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Locality: Uxbridge, Ontario

Phone: +1 416-873-3078

Website: www.nataliepurchase.com

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Natalie Purchase 04.01.2021

Weight loss, isn’t just about calories in vs. calories out. It encompasses so much more than that, like: movement sleep nutrition... Hormones And stretches into the mental component of How you speak to yourself Your negative thoughts Stress and anxiety Come join us for our free masterclass happening this weekend, Saturday January 9th, as we dive into factors that are affecting your weight loss like diet, alcohol, and your mental health. Register for this event through the link https://us02web.zoom.us//register/WN_YNtPnJjERTeQT1Is4jkpKQ

Natalie Purchase 26.12.2020

LADIES This is the final call for the January start date of The Stress Less Method. You have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Health isn’t just about what you eat, it’s about what you are thinking and feeling too. ... The Stress-Less Method is like no other program out there! Focusing on health from a mindset, nutrition AND physical approach, all customized just for you, for ultimate success! It became clear to us, that in order to help more women begin to shift their mindset, so they could stress less about what to eat and how to move their body, and finally lose the stubborn weight, we had to do something drastic! We'll spend 16-weeks together to shift your mindset, clean up your diet, find movement that works for YOUR body, educate you so you can understand your body and take charge of your health! We are approaching the final weeks of one of the toughest years. Don’t you want to start 2021 with a strong support system, a plan of action, the right tools and community Follow the link in my bio to get on the waitlist! #thestresslessmethod #womenhelpingwomen #womenshealth #womenshormones #happyhormones #durhamregion #uxbridgeontario #uxbridgeon #uxbridgemoms

Natalie Purchase 19.12.2020

Ladies! Listen up! Having a 5-10 minute shower is not self care, that’s basic human hygiene. Going to the bathroom alone is not self care. Exercise/Movement is a functional necessity ... Eating well and spending time on food prep isn’t a luxury Laying down/sleeping more isn’t being lazy Taking 30-60 minutes to yourself daily isn’t selfish Investing in yourself and your health isn’t an expense You are worthy of taking care of yourself. You are the most important thing in your life. When you invest, support and nourish yourself, you will feel invincible and badass and can take care of everyone/everything that is important in your life. The past year was a tough one, and it doesn't seem to be getting any easier. This is the perfect reason why you need to invest in yourself. This Saturday we will be hosting a FREE Masterclass. We will be sharing details about our FREE Dry-January Challenge, how to get your hands on our FREE guide, how to participate in our FREE challenge and why the heck you would want to join us in this crazy idea! Coming into January can feel like the longest and most mentally challenging month of the year. Diet culture is totally preying on this mindset. So let us help you get set up for success. Register for our Masterclass through the link in my bio, to ensure you get the instant replay, our FREE guide & learn how you can join our FREE challenge! Or follow the link here https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88559108537

Natalie Purchase 11.12.2020

Holy Hannah! Today’s the day! It’s been a long journey, and a lot of hard work, but we get to welcome 4 new women into our group program, The Stress Less Method.... In 4 months, we will help these women reshape their relationship with food, exercise, and with themselves. This program was designed to help women shift their mindset so they can stress less about what to eat and how to move their body, so they can finally lose the stubborn weight. This program is like no other out there. We specifically work on mindset shifts so women actually learn how to navigate life, even when the days get tough. We use specific protocols with diet, supplements and movement, to shift the needle in the right direction. No fad diets, no gimmicks, no weight loss pills. Just good old fashioned hard work, support, community, understanding and a solid plan of action. Want more info? Next round begins February 1st! Get on the waitlist to learn more https://nataliepurchase.click/optin1595417868931

Natalie Purchase 04.12.2020

Let’s talk about goals and motivation. Having goals helps us set our course. It gives us something to work toward. ... Motivation is what excites us to want to make change. However, motivation is fleeting, especially when life gets in the way. The all or nothing mindset sets us up to fail from the beginning. The New Year is right around the corner, and with it brings promise of new. The new program, the new way, the new plan. If the answer was another meal plan, if the answer was another diet or fitness program, don’t you think you would have reached your goals by now? Intention, inspiration, support & education are what help you to move forward from where you are. That foundation helps you to understand your goal, how to navigate getting there, and the ever evolving world around you. Having people in your corner, helping you achieve your goal by helping you to set your intention, to keep inspiring you, supporting you when the going gets tough and educating you as to what’s going on inside your body and mind, will actually help you to yield results. I set an intention for myself, to move my body daily. Some days I surpass my goal, some days I don’t. My intention helps me come back to my why. Tonight was no different. It was cold and dark, but I dressed accordingly, had a podcast going, and walked my loop. No weights, no step counting, no calorie counting, no sweat sesh. This is for my stress levels, this is to connect me to the outdoors and fresh air, this is to do something for me daily that makes me happy and is just for me. Do you want to learn how to do more of what makes your heart, mind & soul happy? To remove the diet & exercise mentality? To explore your resistance and learn how to navigate hard days? The Stress Less Method begins January 4th. We have room for 1 more woman who is ready to finally make this change. Schedule your FREE Discovery Call here -> https://nataliepurchase.janeapp.com/

Natalie Purchase 01.12.2020

When we work together, it’s never my intention to take away all the food you love! Instead, we work on the balance that works for YOUR life! Instead, we dive deep into WHY you want or need or crave certain foods!... We educate you on YOUR body, what it’s telling you, the signals, the signs, and you learn how to navigate this crazy thing called life! Ladies, the year is almost over If you want to move into the next year with the intention of learning how to support and nourish your body and shifting your mindset for ultimate happiness and success, schedule your FREE Discovery Call NOW! We begin the Stress Less Method January 4th! Are you ready? https://nataliepurchase.janeapp.com/

Natalie Purchase 27.11.2020

I had a few great 2020 memories, but one of the best parts of 2020 was when @the.mindful.woman jumped on board and brought #thestresslessmethod to a whole new level! How fortunate am I to be able to work with one of my favourite humans AND help women learn to love and nourish themselves?! I have always called this lady my PIC (partner in crime) and one of my BFF’s, and now we get to be business partners! I am so grateful for what she does for me in my personal life, and... what she has brought to our program. Her ability to help women achieve self love, self compassion, heal their relationship with food, with themselves and rewrite their story is absolutely incredible, all while she is raising 2 wee babies! Ladies, if you have yet to be introduced to Stephanie, you need to head on over to @the.mindful.woman and if you’re curious about what we have been up to, follow the link to find out what it’s all about https://linktr.ee/nataliepurchasewellness See more

