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NCCM Alberta 06.02.2022

As the international community arrives in Beijing for the 2022 Winter Olympics, global attention on the games must not eclipse efforts by human rights defenders to focus international attention on China’s well-known human rights abuses targeting Uyghur communities in the Uyghur region. There are nearly 1,200 internment camps operating in the Uyghur region. Many of these camps are run under the pretense of ‘vocational training’ and involves cases of forced labour under the thr...eat of physical violence, sexual abuse, and torture. Forced labour conditions include: - restrictions on the movement of labourers, - debt bondage, - constant digital surveillance, - forced isolation, - forced sterilization, - abusive working conditions, and - the withholding of wages. Uyghur Muslims are forcibly pushed to do low-skilled, labor-intensive work across the textile, garment, and automotive sectors. Last year, Canada’s House of Commons passed a motion declaring the CCP’s treatment of its Uyghur population a genocide. Here are two things you can do: 1. Sign our petition at www.change.org/uyghurforcedlabour to tell the Government of Canada to stop importing goods made by Uyghur forced labour 2. Read our full policy brief at www.nccm.ca/uyghur

NCCM Alberta 04.02.2022

A huge thank you to the dozens of Canadians from coast to coast who responded to our call for the Green Square Campaign to commemorate the January 2017 Quebec City Mosque Tragedy. Aside from so many who wore the Green Square on their lapels, dozens of people around the country also approached their municipalities to approve the lighting of their local monuments in green, the colour of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Quebec City's (CCIQ) carpets. The CCIQ and the Commémoration ...citoyenne de l'attentat de la Grande Mosquée de Québec Committee also held a heartfelt vigil at the centre of this campaign in the memory of those we have lost. Those who took the initiative to help in this country-wide effort deserve all the credit. As action begins with remembrance, let this be another step in the combatting of Islamophobia in Canada. Un immense merci aux nombreux Canadiens d'un océan à l'autre qui ont répondu à notre invitation à participer à la Campagne du carré vert pour commémorer la tragédie de la mosquée de Québec de janvier 2017. En plus du grand nombre de personnes qui ont porté le carré vert sur leur revers, des dizaines de personnes à travers le pays ont également approché leurs municipalités pour approuver l'éclairage de leurs monuments locaux en vert, la couleur des tapis du Centre culturel islamique de Québec. Le CCIQ et le Comité de la Commémoration citoyenne de l'attentat de la Grande Mosquée de Québec ont également tenu une vigile en mémoire de ceux que nous avons perdus. Ceux qui ont pris l'initiative de participer à cet effort national méritent tout le crédit. Comme l'action commence par le souvenir, faisons en sorte que cette campagne soit un pas vers l’avant dans la lutte contre l'islamophobie au Canada.

NCCM Alberta 25.01.2022

You all know that NCCM has been fighting hard to make sure that Canada's laws against online hate are both effective and in accord with civil liberties. Our initial concerns about the online harms bill have, after months of advocacy and discussion, been included in the Government of Canada's Consultation Report around online harms. Specifically:... - We are pleased to see the government note our concern regarding how "references to 'terrorist content' should be removed," given "that Muslim Canadians would be disproportionately securitized, criminalized, and demonized under an approach to harmful content that included references to terrorism." - We were pleased to see the government note our strong objections, along with many others, about mandatory reporting of certain online content to CSIS and national security agencies. We know all too well about the still unaddressed systemic racism and Islamophobia permeating these agencies. Giving them more data does not make diverse communities safer. We appreciate Canadian Heritage and Multiculturalism Minister Pablo Rodriguez's publishing these concerns, and committing to further consultation to diverse communities, as we all try to ensure that we develop robust, effective online hate legislation that aligns with civil liberties.

NCCM Alberta 19.01.2022

A historic plan has been put forward in London. A permanent memorial has been proposed in London, Ontario to honour three generations of the Afzaal family killed there last year in what police allege was a deliberate and Islamophobic attack. The proposal is part of the city's plan to tackle Islamophobia, which includes endorsing NCCM's list of National Summit recommendations. It is vital that municipalities across Canada take the initiative to follow up endorsement of recomm...endations with action, and to coordinate with Muslim communities and leaders. "If other Canadian cities can see this and they will they can model some of the work we’re doing, said Mariam Hamou, a city councillor in London, which has set an important example in acting against Islamophobia and hate. We can all do more.

