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Locality: Kamloops, British Columbia

Phone: +1 250-320-6018

Address: 153 Seymour Street V2C 2C7 Kamloops, BC, Canada


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Nourish 14.02.2022

Dinner time! What I have in my cupboard Easy Italian Wedding Soup...yummy.

Nourish 27.01.2022 for thought. Currently I am doing another sugar cleanse as I became aware that little by little I was turning to sugary sweets as a treat. I do this when I am bored, upset, distracted or procrastinating. What does your sugary habit look like?

Nourish 29.12.2021

INKY IS MISSING Inky resides at our North Shore store and was there at closing last night. He is a short-haired, black and white male cat who is very old so he skinny and a bit raggedy. HE REQUIRES MEDICATION TWICE A DAY OR HE WILL DIE. We have searched inside and outside everywhere. We have checked for a break-in. We have combed the field. Please watch out for Inky or if you took him at the end of the day yesterday please return him. He requires medication for thyroid disease and kidney disease. Without this medication his heart races and he is at risk. We all love Inky so much and are frantic. DETAILS: -Last seen February 19th at 5pm -1211 8th street on the North Shore in Kamloops -DSH Black and White Male cat (neutered and tattooed and microchipped) -Pupils do not match, black dot on face, emaciated from kidney failure -Very loved and very important VIP from our store team.

Nourish 10.12.2020

Introducing the new vegan treat .. Chocolate Mess! Inspired by my moms old recipe she made every Christmas, but made vegan! Enjoy the comfort of chocolate, pean...ut butter and marshmallows all in one bar. These will be available to order until December 22 at mid night, with 24 hour notice. They will come in a 18.5cm x 13.6cm x 5.1cm container with servings between 6 and 8, depending on how it is cut! Each container will be $15, please message me to order

Nourish 26.11.2020

Homemade Vegan Egg Nog is now live to pre order until December 13th! Each jug will be $6.00 each, and is both Vegan and Gluten Free. Orders will be available fo...r pick up between December 3-23. Payment will be expected at ordering time, so no product goes to waste. Please DM me to order with the date you would like to pick up, and how many quantities you would like!

Nourish 13.11.2020

How many people out there are interested in a Professional Skin Program that doesn’t include spa visits? This year has brought a lot of change in the World arou...nd us. I’ve been busy formulating a plan to serve people with their skin needs from home? This would be a program that would include Personalized skin consults, including internal and external assessment and treatment plan, with discounts on products and bonuses. Consider me as your Personal Trainer for Skin. Whatever your goals are we can discuss and work on this together. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and skills on your skin journey. This journey can often be overwhelming with all that we are inundated with. Let me ease you into healthy skin with a customized plan. Comment if your interested Or share my Post with someone you think I could help. I have 100$ prize package for a draw for anyone who shares and comments on my post via Facebook and Instagram Skindivas Instagram Clearwater Medi-Spa or Skindivas on Facebook

Nourish 08.11.2020

Pumpkin Brownies are now available to order!

Nourish 03.11.2020

My mom had a lot of problems. She did not sleep and she felt exhausted. She was irritable, grumpy, and bitter. She was always sick, until one day, suddenly, she... changed. The situation was the same, but she was different. One day my dad said to her: - I've been looking for a job for three months and I haven't found anything, I'm going to have a few beers with friends. My mom replied: - It's okay. My brother said to her: - Mom, I'm doing poorly in all subjects at the University ... My mom replied: - Okay, you will recover, and if you don't, well, you repeat the semester, but you pay the tuition. My sister said to her: - Mom, I hit the car. My mom replied: - Okay daughter, take it to the workshop, find how to pay and while they fix it, get around by bus or subway. Her daughter-in-law said to her: - Mother-in-law, I come to spend a few months with you. My mom replied: - Okay, settle in the living room couch and look for some blankets in the closet. All of us at my mom's house gathered worried to see these reactions. We suspected that she had gone to the doctor and that she was prescribe some pills of "I don't give a damn about 1000 mg." She would probably also be ingesting an overdose. We then proposed to do an "intervention" to my mother to remove her from any possible addiction she had towards some anti-tantrum medication. But what was not the surprise, when we all gathered around her and my mom explained: "It took me a long time to realize that each person is responsible for their life, it took me years to discover that my anguish, my mortification, my depression, my courage, my insomnia and my stress, did not solve their problems but aggravated mine. I am not responsible for the actions of others, but I am responsible for the reactions I express to that. Therefore, I came to the conclusion that my duty to myself is to remain calm and let each one solve what corresponds to them. I have taken courses in yoga, meditation, miracles, human development, mental hygiene, vibration and neurolinguistic programming, and in all of them, I found a common denominator: finally they all lead to the same point. And, it is that I can only interfere with myself, you have all the necessary resources to solve your own lives. I can only give you my advice if you ask me and it depends on you to follow it or not. So, from now on, I cease to be: the receptacle of your responsibilities, the sack of your guilt, the laundress of your remorse, the advocate of your faults, the wall of your lamentations, the depositary of your duties, who should solve your problems or spare a tire every time to fulfill your responsibilities. From now on, I declare all independent and self-sufficient adults. Everyone at my mom's house was speechless. From that day on, the family began to function better, because everyone in the house knows exactly what it is that they need to do. Author: A HAPPY WOMAN!! Repost: Sandra Gaskill