Natalie Purchase 22.11.2020

In Previous years, I've always run a holiday food drive. This year is no different! If you have an upcoming appointment, I encourage you to bring in a non-perishable food item for donation.... If you're able to donate: Consider items you and your family like to eat. Consider items that are school safe for children. Consider items that are full of nutrient rich vitamins and minerals to help growing bodies. Consider items that are personal hygiene or personal care products and toothbrushes Consider items for children If you're unable to bring in any items in the next couple weeks, our local Pharmasave and IDA in Uxbridge are accepting donations as well as our local groceries stores also have pre-done donation bags for donation. Spread a little extra holiday cheer this year, we all need it. Ps. My family and I would like to help a special family who could use a little extra holiday cheer this year. If you know of anyone who requires a lovely holiday meal and maybe gifts for children, please reach out to me private message, as we would love to give back to our community and support a family during this time. If you'd like to help us give a family a wonderful Christmas, please reach out as well and I will provide you with more details. Sending you all warm hugs (virtually and distant of course)

Natalie Purchase 10.11.2020

It’s the end of what most had hoped to be the year Expectations and goals were definitely high. I can’t say that 2021 will be better, and I can’t say it will be worse. @the.mindful.woman says it perfectly though, So far you have survived every single one of your hard days.... So here’s to all the lessons learned and hard days navigated, the days all alone and the joy shared when spent with those you love most. Here’s to a new year and new possibilities and a chance for you to do what sets your soul on fire. Here’s to health and joy and the relationships we hold dear. I wish you all the best and a happy new year. #goodbye2020 #2021 #heathandwellness #womenshealth #happyhormones #womenshormones #womenhelpingwomen #uxbridgeontario #uxbridgeon #durhamregion #uxbridgemoms #newyear See more

Natalie Purchase 22.10.2020

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This view is absolutely beautiful to me Now, what do you see when you look in the mirror? Are you as receptive to the beauty looking back at you? How compassionate are you with yourself? ... With your goals? Have you ever approached goals with compassion and love? How about with patience because you had a plan in place that you were certain would yield results? When you learn to love yourself, when you erase the idea that things will change in 30-days, when you shift your mindset to a place of love and acceptance, and you have a plan to nourish your body, learn to move in a way that supports you and show yourself compassion, we can learn to healing our body and finally reach a place of happiness and success. The Stress Less Method was designed to help you learn how to heal your relationship with yourself. To help you shift your mindset around diet culture. To help you learn how to nourish and move your body in a way that makes you feel good. Are you ready to make the leap? The Stress Less Method is only open to 5 women! Get on the waitlist through the link in my bio Or follow the link https://nataliepurchase.click/optin1595417868931

Natalie Purchase 14.10.2020

Have you been pooping well? Most holidays bring over eating, over indulging in treats and bevies, not enough fibre or water drinking. Whether you were able to celebrate with family and friends or not, the treats and alcohol can still make it into your home.... The problem with not having proper bowel movements is that your body isn’t properly eliminating all the toxins floating around which can contribute to weight gain, imbalanced hormones, acne, PMS, and the list goes on!! So how can you ensure you’re eliminating properly? Aim for at least 2L of water daily (or more) Aim for 7-13 servings of veggies & fruit daily (this works out to be the size of your palm) Move your body daily! Working out or movements such as walking & yoga help the intestines to move matter through. You don’t need a New Years resolution or another fad diet, we need to consistently master areas like this to ensure your foundation is sound. The Stress Less Method teaches you how to shift your mindset so you can stress less about what to eat and how to move your body for ultimate success! https://nataliepurchase.click/optin1595417868931

Natalie Purchase 13.08.2020

I go live inside my women’s only Facebook group to bring inspiration, healthful tips and so much more. This time I wanted to share a little bit about how I navigate stress in my body. If you’re looking for more motivation, support and community love, come join us in my private Facebook group, Into Wellness with Natalie. Link in my bio

Natalie Purchase 02.08.2020

Let’s talk a minute about the number on the scale. In a perfect world I would sit about 20 pounds lighter. What does that number represent? It makes me think that if I were to be 20 pounds lighter that I would look amazing in my clothes, that I would feel incredible in my skin, that I would look at myself differently, and that I wouldn’t feel restricted in my jeans.... But here’s an interesting thought... when I was 20 pounds lighter, I felt like crap! I didn’t feel good in my jeans, in fact I most definitely had a muffin top! I didn’t feel incredible in my skin! And every time I looked in the mirror, I didn’t like what I saw. I noticed ALL the flaws, soft spots and areas I wish I could change. Here’s the difference, I move my body, I breathe deeper, I enjoy more without guilt, I love eating salads and healthy meals, I choose what I want to nourish and eat daily. I’m in control. I changed the size I wore to make me feel confident and look good in my clothing, and I healed from my past so when I look in the mirror, I now love what I see. The number on the scale doesn’t determine your health or your worth, it’s 1 factor to help you determine if you’re moving in the right direction, and in my case, moving away from the number I thought was healthy was the best decision I made. I choose to be fit and eat food and love myself, instead of obsessing about a number I thought would solve all my problems. Do you want to shift your mindset, finally heal the relationship you have with food and exercise, and stress less about your diet? We are accepting applicants for The Stress Less Method! Follow the link more details! https://nataliepurchase.clickfunnels.com/optin1595417868931 #thestresslessmethod #stressless #womenhelpingwomen #womensupportingwomen #womenshealth #womenshormones #happyhormones

Natalie Purchase 29.07.2020

The women I see in my daily practice are the ones who are exhausted to the core. They are the ones who, when I ask, what do you do for YOU? They respond by saying nothing. They are the ones who, when asked, what brings you joy? They respond with, I don’t know.... The women I see say yes to everything when they really want to say no. They are the ones over working, over giving and overly stressed. The women I see in my practice have turned to self-destructive ways of trying to get their needs met such as overeating, staying up too late just to have time to themselves, they are unwinding from the day with a glass (or 2) of wine, they are over caffeinating to just make it through the day, they are eating in the run or forgetting to eat all together. They are so scatter brained and drained, and eventually fall into bed, to be woken up by the ongoing to-do list middle of the night. The women I see in my practice are stressed The women I see in my practice are exhausted The women I see are looking for permission answers and a different approach The Stress Less Method was designed for these women. Get on the waitlist https://nataliepurchase.clickfunnels.com/optin1595417868931 #womenhelpingwomen #womenshealth #womenshormones #happyhormones #happywomen #momhealth #momshelpingmoms #stressless #thestresslessmethod

