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Motivated Movement Personal Training 03.01.2021

Never underestimate the power of surrounding yourself with like-minded positive people. . Our motivation can’t stay high all the time, that’s not human nature. It’s normal to need a push, a shove, or a firm kick in the butt from time to time. . My best advice is to surround yourself with people who have the energy & attitude that you want and enjoy in your life.... . When I got more into running, I joined running groups to keep me motivated & focused and meet some fun ppl (many are lifelong friends now). . When I wanted to grow my business, I attended business workshops, joined groups (online and in person) that put me in the company of some inspiring and collaborative people. . When I was training for the half Ironman, I joined online groups & forums for training advice and support that I knew I needed to stay the course during training. . If you want to get stronger, learn how to strength train properly & have support & encouragement to help you get consistent, join #theladiesliftingclub. . We’re starting on Monday and I have just a spot or two left for someone to jump in and join this special group . Click the link below for full details and to snag that last spot. . #strongwomenlifteachotherup . See more

Motivated Movement Personal Training 28.12.2020

Why do I even care if you strength train or not? . Because I’ve seen it transform my life and I want you to feel good about your body in a way that’s not linked to a number a scale gives you. . Because the confidence that I’ve gained with weights has cascaded into my life and helped me build my own business, navigate through some tough life storms (so far), with the knowledge that I can do tough things and make it through, my body & mind is up for the challenge. I know you’re... capable of making an impact in the world too and I believe the spark can be lit with good health and a healthy dose of confidence. . Because I know how much my stress is deflated when I focus on myself and my health and park any nagging issues I’m over-thinking to the side for 30-40 or 60 minutes. I want to help you build a healthy outlet for stress management too. . Because I hate to admit it, but there’s lots of bad trainers and bad advice on the interwebs, and I want to be a trusted voice for you. I want to help you learn & know good form, know why you’re doing an exercise and what benefit it may bring to your life, and answer any questions you may have, especially all the ones you feel silly asking. . I truly care about the Ladies in my #ladiesliftingclub and I’d love for you to join our crew. . Just a couple spots left and we start on Monday. Jump and get your self registered and organized - let’s see what we can do together in 2021 See more

Motivated Movement Personal Training 24.12.2020

#theladiesliftingclub v2.0 is starting next Monday and I can’t wait to see what sort of progress this amazing group of women accomplish in the next 12 weeks. . I asked the women who joined me for the first iteration of the LLC last fall what their biggest win(s) were from the past 12 weeks and some of the comments were: . Consistency! 12 weeks later and they are still sticking to the schedule and workouts. This was a consistent comment from all the members.... . Going from not being able to do 1 push up to being able to do 3 sets of 15. This brings tears to my personal trainer eyes. . Seeing visual & practical progress with their strength. From practical uses around the home (and farm life) to going from using soup cans as weights in the beginning of the pandemic to being able to use dumbbells for full overhead shoulder presses (following a pretty substantial accident the year prior). . Hip pain that was present for the past year is gone and now she can finally return to running again! . A couple husbands have even seen their partners focus on their health and decided to get in on it too. Although you should always keep your eyes on your goals and not push them on others, the domino effects of health & fitness are my favourite For me to be able to offer the type of support & training I want to provide, I am keeping this group small, however I do have space for a couple women to join in. The LLC is for you if: You'd like to strength train, you know you should be doing it, but you really don't know where to start. You might be pretty inconsistent or just jump around from one workout to another.You've never tried a structured strength training program before but you're curious to see if this could really help you improve your strength. . For more details on what’s included, what type of equipment you need to get started and other questions > click the link below. . Or shoot me a dm and let’s chat. Happy to answer any questions you might have to see if this is the right fit for you. .

