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Locality: Fredericton, New Brunswick

Phone: +1 506-458-8534

Address: 2-150 Woodside Lane E3C2R9 Fredericton, NB, Canada

Website: www.bovinsnbcattle.ca

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New Brunswick Cattle Producers 14.07.2021

The Beef Cattle Research Council and other producer organizations use and rely on data collected from surveys like Statistics Canada’ Census of Agriculture, whi...ch is underway this month. It takes time and effort for producers to fill out the information at this busy time of year, but census data collected is important to help guide programs and services for beef producers as well as identify issues and trends. https://census.gc.ca//cst-t/agriculture/beef-bovin-eng.htm See more

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 12.07.2021

The Livestock Tax Deferral provision allows farmers who sell part of their breeding herd due to drought or flooding in prescribed drought or flood regions to defer a portion of sale proceeds to the next year. All of NB is in the prescribed area. For more information, please visit: https://www.agr.gc.ca///livestock-tax-deferral-provision/

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 23.06.2021

Walmart Canada now sourcing Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef Certified beef! #loveCdnbeef

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 11.06.2021

Ensure you check appropriate province's public health measures for trucking livestock during border restrictions: NB Public Health: https://www2.gnb.ca///contacts/dept_renderer.141.2281.html NS Public Health: [email protected]; http://www.nshealth.ca/public-health-offices PEI Public Health: 902-368-5025, [email protected]

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 24.05.2021

After calving season and before breeding, it’s a good time to reflect on what worked and perhaps what needs tweaking. A prolonged calving season can cost in ter...ms of weaning weight, rebreeding success, and the ability to retain cows in your herd. Use our Calving Distribution Calculator to evaluate your calving season length to see if you are leaving anything on the table or whether improvements can be made. http://www.beefresearch.ca/research/calving-distribution.cfm See more

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 18.05.2021

Since 1996, The Environmental Stewardship Award (TESA) has been awarded annually at the provincial and national level to recognize cattle producers’ leadership in conservation. Nominees and applicants are selected based on their stewardship practices, accomplishments and goals. All beef cattle operations in Canada are eligible to apply. Producers can either be nominated by an individual or organization or apply themselves through their provincial or regional cattle organizat...ion(s)- Maritime Beef Council. All methods are equally encouraged. If you would like to put a nomination forward, please contact Amy Higgins prior to June 1st, 2021. https://www.cattle.ca//the-environmental-stewardship-award/ Depuis 1996, le Prix de la gérance de l’environnement (TESA) a été décerné chaque année au niveau provincial et national pour récompenser le leadership des éleveurs de bétail en matière de conservation. Les candidats sont sélectionnés sur la base de leurs pratiques de gestion, de leurs réalisations et de leurs objectifs. Toutes les exploitations de bovins au Canada peuvent présenter une demande. Les producteurs peuvent être désignés par un individu ou une organisation ou présenter eux-mêmes leur demande par l'intermédiaire de leur(s) association(s) provinciale(s) ou régionale(s) de bovins- Maritime Beef Council. Toutes les méthodes sont toutes autant encouragées. Si vous souhaitez proposer une candidature, veuillez contacter Amy Higgins avant le 1er juin 2021.