Natalie Purchase 21.07.2020

I was struggling, hhhhaaaarrrddd! I told myself time and time again: I don’t have the time to invest in myself I don’t have the money to pay for the program, for the accessories, for the supplements, for the coaching, etc. etc. etc.... I don’t have the energy or the bandwidth to mentally take on something new, prep lavish meals, or anything else that was involved I was done. I was exhausted at my core. I just kept repeating, I just need to stop snacking at night, and then the weight will come off I just need to burn ‘X’ amount of calories a day, and the weight will come off I just need to eat less carbs and the weight will come off My stress fuelled my weight gain, my cravings and my mood swings. It fuelled my ongoing body image issues and the hate that began to grow every time I looked in the mirror. I kept reinforcing the belief that all the above strategies would work. I kept reinforcing the idea that I could do it alone. Does this sound like anyone else? The Stress Less Method was created because of my own experiences, my journey, and the strategies I used to overcome this. It takes re-learning how to talk to and care for your body. We aren’t really taught how to take care of this body and we are only given one in a lifetime! Are you ready to learn how to love and care for the only body you will ever have? Are you ready to get off the wagon for good? Ask yourself, what do you have to lose if you invest in yourself?

Natalie Purchase 01.07.2020

Let the holiday fun commence! This year may look a little different from previous years, but I can’t help but feel the holiday joy everywhere, and the snow sure does help . To help all my lovely friends keep up with their health and wellness goals, while still enjoying the holiday spirit, I’ve put together 20 of my favourite holiday treats & recipes and over 20 cozy, one-pan meals! ... These recipes are simple, nutritionally dense using a whole-food approach without having you spend hours in the kitchen. Get your copy of my E-Book herehttps://gumroad.com/l/SWzzI Or follow the link in my bio And for my vegetarian friends, or if you’re looking to add more veggie meals into your diet, check out my top fave Vegetarian Recipes E-Book instead! https://gumroad.com/l/kxXZK

Natalie Purchase 16.06.2020

This woman next to me crushes all the obstacles in her path. 4 months postpartum and running her first ever 10km! There is always going to be something standing in your way of achieving your goals and reaching success. ... I can tell you, It’s not willpower or motivation! Motivation is great to get you excited to reach a new goal. But what happens when the motivation drops and it’s just you, standing there, amongst the difficult? How many times have you been on and off the wagon? How many mondays have you restarted? How many times have you google searched different weight loss methods and diets? How many times have you succeeded to only end up back where you were? It takes understanding what the body wants and needs, and being educated, encouraged and supported when the going gets tough. It takes coming back, time and time again, to the goal, to keep the light glimmering at the end of the tunnel. How hard was it to get through school? To learn a new skill? To have/raise babies? To figure out something new and to actually succeed? To run your first race? You can succeed and hit your goals! You just have to understand what your body is trying to tell you! Join Us tomorrow for our Stress-Less for Weight Loss Masterclass. We will reveal how Stress impacts your body’s ability to lose weight. Can’t join the live training? Register for the event to ensure you receive the FREE Stress Less Weight Loss Guide & the Recording! https://us02web.zoom.us//tZcqdeGppjssHNJtw-LQOOTsYZPl-JEga

Natalie Purchase 30.05.2020

Yesterday I ran the @towaterfront42k I was 5 mins slower than my fastest half marathon time but the fact that I didn’t train for this one, and let’s be honest, it’s been one hell of a year, I’m pretty dang proud that I still went out and did it. The first 16k felt great. I fuelled properly with @skratchlabs chews & hydration mix, and paced properly with what felt good for my body.... By the 18th km it was a slog to finish, no spectators, no family waiting, just the mantra I can do tough things. I’m happy I did this, it’s a reminder that no matter what life throws my way, I know I can get through tough situations. #towaterfront42k #skratchlabs #racedayfuel #icandotoughthings #toughasamother #momsthatrun #womenshealth #holisticnutritionist #registeredmassagetherapist #uxbridgeontario

Natalie Purchase 28.05.2020

If you want to learn how to unlock your body’s weight loss potential without fad diets excessive exercise or deprivation , join us to reshape your mindset around healthy living Join Holistic Nutritionist, Natalie Purchase, and Registered Psychotherapist, Stephanie Moncada, as we reveal how Stress impacts your body's ability to lose weight. Register for the Stress Less for Weight Loss Masterclass through the link https://us02web.zoom.us//tZcqdeGppjssHNJtw-...LQOOTsYZPl-JEga #stressless #stresslessmethod #stresslessforhealth #womensheath #womenshormones #happyhormones #womensupportingwomen See more

Natalie Purchase 19.05.2020

Help! I want to lose weight and have more energy! what diet should I follow? what exercises should I be doing? what supplements should I be taking? ... Stop! Ask yourself, has this approach ever worked for you in the past? If it was just down to macros, calories, workouts and supplements, ladies, you would have hit those weight loss goals years ago! Have you ever asked yourself what makes you feel good? What activities do you like to do? What makes you feel strong? What excites you and makes you feel happy? We are hosting our Stress Less for Weight loss Masterclass Thursday November 19th @ 1:30pm EST. If you want to learn how to unlock your body’s weight loss potential without fad diets, excessive exercise or restrictions, join us to reshape your mindset around healthy eating! Register through the link https://us02web.zoom.us//tZcqdeGppjssHNJtw-LQOOTsYZPl-JEga

Natalie Purchase 03.05.2020

So. Much. Yes! I am here to be your cheerleader and to show you the way. *... I can’t do the work for you. I can’t snatch the treats out of your hand, I can’t force you to do the workouts or drink the water, I can’t make you go to bed earlier. * I can educate you on why these things work, how it will heal your body, encourage and excite you to want to implement the strategies that promote change, but I can’t do it for you, I can’t be responsible for your growth or change. * If you’ve been pointing fingers at everyone else for your unsuccessful attempts, it’s time to take a step back and have that long, hard look in the mirror. It’s time to have that tough conversation with yourself. * Inside the Stress Less Method, we show you the way. We help you understand the why, we educate you on the how, and we listen when the going gets tough. We support and encourage you to succeed, and we understand taking the step back to understand when the resistance hits. But at the end of the day, we help you understand, it’s what you bring forth. * How will you go forward from here? https://nataliepurchase.clickfunnels.com/optin1595417868931 See more

Natalie Purchase 23.04.2020

How many times have you seen I lost 5 pounds in 5 days! And thought hmmm that diet must work? Weight fluctuations can change rapidly in a matter of days! ... Things that can cause rapid change? fluid retention/dehydration full bowels/ backed up vs proper elimination morning weight check in vs end of the day clothes on vs clothes off PMS/period food reactions There are so many things that can affect your weight day to day! Don’t take the scale as the only depiction of heath! Ask yourself: how’s your energy? how are you sleeping? do you have cravings? do you have aches and pains? how’s your libido? how’s your period if you get one? how do you react to exercise? do you bloat or get indigestion? are your pants feeling too tight? The scale isn’t the end all be all and it can change day to day, creating to added stress. If you have questions about what your body is doing and why, if you don’t know where to begin or what you should try first, I offer a free discovery call to help point you in the right direction! Schedule your free call Now! Link in bio nataliepurchase.janeapp.com

