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Website: www.PaulaAlphonse.com

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Paula Alphonse 05.07.2021

Your time and energy are not priceless commodities for anyone to tap into. . Be mindful with whom you choose to spend your time with as well as what you give your time and energy to. . Seek people and activities that lift up your soul and spirit! ... #gettingrealwithpaula #boundaries #mentalhealth #wellbeing #hapiness #shapingyourfuture

Paula Alphonse 23.06.2021

Cette semaine à Getting Real with Paula, nous parlons d’accompagnement périnatal avec Jessie Legent. Chaque année, au Québec, près de 23 000 familles sont touchées par le décès d'un bébé. On appelle deuil périnatal le deuil vécu par les parents de bébés décédés pendant la grossesse (in utero), durant l'accouchement ou au cours de la première année suivant la naissance. Cette réalité qui se vit souvent sous silence demeure encore de nos jours un secret trop bien gardé #gettingrealwithpaula #deuilpérinatal #accompagnement #toujoursavecmoi

Paula Alphonse 05.06.2021

Let this sit for a while When people set boundaries with you, it’s their attempt to continue the relationship with you. It’s not an attempt to hurt you. - Elizabeth Earnshaw #gettingrealwithpaula #business #boundaries #boundariesarehealthy #wellbeing #mentalhealth #beinghuman #shapingyourfuture

Paula Alphonse 17.05.2021

This week at Getting Real with Paula, we are talking inclusion with Ania Ursulet. Despite the fact that we can move relatively easily from continent to continent around the world nowadays, the term inclusion still remains to this day a concept we aspire rather than a reality well integrated into our living together .. Although different definitions exist, inclusion means a democratic effort to ensure that all citizens, whether disabled or not, can participate fully in society, on a principle of equal rights. In other words, an inclusive society doesn't leave anyone away. So what would be the thought paths for everyone to fully take their place regardless of their characteristics.

Paula Alphonse 20.04.2021

Cette semaine à Getting Real with Paula, nous parlons inclusion avec Ania Ursulet. En dépit du fait que nous puissions de nos jours nous déplacer relativement facilement d’un continent à l’autre à travers le monde, le terme inclusion demeure encore à ce jour un concept auquel on aspire plutôt qu’une réalité bien intégrée dans notre vivre ensemble. Bien que différentes définitions existent, l'inclusion implique un effort démocratique pour que tous les citoyens, en situatio...n de handicap ou non, puissent participer pleinement à la société, selon un principe d'égalité de droit. En d’autres mots, une société inclusive ne laisse personne à l'écart. Donc, quelles seraient les pistes de réflexion pour que tous et chacun puissent pleinement prendre sa place quelles que soient ses caractéristiques. Donc Soyez des nôtres ce 19 mai@7pm #gettingrealwithpaula #business #inclusion #representationmatters #voicesofchange #shapingourfuture #oneworld #humanseveryday

Paula Alphonse 17.04.2021

Walking away from situations that do not support your own wellbeing IS setting boundaries for how you want to be treated. #gettingrealwithpaula #heartpoweredbusiness #healthyboundaries #mentalhealth #wellbeing #shapingyourfuture #happylife

Paula Alphonse 28.03.2021

This week at Getting Real with Paula, we welcome Bettyna Belizaire who is officially candidate for the municipal elections in the Outaouais sector (Plateau sector). His inauguration took place on May 9 Which wants her to now get your questions. So, in anticipation of our conversation, don't mind putting in the comments below what you care about for the plateau industry. And most importantly, join us this Wednesday, May 12 @ 7 pm to learn more about your candidate.

Paula Alphonse 26.02.2021

As a parent, saying no to our kids becomes our go-to response way to often. And when we combine the pandemic, homeschooling, and remote work, I suspect that some kids might feel that their parents barely hear them out when they come in with a request. So if this somewhat rings true for your household, this article would be of interest to you. #gettingrealwithpaula #business #remotework #families #boundaries #shapingourfuture #strongerfamilies

Paula Alphonse 20.02.2021

Cette semaine à Getting Real with Paula, nous accueillons Bettyna Bélizaire qui est officiellement candidate aux élections municipales dans l’Outaouais (secteur du Plateau). Son investiture a eu lieu le 9 mai. Ce qui veut qu’elle peut maintenant recevoir vos questions. Donc, en anticipation de notre conversation, ne vous gênez pas de mettre dans les commentaires ici-bas ce qui vous tient à cœur pour le secteur du plateau. Et surtout, rejoignez-nous ce mercredi 12 mai @7pm pour en apprendre plus sur votre candidate. #gettingrealwithpaula #communauté #électionmunicipale #shapingourfuture

Paula Alphonse 14.02.2021

I am who I am because of the mothers you showed me how to be a queen and bring other queens up too. Happy Mothers' to all my Queens! Keep passing the baton... Je suis qui je suis grâce à ces mères qui m'ont appris à être une reine qui élève d'autres reines aussi.... Bonne fêtes des mères à toutes les reines dans ma vie! #happymothersday2021

Paula Alphonse 06.02.2021

While knowing the rules is important, it’s not enough to just learn the rules. Kids also need to learn how to set boundaries for themselves and respect those of others. #gettingrealwithpaula #boundaries #settingboundarie #parenthood #raisingkids #shapingyourfuture

Paula Alphonse 03.02.2021

This week at Getting Real with Paula we are talking about sickle anemia. A disease that affects more than 50 million people around the world, mostly in the black population. In Canada, 1 out of 10 black people have the falciform disease gene; and 1 out of 400 children are attained in communities at risk. Join this conversation to learn what living with sickle anemia means and discover how you can change lives too.