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 24.02.2021

Today, we celebrate #CdnAgDay. Canadian beef farmers raise cattle, produce nutritious beef, provide jobs, and create economic value, making the beef sector an ...important part of Canada’s agriculture and food community. Canada’s beef producers also play a vital role in taking care of the environment, a large responsibility that farmers and ranchers are not always credited for. While there is still room for improvement on some fronts, there is much to celebrate while the beef sector continues to improve its environmental track record. These facts demonstrate some of the valuable ways in which beef producers manage environmental resources: Beef producers steward sensitive grassland and riparian ecosystems that provide many ecological, economic, and societal benefits. (http://www.beefresearch.ca//isnt-beef-canadas-ultimate-pl/) Beef cattle make use of steep, erosion-prone, rocky, or forested land that cannot grow crops for human consumption. Grazing cattle upcycle the forage grown on marginal land into nutrient rich beef. (http://www.beefresearch.ca//beefs-place-in-a-healthy-envi/) Farmers are reducing their use of fossil fuels and synthetic fertilizers by using innovative grazing management strategies (http://www.beefresearch.ca/research-t/grazing-management-48) and seeding cover crops (http://www.beefresearch.ca/research-topic.cfm/cover-crops-91) to improve their soils and increase forage production. Producers reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve feed efficiency by implementing growth promoting technologies that maintain a high standard of food safety and animal health. (http://www.beefresearch.ca//hormones-and-other-growth-prom) Cattle make a significant contribution to reducing food loss, by converting high fiber crop residues and food processing by-products into high quality protein more efficiently than other livestock. Canada has committed to the United Nations goal to cut global food loss (e.g. harvest and storage losses, crop residues and processing by-products) and food waste (retail, restaurants and home) in half by 2030 (https://www.canada.ca//government-of-canada-launches-food-). Science and innovation have reduced the overall environmental footprint of Canadian beef. Researchers found that producing each unit of Canadian beef used 17% less water, required 29% less breeding cattle, 24% less land, and produced 15% less greenhouse gases in 2011 compared to 1981. The beef sector is committed to emissions reductions and have set a 10-year goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 33% during the primary production phase by 2030. (http://www.beefresearch.ca//environmental-footprint-of-bee) With a focus on fact, innovation and communication, Canada’s beef producers strive to continually improve environmental outcomes. Today, as we celebrate #CdnAgDay and beef producers for their important contributions to agriculture and food, let’s also celebrate the role they play in managing Canada’s environmental landscapes. Full post: http://www.beefresearch.ca//celebrate-canadas-agriculture/

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 11.02.2021

Happy #CdnAgDay! Today we will be sharing stories & posts that represent Canadian agriculture, such as this article from Farmwork to Feed Canada: https://farmworktofeedcanada.ca/young-canadian-ranchers-le/

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 22.01.2021

The 84-day Weight and EGR Reports for the 95 bulls on-test at the Maritime Beef Testing Station are now posted. http://maritimebeefteststation.ca/bull-reports/

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 14.01.2021

The Balamore Farm - Thickness Sells Bull Sale catalog is now available for the March 20th sale!

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 01.01.2021

The next module of the Atlantic Beef School is released for registration! Herd Health Management is up next! Should be a good one- don't miss out! https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/atlantic-beef-school-herd-healt

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 11.11.2020

Reminder of the upcoming VBP+ Webinar on November 3 - Winter Grazing/Feeding Strategy Panel: John Duynisveld- AAFC Researcher & Beef/Sheep Producer, NS Sean McGrath- Rancher & Ranching Systems Ltd, AB Bernard Doré, agronome- Pro-Genetic Consulting Inc, QC... https://us02web.zoom.us//register/WN_km775OPjRvuQvbNbCOlbBQ

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 07.11.2020

Episode 5 will be available Tuesday, November 3: "Cost of Production - Getting Started With Data Recording" Brad chats with Cedric MacLeod of MacLeod Agronomics about the beginning stages of the cost of production - including the importance of data recording and peer groups.

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 31.10.2020

Join us for the first BCRC #beefwebinar of the season, TONIGHT at 7pm MST. Invasive weed management experts John Duynisveld from Nova Scotia, Mike Cowbrough of ...Ontario, and Renny Grilz from Saskatchewan will share insight into effective methods of combating problem plants. Already have plans? You can still register and watch the recording later at your convenience! http://www.beefresearch.ca/resources//webinars-overview.cfm See more

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 17.10.2020

VBP+ Webinar: Winter Grazing/Feeding Strategy Panel: John Duynisveld- AAFC Researcher & Beef/Sheep Producer, NS Sean McGrath- Rancher & Ranching Systems Ltd, AB Bernard Doré, agronome- Pro-Genetic Consulting Inc, QC ... https://us02web.zoom.us//register/WN_km775OPjRvuQvbNbCOlbBQ

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 30.09.2020

2020 Maritime Beef Virtual Conference Series Pre-registration will be required, but if you register- you will be able to access the recording afterwards. Free of Charge! **Simultaneous Translation will be available** https://us02web.zoom.us//register/WN_ZgkONNzWQ2urYhV-qPov3A ... Congrès de l’industrie bovine des Maritimes 2020 Série de conférences virtuelles Une préinscription sera nécessaire, mais si vous vous inscrivez, vous pourrez accéder à l’enregistrement par la suite. C’est gratuit ! ** La traduction simultanée sera disponible ** https://us02web.zoom.us//register/WN_ZgkONNzWQ2urYhV-qPov3A

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 21.09.2020

Episode 4: BCRC Decision-Making Tools: Carrying Capacity Calculator and Evaluating Feed Test Results Brad and Ellen Crane chat about the Beef Cattle Research Council's online Decision-Making Tools.

