle course, show them how to do a push-up, or just have them help rake leaves and carry groceries. With interoception, you may find that a therapist directs your child more towards mindfulness activities like meditation, which can help kids be more aware of interoceptive sensations in their bodies. Heavy work (activity that pushes or pulls against the body) or a sensory diet may be helpful as well. The point is to give your child the sensory input that they need to feel in control of their body. When they gets this information, it will help them feel more stable and focused. One of the reasons that children so naturally want to fidget, jump, balance, climb, and run around with each other is because of their natural instincts to develop all of their 8 senses as they grow. Over time, most kids will figure out their own strategies to work around their weaknesses and play to their strengths. https://childmind.org/a/the-debate-over-sensory-processing/ https://www.misophoniainternational.com/you-have-8-senses-/ https://www.understood.org//interoception-and-sensory-proc https://www.understood.org//how-sensory-processing-issues- #neurochild #giftedness #letthemplay

Morden Adult Education Centre 15.11.2019

Welcome back everyone! We are open today at 9 after a wonderful holiday break. I hope everyone is well rested and ready to start 2020. If the new year has you itching to explore what a Mature High School diploma might look like for you, give us a call and book an appointment to come in so we can examine what your educational path would look like. ... See you soon!

Morden Adult Education Centre 09.11.2019

Welcome to 2020! May you take the time to reflect on what to be grateful for from this past year, and also to examine the learning and growth that came with the tough stuff. Wishing everyone health and happiness in 2020.

Morden Adult Education Centre 03.11.2019

Today we dropped off Christmas cookies at some special community spots including Morden Fire and Rescue, Morden Police Service, Morden Library, and Western School division office. Merry Christmas to all from the staff and students at MAEC!

Morden Adult Education Centre 31.10.2019

Yesterday at our Interagency meeting in Morden, we started talking about several problem areas in our community, specifically food security, lack of affordable housing, and transportation. The Hub cant keep up, Caring and Sharing is constantly running, and Many Hands is doing beautiful community meals. The volunteers in these positions do such great work and we are so appreciative. But yet its hard to keep up with the overwhelming demand. The city of Morden is progressive... and carries out their planning with purpose and intelligence. They are working on so many great things in 2020 and Im excited to see them unfold. Every time I see these tiny houses, my heart feels there is a place for something like this in our community. Im curious of everyones thoughts. What do you think of a tiny house village? Is it a good idea or a bad one?

Morden Adult Education Centre 25.10.2019

2 weeks until students get a break for Christmas!! Keep on trucking everyone and try to pause and cultivate a sense of peace and gratitude this holiday season. It is too easy to get caught up in the preparations and material stuff this time of year. Breathe in. Breathe out. What is something you are thankful for this holiday season?

Morden Adult Education Centre 19.10.2019

Such a great opportunity! And perhaps these seminars could be used towards health hours for a PE Credit??

Morden Adult Education Centre 10.10.2019

The other morning, Todd, Carmen, myself and some students had a morning chat in the centre that started with liquor store robberies and what systems need to be in place to stop this trend, but moved into a much larger picture conversation of how to stop crime. We all had different opinions about how this should be dealt with and come from totally different backgrounds with diverse personalities. However, we had a great conversation that was respectful and nobody ended up fee...ling put out. We all felt heard and happily went about our day. This seems like a tough thing to do these days. Everyone has opinions but many of us dont like to hear others ideas without getting offended. This goes for those who are left and right aligned politically, as well as everyone in between. This article aligned beautifully with my thoughts, and though it was not agreed upon by everyone, that is okay. It still has points worth listening to, even if you feel a tough on crime approach is the only answer. K

Morden Adult Education Centre 22.09.2019

Know any 13 19-year-olds? Their art could be featured in an amazing outdoor exhibition at The Forks in Winnipeg next summer.

Morden Adult Education Centre 09.09.2019

"Today was a Difficult Day," said Pooh. There was a pause. "Do you want to talk about it?" asked Piglet.... "No," said Pooh after a bit. "No, I dont think I do." "Thats okay," said Piglet, and he came and sat beside his friend. "What are you doing?" asked Pooh. "Nothing, really," said Piglet. "Only, I know what Difficult Days are like. I quite often dont feel like talking about it on my Difficult Days either. "But goodness," continued Piglet, "Difficult Days are so much easier when you know youve got someone there for you. And Ill always be here for you, Pooh." And as Pooh sat there, working through in his head his Difficult Day, while the solid, reliable Piglet sat next to him quietly, swinging his little legs...he thought that his best friend had never been more right." Sending our thoughts to those having a Difficult Day today and hope you have your own Piglet to sit beside you

Morden Adult Education Centre 20.08.2019

If someone is looking for volunteer hours, this is a great opportunity!

Morden Adult Education Centre 07.08.2019

A great career for those interested In policing! https://www.facebook.com/job_opening/411384602870532/?source=share

Morden Adult Education Centre 02.08.2019

Financial Counselling is this coming Wednesday Oct. 30th! Contact 1-888-5732383 ext. 211 to make your appointment.