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M. Thorpe & Associates Inc. 20.06.2021

Mediation is the process of resolving conflict outside of court, whether it involves family members, staff within an organization, or entire communities. At M. Thorpe & Associates, we have mediated hundreds of situations throughout Canada and the United States for federal and provincial institutions, Aboriginal communities, Child and Family Services, and much more. Our practice combines general negotiation concepts with a transformational approach, encouraging participants... to examine their past history with conflict and uncovering what is at the root of the current conflict situation. The benefits of mediation include: cost-effectiveness, saving time, and authentic conversation that leads to long-lasting resolution. If you believe that mediation may help you or your organization, contact M. Thorpe & Associates at (519)-708-8578 or visit https://mthorpe.com/ for more information. #Mediation #ChangeYourMindset #ValueYourself #LiveInspired

M. Thorpe & Associates Inc. 08.06.2021

My name is Matt Thorpe. I am the Founder and Senior Director of M. Thorpe & Associates Inc., an Indigenous company committed to conflict resolution, learning circles, and coaching services. I am a First Nation person from the school of Hard Knocks. I am driven by commitment, integrity and authenticity to ensure the success of all of the work that I facilitate. With over twenty-five years of experience in the world of training, entrepreneurship, mediation, workplace restora...tion/facilitation and coaching, I have developed a powerful and dynamic approach that quickly shifts individuals into the space of profound self-awareness, authentic resolution, and powerful transformation. For more information, visit my website: https://mthorpe.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch #MThorpeAndAssociates #Growth #SelfCare #Authenticity #BelieveYouCan

M. Thorpe & Associates Inc. 19.05.2021

We all have the ability to commit to a new future or to stay stuck in our current state of suffering, thinking all of our problems would be solved if only we could remove something from the past to make us worthy and/or add something to make us better for the future. We can keep chasing our tails or we can choose to step out of the illusion and commit to the process of changing our patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving right NOW. The only thing you need to do to exper...ience inner peace and fulfillment NOW is to clear out your unproductive thought patterns and emotional baggage and rewire new patterns. If you are thinking, feeling, and behaving the same ways as you were yesterday, then today will start to look very similar to yesterday. Tomorrow when you wake up, if you again think, feel, and behave in the same ways and this goes on day after day, your familiar past will become your predictable future. You will wake up in five years from now and you will still be thinking, feeling, and doing the same things. Most people want to make changes in their lives, whether it be improving their communication, working on their relationships, resolving conflict, enhancing their mental health or taking steps towards reaching their full potential. However, very few people follow through. It takes courage and motivation to start working towards these goals. However, the initiation of working towards these goals is the hardest part. Once we get the ball rolling, it’s much easier to continue progressing. M. Thorpe and associates is committed to supporting and helping you along your path to bettering yourself in any way you desire. Be courageous, take action. Contact us for any information you may need, we would be honoured to be of service to you. Call 519-807-8578 or visit https://mthorpe.com/ for more information.

M. Thorpe & Associates Inc. 07.05.2021

M. Thorpe & Associates is an Indigenous organization that has been developing training programs and providing facilitation, mediation and learning circles for over 25 years. Matt Thorpe and his associates have mediated and facilitated hundreds of conflict situations for numerous departments of the Federal and Provincial governments (including corrections, child and family services and in various justice systems), as well as not-for-profit and private organizations, Indigenous... communities, the Canadian Human Rights Commission, and in educational and healthcare organizations. Cases involved working towards resolution with victims, offenders, members of unions, people in management, human rights complainants, respondents, staff working in various courts, teachers, students, social workers, health care workers and Indigenous family and community members. Each of these cases varied in the number of participants and posed unique challenge. We have provided training programs across Canada and internationally and have coached countless people from all across the world to personal and professional success! See more

M. Thorpe & Associates Inc. 26.04.2021

We specialize in transformative mediation, conflict seminars, justice circles, workplace restoration, training, and life coaching. The mediation and transformational work, which we design and facilitate, calls upon individuals to take risks while being provided with genuine human support and mentorship to assist with the transformation process. Our work is predicated on our team members having acute self-awareness and maintaining a constant commitment to better ourselves. Onl...y through the ability to overcome and understand our own deep-rooted conflicts can we be effective in helping others to achieve this goal. M. Thorpe & Associates provides various forms of dispute resolution, including: Conflict Resolution and Workplace Restoration Services ADR Training program design (needs assessment, design and evaluation of training programs) Executive and Life Coaching Community-based Interventions Family Interventions Online Training Programs and Masterclass programs For more information visit https://mthorpe.com/

M. Thorpe & Associates Inc. 19.04.2021

Resolving family conflict starts with the parents. Children learn behavior and emotional regulation from their parents by modeling their behavior. When parents have ineffective strategies of dealing with conflict, the children are likely to develop similar ineffective strategies. Children see their parents dealing with conflict and integrate their strategies to deal with their future conflict. This can follow them throughout their entire lives. At M. Thorpe and Associates, our approach aims at teaching parents new strategies to deal with conflict in a way that improves communication and re-establishes connection. A reduction in family conflict will not only help your children in the short-term, but will also benefit them for the rest of their lives. Call M. Thorpe and Associates for your free consultation (519-807-8578).