Nourish 21.10.2020

Living a healthy lifestyle and knowing what to do to stay healthy long term can be overwhelming. We like to keep it SIMPLE ( it’s much more sustainable that wa...y ) and focus on 5 Key Pillars . Join Dr Rob on Tuesday September 22 at 6pm live as he discusses key strategies and tips to boost health for the change of season. Bring your questions and share with your friends- help us raise the health and well-being of our community and future generation #community #healthylifestyle #liveyourbestlife #liveinspired #kamloopswellness #wellnessjourney #healthyliving #kamloopsbusiness #kamloopssmallbusiness #kamloopslife #kamloopsliving #elevateyourself #choosehealthy #keepitsimple #consistencyiskey #healthyfamily See more

Nourish 15.09.2020

Don’t forget to order your treats! Message me to order.

Nourish 04.09.2020

Introducing the new protein line available for ordering today! Keep your health on track with whole food ingredients, vegan protein, and 90% organic treats! No refined sugar, dairy and all gluten free. Please see photos for how to order

Nourish 01.09.2020

She's Inspired Book Club is not your average club. Our goals are personal discovery and growth with the support of like minded individuals. You will, friendship, learning opportunities, first dibs on retreats, activities and FUN!! We laugh, we cry, we support and we embrace change, challenge obstacles. Membership required (Sept-June), confidential agreements signed, to register or visit my eventbrite: First book: 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman starts September 10th! We are so excited to have you join our sisterhood!! DM for more information.

