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New Path Fitness & Wellness > Laurie Maynard 11.02.2021

Come on ladies, tell me you haven’t thought this before?? . that signing up for a program or hiring a trainer is the solution to our health and fitness struggles. .... Right?? . While both are wonderful tools to help you reach your goals - YOU still have to do the work. . You still have to prepare healthy meals even when you are busy, go for a walk or run even when it is cold outside, do the push ups while your family watches tv . If you find yourself blaming the diet or coach or other external circumstances for your failures, you are not taking responsibility to figure problems out on your own. . Just like we cannot rely on other people and things to make us happy, we cannot rely on other people or things to reach goals for us. . Stop looking for quick-fixes and put in the time to do the hard work. I know this is hard to hear! But.... . Having a program that works for you and guides you in how to do that hard work can be a big help. If YOU want to do the work, comment below with a emoji. You got this!

New Path Fitness & Wellness > Laurie Maynard 29.01.2021

Don’t wait around for the motivation fairy . Trust me, I KNOW how hard it is to stick to a new exercise routine. .... I used to give up when I missed just ONE workout!. . But NOT anymore, I now know it’s NOT all or nothing . . Progress isn’t always linear! . If I miss a workout . I DON’T have to quit and start over next week. . I can ALWAYS pick up where I left off tomorrow! . I know, sounds crazy right? LOL . Here are a few tips to help you STICK to your new workout routine: . Ease into your workouts . Don’t wait until the last minute - get it done first thing. . Commit yourself to get the first 10 minutes of the workout done & go from there, trust me once you start you will finish! . Just start with that ! . Commitment my friend, . The domino effect will lead you STRAIGHT to your goals . Promise yourself NO Cop Outs This Week!!! . P.S. If you’re ready to COMMIT to a new exercise routine at HOME or back at the gym . My quick and effective workouts have EVERYTHING you need to make new habits and break old ones in just 30 MINUTES !! . Dm me to find out more!

New Path Fitness & Wellness > Laurie Maynard 15.01.2021

How’s the New Years Resolution going??? . Fall off track? Giving it 50 % effort? Still going strong? .... 25% of people actually stay committed to their resolution past 30 days and only 8% actually accomplish their goal?? That is heart breaking for me. . I want to increase that 8%, I want you to stick with your resolution past 30 days. I want you to look back a year from now and be proud of yourself for accomplishing what you said you were going to do. . Take you first step toward your goal and join me for my FREE 5 Day System Reset. Build healthy habits over 5 day to carry you further down the path to success. Get delicious, easy to make recipes, quick and effective workouts and coaching every day to get you fired up and moving in the right direction. . LET’S DO THIS! Dm me to get your manual and REMEMBER we start Monday Jan 18th!!!

New Path Fitness & Wellness > Laurie Maynard 14.01.2021

Ladies, are you confused on how to exercise for maximum fat loss?

New Path Fitness & Wellness > Laurie Maynard 07.01.2021

Ladies, I don’t have to tell you that the stressors of the outside world have a direct impact on the internal workings of our bodies. . When we perceive stress, our brains release certain hormones to address the threat. While these hormones are needed in order to live, too much stress can result in high levels of stress hormones - which can wreak havoc on our bodies. .... Adrenaline and cortisone are two hormones that your body releases when stressed. Too much of either can cause health issues. . On the flip side, dopamine and serotonin are two hormones that increase your feelings of happiness and wellbeing. The release or increase of these hormones can relieve stress and boost your mood. . We can’t always control the stressors or our bodies’ reactions - but interestingly enough - there are actually foods that can aid our body in handling and reducing stress! . Tahini Tahini is a Middle Eastern butter made from ground, toasted sesame seeds. Tahini is rich in amino acids - including L-tryptophan. Your body converts L-tryptophan into serotonin. . Chickpeas Chickpeas are a type of legume. Chickpeas are rich in L-tryptophan. They also have a high level of magnesium - a mineral that our bodies need in order to combat stress. Chronic stress can result in depleted levels of magnesium. . Blueberries Blueberries are a low-calorie, vitamin packed fruit. Antioxidants found in blueberries can reduce the negative impact that stress can have on our bodies (inflammation, cell damage) and are believed to boost your mood. . Avocados Avocados are rich in potassium. When we are stressed, the release of stress hormones often increases our blood pressure. Potassium can lower blood pressure. . Gives stress-eating a whole new definition! . Do you know of any other stress-relieving foods?