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 06.09.2020

Contact the co-OP for more info

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 23.08.2020

(français ci-dessous) Bidding Opens Friday October 16th at 9:00AM (AST) and closes Saturday October 17th at 6:00PM (AST) You can see the animals updated videos, pedigrees and information by following this direct link: https://farmgatetimedauctions.ca/auction/9670 ... If you want to flip through the catalogue, it can be found at: https://issuu.com/bohrsonmark//maritime_catalogue_2020_web IF you need any assistance in registering to bid or want to speak to a DLMS person, feel free to reach out to the DLMS team or Sale committee and they will help you get set up. DLMS FarmGate Timed Auctions Rep Mark Shologan cell: 780-699-5082 OR Jill Renton cell: 780-603-1636 Or any of the DLMS Purebred Team Maritime Hereford Sale: Kelsey Siddall (902) 694-6036 OR Leonard Allen (902) 694-8026 Angus in Action Sale: Ronnie Ford (902) 394-0059 Autumn Classic Shorthorn Sale: Adam Fraser - 902-759-6862 / 902-396-1937 Saltwater Simmental Sale Kerwin Delong - [email protected] Cheers AMY HIGGINS Objet : Vente de production en ligne ce week-end Les enchères débutent le vendredi 16 octobre à 9 h (H.A.A.) et se terminent le samedi 17 octobre à 18 h (H.A.A.) Vous pouvez voir les vidéos, les pedigrees et les informations à jour sur les animaux en suivant ce lien direct : https://farmgatetimedauctions.ca/auction/9670 Si vous souhaitez feuilleter le catalogue, vous pouvez le trouver à l’adresse suivante : https://issuu.com/bohrsonmark//maritime_catalogue_2020_web Si vous avez besoin d’aide pour vous inscrire afin de faire une enchère ou si vous souhaitez parler à un membre de DLMS, n’hésitez pas à contacter l’équipe de DLMS ou le comité des ventes qui vous aidera à vous préparer. Représentants de DLMS FarmGate Timed Auctions Cellulaire de Mark Shologan : 780-699-5082 OU cellulaire de Jill Renton : 780-603-1636 ou n’importe quel membre de l’équipe DLMS Purebred Maritime Hereford Sale : Kelsey Siddall (902) 694-6036 OU Leonard Allen (902) 694-8026 Angus in Action Sale : Ronnie Ford (902) 394-0059 Autumn Classic Shorthorn Sale: Adam Fraser 902-759-6862 / 902-396-1937 Saltwater Simmental Sale Kerwin Delong - [email protected]

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 19.08.2020

Due to the recent Covid-19 outbreaks in the province and two regions being placed in the Orange Phase designation, NBCP will be postponing our face to face Producer Workshops and Regional Business Meetings scheduled for October 13th-16th and October 24th, until further notice. We will be moving the Regional Business Meetings to an on-line format and all producers will be notified by mail or email with details on how to participate. Kindest regards, Donald Bettle Chair ... En raison des récentes éclosions de Covid-19 dans la province et de la rétrogradation de deux régions en phase orange , ÉBNB reportera ses ateliers de production et les assemblées d’affaires régionales prévues pour du 13 au 16 octobre, ainsi que ceux du 24 octobre, jusqu’à nouvel ordre. Nous allons passer à un format en ligne pour les assemblées d’affaires régionales et tous les producteurs seront informés par courrier ou par courriel des modalités de participation. Cordialement, Donald Bettle Président

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 11.08.2020

Another profile

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 07.08.2020

Another Profile of what quality you can expect on Monday at Carvell's

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 31.07.2020

Take a look at the first Production Club calves that sell!

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 16.07.2020

Check out Beef Cattle Research Council's newest blog "Bale Grazing Checks The Boxes For Three Canadian Producers" to read about how local producer John Duynisveld utilizes bale grazing on his farm in Wallace, NS. http://www.beefresearch.ca//bale-grazing-checks-the-boxes/

New Brunswick Cattle Producers 09.07.2020

Veal Farmers of Ontario are hosting a virtual Healthy Calf Conference on Tuesday, November 24, 2020 from 10AM to 12:15PM (EST). Registration is $25, closing 4PM Monday, November 23, 2020: 2020healthycalfconference.eventbrite.ca Like & follow Calf Care Corner for updates!