Nourish 16.08.2020

If you have a teenager, or know a teenager, or know of a teenager, please read this. It isn’t difficult to measure best and worst days in one’s life. Best days ...are easier of course. For me - the day I found out I was having Bryce, the day he was born, the day I passed the bar exam. Worst days aren’t that hard to pinpoint - but those days are generally more private for me, except for Monday. Monday was, without a doubt, the absolute worst day of my life. I think it was the worst day of Bryce’s life too. I’m just thankful he will live to have more best days. Bryce has been on oxygen for 48 hrs with no end in sight. Bryce’s lungs look like they are filled with spider webs. Bryce cannot take a full breath, instead he breaths shallow and quickly. He cannot move without chest pains. Bryce is 15. For 4 days I assisted him as he dry heaved every day, multiple times a day. On Monday he vomited more times than I can count. His body trying desperately to rid itself of nothing, because he hadn’t had more than a piece of toast since last Thursday. As time progressed the retching and vomiting was accompanied by gasps for air as he attempted to fill his lungs in desperation for just one decent oxygen filled breath. Saturday night we went to the ER because I, with my degree in Googling, was sure he had Covid-19. We were placed in a room with signs on the door about droplets and PPE. No one entered without wearing a blue plastic gown, goggles or a shield, gloves, and a mask. If they forgot something outside they had to stand at the door and ask someone else to assist them. If they left the room they had to take it all off and throw it in the trashcan in the room, to come back all new items went on. Four hours, a bag and a half of IV fluids, a swab of what had to have been his brain, and some Tylenol later we were sent home. Results expected tomorrow for the covid-19 test, other blood tests didn’t look great but also didn’t point to anything. His chest X-ray looked like bronchitis but his symptoms weren’t quite right. Mother’s Day I helped him as he vomited at 6:45 am and then 8 am. And then 12pm. And then 4 pm. I asked myself what else could he possibly expel from his body? Heat radiated from his body, I didn’t even have to touch him to know his fever was high. The covid results were negative. I was skeptical. His temperature was all over the place between normal and 102.5. Monday was essentially a repeat of Sunday and Saturday, but then worse. And worse. Until between dry heaves Bryce whispered I [breath] need [breath] to [breath] go to [breath] the [breath] ER. And so I grabbed the still packed bag from two days before, fed the dogs, and off we went. Back at the ER there were not as many precautions as the Saturday night visit. We were placed in a different room without all the rules. I sat there watching as my son got vials and vials of blood drawn from his arm as the doctors tried to figure out what was wrong. Bryce sat on the bed panting, gasping for air, crying that he felt like he was suffocating. Ultra sound and X-ray fought over who would take him first - the ultimate winner was ultrasound. Another covid-19 test was administered - this time the nurse stuck the swab so far into his nose it nearly disappeared and made me nearly faint. The nurse remembered bryce from two nights before, they reminisced about how easy it was to put his IV in that night. The doctor from Saturday night saw his name again and came by to check on him. She was worried she had missed something, I assured her things were different today, that the care she gave him was more than adequate. Doctors and nurses, came and went, asking the same questions over and over, poking and prodding and listening to his heart, lungs, and belly. First based on his belly pain and the look on the doctor’s face I could tell they thought it might be appendicitis. Ultrasound ruled that out. To be a parent disappointed that your child didn’t have appendicitis is a surreal position to be in. But to me, that was an easy answer with an easy treatment and it wasn’t covid so it maybe was better? Almost as soon as they ruled out appendicitis the nurse taped the droplet precaution signs on our door again. More PPE was worn. More blood was drawn. We were told he was going to be admitted. We would be in a negative pressure room. They asked him about vaping over and over. Two thoughts crossed my mind - they think this is covid-19 and they think he has that lung injury that was on the news late last year. More doctors came by, maybe 5 or 6 all together 1 or 2 at a time. They asked us questions. I told the same story over and over. They asked me to leave so they could talk to bryce alone. I’m used to it; they kick me out at the regular doctor too. On the second time around the doctor brought me back in. She asked me if I had an idea of what they thought it might be. I knew. But instead I said I hope you think it’s covid. They didn’t think it was Covid. In fact they were pretty sure it wasn’t. She told me instead that they believed it was EVALI. E-cigarette or Vaping Associated Lung Injury. I cried. I wanted to ask her if my baby was going to die. Instead I just cried. I didn’t want to hear the answer because I was so terrified that her answer wouldn’t be no. Bryce chose to vape marijuana. It took around three weeks from the last time for his body to get sick enough to make us aware of the damage. *I am updating this because pro vapers are hitching onto my initial description, written in the hospital without all the information.