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Locality: Teeswater, Ontario

Website: mwmo.ca/

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MWMO South Bruce 26.01.2022

Our good friends in POW have posted - not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES in the past 24 hours their support and partnership with "We the Nuclear Free North" - yet another anti-nuclear activism group. Far from the first, and likely not the last time they will. A bit on the nose, for a group that likes to play pretend and deny their anti-nuclear position. Nuclear power directly employs more than 1 in 10 workers in Bruce County, and is the single largest employer in the regio...n, almost double the number employed in agriculture. We are calling on POW, and calling specifically on Michelle Stein, Bill Noll, Rita Groen, Matt & Emily Grant, and everyone else in POW to publicly denounce this and other anti-nuclear activist groups. #BruceCountyProud #SouthBruceProud

MWMO South Bruce 19.01.2022

Get your dabbers out! Play along with us as POW lambasts the public discourse with their special flavour of anti-nuclear, anti-participatory, NIMBYism What do you win for a line? Well, nothing, really. We're not in the business of buying public support with a phony "fundraiser" (where are the funds being raised from, POW? #showmethemoney) so all we can offer is a virtual high-five.... Show us your filled cards! It shouldn't take long, really. #SouthBruceProud #PaintItYellow

MWMO South Bruce 07.01.2022

Of all the news outlets, all over North America and the world...they choose a YouTube feed from RussiaToday, complete with "RT is funded in whole or in part by the Russian government. " propaganda disclaimer on the video. A recent letter to the Lucknow Sentinel had the right sentiment for POW: Get real! (https://www.lucknowsentinel.com//letter-to-the-editor-its-) #fearmongering #NIMBY #factsnotfear #SouthBruceProud

MWMO South Bruce 01.01.2022

We've heard a lot, in the past year, about the donations NWMO has made to South Bruce (and other communities in the many years since they began their work) being nothing more than bribes. Today, POW has announced they are starting their own campaign of bribes - sorry, "donations" - which are definitely not bribes, because reasons. The absolutely shameless hypocrisy is astounding.... #showmethemoney #SouthBruceProud #fearmongering #NIMBY

MWMO South Bruce 16.12.2021

The only relevance of this quote is in how POW's anti-nuclear activism will increase the need for dirty fossil fuels, like fracked natural gas. But all they see is "ChEmIcAl WaRfArE" and hop onboard the Fear Train. #fearmongering #SouthBruceProud #NIMBY

MWMO South Bruce 04.12.2021

POW wants to play games with South Bruce politics? We like games. We like games so much, we're making our own. #SouthBruceProud #paintityellow #NIMBY #fearmongering

MWMO South Bruce 22.11.2021

For months, POW-NNW has been flinging crap at anyone and everyone that shows the slightest support for a DGR as being paid off by NWMO. So let's talk money, shall we? Activism campaigns aren't cheap, especially when you're hiring expensive Toronto lawyers, mailing out multiple full-colour brochures to 10000+ people, hiring "prestigious" speakers to make your case at Council meetings, and printing enough garish yellow signs to clog the Teeswater River. POW's got not one, bu...t two online fundraising campaigns going concurrently. The first is a GoFundMe campaign, with an identifiable donor list, showing 13 total donors giving an average of $92.31 per donor - not a bad average, all things considered. The second is on SmallChange.org, with a much higher total of 71 donors, with an average donation of $562.04. Wait, what? Nope, that's no typo. Apparently the people that chose to donate through this platform gave 6 times as much as GoFundMe. And, get this, on smallchange.org there is no identification of who gave money nor how much. $38705 more than on GoFundMe, entirely from unidentified donors who gave way, way more on average than their other campaign. So, POW, let's get real. That's a ton of money from unidentified sources. Who is paying your bills? What strings are attached to these cash infusions? Who, exactly, is inserting themselves into South Bruce municipal politics using POW as a flimsy mask? Show us the receipts. #NIMBY #protectsouthbruce #fearmongering #showmethemoney #PaintItGreen

MWMO South Bruce 03.11.2021

The waste is real. It's already here. And it poses more risk sitting on the surface, adjacent to the lake. It's time to responsibly and safely dispose of it permanently. #fearmongering #NIMBY #PaintItYellow #protectsouthbruce #southbruceproud #factsnotfear

MWMO South Bruce 14.10.2021

#NIMBY #southbruceproud #nuclearpower

MWMO South Bruce 30.09.2021

NWMO is - right now! - conducting borehole drilling to determine the suitability of possible DGR sites. Meanwhile, POW lays it on thick with the fear about not knowing what's going on underground. ... #southbruceproud #PaintItYellow #fearmongering #NIMBY

MWMO South Bruce 15.09.2021

David Wood is an outspoken supporter of POW-NNW, often heard calling for a referendum on the DGR. However, he hasn't always felt that way. When he was a municipal Councillor in a position to make decisions regarding the DGR he wanted to punt the final decision to the federal government, stating that "the implications of such a project are beyond all but the experts in this field". #NIMBY #fearmongering #hypocrisy #protectsouthbruce #southbruceproud #ProtectOurWater #factsnotfear

MWMO South Bruce 30.08.2021

What prevents Toronto from sending their garbage and used tires to South Bruce? A decade of negotiations, impact studies, scientific research, community engagement, licencing, and approval processes, that's what. And we're still not done! #NIMBY #Fearmongering #southbruceproud #protectsouthbruce #protectourwater #paintityellow

MWMO South Bruce 16.08.2021

SMRs! Imported waste! Nuclear weapons! Oh my! Look for bias - Brian Beaton is an active anti-nuclear voice opposing NWMO's DGR in both South Bruce and Ignace. Check the source - NB Media Co-op is a group of special interest activists masquerading as journalists. Oh look, Brian Beaton is listed as a contributor. ... Judge hard - this post is designed to prey on your fears by trying to connect the proposed DGR to American nuclear weapons, with little substantive fact.

MWMO South Bruce 28.07.2021

Grab your toboggans, we're going on a ride down the slippery slope of conspiracies and FUD! #fearmongering #PaintItYellow #NIMBY #southbruceproud #protectsouthbruce #ProtectOurWater