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Phone: +1 778-867-4724

Website: www.integratedfunctionalhealth.ca/holistic-nutrition.html

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Naber Nutritional Consulting 22.11.2020

Max Rep Bench Press 100lb x 12 Starting to see some awesome strength gains from the Wendler 5/3/1 Program over the past few months!... @justagirl_74 @cameronhamson @kingdom_athletics_

Naber Nutritional Consulting 05.11.2020

Happy love day! Life is so busy with work, school, commitments, goals, and taking care of others that we often forget to schedule in time to look after ourselves. One of my goals for 2020 included taking time to incorporate more self care and me time into my daily routine.... I want to share with all you lovely people some easy ways to show yourself some love, which can look like small actions, simple activities or words of love. In order to effectively take care of others, you need to take care of yourself first. This will also help you stay healthy, happy, motivated and productive. Like, comment or share these tips with those who you think could use more love in their life @ Surrey, British Columbia

Naber Nutritional Consulting 30.10.2020

I hate to break it to you, but things don’t always work out the way you plan them to (part 1). Like many of you, I have fitness goals that involve weight loss and an ideal body composition. I have had many ups and downs with my health in the past, which were triggered by stress, under eating and over exercising. ... At my worst, I had began to lose a lot of weight which might be the goal for many, but when doing it in an unhealthy way and out of self hate, it can come with a price. Although I was beginning to feel happy with my aesthetics, I was feeling very uncomfortable in my body. I had completely lost my menstrual cycle for years, had menopausal symptoms and began experiencing digestive distress and many other horrible emotional and physical symptoms. The symptoms I experienced were my body’s attempt to communicate that something was not quite right, and through my education in nutrition, I learned that everything I had thought I was doing FOR my body, was actually harming it, which resulted in digging myself into a deep hole of depletion. Unfortunately before I did not know to how to listen or what signs to look for to tell me I was becoming unhealthy. I continued to push my body more and more with cutting calories and increasing exercise and when it stopped responding, I pushed harder. This resulted in my body essentially blowing up on me, which looked like putting on all the weight (and more) that I had previously lost and worsening of the negative symptoms I mentioned above. I want to be transparent as I am still working to repair the damage I had done to my body, which can take years to repair as it took years to do the damage. I also wanted to share my personal journey with you as I’ve had far too many conversations with clients who have this exact same story of extreme dieting in attempt to reach their ideal body goals, had gained all of their weight back and are now at a standstill for weight loss. There is a way to reverse these symptoms and repair the damage done, but it takes time, patience and love.

Naber Nutritional Consulting 26.10.2020

Love yourself this February Can you believe it is already February? It feels like every year time is going by more and more quickly! Did you set any goals in January? If so, how has your progress been so far? If you did not stick to your goals or haven’t started yet, don’t feel bad. Just because the theme of January was goal setting, doesn’t mean that it was the right time for you to be ready or to even be in the mindset of starting. ... Regardless, I encourage you to visualize what you want for yourself this year, as this short exercise will help you begin to see what small steps need to be taken in order to get you there. If you have set goals for yourself this year, has your approach been realistic or sustainable? Commonly when I meet with clients I hear about the many diets, detox programs, fat burners and supplements they have tried. Although these strategies may have done the job initially, these approaches do not offer long term solution and clients often complain that the approach was extreme or the progress that they had made was lost shortly after they had stopped. Regardless of whether you have tried or have not yet started, don’t be hard on yourself. As you know, February has a reputation of being the month themed around love, and I encourage you to take time this month to incorporate some self care and self love into your routine. I bring up the topic of self care and self love as the stress that we face daily, whether it is from family, career, personal, health, relationship or financial is often out of our control and naturally as humans, we tend to fixate on the bad rather than the good. Our entire body is connected, and more often than not this stress can have a negative impact on our overall health and can play a major role in the root to our imbalances. Whether your goal is health, fitness, finance, career, relationship, or spiritual, I hope that whatever it is you desire, that you move forward towards achieving them. And don’t forget, take some extra time to love yourself this month because you are worth it! stay tuned for my 5 tips to incorporate self care into your daily life