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Address: 717 Vernon St. Nelson, BC, Canada

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Nelson Unitarian Spiritual Centre 15.06.2021

It’s a perfect time to have faith in the Human Spirit <3 Our love and our Creativity will eventually and always overcome the outside projections we populate int...o the 'world'. We are continually circling through the wheel of duality yet always spiraling up! Growth Isn’t Always Linear its ‘Two Steps Forward, One Step Back’ sometimes In holding a 'long vision' or ‘eagle perspective’, we see there is a sacredness in dualism itself. The Right and the Left wing belong to the same bird. Deeper wisdom lies in the middle. In taking a full breath, we will feel that vision beyond the polarity of mind reflected as temporal 'ideological differences'. For those loved ones that are scared and defended, would you not show presence and compassion from your highest place, whatever that is, like a child experiencing nightmares? Saying the nightmares are "not real" and to "get Over It", is the cold logical bypass that is devoid of the heart. The heart would show compassion and caring, revealing the higher truth of Love! AND If we review our global history, we see how far we have come and the progress we have made in the dream of freedom. Yet we also see how far we need to grow and reflect on the painful sacrifices and mistakes we have made in the name of ignorance! From one Perspective: We want to Trust and Love and Believe in people; we believe in the goodness of people, we trust our community and know we have evolved so much, and we believe in the higher vision of society. And Another Perspective: We have reason to be Suspicious Skeptical and Protected. We do not want to be blindly obedient and trusting; we recollect the historical perspective of 'dictatorships', 'deceptions', 'manipulations', 'controlled narratives' and 'false flags' of the 'State'. ... We need to see all sides are valid to reveal the common ground, and despite our temporal differences we always find a way though especially if we TRULY want to know ourselves <3 For Perspective: Gandhi said: When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always. and Mother Teresa said: People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway. and Jung Said: Neuroses are still-very unjustly-counted as mild illnesses, mainly because their nature is not tangible and of the body. People do not die of a neurosis-as if every bodily illness had a fatal outcome! But it is entirely forgotten that, unlike bodily illnesses, neuroses may be extremely deleterious in their psychic and social consequences, often worse than psychoses, which generally lead to the social isolation of the sufferer and thus render him innocuous. An anchylosed knee, an amputated foot, long-drawn-out phthisis, are in every respect preferable to a severe neurosis. When the neurosis is regarded not merely from the clinical but from the psychological and social standpoint, one comes to the conclusion that it really is a severe illness, particularly in view of its effects on the patient’s environment and way of life. The clinical standpoint by itself is not and cannot be fair to the nature of a neurosis, because a neurosis is more a psychosocial phenomenon than an illness in the strict sense. It forces us to extend the term illness beyond the idea of an individual body whose functions are disturbed and to look upon the neurotic person as a sick system of social relationships. When one has corrected one’s views in this way, one will no longer find it astonishing that a proper therapy of neuroses is an elaborate and complicated matter. Unfortunately, the medical faculties have bothered far too little with the fact that the number of neuroses (and above the frequency of psychic complications in organic diseases) is very great and thus concerns the general practitioner in an unusually high degree, even though he may not realize it. Nevertheless, his studies give him no preparation whatever in this most important respect; indeed, very often he never has a chance to find out anything about this subject, so vital in practice. and Thoreau Said (Civil Disobedience) : There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the state comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all its own power and authority are derived. Law never made men a whit more just; and, by means of their respect for it, even the well-disposed are daily made the agents of injustice. Must the citizen ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign his conscience to the legislator? Why has every man a conscience then? I think that we should be men first, and subjects afterward. It is not desirable to cultivate a respect for the law, so much as for the right. The only obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time what I think right. and Benjamin Franklin said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." .... .... I think more about Jung's words at this time than ever. He reflected that we have to find a place of love and respect for the illusions of others, as for them they are not "Illusions", but as perspective and worldview from which, for them, they are Real, and should be seen as real. In the larger view of subjective perspective what is "Real" or "Nor Real" is an objectively oversimplified and harmful way to perceive another person experience <3