M. Thorpe & Associates Inc. 11.04.2021

Family conflict affects all races and wealth brackets, no family is exempt. Family conflict can be short lived (arguments once in a while) or continuous (daily fighting or abuse). Continuous conflict can greatly affect the family unit. In fact, continuous conflict can be harmful to children’s mental health and can negatively impact school performance, as well as lead to acting out. Family conflict is far from rare. Approximately one third of children are exposed to levels of conflict high enough to put them at risk for future negative consequences. If you’re experiencing conflict in your family and don’t want your children’s future to be impacted, call M. Thorpe and Associates for a free consultation (519-807-8578).

M. Thorpe & Associates Inc. 27.03.2021

A family intervention will help you resolve inner conflicts, tap into your soul, and create the magic that will allow you to establish healthy dynamics in your family. You will learn to face your fears, understand how your story is driving your behavior, and reconnect at a deep level with the people that matter most to you. No matter what the conflict, M. Thorpe & Associates can help your family resolve it and restore harmony. If you’ve lost all hope, call Matt now for your free consultation 519-807-8578

M. Thorpe & Associates Inc. 22.03.2021

Conflicts are present in many family situations and may occur between children, between spouses, and between parents and children. Conflicts develop when there are differences between what people want (their personal needs and goals) and the EXPECTATIONS and stories they hold of each other. Many people avoid real conversations because they believe it may lead to hurt feelings, judgments, or conflict. They may feel the need to protect the person or the relationship. However,... a healthy relationship is being able to have honest conversations. This doesn’t mean you’ll always like what you hear or that you’ll agree on everything, but through healthy communication, there is a much better chance of working together toward a satisfying compromise. If you’re looking for tools to learn to have real conversations that lead to connection and fulfilment, M. Thorpe & Associates can help you. See more

M. Thorpe & Associates Inc. 07.03.2021

A family intervention is a process where family members are led to confront their biggest challenges, both as individuals and as a family. At M. Thorpe and Associates, our interventions are aimed at helping people rise up and set the highest possible standards for themselves. By learning to uncover the misunderstandings and misinterpretations that led to a breakdown in communication, the connection can be re-established and reinforced to a degree that may have once seemed impossible. This process delivers advanced strategies for resolving long-standing, deep-seated conflicts. By redefining problems, individual family members are able to experience intensive personal growth and produce the changes they want in their lives, and most importantly, in their relationships.

M. Thorpe & Associates Inc. 05.03.2021

Leaders are ordinary people who make extraordinary commitments. Many believe leaders are simply born, when in reality, they’ve dedicated themselves to continuous self-improvement and inner expansion over many years. And you too can start showing up to your world right now and start doing what it takes to live powerfully every minute of the day. Many leaders have never received formal training and are relying on the leaders they’ve had in the past as role models (whether good ...or bad). This can lead to feeling under-equipped for the complex challenges involved in today’s leadership roles. We must all ask ourselves if we have the knowledge, awareness and skills necessary to reduce conflict, improve confidence, enhance communication, and increase employee engagement and satisfaction. And if we don’t, we need to be honest with ourselves so we can put our pride aside and get the support we need to be the role models/heroes that those around us need. If you’re looking for powerful and effective leadership training or executive coaching, call M. Thorpe & Associates at 519-708-8578.

M. Thorpe & Associates Inc. 19.02.2021

People who receive life coaching report feeling better about themselves. In addition, studies have shown that having a life coach has been found to reduce procrastination, improve self-empowerment, as well as improving leadership skills and functioning within an organization. Life coaching can also be beneficial in overall mental health and quality of life. Each of us has what it takes to be leaders in our own lives, but all too often we feel uncertain, insecure and we don’t... have the knowledge, tools and skills to manage ourselves, our relationships and our environments. Instead of inspiring ourselves and others to reach our maximum potential, we go back to old destructive habits. Building an awareness of the importance of placing personal leadership FIRST fosters the skills and abilities for leading others. With our coaching services, you will be challenged to create the world you want to live in and be given the tools to overcome the barriers to personal and professional excellence that you’ve been putting in your own way.

M. Thorpe & Associates Inc. 06.02.2021

Are you creating the juice in your life to stimulate you into being the best version of yourself? Are you uplifted and fulfilled every single day, or are you faking it? If you are tired of settling for the status quo and are ready to create an extraordinary life, my life coaching services will motivate you to look at who and what is in your world today. It will push you to reflect on who you are being in your world and to get honest about what you’ve been up to so that you can make the needed shifts in your life. Once you do, you can experience fulfilment, from the inside out.

M. Thorpe & Associates Inc. 01.02.2021

No subject seems more relevant in the world than leadership. We say we need it. We wait for the next leader to arrive. We blame our existing leaders for the current state of affairs. But one must also ask, Who is responsible for leadership? I believe that every individual has some form of leadership responsibility in their personal life and in their work life. Leadership is a subject for everyone. It is only when we muster the courage to face the challenges affecting our ...environment that we begin to move forward into a different space that will bring full self-expression, power and freedom. The challenges we face as individuals, leaders, communities and organizations call on us to be rigorously honest about whom we are being in our lives and in our work and to accept the fact that we are responsible for what is currently happening right now. We are the only ones who have the power to make the needed transformation. Likewise, we must take full responsibility for the future we are creating for ourselves and others. See more