Natalie Purchase 08.04.2020

I never want you to think your body isn’t beautiful, because it absolutely is! * Your body has got you to where you are today. It has supported you in all your life adventures. Your body is absolutely incredible, and each and every day, it keeps you alive.... * If you feel off in your skin, if you feel stiff and achy, if you are suffering with brain fog or bloating, if you’re energy has tanked, if you're moods are off, if you're hormones are running wild, if you're sex drive is non-existent, if you're patience is gone, if you'd rather spend hours couch surfing while watching re-runs and eating ALL THE SNACKS, if you just want to feel alive and well, then it’s time to make healthy changes that are going to serve your body! * We are re-launching the newly revised Stress Less Method! The Stress-Less Method is based around accountability,support, motivation, mindset shifts, individualized and customized approach and tangible protocols to support you every step of the way. * We break it down so you completely understand how your body works and how to support each system of the body. We work on Gut health, Mindset, All things Hormones, providing you with meal plans, strategy, and action tasks to ensure success. * Learn to love, nourish and support your body so it can do its job; love, nourish and support you. * If this gets you fired up and absolutely excited, schedule your FREE Call ASAP! link in bio We are only taking on 5 women for our next round and spots are filling up quickly!

Natalie Purchase 26.03.2020

Already thinking ahead to dinner. I have always enjoyed cooking. My problem became that I didn’t really like some of the healthier recipes out there so I started to just make swaps with the recipes I could find and just hope for the best with my swaps! ... I tired out this crispy ginger chicken last week, and it was a hit! Even with all my swaps and healthier take on it! Eating healthier, eating cleaner, doesn’t have to be complicated. Begin by making little swaps like, less sugar in the muffin recipe. Swap the flour from a bleached white flour to a spelt (or something else). Try adding chia seeds or try amount up the nutritional value. Most of the time it’s going to work, but sometimes it won’t, and that’s how you will learn to develop better skills in the kitchen. What’s on the menu for dinner tonight?

Natalie Purchase 16.03.2020

Behind the scenes look at how we GSD while momming. This is bringing the next round of the Stress Less Method to fruition! My heart is so full This lady right here has her 2 year old running around while the baby (4 months old) naps. ... We trade off with the kiddos (mine are in school) and we WORK! Today we are putting some finishing touches on a few things and discussing the list we still need to tackle. She has helped to elevate the Stress Less Method to the next level, providing women with even more value and support that I couldn’t do alone. I am so fortunate she is in my life and part of this team. The next round of the Stress Less Method launches in January 2021! We are only taking on 5 women! and spaces are beginning to fill up quickly! And don’t worry, we have you completely taken care of between Now & January so you can begin your journey right away without feeling hanging. Want more info? https://nataliepurchase.click/optin1595417868931

Natalie Purchase 05.03.2020

Women are always craving more energy so they can do all the things without being exhausted! Sound like you? Well, over in my private Facebook group, we are halfway through our walking challenge and I’m already thinking ahead to the next challenge! ... How does a 5-day energy re-boot sound to you? Would you be up for the challenge?! Type if this sounds like something you need! Challenge won’t begin until November (when we are done with our walking challenge) I will be going live each day, educating you all on how to optimize your energy levels, and those who are totally in, will get 2 FREE guides to help you along, so you can totally crush your goals of being super freakin’ awesome! Want to join the fun? Follow the link to join my Women’s Only Facebook community! https://www.facebook.com/groups/564192870752350/

Natalie Purchase 24.02.2020

Are you ready to learn how to have more energy, crush cravings, improve sleep, shift the diet mentality and manage a healthy weight? Re-define your relationship with food & exercise all without excessive exercise and restrictive diet plans! The Stress-Less Method Waitlist is NOW Open!... The Stress-Less Method has been re-designed to focus on shifting the Mindset, so you can free yourself from the diet rollercoaster and Stress-Less about what to eat and how to move your body. Want more info? Follow the link https://nataliepurchase.click/optin1595417868931

Natalie Purchase 06.02.2020

I have heard this sentence countless times, I’ve fallen off the wagon,again... When there is no longer a wagon to fall off of, we can finally begin living our lives. what if, we removed this diet idea? ... what if, we provided education and tools to implement for ultimate success? what if, we shifted your mindset around diet and exercise? What would it look like for you if we removed the diet mentality and supported you in living a balanced lifestyle? I’d love to know! Share your comment below

Natalie Purchase 20.01.2020

Gooooood Morning! Breaking the fast with some GF French toast, orange slices, Juice Plus+ protein shake and my supplement regime. Let’s see what your morning look like! Share below in the comments

Natalie Purchase 07.01.2020

Veg it up! One of my recommendations to all my ladies is to ensure you are having plenty of veggies at EVERY meal! Breakfast, lunch and dinner, we need healthy fibre from plants! They ensure you are satiated and help to clean the colon. Let’s see a photo of the veggies with your dinner! Share below

Natalie Purchase 19.12.2019

It’s slow cooker season We only have 24 hours in a day, and this is one of the ways I ensure I can spend more time doing the things I want instead of spending hours in the kitchen cooking nutritious meals. I’d love to know, what’s your favourite slow cooker or instant pot recipe? Share below

Natalie Purchase 03.12.2019

Can we all be as happy as she is while she eats this cupcake? No guilt! No reservations! Just plain, 'ol happiness!... Diet culture has us shaming ourselves if we indulge. We are told that if we eat the treat we have to earn it or burn it off. And yes, exercise helps us achieve our physical health goals, and it's important for muscle health, heart health, balancing blood sugar, balancing hormones, and the list goes on, but it should never be used as punishment! So, if you want the cookie, the cupcake, the ice cream, have it! Just be mindful. Just don't do it daily. Understand WHY you want it, WHY you are craving it. Honour and empower yourself vs. shaming yourself.