Motivated Movement Personal Training 12.12.2020

I’ve been dreading today for the past 10 months. . I woke up with the familiar feelings of anxiety setting in. . A lump in the back of my throat.... My heart rate elevated. My digestive system out of whack. The feeling of tears brimming juuuust below the surface. If the coffee shop barista would’ve asked how my day is going, it would’ve been too much to stop the flood gates from flying open. . As a PT every year we need to get a CPR recertification and I knew that this year would be triggering for me due to a horrific incident last spring where we lost a dear friend and client. . People have asked me to share mental health strategies so I’m going to share what I do to manage anxiety. Doesn’t mean it’ll work perfectly for you, as we’re all unique with our own situations and personal history, but if what you’ve been doing isn’t working, it may be worth a try. . I focus on what I can effect & change. . I can categorize those things I had no effect over and sort-of parcel them off to the side seeing as they’re out of my control and relieve myself of worrying about those things. , In this case they were: * the fact that I need to retake this course, I can’t change that. *the timing of the course. It has to happen annually and mine expires Jan 7th, so there’s no room for further procrastinating. *the efffects of the traumatic situation and its permanent impression in my brain and memory. I wish it didn’t happen, but it did. . What I can control: *where I do the course. I found an empathetic trainer who agreed to do a semi-private course. *Who I surround myself with. I reached out to other trainers and ppl in my network who would understand if I was triggered by the content and started to cry or get upset. This reduced anxiety greatly vs being in a room with strangers. *my actions before and after the course - the morning was slow and calming. Afterwards I planned to go for a run or walk to clear my head and also clear the emotions that had stirred up inside me. Movement & fresh air is SUCH and effective tool for this imo. * practice gratitude...always. As I was doing chest compressions on the mannequin, I brought my thoughts back to gratitude. I am grateful I have this skill set, although it doesn't always work. I am privileged to be able to educate myself to try and save someone's life. I am grateful that so many people jumped in without hesitation. I am grateful that despite the pandemic and challenges on top of challenges last year, I have my health...and how can I not be grateful for that? See more

Motivated Movement Personal Training 03.12.2020

Spent the morning filming exercises for the second iteration of the #ladiesliftingclub. . I launched this online strength training community back in October and 10 women have been working with me, being hella consistent, building strength, challenging themselves and supporting each other in this awesome community. . It’s been so good I’ve decided to do another 12 weeks starting Jan 11th.... . You get two new workouts every 4 weeks (access to them via an app so you always have little videos like this of me reminding you of proper form), as well as a 1:1 session with yours truly to refine the program as needed for you. I can offer variation depending on what equipment you have access to, where your fitness level is at, and watch your form to provide feedback so you know you’re doing the moves correctly. . Sure there are 1001* online workouts and trainers but this is different because it’s with me . I’m available in the private group all week for questions, feedback or just a high five or push of encouragement when you need it. It’s not another mass-produced workout that has you jumping like a busy bee from one thing to the next. . We learn the movements and exercises then stick with them for a month and it’s soooo fun to see the progress that comes with that consistency. . I’m also stupidly passionate about helping women lift weights and realize just how strong they are, and that passion inevitably rubs off . Click the link below for full details. . Most of the 2020 crew is continuing on for 2021, so I just have space for a couple more to join in. Send me a dm if you’re interested or have any questions. . See more

Motivated Movement Personal Training 14.11.2020

My pants were feeling a bit loose lately so I jumped on the scale because I was curious. I haven’t weighed myself since July or August. It’s a data point, that’s all. It’s interesting to refer to it periodically but I don’t live my life by it. . I’ve lost a couple pounds... . Considering I eat chocolate every day, haven’t cut back my alcohol consumption , haven’t really changed my nutrition habits, I can chalk it up to three things that you may not be prioritizing if th...e scale isn’t budging: . 1. Stress management- it’s a hella stressful time these days..and I fall on the stress eater end of the spectrum so my priorities have been lots of sleep, usually in bed by 10, 11pm max. Slow mornings if possible with a walk with my dog, a coffee and some time for journaling and meditation. . 2. Movement (outside of workouts). This means lots of steps and walks, and because many of you are in a state of perpetual work from home life, this means you have to put in a fair bit of effort to add walks and more movement into your daily routine. . 3. Consistency- Be consistent with the habits that best serve your health, regardless of what the scale says. Be consistent even when life feels upside down. Consistent for me also means I have sweets or a dessert most days a little here and there doesn’t make me feel like I’m on a diet (cause hey...I’m not ), I’m just living my life, eating veggies cause my body needs them, moving my body because it needs that, and putting more intentional energy into stress management, good sleep and finding moments of calm in this storm of life. See more