Nelson Unitarian Spiritual Centre 05.06.2021

Public talk at Sat Naam Boutique on: A New Earth, navigating the Astral Plane and exploring life after death. With a focus on Bringing in brighter manifestation...s for the new Earth. Sunday November 15th at 2:00 p.m. 305 Vernon Street Nelson Reference 1: The Seven Densities of Consciousness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seaJcY0kXjk Reference 2: The Science Of Demons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6oiaCDuHpU&t=135s Reference 3: The Science Of Angels: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ov4A7K-3t14 Reference 4: The Logos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTt-C2vCdxI&t=16s Reference 5: Starseeds And Wanderers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SFxhdQQaiU&t=20s Reference 6: The Body: Symbol of the Ego ( ACIM ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtYA1QPwVx0 Reference 7: Ghosts and Guidance ( ACIM ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46l-aoaWi8Q Reference 8: Breaking Addiction to Negative Thinking ( Tolle ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j91ST2gtR44 Reference 9: Archons,Energy Vampires & The Parasitic Banking System - David Icke ( Inaccuracies To Be Decyphered ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgRKDCN88GQ Reference 10: Bashar : the 'Idea' of Evil - Lower Vibration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zIR4hEFLoo Reference 11: The End of Inner Conflict - Matt Kahn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JL710Iky6pE Reference 12: Are there Evil Spirits - Abraham talks with Jerry Hicks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vFKyLXe02E Reference 13: Standing For Love retreat Matt Kahn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=popuXezlTIo Reference 14: The Pleiadian Prophecy - Matt Kahn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5WElscYSFw&t=967s Reference 15: "Dealing with Negative Entities" - Bentinho Massaro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zublW9gd98 Reference 16: Protect Yourself From Negative Entities & Beings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9R5LIVkzOik&t=1s Reference 17: How To NEVER Be Worried Again - Alan Watts https://www.youtube.com/watch Reference 18: Why death is just an illusion video https://www.youtube.com/watch Reference 19: Iblis: The Devil of Islam (Angels & Demons Explained) https://www.youtube.com/watch Reference 20: Rudolf Steiner describes the hostile spiritual beings who feed off your fear and anxiety https://www.nexusnewsfeed.com//rudolf-steiner-describes-/

Nelson Unitarian Spiritual Centre 11.11.2020

Universal spiritual principles that can help us all <3 This famous interview with Joseph Campbell is deeply influential in my life. The Power of Myth series he...lped me understand the common spiritual threads, myths, and metaphors of all societies and cultures around the world. This video is an excellent source for cultural perspective! See more

Nelson Unitarian Spiritual Centre 27.10.2020

The most powerful catalizing info sources that guide(guided) my life to now and that I would highly recommend for spiritual seekers. For Awakening: Be Here No...w (Ram Das) Direction &: Reaffirmation : A Course in Miracles. Energy Awareness: Hands of Light, Light Emerging - Barbara Ann Brennan Intellectual holographic perspective: The Law of One. By Ra Cosmic large view of current state of the world:. Cosmic Disclosure by Corey Good & Blue Avian knowledge Channeled material helping understand metaphysical concepts: Bashar Understanding people religion and culture: Joseph Campbell Pragmatic understanding of archetypes and shadow work. Carl Jung Sears, physicists and Cosmologist influences in my life:. David Bohm, Rupert sheldrake, Stanislav Grof, Viktor schauberger, Rudolf Steiner, Bruce Lipton, Walter Russell, Tom Campbell Spiritual teachers: Marianne Williamson, Eckhart Tolle, Ram Dass, Wayne Dyer, Matt Kahn, Mini Pie, Alan Watts, Entheogenic allies: Psilocybin, DMT, salvia divinorum, LSD Bliss Guiding Subjects: sacred geometry, plasma cosmology, alchemy, kaballah, consciousness studies, epigenetics / psychoneuroimmunology, ESP, Astral Travel / Controlled Remote Viewing, Antigravity & Electromagnetism Other influences: Krishna das, Russell Brand, Marco Rodan, John Searle, Stan Tenen, Martin prechtel, drunvalo Melchizedek, Brien Forester, Robert Monroe, Paul stamets, Terence McKenna, Solara El An RA, Joseph Mark Cohen, David wilcock, Graham Hancock, David Wolfe, Barbara Marciniak, Steven Greer, John E. Mack, Wade Davis, Books: return of the bird tribes, holographic universe, guide to interdimensional cooperation, the ancient secret of the flower of Life, the cosmic serpent, the Tao of Physics, Seth speaks, Teachings of Don Juan, Emmanuel speaks, urantia book, nothing in this book is true, adventures in non-ordinary reality, pronoia, Blogs: spirit science, thinking allowed, Aaron Abke, Conscious Media Network Avatars deities and archangels: Jesus, archangel Gabriel, archangel Michael, archangel Metatron, the Hathors,