Natalie Purchase 29.11.2019

Why should you put yourself on the top of your list? Why should your physical, mental and emotional health be your top priority? Why should you ensure you are taken care of first?... Because you're worth it! #womensupportingwomen #womenshealth #womenshormones #happyhormones #uxbridgeontario #uxbridgeon #durhamregion #uxbridgenutritionist

Natalie Purchase 21.11.2019

Most days I feel like a Hot Mess. I could live in my leggings and baggy shirts so I feel comfortable and supported, and so the muffin top doesn't hang over the jeans. There are days the coffee goes down like water, and the water bottle barely get's touched. There are days I choose the convenience food over the salad and eat way too much than I should. There are days I eat the chips and chocolate and binge watch Netflix.... But this isn't my daily life now. There was a time I was lost in this cycle, and this was my daily reality. Now this just happens on off days or days I'm overwhelmed and stressed. 5 years ago I was struggling to keep my head above water. I was in survival mode, complete fight or flight. And it took me having a real hard look in the mirror and knowing this wasn't what I wanted. I knew I wanted more from my body and from my life. I wanted to be more, I wanted to be healthy, strong and be around for my kids. So I got to work, and did some serious self love, self care and support for my body and my mind. Crawling out from that place took time, but in that time I was able to create my program, The Stress-Less Method. The Stress Less Method was developed from my own experiences, to help women stress-less about what to eat, how to move their body, and where to begin. It's was developed as a step by step guide full of support and community, so women never feel lost or confused. If you'd like to learn more about how this program can help you stress-less about diet, lifestyle, movement, exercise, self care and how to achieve your health and wellness goals, then it's time to schedule your FREE call. Follow the link below https://nataliepurchase.janeapp.com/

Natalie Purchase 02.11.2019

Are you making progress? Are you implementing the right steps and strategies to propel you forward to achieving your goals? You know you have to start somewhere.... You know you have to eat well, move your body, drink the water and get enough sleep. But you feel like you're not making progress.. You feel like you're stuck... The needle isn't moving in the right direction... So what do you do? Does having a strategic plan set in place, with where to begin and exactly what to do, sound like a good place to start? What about having one-on-one coaching? What about accountability and community support? Could you see yourself succeeding then? The Stress-Less Method was designed to provide a stress free approach with support, guidance, and a plan with clear guidelines on what needs to be done and when, plus one on one consulting and weekly coaching! Want to get more clarity? Schedule your FREE call today! (Link in my Bio) https://nataliepurchase.janeapp.com/ Want more info about the Stress Less Method? Follow the link https://nataliepurchase.clickfunnels.com/optin1595417868931

Natalie Purchase 24.10.2019

The definition of insanity is repeating the same actions over and over again and expecting different results. Do you feel like you've been on repeat? The same diet experiments hoping to yield different results? It's time to break the pattern and try something new!... The Stress-Less Method is OPEN! (get more info here-> https://nataliepurchase.clickfunnels.com/optin1595417868931) Did you know that I interview each candidate to ensure we are the right fit? That means, not everyone who applies to be part of the Stress- Less Method actually gets in! Schedule your FREE call to find out if you're the right fit for the Stress Less Method, and let's break free from the yo-yo diet train. https://nataliepurchase.janeapp.com/

Natalie Purchase 15.10.2019

Holy Hannah, it's September 1st!!!! Can you believe it's been almost 6 months since lockdown happened? I’m blown away at the fact that my kids have been home for almost 6 months! ... I’m blown away at the fact that I felt like I had ALL this time to do so many things, when in reality the time went by in a blur... How have the last (almost) 6 months served you? Are you coming out better or worse? Did you have intentions to do better and fall short? Did you end up doing better than you thought? I’ve had a lot of women reaching out, mentioning that their jeans are fitting a little tighter, that their level of activity had gone way down, that their sugar cravings went WAY UP, and their energy has plummeted. Does this sound like you? If so, give us a if you could use a little assistance in getting those pants to do up better! There is no point in being disappointed with yourself if things didn’t go according to plan. It’s a new day, a new month and a new season. So let’s do better by working together! Comment below with a If you could use a little and support getting you back on track or head on over to https://nataliepurchase.janeapp.com to schedule your FREE call

Natalie Purchase 11.10.2019

YES!!! A million times YES! It's no secret that I share my journey and how I got to where I am today. My health, my fitness, my journey has all been built on mistakes and learning from them.... I decided to help women with their journey so they didn't have to take the long road like I did. Let's schedule a time to chat and see if I can be the one to help you with your journey. Schedule your FREE call by following the link below https://nataliepurchase.janeapp.com/

Natalie Purchase 28.09.2019

SO. MUCH. YES! There are many times I talk to women about their body image, and how much they despise what they see in the mirror. Despite all the love that surrounds them from their family and their friends, they just can't see what other's see. They just can't feel what other's feel. It breaks my heart that as women, we can give all the love, support and positive talks to others, but we can't find the positive vocabulary when it comes to ourselves.... Part of my mission is to help women feel their best. So what I want you to do today is to think of 1 amazing thing your body did for you today, I want you to think of 1 amazing thing you love about your body, and 1 amazing thing you want to aspire to do with your body. Sending you all some love today #womensupportingwomen #womenhelpingwomen #womenshealth #womenshormones #happyhormones #uxbridgeontario #uxbridgeon #uxbridgedaily #durhamregion #holisticnutrition #holisticnutritionist #uxbridgenutritionist

Natalie Purchase 19.09.2019

Can we just pause for a minute and really think about what it is we want. What do we want from our body? What is our goal? ... I had to release the idea of a certain weight or a certain look, and start thinking of my overall health. It became so important to me to feel strong in my skin and support my body so it could be healthy and keep me here on this earth with the ones I love. My goal became being strong AF! Mentally & physically! It’s great to have goals, of wanting to shed some weight for your overall health, if that’s what you feel is best. But can we just get away from what we feel we NEED to be? That we NEED to be a size 2 or that we NEED to be a goal weight of XYZ? Can we please just start to release this obsession with our self worth and our weight and just start being happy for all the things our body can do for us? This mindset shift takes time and it helps when you have someone cheering you on. Inside The Stress Less Method, you get one on one coaching with me to support all of your individual needs for success. You get me cheering you on every step of the way. We work toward that goal of health and wellness and helping you support your body so it can be it’s best for you! If you’re ready to make the next step, get on the Stress-Less Method Waitlist and reserve your spot ASAP! https://nataliepurchase.clickfunnels.com/optin1595417868931 #womensupportingwomen #womenshealth #womenshormones #stressless #thestresslessmethod