* If asked to pinpoint the worst moment in my life, I can do it now. The next several hours were a mess of emotions, holding the barf bag for Bryce as he continued dry heaving, and watching his oxygen levels as though I could do a single thing to will them up. And, for good measure, a lot of hoping that this would turn out to be anything but EVALI. The move to the negative pressure room in the pediatric unit was a blur of yellow gowns and double doors. They hadn’t received the results of the second covid-19 test, blood cultures, viral panel, or GI bacterial panel yet, so they still had to treat us both as contagious. That meant I couldn’t leave and no one else could come in without following similar procedures to the first night in the ER, except this time everything was yellow instead of blue. Overnight he continued to have sever symptoms and high fever. His blood ox dropped over and over, a symphony of alarms going off all night. Sleeping was a luxury neither of us enjoyed longer than 30 minutes. The few times I slept I had nightmares of losing him. It was almost a relief to wake up to the sound of him vomiting. By the time rounds happened the viral and covid panel came back negative. I had to face the fact that despite my hoping as hard as I could that this could be something else, something less scary, less unknown, it wasn’t. All that was left was the GI panel, and they were pretty sure it would come back negative. Later in the day it did. All the PPE procedures were dropped and treatment began. Steroids, two kinds of anti-nausea meds, Tylenol for the fevers, Imodium to prevent stomach ulcers and help the heartburn from the steroids, anti-diarrheal, fluids with potassium and glucose, and oxygen. Tuesday night was much less eventful, a sign the steroids were working. The alarms still went off a lot, signaling drops in his oxygen levels. By Wednesday morning he had a fever again and though he felt like he could drink water more freely, promptly threw it up. Since his oxygen levels aren’t staying up they turned up his oxygen for several hours, the moment they turned it back down the machine began alarming again - a familiar sound letting us know he’s not getting enough oxygen. His respiratory rate is still too fast, he can’t catch his breath quickly and moving almost at all causes him to feel like he’s just run a mile. The doctors have told us that since school has been out due to Covid-19 they have seen a lot of cases of EVALI in teenagers. 5 or 6 in the last week. That’s more than the hospital has in total positive covid cases today. I post this not for sympathy but because I want you to know what EVALI is like. It is nothing like I could ever imagine. I don’t wish this on anyone, no child, no parent. I don’t know how to get teenagers to understand the dangers. I’ve talked to Bryce about them before, calmly and at the top of my lungs. The school has educated the kids about it. He says he’ll never touch a vape pen again and I hope that is the case. But many of his friends aren’t understanding what he’s gone through as he tells them about it. He said the most common question he has gotten was was your mom pissed? He tells them she was more concerned about me dying. Vaping is more common than you think, and your teenager is probably doing it. As harsh as this may sound, do not believe them when they say they aren’t. Check their room, check inside shoes, under the mattress, behind their dressers, backpacks, gym bags. Just check. These things are small, easy to hide, and even the pot ones have little to no smell. Does your kid have straight As? Participate in 50 extra curriculars? You still should be worried. I was on top of Bryce about this, I’ve found and taken things away before. I’ve punished him, limited his contact with friends, threatened, bribed, and watched him like a hawk. And yet still, he’s lying next to me having oxygen pumped into his nose. Your kid may be mad at you, but in my experience the feeling of him being angry with me for looking in his room was considerably better than any of the feelings I’ve had in the last 5 days. I don’t know when we’ll leave the hospital. There’s about 4 things they need to see before they are satisfied he won’t end up back here. There is a 6 week recovery period. This syndrome hasn’t been around long enough to know the long term effects. For that we’ll have to wait and see. I know the emotional toll will take a long time to heal for both of us. I want to thank the amazing medical team at UCDavis for getting us through this. From the ER to the Pediatric unit, we’ve received nothing but top notch care with no judgment for how we ended up here. For that, I will be forever thankful. I am posting this, publicly, with his permission. We are going to get through this together. Yes, I’m upset with his choices - but right now all that matters to me is that he goes home and can get healthy again. I want to thank everyone who has offered to help us however you can. It means so much to us both. 5/15/20 - For an update on how he’s doing please check out this post: 5/16/20 - update 5/18/20 - update - we’re going home! *** 5/23/20 - In the last couple of days this post has picked up steam, which is a weird experience for both me and Bryce. We hoped to reach some people with our story and the reach has far exceeded our expectations. But this is the internet, so I expected some unkind, uneducated, and rude comments. Plus, there’s a weird phenomenon among some vapers that makes them slightly rabid toward anyone who would dare threaten their ability to inhale chemicals. I want to leave comments on because I do see value in a lot of the comments. But I will be deleting all pro-vape comments, so don’t bother. Don’t message me that garbage either, I won’t accept any of those messages so you’ll be wasting your time. To answer common questions - (1) I am aware of the means by which my son was vaping, a lot of vapers probably use the same ones (2) I am aware of where he obtained it - nearly dying made him less worried about me being upset. (3) He is doing well, but the recovery isn’t overnight. Finally, if you think kids can’t obtain things from official sources you are not at all in tune with reality. This may come as a surprise, but not all smoke shops and dispensaries follow the rules, because money is money.***