Nelson Unitarian Spiritual Centre 07.10.2020

CGI ball lightning does a good job demonstrating the phenomenon. Studied ball lightning yeas ago and it has been cataloged into 13 types. Its a plasma (pure el...ectrons) which has gained a form of seeming 'intelligence'. In many of the cases when it goes in houses it uses the stairwell as a person would, and can move through walls. David Bohm (famous physicist) discovered that trillions of electrons can coordinate the electrical charges to prevent being affected by other forms of matter. Some of the forms include tiny 'sprite-like' balls the size of marbles, or giant orange speckled balls that break into smaller balls, or blue spheres the size of beachballs. Plasma is like an interface to higher dimensions; highly quantized objects/substances are often invisible as they resonate on higher frequencies than humans can detect. The small balls of light witnessed in new crop circle formations were concluded by Japanese physics to be ball lightning which taps into field patterns of the eath; however, this does not fully explain the 'intelligence' of their movement. When we observe the many solar phenomena witnessed by Soho and other solar space observatories we see highly coordinated electrical meniscus membranes emerge from the corona as well as planetary-sized plasma balls go into the sun from one side and out on the opposite. This and many other sola phenomena pose many more questions including are there forms of intelligence that are plasma-based. My conclusion is that plasma can be the driving and animating energy for other life forms not yet well understood. In my own personal experience, I have witnessed electrical charges taking form and directly interacting with my consciousness in a telepathic dance. Ball Lightning / Plasma also is a form of lightning that has created a membrane that effectively protects it from being shorted or grounded. The same coordination that makes this possible and more so the instantaneous coordination of all electrons discovered by Bohm attests to the idea that we are only seeing a linear-dimensional aspect of a higher-dimensional phenomenon. When we learn that ball lightning follows the 'paths' of humans it also adds to the theory that it has a way of interacting with bioenergetic (biophotons) or Ectoplasm (residual emotional fields from humans). I would appreciate it if others could please share their experiences with any of this phenomenon. See more

Nelson Unitarian Spiritual Centre 21.09.2020

Certainly, Agenda 21 has been proposed by PNAC (Project for a New American Century) and the Bilderberg group many times; However, there have been many studies a...nd warnings by virologists on "Wet markets" and their susceptibility to incubate cultivate and allow for mutation of viruses transmissible to humans. This was predicted and many believed these viruses would originate from wet markets such as that in China; Wuhan having some of the most despicable atrocious and infamous ones in the world! Sure many psychopathic organizations such as the ones Historians know about would have an agenda taking advantage of the situation; (with pharmaceuticals, poisons, world bank insiders, and worse) at the same time it feels like Nature is giving a real warning and opportunity for humans to have serious humility, awareness, and reflect on ecological sustainability and permaculture! We can go into the idea of 5G "Cultivating the Virus" as some have suggested, however, it doesn't account for the rapid spread in countries like Spain that have no 5G (20-30Ghz radio module Installations). That said, yes EMF will weaken the immune system to be more susceptible to viruses!! There are many other conspiracy ideas, many self-contradictory emerging, yet, In the Larger framework: Consciousness is asking for an upgrade of the human collective and we have an opportunity to catch the wave and respond with Love! <3 With this expressed I strongly urge us to resist the temptation to make this event primarily about people being the 'puppets of a larger agenda'. The bigger truth is that we're presented with an opportunity to respond in a way that will effectively shift the planet into a higher vibration, to a more loving world; whilst exploding a wave of white-light helping the "negative entropic beings" make imminent existential choices! See more

Nelson Unitarian Spiritual Centre 06.09.2020

On May 26th, Kate Leppard and Laura Andrew are offering an Eco-Art Therapy Retreat for Women at the Crystal Dome Retreat Center, a beautiful property on the North Shore with 22 acres of enchanted forest, creek and waterfall, and a geodesic dome. We will be gathering in circle to create art, vision and share. We will be creating art both indoors and in the forest using natural materials. A light, organic (gluten & dairy free) lunch will be included. Join us! Space is limited and we are nearly sold out, so please send me an email at [email protected] or a call/text at 250-777-3671 if you would like to inquire or register. Give yourself an opportunity to experience this Retreat where you can connect with nature, your inner wild self, and a group of women.