Natalie Purchase 01.09.2019

Let that go! This subject always gets people, but the reality is, just like your skin and your menstrual cycle, your will tell you so much about what’s going on in your body. Some questions I ask are:... how often do you go? If it’s not 1-2 times, daily, then your body is holding onto toxins and hormones that are being reabsorbed back into the body and contributing to a slew of symptoms is your formed and firm or loose? Loose is indicative that you aren’t absorbing or that it’s moving through you too quickly. This can also happen if you have coffee first thing and rely on it to get things moving. We want to aim for firm and formed to ensure proper transit time and proper absorption of key nutrients. is it long or broken? And do you feel satisfied after you ? Some women will need to go multiple times to feel they have fully void, but the truth is, there might not be enough fibre, liquid or other dietary issues happening to create a proper movement. Did you know your position on the toilet can also affect how well you void?! If we are not voiding correctly or in the proper position, then we can create strain on the bowels causing things like hemorrhoids. Your can tell you a lot, this is just a few basics that you can check in with. There was a study done around weight loss and I you not! Your bathroom habits can also be inhibiting your weight loss and overall immune health. So let’s well! And if you aren’t, begin with these top suggestions: drink plenty of water eat plenty of plants for fibre use a stool or sqautty potty to elevate your knees while on the toilet (this helps with less strain) get moving! Movement will assist with the large intestine to contract and move that out If you’re already doing all of these and still having issues, there could be underlying food intolerances, imbalance in supplements or improper meal timing. The Stress Less Method waitlist is open now! We spend 4 weeks focusing on gut health for weight loss! That is how important your gut health is! Get on the waitlist ASAP to reserve your spot now!! https://nataliepurchase.clickfunnels.com/optin1595417868931

Natalie Purchase 19.08.2019

Does your energy plummet mid afternoon? Do you find yourself reaching for another coffee or a baked good to get you through your day? Are you noticing you’re riding the blood sugar roller coaster with mood fluctuations, cravings and next to no energy? ... Do you find yourself frequenting drive thru’s? Are you frustrated with all the diet culture and contradictory information out there? I’m hosting a FREE Stress Less Info session!! All about the method I used to control my cravings without counting calories or using fad diets. Head on over to the link in my bio to get yourself registered! See more

Natalie Purchase 04.08.2019

I never want you to think your body isn’t beautiful, because it absolutely is! * Your body has got you to where you are today. It has supported you in all your life adventures. If you’re a mother, it has birthed your children. ... Your body is absolutely incredible, and each and every day, it keeps you alive. * However, if you feel off in your skin, if you feel stiff and achy, if you are suffering with brain fog or bloating, if you’re energy has tanked, if you just want to feel alive and well, then it’s time to make healthy changes that are going to serve your body and help you be the best version of you. * I am launching the Stress Less Method September 14th. The SLM is based around community support, individualized approach and tangible protocols to support you every step of the way. * Learn to love, nourish and support your body so it can do its job; love, nourish and support you. * If you’re ready, follow the link to get on the Waitlist. https://nataliepurchase.clickfunnels.com/optin1595417868931 #womensupportingwomen #womenshealth #womenshormones #happyhormones #stressless #thestresslessmethod #nutritionist #holisticnutritionist

Natalie Purchase 27.07.2019

Just saying Ladies! If you’re struggling to find the balance, you need to let go. There’s no such thing! Instead, strive to accomplish 1 big thing in a day, like tackling the laundry OR spending time on YOU! ... What are you doing today that supports you, lifts you up, or sets you up to be successful this week? Comment below In my program, The Stress Less Method, we discuss YOU- what makes you happy, your goals, what’s important to you, and how you can become the happiest, and best version of YOU! That doesn’t mean striving for perfection, that means helping you find more energy to support the things you want to do. Want more info? The Wait List is now open! https://nataliepurchase.clickfunnels.com/optin1595417868931 #womensupportingwomen #womenshormones #happyhormones #happywomen #stressless #thestresslessmethod #holisticnutritionist

Natalie Purchase 09.07.2019

Years ago, in an attempt to rid the home of unwanted chemicals and hormone disruptors (I was also dealing with hormonal imbalances) We decided to switch to natural air deodorizers, natural cleaning agents and natural hygiene products. As I dove deeper into this new world I started using essential oils for our laundry and even topically with some of my clients. ... These 3 oils are just a few of my fave scents to diffuse to freshen the air. If you’re interested in learning more, send me a DM! If you’d like to order yourself some oils, check out the link https://myyl.com/nataliepurchase #theresanoilforthat #healthiving #cleanliving #womensupportingwomen #entrepreneurlife #holisticnutritionist #massagetherapist #uxbridgeontario #uxbridgeontario #durhamregion

Natalie Purchase 27.06.2019

I’ve been MIA for a bit. It’s not because I forgot about you all. I learned a long time ago that I can’t do it all, and taking a break is necessary. Breaks from the kids, the spouse, the house, the work, everything. I needed a break, a chance to clear my thoughts and get clear on my path and what I want to bring to you all. ... I literally spent 2 days reading a book, cover to cover. Nothing to do with health, personal growth, kids or anything of the sort! There is this word out there called balance and everyone strives for this. However, there is no such thing as balance. It’s more of a juggling act, and there is always a ball dropping somewhere; self care, workouts, diet, social life, relationships, kids, etc. Energy goes where energy flows- and there is only so much you can actually do in a day. Sometimes this is spending time cleaning the house, sometimes is tackling items on the to-do list, sometimes is fitting in a workout, sometimes is making a wholesome meal, but attempting to do it all is almost impossible, because there is one area that isn’t getting your attention. And. That’s. Totally. Ok! I have spent years chasing this so called balance, but once I realized it was more of a juggle, I seemed to relax a bit. And I began sharing this message with women who were also struggling- struggling to do it all, fit in the good food and the workouts, to have the energy to also tackle the rest of the list. When I created the Stress Less Method, it was literally to help women stress less! Stress less about what to eat, how to eat, how to workout, how to feel less overwhelmed about wanting to do better by their health but to stop the diet train. Stress, the juggle, everything is going to come in waves, we just have to learn how to ride them. Are you ready to move forward? Are you ready to find your groove? To stress less about what to eat, how to move your body, what supplements to take? What about gaining more energy to do the things you love or to keep up with the kids? The Stress Less method begins September 14th, and is only open to women on the wait list. Get on the Waitlist now by following the link in my bio

Natalie Purchase 08.06.2019

Ladies!!! Have you registered for my MasterClass yet? It’s happening TOMORROW! This FREE masterclass is for you if:... ... You've been on the diet roller coaster for years and you're at a loss when it comes to eating healthy ... You're struggling to lose weight, despite all your hard efforts, working out and fad dieting ... The weight keeps piling on, especially around your mid-section, creating the muffin top ... you’re always tired ... your moods are all over the place If you’re saying YES to any of these then head on over to the link https://us02web.zoom.us//register/WN_oLP9-kuAStqK-jGoabJWwg and register for my Foundations MasterClass! Can’t join us live? No problem! When you register, you’ll get the replay sent to you! Have questions? Send me a DM! #womenshealth #momhealth #happyhormones #hormonehealth #womenshormones #momhormones #womenhelpingwomen #momshelpingmoms