New Path Fitness & Wellness > Laurie Maynard 01.01.2021

I’m so excited to announce that on Monday Jan 4th I’m hosting a FREE 4 Day Goal Setting Workshop to help you get crystal clear on your dreams for 2021 and begin to bring them to life! . You see, setting goals and visualizing them daily is a crucial part of leveling up your life. .... And what better way to do it than by creating a roadmap of that which you desire? . Why is this something you should absolutely do? . Aside from the fact that it’s going to be FUN, goal setting is an amazing way to begin invoking the Law of Attraction. When you give your dreams a roadmap and visual representation, your emotions connect to those desires more powerfully. And emotions stimulate the process of the law attraction by keeping you more motivated to take the daily required actions to bring your desires into your reality. . Pretty cool, huh? . So, are you in? Send me a DM and I will send you all the details! Let’s start 2021 on the right path with the right roadmap!!!

New Path Fitness & Wellness > Laurie Maynard 30.12.2020

Do This In The Morning To Make Your Day Better . How we start our morning often sets the tone for our day. .... And, more often than not, our busy lives dictate a busy morning! . I challenge you to wake up 5 minutes earlier in the morning and do at least ONE stretch (or yoga pose) and think of ONE thing that you are grateful for. . One stretch won’t take you 5 minutes, so you may choose to stretch a little longer, learn a new yoga pose or take a few extra minutes to relax, enjoy your coffee or get ready for your day. . Waking up 5 minutes earlier and doing ONE stretch and ONE gratitude practice is TOTALLY doable. . Heck you could even do a stretch while you are still in bed! . Stretching increases your flexibility and mobility - making movement and daily tasks easier. It also increases body and mind alignment and can also decrease stress. . Studies show that a daily practice of gratitude can lead to increased optimism, satisfaction, enthusiasm, motivation and HAPPINESS. . Consciously choose to think of one thing you are grateful for each day. Honestly, it can be the same thing every day. Just take a moment at the start of your day to be thankful. . Can you wake up 5 minutes earlier for the next 7 days and do ONE stretch and ONE gratitude practice? Leave an emoji if you accept the challenge. . Don't forget to grab your manual for the FREE 5 Day System Reset starting Monday, this is a sneak peak of what we will be talking about next week!! DM me to grab the manual!!

New Path Fitness & Wellness > Laurie Maynard 27.12.2020

3 WORDS THAT WILL ACTUALLY CHANGE YOUR LIFE RIGHT NOW: "DO IT NOW" How long have you been "planning, preparing, or waiting for the perfect time" to do something you know you should do or feel you are called to do? ... Are you guilty of having the idea, the goal, the desire and then immediatley saying "I'll do it later" or "I'll get on it when I have more time"? Now take a second to think about how much futher along you would be if you started taking all the energy you use planning and waiting and used it to start DOING? "DO IT NOW" is your new mantra my friends!! Here's the thing , when will you really have more time? Never. You will always have the same exact 24 hours in each day. The hard truth is - if you really want to make something happen, you need to CREATE the time! Let's be real, we can all find 20 minutes (stop scrolling IG or FB unless you are reading info in this FB group LOL)! So what would happen if you decided to just DO IT NOW? That doesn't mean dedicated 2 hrs a day to it, but it does mean put into action immediately some steps, some minutes...... and then schedule out more times on the calendar to continue the momentum. So my friends, what have you been putting off that you can start RIGHT NOW? Let me know in the comments

New Path Fitness & Wellness > Laurie Maynard 21.12.2020

1 thing at a time. . I love big bold goals. And If we want big things to happen, we must think big and make big goals. .... BUT there is a downside to making too many big goals at one time. . The work to complete those goals can feel daunting and overwhelming. And our focus can be stretched thin. . Change takes a lot of planning, self control, and energy. By focusing on one goal at a time, you allow yourself to put all of your effort towards that singular outcome. . Break your bigger goals into short term goals with a tangible done by timeframe. . And when you reach that point, move on to your next shorter term goal. . A long term goal will most likely require ongoing habit change. It is more beneficial to master one change/new habit or routine than to halfway achieve two or three. . When you reach a point where the steps to maintain the goal have become habitual, it will require less energy to continue making those steps. . Then you will have more energy that you can invest into your next big goal! . Make a list of your goals. Prioritize that list. Start with number one. . What is your number one goal right now? Let me know in the comments . Don’t forget to join the FREE 5 Day system reset and lose the holiday fluff that is hanging around so you can start working on your Heath & fitness goal!! Dm me for the FREE manual!

