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My Personal Muse 29.01.2021


My Personal Muse 17.01.2021

https://youtu.be/IJnEMJ0psQI MyLynn Wow - FASHION DIVA LIVE ON PURPOSE Chinese New Year #gamechangergameon #SandraAlexcaeMoren #2021Colors #MakeupbyMylynn #SelfDiscovery #InstagramMakeupbyMylynn #MakeupClasses #Business #Relationshipships #mypersonalmuse.com #GameChanger #SelfDiscovery #Transformation #Authenticity

My Personal Muse 09.01.2021

Gary Thomas wants to help you take your relationship to the next level! In this free, five-part video series, he will show you how to support, adore, showcase and protect your spouse.

My Personal Muse 30.12.2020

Loving my new Haircut!!

My Personal Muse 18.12.2020

Wow - yes Full Moon at 9 degrees of Leo - reveals - endings are about embracing new beginnings

My Personal Muse 13.12.2020

Video will be available also- Opportunities and Possibilities during these exciting times. Waking up the sleeping lion; fits with this powerful Leo Full Moon! W...e are under huge pressure to evolve and ascend and a lot of individuals are feeling it physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. Have you noticed the winds have been extraordinarily strong some days; and they affect individuals differently. Be mindful of your feelings and emotions that can be dramatic, impactful, and intense on this Full Moon at 9 degrees of Leo on January 28/2021 - the Lion (self-expression) Leadership Empowerment. Personal Boundaries, and Personal Mastery. You are asked to make a stand and embrace your AUTHENTICITY so be transparent, embracing your PERSONAL POWER and understanding it is NOW TIME to have the COURAGE to shine your Divine Light brightly just like this Full Moon shines. These next couple of months will be very eruptive as we are Awakening to Truth and there will be many disclosures it is about FREEDOM; SOVERIGNITY NO ONE OWNS YOU. Detachment and discernment are necessary to keep your power so no victim stance and no allowing any energy vampires in your life. Aquarian energy is mental, and the Leo energy is very much heart energy so it is to balance/integrate the head and heart energy finding resonance. January 28/2021 ready or not - WOW, a time of culmination endings which are new beginnings on this beautiful and powerful Full Moon at 9 degrees of Leo. Time to take a fresh approach on this gorgeous New Moon after the December 21/2021 New Era with the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius initiating a new 20-year cycle in the air signs that rule the mind. Time to create something new as you stand in your power and embrace the Aquarian energy of self-sufficiency, self-resiliency, aligning with the Source/Divine in wholeness and on purpose. With Saturn, Jupiter, Sun, and (Mercury which goes Retrograde on January 30 at 26 degrees of Aquarius until February 11/2021 and then it goes Direct at 11 degrees of Aquarius) we are experiencing a lot of air energy! What are the gifts that you have to offer the world as you are ready to engage at a deeper level on purpose - do you feel you have a mission? The Universe is here to support you as you receive insights with this Full Moon that reveals lights up so you can see; the question is where does this Full Moon shine in your personal Natal Chart? That is the area of your life being activated with creative potential. Step back, observe and be your own witness instead of getting involved (sucked in) to the dramatic situations and overreacting as the emotions are high on a Full Moon. What is being shown to you take notes and write out what you intend to release on this Full Moon. Write it out - take it outside and speak it to the Full Moon and then burn it releasing everything into the ethers. For everyone something will show up depending on your chart and what you are personally working on through the ascension process. Know this too shall pass! As you detach through observation and mindfulness you will not get hooked emotionally and can stay calm and be the observers as you release- an awesome experience of empowerment as usually you would be a mess; very emotional lol. Great time to clear out your closets and desks- declutter, for the new fresh energy. Working on emotional discipline; like physical fitness discipline; only this is spiritual fitness which allows you not to disperse your light/power, to retain it and feel strong and at peace face the fears and challenges consider some resolutions use discernment and detachment. We each have a personal and spiritual responsibility to SELF; and during these times of truth versus non truth walk your path in your truth and allow others to go on their own path. Not your responsibility to be codependent those that see will ascend, and those that do not see are where there are and will stay; choices prioritize yourself nourish the physical and spiritual have confidence and trust in yourself as you align with Divine/Source. Decisions based on your choices align or be brainwashed and indoctrinated! Relationships are being dissolved and people are uncoupling as individuals align with the Divine/Source wake up and stop the drama. