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Soulful Surrender 06.06.2021

We all come here with a blueprint. I call this the Soul’s Blueprint. How do you know what your Blueprint is? One hint points to what you’ve most struggled with. The patterns that keep showing up. Go into those deeply. See what the FEELING is within those patterns. What is the potential in that feeling? What might its opposite look like...feel like? Stay tuned for my upcoming online course on Mapping The Blueprint of the Soul...For more information, please visit my website at: www.annjarvis.ca Subscribe if you would like to be kept in the loop on registration for this and other upcoming courses!

Soulful Surrender 23.05.2021

Turn off the news and start investigating within yourSELF what feels right and what feels off. Dr. Paul Weaver, former Professor of Political Science at Harvard University stated, The news media and the government are entwined in a vicious circle of mutual manipulation, mythmaking, and self-interest. Journalists need crises to dramatize news, and government officials need to appear to be responding to crises... Too often, the crises are not really crises but joint fabricati...ons. The two institutions have become so ensnared in a symbiotic web of lies that the news media are unable to tell the public what is true and the government is unable to govern effectively. How, when we have a news media that exists in a culture of lying, can intelligent people still follow their messaging as if it's remotely accurate? Well, the reality is that most people don't realize that they've outsourced their thinking to their television. The news uses very simple, yet effective, means to bypass logic & influence even the most intelligent viewer. They do this by connecting with more primitive parts of the human brain that respond to fear, uncertainty, & emotion. By leveraging basic psychology (using fear & uncertainty), you can instigate activity in the limbic brain, amygdala, etc. and literally bypass the more discerning prefrontal cortex. Not only does this lead to illogical reactions to what they see on the news, it's very difficult to turn it off. And I'm not talking about the television, I'm talking about the fear response in the body. According to a study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, people who were instructed to watch just 15 minutes of the news had increased levels of anxiety & total mood disturbance. And, the most shocking part is, even after distracting the participants with another activity after watching the news, they were not able to return to their baseline levels of emotion they were at pre-watching the news. The news literally stuck with them and changed their mental and emotional state. In our current health epidemics, the media has 10X'd their efforts of fear & control. And even with their manipulative tactics being exposed, people still don’t question their motives. Unplug now and take back control of your mind.

Soulful Surrender 14.05.2021

"We are no doubt at a very critical point in time. Our world hangs in the balance, and a precarious balance it is. Awakening to Reality is no longer a possibility; it is an imperative. We have sailed the ship of delusion about as far as she can carry us." ~ Adyashanti

Soulful Surrender 08.05.2021

All of our beliefs have been adopted from the culture and ancestry around us. They're not even 'our' beliefs. We've heard the same tokens over and over again and we've taken them to be truth. But here is the shocker of a lifetime. There is no such thing as a true belief. In fact, there is no such thing as a true thought.... Life just IS. Any beliefs or thoughts about Life are judgments, interpretations...attempts to keep the self safe and right and okay and defended. How exhausting!!!! You don't need to be shackled by these beliefs. You can be totally FREE to simply meet Life as it meets you; without any need for judgment or interpretation. No story or life situation is right or wrong. It simply is. There is great freedom in that.

Soulful Surrender 01.05.2021

Right now, more then ever, it is imperative to listen to your own intuition over all of the noise in the world. Listen to YOU...you can't go wrong.