New Path Fitness & Wellness > Laurie Maynard 20.12.2020

Please BELIEVE me when I say ....... . Meal Prep is NOT hard or TIME CONSUMING!!! .... 6 lunches or dinners ready in less than 15 minutes! ( not counting the chicken in crock pot cooking time). . Seriously!!! All you need to do is a bit of planning and you are good to go. . All I did was throw frozen chicken in crock pot with red curry paste, ginger, garlic and s & p. Set to cook! ( 2 min max). . Once cooked added 1 can coconut milk and let warm 10 min. . I had left over bok choy so chopped it and separated into 6 Tupperware. Then added frozen veggies, easy no chopping and I always have in hand. ( 4 min max). . When chicken was cooked, weighed and portioned into Tupperware then topped with coconut milk sauce. (5 min max) . DONE.....6 meals in 11 min give it take! . SERIOUSLY It’s not hard, it’s a habit, and you can all do it. . Bonus...Boil 12 eggs at the same time and you have 6 breakfasts ready to go!

New Path Fitness & Wellness > Laurie Maynard 10.12.2020

What’s your favorite Holiday song? . There are plenty of unmistakable sounds of the season. Around here we know the holidays are fast approaching as soon as my hubby pulls out his Christmas play list and starts playing it on repeat!! .... In terms of Holiday music, my all-time favourites are Dave Matthews and Tim Reynold Christmas Song and Bing Crosby and David Bowie Little Drummer Boy. They are pure bliss to my ears! They are the ones I hit repeat on a lot!! . I love singing along every year as we exchange gifts on Christmas morning with the kidsbe still my heart! . So, tell me, what’s your favorite Holiday song? I’ll add it to my playlist:)

New Path Fitness & Wellness > Laurie Maynard 09.12.2020

Join me for a FREE 5 day System Reset starting Monday & Lose the Holiday Fluff ! . Find out how to: .... How to eat to promote healthy metabolism and hormones to get you sustainable results . & get: . Healthy, delicious & easy-to-prepare recipes that you (and your family) will love . Fast & effective workouts that support long-term fat loss without hours of cardio . 5 days of motivation & accountability to help you stick to the plan and get results . Coaching & guidance from an expert! . DM me to grab your manual and lets RESET together!

New Path Fitness & Wellness > Laurie Maynard 08.12.2020

Why we SUCK at counting calories.... . In order to lose weight, we need to expend MORE energy than we take in. .... Which means we need to consume less calories than we expend. . And in order to know if we're doing that, counting calories sounds like a good idea. . While it is good to know what is in your food and about how many calories you are consuming, it is practically impossible to accurately count calories. . Here is why calorie counting alone is faulty: . People are not great at eyeballing calories. . Food labels can have a % of error. . Cooking and preparing foods can alter the calories and nutrients. . Energy burned through digestion varies depending on macronutrients. . The body burns calories in various ways and every person differs. . It is hard to know how many calories we burn when we exercise. . Different forms of exercise have different calorie-burning effects. . This is EXACTLY why being educated along with learning to be mindful and aware of your choices is important to long-term diet success. . Blindly following a meal plan or diet may work for a while, but what happens when you have to actually make your own choices? . Every person is unique. . Everybody processes, absorbs, and uses food differently also known as our metabolism. . And here is another thing to keep in mind. . What works today may not work next year. . And what worked 10 years ago may not work now. . The human body works very hard to adapt/maintain homeostasis. . And as we age, our resting metabolic rate naturally goes down. . While there are tips, techniques and best practices when it comes to fitness and nutrition, you will only know what is best for you by educating yourself on how your body responds to the different types of nutrients . . I am a firm believer in educating my clients as well as keeping them accountable. My 12 week intensive coaching program still has a few spots left for this month! If you are interested in learning more, leave a comment or shoot me a DM. ;)