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a change. One day you just wake up and know you cannot do this anymore quit a job, decide to move, and move out asking for a divorce. The collective consciousness is very confused so YOU must follow your knowing’s - it is your TRUTH. Connecting more on a conscious level rather than the physical level we are experiencing an interesting evolution in sexual energy. A lot of confusion, fear-based energies, high anxiety because of ascension/conscious evolution and then we are not designed to be locked up and we are having to defend our understanding of our RIGHTS and TRUTH. We have many different levels of consciousness so we have choices and currently family members are uncoupling not just couples. Because you do not live in a fear-based paradigm you are a trigger to them and they cannot understand you. As you ALIGN with the Divine and are infused with LIGHT listening to your intuition and knowing - we are being offered activation/rebooting; so have faith and trust knowing this too shall pass pick your battles drama situations. The true colors of people and situations will be revealed - however, Neptunian energy can be very foggy delusional, and confusing. The big Kahuna archetypal energies of Pluto (since 2007 in Capricorn) Pluto dissolving and deconstructing the societal structures and Uranus (since March 7/2019 in Taurus) erupts and shifts and is pushing you to face your fears (shadow work) and make difficult changes. Big shifts in personal relationships concerning your sex life and finances. Leo is highly creative and sexual energy is creative energy; also, Sun-ruled, so get out there and live. Time to be real honest. As we go through the rebooting process of activations and upgrades will be felt physically as we integrate the energies. Ascension Flu symptoms - nausea, tiredness, confusion, irritable, anxiety, rashes, vertigo, headaches and aches and pains in the body, fever or being cold, sleep issues, feeling disoriented, forgetful, etc.- you may have more to add. This is simply about clearing and releasing old stagnant energies toxins, negativity, or karma that is to be finally freed. This Leo Full Moon is the 2/2 portal and is the way mark between winter solstice and spring equinox - a gateway to Spring. Aquarius energy is about aligning with the Divine, Source, God and connecting with your intuition Mercury is going Retrograde and this year it is all in air signs so the mind rather than the previous water signs emotions over the last few years. The Universe is supporting the big shifts with fate and destiny luck unfolding and the nodal positions. Have patience with self and be gentle as this powerful Full Moon can feel overwhelming with the rebooting. It is important to get clarity with the bright Full Moon revealing the themes for 2021. This is all about YOU, your Soul growth and how you have changed embracing your personal power and not giving it away so others may not be happy with who you have become caterpillar into the butterfly. Also, remember we are all purging also so you will be releasing and becoming more transparent- do not be shocked at the true colors of self and of others. DISCERNMENT and DETACHMENT new friends coming into your life- new relationships. Many Blessings and Much Love a great time to have a private session/reading. Thank you for taking your time and I would appreciate it if you would like, comment, share and subscribe to the You Tube Channel- gamechangergameon Relationships. The book Game Changer is a great gift idea! Hopefully, you have your personal copy of Game Changer and are doing/or have completed the 1st Chapter on Self Discovery interactive exercises - 8 areas of your life. Our 1st relationships in life is - To Know Thyself and then understand as we evolve and mature, we change and need to take time to reflect on who we are and what our needs are NOW- change is inevitable. Once a month I draw a name for a mini reading (do it via Zoom). Every time you make a comment your name goes into the draw Drawing for January /2021 and will contact the winner. January 28/2021 Powerful Full Moon in Leo- Themes for 2021 #gamechangergameon #SandraAlexcaeMoren #FullmoonLeo #2021Astrologytrends#Personalpower #SaturninAquarius #Freedom #Aquarianenergy #mypersonalmuse.com #Truth #SelfMastery #Consultant #Coach #GameChanger #SelfDiscovery #Transformation #AuthenticityVideo See more