Nourish 29.07.2020

First time I have ever seen how to thoroughly wash my hands

Nourish 20.07.2020

Here are some facts about nutrition, if you are going to stock up please take a peek at what will actually help you, not what you hear from doomsayers...Choose wisely for your health.

Nourish 08.07.2020

AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM BRUCE LIPTON, PHD. March 10, 2020 Dear Family of Love and Seekers Everywhere,... Coronavirus: Do Not Fear the Bogeyman The world is currently gripped in fear of the scary coronavirus. Let’s first get one fact clear: If you have ever had a cold or flu in your life, odds are that it was the result of a coronavirus infection. Yes, coronaviruses cause colds. But, we are being programmed with the belief that this particular cold virus is deadly. This fear has shut down concerts, conferences, and major public events all over the world. The fear has led to quarantines and closing down of international travel. It has even led to a major scarcity of toilet paper in Australia, were concerned citizens emptied the shelves of this commodity in anticipation that they will be walled up in their homes with this infection. First, how deadly is this version of the virus? Yes, there have been corona-related deaths reported with the statistics suggesting that ~2% of the infected population dies. Wow! That number is almost 1% more deaths than are attributed to any conventional flu the world experiences. What is misleading is the fear that everyone who carries this virus may die from their cold. This is simply untrue! The health of almost all the victims of this coronavirus was already compromised before they were infected. For example, the following information was provided by the news in regard to the 6 patients that died of the virus in the state of Washington last week (I added the bold print): Washington State Six people have died in Washington and health officials have identified 18 cases. Four of the cases in King County were linked to the Life Care nursing facility in Kirkland. More than 50 residents and staff at the facility are being tested. The deaths announced Monday, according to health officials, included: -A male in his 70s, who lived at LifeCare. He had underlying health conditions and died Sunday. -A female resident of LifeCare in her 70s. She also had underlying health conditions and died Sunday. -A woman in her 80s, who was already reported as in critical condition at EvergreenHealth, died Sunday. -A Snohomish County resident at EvergreenHealth also died but details of that patient have not been given. Two previously reported deaths included a man in his 70s who had underlying health conditions and had been a resident of LifeCare. He died at EvergreenHealth on Feb. 29. The other was a man in his 50s with underlying health conditions. He was admitted with serious respiratory issues and tested positive for the virus. He died at EvergreenHealth Medical Center in Kirkland. As emphasized in this report, the health of all those that died with the coronavirus was already compromised. Healthy people get cold and flu symptoms, while those already sick and near death’s door may experience the Grim Reaper when infected by the virus. True, sick people are more vulnerable to the virus; healthy people really have nothing to fear. As presented in The Biology of Belief, stress is responsible for up to 90% of illness, including heart disease, cancer and diabetes. When an individual is in stress, the release of stress hormones (e.g., cortisol) shuts down the immune system to conserve the body’s energy for running away from the perceived stressor, that proverbial saber-toothed tiger. Stress hormones are so effective at compromising the immune system, that physicians therapeutically provide recipients of organ transplants with stress hormones to prevent their immune system from rejecting the foreign implant. The conclusion is clear: The fear of the coronavirus is more deadly than the virus itself! The media (perhaps in conjunction with the pharmaceutical industry) is compromising people’s health using the fear card! This is the result of negative thinking (the nocebo effect) which is the complete opposite of the placebo effect manifest through positive thinking! If you make efforts to stay healthy, with good nutrition, exercise, taking vitamins and supplements, and more importantly, avoiding stress (e.g., the fear of the virus), even if you do get infected with the virus, you will likely only end up with a cold and/or slight fever. If you are someone with a compromised immune system, it is supportive to surround yourself with loving family and friends, nature, and positive thoughts as well as any other nutrition and vitamins that you may already be taking for your health and wellbeing. Following your intuition about what is best for you is key! The point here is that no matter who you are and what your state of health, you will only benefit from steering clear of the fear and supporting yourself in whatever way feels best to you. Please remember the truth of quantum physics, the most valid of all sciences on the planet: Consciousness is creating your life experiences! Are you being conscious of disease or of health? Wishing you all Health, Happiness and Harmony. With Love and Light, Bruce

Nourish 19.06.2020

Green goddess smoothie! Packed with antioxidants...yum and full of energy

Nourish 16.06.2020

Are you looking for a supportive tribe, a safe space to be you, to share your thoughts and feelings? Here's the place to Be! We have a wonderful, warm and suppo...rtive ladies group always willing to open our arms to new members. Membership is required, confidential, supportive group. $47/mn until June, then we will open again in Sept 2020. [email protected] or 250 320-6018

Nourish 29.05.2020

Order yours today! Don't miss out...

Nourish 27.05.2020

It's true! Cooking with kids is a learning experience in so, so many ways.

Nourish 19.05.2020

So proud of our daughter Taylar Oram!

Nourish 14.05.2020

Come join us tonight as we welcome new members to our exclusive group...have some tea, meet new friends in a warm and non-judgemental environment based on and sharing. DM me for more information... #shesinspiredbookclub #welcomehome #opentonewmembers #girlwashyourface #rachaelhollis #nourishtoflourish #wevegotthis #lovelife #inspiredlife #liveauthentic #bethechange #inspiredaily #selfcare #bethelight