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National Disability Strategy 20.11.2020

There are 4 days until the 2019 federal election. There has been momentum building. Candidates are hearing about and talking about a #NationalDisabilityStrategy. We want to build on that. We want to give every leader the opportunity to express their support for the over 6.2 million Canadians with disablities. We want every leader to pledge their support to building a #BarrierFree Canada, and to start right away during the next Parliament. We want every candidate and every lea...der to pledge their support behind the principle of removing barriers for every disability at every age. It’s as simple as saying: Our party acknowledges that there are over 6.2 million Canadians who have a disability. We believe that there needs to be a strategy to improve the services to meet the needs of all Canadians with all disabilities, and during the next term of Parliament we commit to bringing together disabled people, the provinces and territories, to build a National Disability Strategy. Let’s work together to remove the barriers impacting disabled Canadians. Share this with your local candidates. Share this with party leaders. Share this with media. Tweet this image with the hashtags #BarrierFreePledge #NationalDisabilityStrategy Every Disability. Every Age. Every Need. #ItsTime http://nationaldisabilitystrategy.ca//the-nationaldisabil/

National Disability Strategy 09.11.2020

It’s 2019 and as Canadian citizens, we really need to look hard at the question Should we as a society work to remove barriers and meet the needs of disabled individuals? If the answer is yes, the next question is Can we remove these barriers and how? Then we ask Who is responsible for the barriers and what changes need to be made at their level? ... This leads us to the question of sustainability How much will these changes cost and who will pay for it? This is what a National Disability Strategy should do. We need to look broadly at disability in our country and the barriers at home, at school, at work and in the community that exist. If we as a society decide that yes, we need to remove barriers, all those with disabilities including autistic children and adults, will have their lives greatly improved. To build a #BarrierFree Canada by 2030, we need to start now. We need to gather federal, provincial & territorial governments to address the barriers that exist in our country. There are 6.2 Million Canadians with a disability, and disability advocacy groups and individuals across Canada are saying Its Time for a #NationalDisabilityStrategy Every Disability. Every Age. Every Need. #ItsTime #NationalDisabilityStrategy #NobodyLeftBehind [Image: Picture of candles with text - A single candle might be seen... but thousand can light up the world]

National Disability Strategy 24.10.2020

Lets flood twitter at 9pm EST tonight and Make NDS trend! #NationalDisabilityStrategy #NooneLeftBehind.Lets flood twitter at 9pm EST tonight and Make NDS trend! #NationalDisabilityStrategy #NooneLeftBehind.

National Disability Strategy 06.10.2020

There are so many reasons to have a #NationalDisabilityStrategy but here are 6.2 million. 6.2 million Canadians over 15 years of age have a disability. 6.2 million Canadians face daily barriers at home, at work, at school & in their communities. We need all governments to come together to support Every Disability at Every Age with Every Need. We have 9 days left in this election. Talk to your candidates. Talk to the leaders. Ask them to support a National Disability S...trategy, and be part of the solution to remove these barriers and enable all Canadians to thrive. Every Disability. Every Age. Every Need. #ItsTime. #elxn43 #BarrierFree

National Disability Strategy 28.09.2020

It’s time for all governments provincial, territorial and federal to work together to build a strategy to meet the needs of people with all disabilities at all ages and all needs Today, we are releasing our statement asking candidates to support a National Disability Strategy.... A National Disability Strategy must include specific actions not just research and ideologies. The Time is Now Federal and provincial governments need to work together to ensure that the needs of children, youth and adults with all disabilities whether physical, developmental, cognitive or psychological. Disabilities such as but not limited to Down Syndrome, FASD, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Chromosome Abnormalities and many other rare and unique diagnosis. We need all election platforms to advocate for a National Disability Strategy which is inclusive of ALL disabilities. In this 2019 federal election, we need campaigns to ensure every child, youth and adult with a disability in Canada is supported and afforded equal opportunities in life. We want candidates to advocate and be a champion for a National Disability Strategy where no one will be left behind. The time is now to unite and support the entire disability community to achieve a barrier free Canada. It’s Time. Every Disability. Every Age. Every Need. It’s Time. #NationalDisabilityStrategy http://nationaldisabilitystrategy.ca/2019/10/11/its-time/