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My Sacred Earth 25.11.2020

We all deserve this, but don't take it for granted.

My Sacred Earth 06.11.2020

From Linda Poff Holistic Health: "If there is something you want to manifest or a wish you want to make, this is the day to set your intentions. So call in your spirit team and open your heart energy field to set an intention for your highest good. Trust your intuition, follow the love and passion in your heart and always remain grateful" Thanks Linda!

My Sacred Earth 02.11.2020

This week’s MESSAGE from MOTHER EARTH is from the Moonology oracle card deck by Yasmin Boland. GIBBOUS MOON You’re very close to achieving your goal... The word gibbous means bulging. What a descriptive word, right? And pulling this card at any time of the month suggests that the situation you’re asking about is bulging with possibility and coming to a peak. But this isn’t an ending card with a neat yes or no answer. Rather, you’re being reminded that some adjustments may yet be required before you get what you want, though you’re certainly on the right track, which is hopefully reassuring for you. However, there is also a sense that the situation is a bit tense, so don’t push too hard one false move and the whole thing could blow! That’s not meant to scare you; it’s just let you know there’s a fuse attached to this situation, so be careful if you choose to light it. Attune to the Moon: I know I’m on the right track. Additional Meanings for this Card: - Now is a good time to review your plans. - Keep the momentum going as you move towards your dreams. - Stay focused. - It’s a good time to start a new project. - You need to get back into good health habits The Teaching: The Gibbous Moon comes at the very end of the lunar cycle, just before the Full Moon. She looks like she’s bulging because she’s almost a Full Moon, so she’s nearly fully rounded. It’s the culmination of the Waxing cycle and, as such, tends to be a rather intense period of the month. No matter when you pull this card, it suggests a very ripe time and a very ripe situation. This week’s Earth Stone is RED CALCITE. - increases energy - uplifts emotions - aids willpower - opens the heart chakra - removes stagnant energy, including constipation, and dissolves blockages - resonates to the base chakra, which it energizes and heals. - alleviates fear, bringing understanding of the source - the vitality of this stone can energize a party At a physical level, Red Calcite heals hip and lower limb problems, loosening up joints, and on a subtle level it removes the blockages that prevent you from stepping forward in your life. (Source: The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall)

My Sacred Earth 01.10.2020

This week’s MESSAGE from MOTHER EARTH is from the Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guides oracle card deck by Steven D. Farmer. Lanna Marie’s Challenge: The message this week may provide a useful method for getting back into a routine of daily meditation if these strange times have caused you to fall out of yours, or, it may be a good suggestion for those who feel they have trouble meditating in the traditional sense. Since Spirit always brings us these messages with divine...Continue reading

My Sacred Earth 17.09.2020

This week’s MESSAGE from MOTHER EARTH is from the Moonology oracle card deck by Yasmin Boland. Such a great message this week, and fitting since the upcoming Halloween full moon is going to be a Blue Moon (a second full moon in a single month, though there are a couple of other definitions of a blue moon). BLUE MOON... Believe in the impossible. As the saying goes, some things happen only once in a Blue Moon. In other words, hardly ever. Drawing this card suggests you’re about to get a rare chance, and that something one-off could well be about to happen. This card is a very positive sign if you’ve felt like you’re hoping for too much, or asking too much of the Universe. Whatever you are asking about well, it might only happen once in a Blue Moon, but it can happen! However, with this rare opportunity before you, it’s important that you believe in it. If you convince yourself that whatever you’re asking about can never go in your favour, then guess what? It won’t go in your favour! Be grateful for this card, which is a reminder to believe in your dreams. Attune to the Moon: I’m lucky! Additional Meanings for this Card: - Miss this chance and it might not come back any time soon. - What happened may only happen once. - The person you’re enquiring about is a rare find. - If you can believe it, you can achieve it. - This situation is unlikely to repeat. The Teaching: There are usually three Full Moons between each equinox and solstice (and vice versa). Sometimes though, we get four Full Moons in a single season. When that happens, the third of the season’s four Full Moons is called a Blue Moon at least that was the original definition of a Blue Moon. These days, it’s popular to use the Blue Moon for the second Full Moon in any calendar month that has two Full Moons. This week’s Earth Stone is PINK TOURMALINE. - an aphrodisiac that attracts love in the material and spiritual worlds - providing assurance that it is safe to love, it inspires trust in love, and confirms that it is necessary to love yourself before you can hope to be loved by others - assists in sharing physical pleasure - disperses emotional pain and old destructive feelings through the heart chakra, which it cleanses - synthesizes love with spirituality - promotes peace and relaxation - connects one to wisdom and compassion - stimulates receptivity to healing energies - balances a dysfunctional endocrine system and treats heart, lungs and skin (place on the heart) (Source: The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall)

My Sacred Earth 30.08.2020

We're over half full and have a few spaces left for tonight! Grab your mat or a chair and light sleeping bag to stay cozy and come absorb some sacred vibrations in the rejuvenating energy of the new moon!