Motivated Movement Personal Training 03.11.2020

The biggest hurdle is often getting out the door. . So take these tips to help you get going. . Commit to 15 15 min of a walk, a run, yoga, or a workout. You don’t have to do more. If at 15 min you’re pooped, exhausted and just want to go home, do it. But my money is on the fact that once you get going, you’ll realize this is just what you needed.... . Make it easy If I know I want to go for a run in the am, I leave my gear out so I don’t have time to double think it in the am when I’m rummaging around for clothes. I pop my sports bra on first thing, it’s very unlikely I’ll go back to bed once I have that on. . Imprint it in your head we are often sitting down when snacking/ eating and can think about how that food is making us feel good, but when working out, walking or doing a yoga stretch we don’t take the same time to be mindful and think about how good that feels. Do it, think about it, imprint it in your memory and draw on that next time you need a lil boost to get going. . Be grateful I’m willing to bet you have someone in your life (or had) that would love to have the ability to move their body, the way you can. Don’t take it for granted, do it for them, but also for you . See more

Motivated Movement Personal Training 31.10.2020

What you see: Happy girl and a happy pup Gorgeous blue bird day and stunning sun rays Enjoying life being active outside .... What my brain tells me: Why didn’t you turn your body a bit, that’s not a flattering angle. Your arm and belly look big in this picture Your hair is all weird and wingy . A reminder that those negative thoughts float around in our heads all the time. Don’t listen to them. Don’t give them any thought or weight. Let them pass out, just as the they pass in. . Just like the few whispy clouds on this perfect day. . No one is noticing your flaws, so why focus so much on them. There’s so many other things in life that deserve your attention . See more

Motivated Movement Personal Training 21.10.2020

A fresh month and an opportunity to reflect back on the previous 31 days and then ahead to the next 30. . At the start of each month I set some time aside and do a little personal reflection & journaling ( prompted by my beloved @passionplanner). . Take some time today and journal your answers to the following questions:... . 1 What super awesome things happened/ did you accomplish last month? . 2 What challenges did you face? . 3 what did you hope to do, but didn’t? . 4 If those things are still important to you now how can you shift your time this month to make them a priority? . 5 What people or experiences are you grateful for? . 6 List 1 to 2 things (max) that you can commit to focusing on daily, for the next 30 days. . 7 What’s one nice and unexpected thing you can do for someone else this month? . If you plan to spend some time journaling and reflecting (either with my prompts or your own system) drop some stars in the comments . See more

Motivated Movement Personal Training 18.10.2020

I remember going into a gym yeaaars ago and the membership salesperson asked me what my goal was? . My answer: I really like to eat, so I need to workout . While the above statement is true, I do really love food, it also shows exactly what phase I was in with my health journey.... . Working out was something I HAD to do, to earn the right to eat the foods I love. Blah that gives me the heebie jeebies just typing that. . I had no idea that movement could actually feel good. I could be doing it because I was lucky to have a body that could move AND wanted to move (we are actually wired for movement. The sedentary life so many of us find ourselves in is a learnt habit). . I didn’t realize I could use it as a tool to help manage stress and process the waves of challenges that life throws our way. . I had no idea all the self confidence and self efficacy that was to be found in strength training. . If you’re still in the phase of earning your calories or working off an indulgent weekend (or covid year ), msg me and let’s chat. . It’s a super fun place to be at when you love movement and all it can do for you, mentally and physically, AND you can eat all the foods you love, without feeling like you’re in a binge, off track, or treating yourself . See more