New Path Fitness & Wellness > Laurie Maynard 03.12.2020

3 Main Reasons Your Scale Fluctuates . One morning you are 150 lbs, later that day you are 154 lbs, and the next morning you are 149 lbs what gives? .... #1 Glycogen . Going on and off low-carb diets can cause big changes in glycogen levels. . Each gram of glycogen holds as much as four times its weight in water. So, reducing carbs (and glycogen), will cause a fast drop in weight. . This is why you hear some people say they lost 8 pounds in just a few days on a low carb diet. It is mostly water weight though and it will come back if that exact diet and exercise regime is not sustained. . #2 Salt . Let’s say you went out to your favorite Mexican restaurant last night and enjoyed a few margaritas and enchiladas. When you step on the scale the next day, you have gained 5 pounds! . Your digestive system hasn’t had time to process all the salt you had the night before and all that excess sodium causes your body to hold onto excess water in order to keep your electrolytes in balance. . Thank you human body for being so efficient! . Your body will sort it all out over time which leads to point number three... . #3 It takes a few days for body weight to stabilize after any major shift in nutrition or exercise. . If you have JUST began a new way of eating - especially one drastically lower in sugars - you must wait until your morning scale weight has stabilized (no longer losing a pound or two of water a day), before assessing your true weight loss. . Weight should then be monitored for about another two weeks to make sure there are no drastic changes to glycogen or fluid levels. The goal is to have the weight loss be all from fat! . Have you noticed crazy scale fluctuations that you couldn't explain? Well now you know :)

New Path Fitness & Wellness > Laurie Maynard 27.11.2020

Hey ladies. . Raise your hand if 2020 looked anything like the plans you made for it at the end of last year! .... Yeah? Me neither. . But you know what? I never would have guessed I’d have grown my online business as a result of a global pandemic and shutdown. I learned adaptation is the key to making it in an ever-changing world. . What unexpected lessons shaped your 2020 vision? And what’s in the plans for ’21? . Comment below!!!

New Path Fitness & Wellness > Laurie Maynard 25.11.2020

I hear you...Starting this healthy lifestyle journey is hard! . When it’s really tough and you have a bad workout that feels like you failed, well guess what? You didn’t! You didn’t fail because you started! .... The people that you watch on social media that you’re probably comparing yourself to with those 6 pack abs and look like they’ve got it all together, they had to start somewhere! I want you to remember that! . Everyone has their Day 1! So stop comparing your Day 1 to their Day 500! . As long as you’re doing your best that’s all that matters! Take it one day at a time and you’ll get there!! . So instead of comparing yourself to those fitness people you follow I want you to compare yourself to the person you were before you started!! . Start with small actions you can do consistently over time that keep you on the path to your goals. . Need a little boost in the right direction? Join me for my FREE 5 DAY SYSTEM RESET starting Monday Jan 18th. DM me and I will send you the manual!

New Path Fitness & Wellness > Laurie Maynard 21.11.2020

Did you know, Muscle mass naturally declines with age. This usually leads to fat gain and raises the risk of many chronic diseases. . However, this adverse change in body composition can be partly slowed, prevented, or reversed with a combination of strength training and adequate nutrition with high-quality protein sources. .... Here are my Favorite top 5 protein sources!! . 1- eggs: they provide us with very high-quality protein that contains all nine essential amino acids in the right amounts needed by the body for optimum growth and maintenance. 1 egg contains 77 calories, 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of healthy fats. . 2- Chia seeds : they are an ancient superfood. This concentrated protein source is also rich in fiber, helping keep the body full and energized for hours. The fiber also helps facilitate the absorption of water, making the stomach expand and feel fuller, quicker. Fiber also helps the digestive system run smoothly and regularly. . 3- Chicken : is a great source of lean protein which helps your body maintain muscle mass and also helps build muscle in conjunction with a strength training program. . 4- Whey protein : It is a complete, high-quality protein, containing all of the essential amino acids. In addition, it is very digestible, absorbed from the gut quickly compared to other types of protein. . 5- Cruciferous veggies (yes I said veggies) like brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, kale. Consuming these protein-rich vegetables is a great way to increase the protein and nutrient content of any diet without adding many calories. . ***BONUS*** I couldn't leave out my Greek yogurt, it is an excellent source of protein and is packed with Probiotics. Probiotics are healthy bacteria that can help boost your immune system and decrease stomach issues. . What are your fav proteins? . Need new protein packed recipe ideas grab my low carb high protein recipe Ebook today. ( link in bio)