My Sacred Earth 24.08.2020

We're now half full, and though the temperature is forecast to be a bit cooler than it was when we planned the event, it's still going to be a lovely evening! Bring your blanket and join us for some sacred sound!

My Sacred Earth 22.08.2020

Yep - this is pretty accurate.

My Sacred Earth 18.08.2020

This week’s MESSAGE from MOTHER EARTH is from the Native Spirit oracle card deck by Denise Linn. What a beautiful message this week. I just love Denise Linn and the way that spirituality flows through her. The message is certainly divine timing for me personally, including the fact that we experienced some very strong winds (up to 85 km/hr) for several days in a row while up north at my family’s cottage. These were definitely winds of change bringing messages and a major ...Continue reading

My Sacred Earth 31.07.2020

We now have one space open for tomorrow evening. Message us to register and confirm with an e-transfer if you'd like to attend!

My Sacred Earth 12.07.2020

This week’s MESSAGE from MOTHER EARTH is from The Spirit Animal Oracle card deck by Colette Baron-Reid. Before today, we’ve not yet had a repeated card among the eight nature-themed decks that I use for these oracle posts. But five weeks ago, the Lizard Spirit card was drawn as well. I double and triple checked that it was meant to be drawn again for the collective this week, and it was confirmed each time. I intuitively feel that as we plan for and manifest new ways of bei...ng in many aspects of life during this interesting time, that the message bears repeating as a reminder that we have the power to create the life we want and to live out the purpose we’ve come here to share with the world. Also, make sure to look at the water in the background of the photo. Our family of loons was close by during the photo shoot! LIZARD SPIRIT Dream the world into being. Oracle Message: When was the last time you basked in the sun and allowed yourself to daydream, to imagine what might be and who you might become? Lizard Spirit appears when you are called to let your imagination flow and dream something new. Inspiration is available to you now if you are willing to slow down and let your eyes close a little, allowing ideas to dance in your head. What might come into being if you were to pursue your dream? How might you grow and expand if you allowed yourself to dare to believe in the impossible, making it possible first in your dreaming mind and then in the world as you co-create with spirit? Give in to the power of imagination, and soon your dream will become clearer, the steps will reveal themselves, and what was ephemeral will begin to coalesce into form. Dream it and be it Spirit asks you to dare to dream big. This week’s Earth Stone is PYRITE. Pyrite is a powerful protection stone, which shields and protects against all forms of negative vibrations and/or energy, working on the physical, etheric, and emotional levels. It stimulates the intellect and enhances memory, helping to recall relevant information when needed. Pyrite assists one in seeing behind facades, promoting an understanding of that which lies beneath words and actions. The ancient Incas used Pyrite for meditation and divination. Pyrite inspires the universal energies to activate the nourishing energies of the body. It encourages the ideal of health, intellect, and emotional wellbeing. It allows one to recognise the purity of the universe. It can be used in the treatment of bones and in the healing of cell formation. It treats lung disorders and bronchitis and has been used to reduce swelling and fevers. Pyrite aids in the treatment of infective disease, whilst also providing protection from the disease for the caregivers. (Source: https://www.charmsoflight.com/pyrite-healing-properties)

My Sacred Earth 03.07.2020

Only one space left!!!

My Sacred Earth 23.06.2020

This week’s MESSAGE from MOTHER EARTH is from the Flora Healing mini-deck by Rebecca Lefebvre. HYDRANGEA Hydrangea macrophylla... ABSORB One of the most unique qualities of this flora is its show of color based on the soil [in which] it resides. Depending on the pH, Hydrangeas are either blue or pink. There’s no hiding its nutrients. What this flower absorbs it discloses. For those of us who wear our hearts on our sleeves, absorbing and revealing is as customary as breathing. What elements in your life should you refrain from soaking up? How might your outlook improve and your disposition change? This week’s Earth Stone is, once again, HONEY CALCITE. - when paired with Iron Pyrite, Honey Calcite will show the right way to harness and use one’s personal power - encourages responsibility, accountability, and leadership - increases feelings of self-worth and helps one recover from harmful or abusive situations - infuses one with confidence, strength, and courage in order to overcome personal or professional obstacles. - assists in learning new things and developing new skills - provides mental clarity - helps to direct, ground, and focus one’s energies to successfully finish what is needed to complete one’s goals. (Source: Crystals & Jewelry.com https://meanings.crystalsandjewelry.com/honey-calcite/)