Natalie Purchase 05.06.2019

A little success story from one of our mommas in my Stress Less Program. Success doesn’t have to be huge gains in a short amount of time. It can be just making shifts in how you were feeling before and how good you can feel by implementing techniques for sustainable change. Have you signed up for my free masterclass yet?... I’m hosting a FREE masterclass this Sunday! We will be talking about strategies for sustainable, healthy, weight loss. If you’re interested in joining us, sign up here https://us02web.zoom.us//register/WN_oLP9-kuAStqK-jGoabJWwg Can’t make it live? When you register you will automatically receive the replay! Stay to the end for my BONUS gift! Healthy change isn’t about deprivation and bland diets #womenshealth #momhealth #happyhormones #hormonehealth #womenshormones #momhormones #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #momshelpingmoms #momsempoweringmoms #stressless #selfcare #nutrition #hormonenutrition #holisticnutritionist #durhamregion #durhammoms #uxbridgeontario #uxbridgeon #uxbridgemoms

Natalie Purchase 31.05.2019

Are you ready to learn how to create healthy habits that become your foundation for better health? I’m hosting my FIRST Master Class all about this! During this Master Class, you will learn how to create healthy habits which will become foundational.... We will discuss the reasons you don't succeed on fad diets, and how to implement changes that will ensure success. This is a FREE event, but you MUST register to ensure you will receive the playback AND to gain access to my special FREE BONUS! Register here https://us02web.zoom.us//register/WN_oLP9-kuAStqK-jGoabJWwg #healthyhormones #healthymoms #womenshormones #hormonehealth #womenshealth #momshelpingmoms

Natalie Purchase 22.05.2019

Happy Monday! It’s not about being perfect. It’s not about restraint. It’s about understanding what your body needs and wants. It’s about giving it proper nutrition, supplementation and movement. In finding your groove and balance with those 3 areas, you will begin to find success. ... If you’re a mom, struggling to create balance in these 3 areas, I have a few options for you! 1) get your FREE copy of my Stress-Free Guide https://app.clickfunnels.com//nataliepurchase.cli/guide-1 2) join our mom’s only Facebook community to get support from other women who are navigating their own health journey https://www.facebook.com/groups/564192870752350/ 3) need a little more one on one support? Schedule a FREE nutritional needs discovery call! https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php #momshelpingmoms #womensupportingwomen #womenshealth #womenshormones #happyhormones #hormonehealth #community #holistichealth #holisticnutrition #uxbridgeontario #uxbridgeon #uxbridgemoms #durhamregion

Natalie Purchase 18.05.2019

Setbacks will always happen. Life gets in the way. The to-do list is too long. You’re exhausted from the kids.... You’re stressed out. You’re injured. I’ve been there all those things, all those excuses. I’ve said each of these, I’ve battled with these, and I’ve also overcome these. Yes, there are times I fall back into bad habits, but when you have a healthy foundation and drive to want to do better, it’s easier to pick yourself up again, dust off those shoulders, and keep on going. I’ve had so many bumps, bruises and setbacks and I have many of the scars to prove it. But I keep on getting back up, and I keep going forward. It’s the only way to go. Never go back, never look back, the past has happened, and we know that story all too well. If you’re ready to move forward, if you’re ready to make real changes, if you’re ready to say F*ck the past, and say YES to the future, I want you to join me for my FREE master class! Comment below with a Heck Yes ME or a and I’ll send you all the details!

Natalie Purchase 10.05.2019

When the RMT needs a massage between clients.

Natalie Purchase 23.04.2019

Goooood morning!!! Are you on my mailing list? If that’s a YES, then stay tuned! I have a great email coming out today and a serious FREEBIE attached!!! If you’re not on the list, do you want to be? If that’s a YES, then comment below with a or so I can reach out to you and get your email address. ... Quick! You only have 2.5 hours before the email gets sent out! #uxbridgeontario #durhamregion #uxbridgeon #uxbridgemoms #happyhormones #womenshealth #healthymoms

Natalie Purchase 07.04.2019

1 year ago today I had surgery to remove a lump from my neck. * * It had been growing since late October 2018. ... It took months of doctor visits and convincing that there was something wrong, and then I finally saw a specialist who ensured me this was actually normal but should be removed. His diagnosis was a Thyroglossal Ducts Cysts. 30% of the population have an extra piece of skin that connects their tongue to their thyroid, called a thyroglossal duct. 15% of those end up forming benign cysts. Only 1% are cancer. * * A week later I would find out that mine was cancerous. * * I have spent this past year working on self improvement; my mental, physical and emotional health. I’ve taken on added challenges and have set audacious goals. If I’m given one life to live, I’m going to live it to the fullest. * * Here’s to living your best life! #liveyourbestlife #fuckcancer #healthyliving #womenshealth #happyhormones #holisticnutritionist #uxbridgenutritionist #uxbridgemoms #uxbridgeontario #durhamregion

Natalie Purchase 31.03.2019

My WHY began 12 years ago when I knew something was not right in my body. I had no energy despite being only 22 years old. * * My journey for better health and wanting the best for my body has constantly evolved, more so after having kids. ... Postpartum anxiety hit me like a ton of bricks, and it’s been a journey to climb out from underneath its grasp and find a balance. * * As a mom, it’s tough; You want to be there ALL the time and do ALL the things but there are limitations on your energy and bandwidth. But this shouldn’t be your daily life! Being exhausted, daily, struggling to get through the days, wanting to go to bed even though you just woke up! This isn’t normal even though we have normalized this feeling. * * This is why I have shifted my energy toward working with moms, specifically the ones who are struggling to get through the day due to lack of energy, motivation and stress. The ones who just have too much going on and not enough focus on what their body needs. * * If you’re thinking you could benefit from my years of personal and professional experience, then check out my FREE Guide! Head on over to my profile and click the Link in my Bio #womenshealth #momhealth #momshelpingmoms #womenshormones #hormonehealth #happyhormones #uxbridgenutritionist #holisticnutritionist #uxbridgemoms #uxbridgeontario #uxbridgeon #durhamregion