NCCM Alberta 17.01.2022

As the international community celebrates another World Hijab Day, Muslim women who work in several Quebec public sector jobs are still banned from wearing the hijab, or any other religious symbol. Bill 21 continues to erode Quebecers' freedoms of religion and expression. These are fundamental Canadian and human rights. A choice and identity that should be celebrated has been transformed into a political tool of division. This World Hijab Day, let's remember that second clas...s citizenship has no place in Canada. Stand with women who choose to wear a hijab today. For more visit www.change.org/defeatbill21

NCCM Alberta 10.01.2022

It's a disturbing reality for Canada to reach Black History Month 2022 in the aftermath of yet another attack against a Black, hijab-wearing Muslim woman in Edmonton, AB. Action against such trends should not be divorced from the history & experiences of Black people in Canadian society. There is no justification for the troubling trend of increasing hate crimes across Canada in recent years (almost doubled in Black communities). We all need to do more to stop anti-Black raci...sm and Islamophobia. Centring Black narratives, lives, voices, and presence during a time when extremist forces have redoubled their efforts to marginalize various communities in Canada is one step that everyone can take. This month can be one such opportunity, but the effort should be a year round reflection. There's no better time than now to stand against anti-Black racism and Islamophobia. This beautiful photo series titled Reclaiming Public Space by Faisa Omer speaks volumes.

NCCM Alberta 02.07.2021

Critics of the Israel government are not Israel-haters or anti-Semites. We all know that political conflict results in devastating suffering on both sides. But we are also pushing against the narrative that the victims of this violence children and teenagers are somehow deserving of it. Thank you The Toronto Star and Shenaz Kermalli for telling the side of the story that many have shied away from telling.

NCCM Alberta 28.06.2021

Statement from Mickey Amery on the attacks at Al Aqsa and the violence in Palestine.

NCCM Alberta 16.06.2021

As a response to the emerging violence by Israeli forces in Jerusalem, NCCM and local community organizations called on Minister Garneau, and the Canadian government to denounce Israel's incursions at the Al Aqsa Mosque, and its ongoing campaign to expand illegal settlements in, and expel and dispossess Palestinians from occupied East Jerusalam. With over 100 000 folks taking action, today, we have received a follow up statement from Minister Garneau. View full statement here: https://bit.ly/3hmHmBS

NCCM Alberta 04.06.2021

Today, Jagmeet Singh asked the Prime Minister about Canada’s response to the human rights violations in Palestine. Here was their exchange.

NCCM Alberta 25.05.2021

IMPORTANT! Donate today at www.nccm.ca/donate Shaykh Ayman Al-Taher on the need to support NCCM: We’re blessed to be living in a democratic country like Canada, that believes in multiculturalism, and multi faith.... In such an environment, a need for an advocacy organization is very essential. Donate today to help us continue our fight to dismantle Islamophobia!

NCCM Alberta 19.05.2021

Canadians believe our leaders should stand for international human rights. Canadians know that violence by state actors at religious institutions and violence directed at civilians is unacceptable. That’s why Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole’s statement is hurtful, problematic, and disconnected from the reality of what is happening in Palestine now. A statement that does not acknowledge what many Palestinian people, the United Nations, and numerous international observers - i...ncluding many of our allies - have raised in relation to illegal settlements, and to the violence at Al Aqsa mosque, one of the sacred sites for Muslims during Ramadan, is simply deficient. We expect our leaders in Canada, when they stand on the world stage, to be consistent and principled. As Canada, we need to be standing for peace and a better tomorrow by urging an end to persecution. We ask that all leaders do more to push for an end to the Israeli incursions in Palestine now. We have also engaged and communicated this message directly with Leader Erin O'Toole's Office. #palestine #aqsa #sheikhjarrah #masjidalaqsa #jerusalem #savesheikhjarrah #palestine