Natalie Purchase 27.03.2019

Super simple, super tasty

Natalie Purchase 25.03.2019

This has been one of our go-to’s for YEARS when it came to overall health and energy for our body. Everyone in this house gets their #juiceplus daily. I know I don’t eat AS well as I should, and I know I don’t get 13+ servings of fruits and veggies in my day, so this is my insurance policy. And the best part is, my kids get their chews for FREE!! If you’re looking for a way to up your health and fitness game, assist with your recovery, strengthen your immune system o...r just want to be healthier, it starts with what you put in and what you aren’t putting into your body on the daily. If you’re interested in more info, follow the link in my bio or send me a DM. In the meantime, don’t forget to eat your veggies #eatyourveggies #healthandwellness #immunehealth #happyhormones #juiceplus See more

Natalie Purchase 18.03.2019

9 years ago @pertch and I were married. It was a beautiful June day, just like today. On our tables we had orchids as our centre pieces. Today, I got home to find this beautiful orchid waiting for me on my porch from @keithsflowersandgifts We are so lucky to have each other and to have our wonderful community of friends and family who continue to support and love us and our kids. #weddinganniversary #community #love #sograteful #uxbridgeontario #uxbridgeon #durhamregion #shoplocal

Natalie Purchase 02.03.2019

Ladies! I would be lying if I said I had it all figured out. I’d be lying if I said it was easy. ... This life is tough! Raising kids is tough. Being present is tough. Wanting to do it all is tough. Feeing like you’re failing is tough! It’s not a perfect world and you don’t have to be perfect. You just have to try your best and show up for yourself even when it’s hard. And what if I told I had a method that made things a little easier? What if I told you I had a system in place to help you feel supported, felt heard, felt safe and that actually helped you to finally succeed? What if I told you that you didn’t have to stress more about what to eat, how to navigate your diet and lifestyle, and that you didn’t have to punish yourself with workouts? What if I told you that I have something that could help you jumpstart your journey, for FREE? Would you do it? if you’re staying Hell Yes! Then click the link below to get access to my FREE Guides to help get you started! I promise, you won’t be disappointed! https://linktr.ee/nataliepurchasewellness No one said it would be easy, but it will be worth it #momshelpingmoms #womenshealth #hormonehealth #happyhormones #stressless

Natalie Purchase 20.02.2019

This time at home with the kids has had its ups and downs. I’m fortunate I’ve been able to take them out to explore this wonderful town, our network of trails, and be with them to share what I absolutely love- being outdoors. ... The challenges of trying to teach them the curriculum that was handed to us, the challenges of never having a break from them, the challenges of always being on the challenges of not seeing other adults, the challenges of always being amongst a mess, were definitely getting to me. I’m fortunate for the nicer weather and spending more time outdoors, but I’m also so fortunate for the community I’ve created, of like-minded moms, who were also feeling the stress of this new norm. These moms were turning to food for comfort, staying up way too late just to have a moment to themselves, and drinking copious amounts of coffee to just get them through the day. The support I’ve been able to give them, and the purpose they have given me is unmeasurable! If you’re a mom, who is feeling the pressure and stress of this new reality, who could use the support of like minded moms and the sense of community, you are invited to join us! Head on over to thttps://www.facebook.com/groups/564192870752350/ to get access to our Mom’s Only Facebook community! #momssupportingmoms #womenshealth #womenshormones #happyhormones

Natalie Purchase 08.02.2019

Motivation comes in waves. It’s easy to get inspired and want to try something new, only to have the novelty wear off and find yourself off the wagon yet again. Motivation is important, and it’s important to follow the want and willingness to make change and evolve, but staying course when life gets in the way, or you’ve had a rough day, or you’re just not feeling 100% is when it’s best to have someone in your corner who is going to work with you to stay focused, ...provide support and motivate you to keep going. Yes, I work with motivated women. I work with women who are READY to make a shift in their life because what they are doing is not serving them, and they know it. I work with women who want to change but just not sure what needs to happen. I work with women who have fallen off the wagon too many times to count. I work with women who just don’t have the support around them to succeed. I will be your cheerleader and your support. You just have to be motivated enough to shift from where you are to where you want to go. If you’re ready, schedule your FREE discovery call to find out HOW I can help you finally succeed! Scheduling link https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php #womenshealth #womenscoach #happyandhealthy #happyhormones #momlife

Natalie Purchase 25.01.2019

Tomorrow I’ll be back to treating massage clients. Things will be a little different, but please be aware, this is for everyone’s safety. If you have any questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out and ask! I look forward to seeing all of my clients again! #massagetherapist #rmt #uxbridgeontario #uxbridgeon #uxbridgedaily #uxbridgermt

Natalie Purchase 07.01.2019

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does take time to prep. I’m currently prepping this simple meal. Any idea of what it may be?! Comment below with your guess!

Natalie Purchase 10.12.2018

Did you know? A women’s body can fluctuate between 5 pounds at any given time? Weighing yourself daily isn’t the best form of tracking weightloss and can drive you nuts! This also speaks to the bogus fad diets out there that say you can lose 5 pounds in a week!... I’ll be going live in my private Facebook community discussing why your body can hold onto weight, how to begin to make shifts so you finally start making headway and shed the weight for good! Want to join? Send me a PM to be added to our Mom’s only group! #womenshealth #momhealth #momlife #hormonehealth #healthyweightloss #uxbridgeontario #uxbridgemoms #durhamregion

Natalie Purchase 08.12.2018

Happy May long weekend #victoriaday2020 #getoutside #getoutsideandplay #outsideisfree #nofilter

Natalie Purchase 04.12.2018

Attention Ladies who are new to mountain biking! We live in the heart of an abundant mountain biking network and are overwhelmed, in a good way, by the number of new riders joining the local riding community, but more so at the lack of education around how to embark on your journey. Join Expert Mountain Bike Instructor, Charlotte Batty, and Holistic Nutritionist, Natalie Purchase, in this two-part Wellness Workshop. With over twenty years of experience in the mountain bike in...dustry, Charlotte will educate you on the techniques and tactics to become a confident, efficient, and safer mountain biker. In Part Two Natalie will teach you how to use food and supplements to manage fatigue and improve your endurance on the bike. Together, let us help accelerate your learning and put you on the right track so that you can enjoy every second you spend out on the trails! Special bonuses for those that attend! Register for this free event using the link in my bio or follow the link https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/wellness-workshop-tickets-10497

Natalie Purchase 14.11.2018

Hey Momma! I see you scrolling your social media or maybe it’s time to sit down with some snacks and binge watch Netflix. But what if you don’t? ... one thing all moms complain about is being tired, so what if you just called it a day and got a little extra rest? what would happen right now if you just went to bed? If you called it a day and decided to get a couple extra hours of rest? you’d have more energy tomorrow you’d have more patience with the kids you’d drink less coffee and more water you’d make better food choices instead of just going for what’s easiest because you are exhausted so how about you do something about it? When you say you’re tired, then just go to bed