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Locality: OLeary, Prince Edward Island

Phone: +1 902-859-3375

Address: 31 Parkview Dr C0B 1V0 O'Leary, PE, Canada

Website: www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/oleary-church-of-the-nazarene

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O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 02.01.2021

Tomorrow we will be celebrating Communion together. So if you are joining in online you can have a piece of bread or cracker and some juice or water ready and take part. If you are joining in in person we will have the elements ready for you to grab on your way in.

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 29.12.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. It’s all about cleaning. It has been a busy week as a number of us have been cleaning and painting at the church’s manse. I got thinkin’ that I spend too much time sitting in a chair because after 3 days of physically working hard I was ready for a break. I have missed doing the devos though, so you have had to sacrifice as well. ... I was reading a story this morning of Jesus healing a man from leprosy. It is found in Luke 5 and as remarkable as the healing is, there is something else that Jesus does in this real life account that is quite extraordinary. Here is part of the story 12 While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along who was covered with leprosy. When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean. 13 Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. I am willing, he said. Be clean! And immediately the leprosy left him. Back in Jesus day there were a lot of religious rules of how to be holy, how to stay holy and how to live holy. A lot of these rules were about what was clean and unclean. Leprosy was definitely totally unclean (and debilitating and deadly as well). So, if you touched a person with this crippling disease well, you would be labeled unclean and unworthy of God’s blessing and presence. So you see the conflict. Here was Jesus the spotless and holy Son of God doing something that any holy person would not do reaching out His hand with compassion and touching and healing a man who was branded as unclean by his society, his friends and even his family. Jesus overturns the rule book in this one act of love and hope. And through His actions establishes this one truth it is only by a touch from God that we can become clean and right and holy. For us this happens when Jesus forgives our sin and fills our hearts with His presence. When this happens we become clean. Our healing from the ravages of sin and selfishness come from the inside out. From the Spirit of God removing the disease of sin from our souls and cleansing the deepest parts of our hearts and minds. And just like the man with leprosy we cry Jesus if you are willing make me clean.

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 26.12.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. Why I go to church. Usually, this time of year I am on holidays. Teresa and I take a couple of weeks and travel to Ontario to visit family and friends. Because I am supposed to be not working Teresa growls me sometimes for going to church on Sunday. I will either go to my daughter’s church or check out a new one. Teresa thinks I am going to get some new ideas of what to do at home but the truth is I like to go to churc...h. Here is the reason I read this morning of the time after Jesus was tempted in the desert. The Bible says Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about him spread through the whole countryside. 15 He was teaching in their synagogues, and everyone praised him. 16 He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. Did you get that it was Jesus habit to gather with other like-minded people to worship and hear from God. It was His custom or regular practice. The story goes on the say that Jesus picked up the scroll of scripture and read from a section in Isaiah. And then He put it down and it says ‘The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him.’ I wonder did anyone there have a clue that this day they would have the opportunity to meet and personally connect with the God who they worshipped and followed. Did they think that the very Son of God would show up at church that day? I also wonder how many of the people there had thought it is just another Sabbath day same old, same old ho hum. But that day God was in their midst. Bringing life and truth and hope. And for me this is what draws me to church. It is where I most often connect with and experience Jesus. It happens frequently in the middle of gathering with other believers. It is just the way it has worked in my life. I know these are unusual times and for some. attending an in-person church service is not an option. God still moves and He still shows up when you and I gather in His name with hearts that are open to His presence and power.

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 17.12.2020

Hello everyone, we need some help patching, cleaning, doing repairs and painting at our church owned house. We will be starting tomorrow (Tuesday) if you are available and can help out. You can message me for more details but all help is appreciated!

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 12.12.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. When opportunity calls. Coming to PEI and being asked to pastor the church in O’Leary was an interesting process. I had felt for a period of time that our work was wrapping up at our last church so we let our district leadership know that we were ready for a move. We then had the opportunity to interview at some churches and a few looked like real possibilities. But Teresa and I were both waiting for a ‘YES’ from the Lo...rd. I read a great quote today, it said ‘it takes a lot of discernment to know the difference between a God-given opportunity and a temptation to take into our own hands things that should be left to God.’ The Bible story that this quote was attached to was the story of David and King Saul. King Saul was again hunting David, wanting to do him harm. But the tables got reversed when David was able to secretly sneak into Saul’s camp and grab his spear and water jug. The man with David said Today God has delivered your enemy into your hands. Now let me pin him to the ground with one thrust of the spear; I won’t strike him twice. Opportunity or a temptation to take into his own hands what should be left to God? There is an interesting section in the apostle Paul’s letter to the church in Rome that talks about this principle. It says ‘Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: It is mine to avenge; I will repay, says the Lord.’ I don’t know what you think about when you read it but my thoughts go to how easy it is to move into action without asking the Holy Spirit what to do or when something should be done. And to be honest I am still learning and figuring out when I can just accept an opportunity, when I can take action and when I need to leave something in God’s hands. But this I do know getting God’s YES is crucial.

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 07.12.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. New year or new you? Almost every morning as I am pouring my cup of tea into my cup, I can hear the treadmill going downstairs. No, it is not me drinking tea on the run but Teresa getting in her daily exercise. It is a choice she makes to maintain her health and stay in shape. And, I am thinkin’, it is easier to go into the cool basement for her walk than outside in the cold winter weather we are enjoying on the island t...his time of year. To her credit this is a daily choice she makes. Not just a new year’s resolution not just a once-a-year desire to change something in one’s life. I have said before that I think making choices is one of the most spiritual things we do in our lives. And we can choose daily to follow Jesus or to do our own thing. There is a Bible verse that the apostle Paul wrote that encourages me because it means that this new me that I am wanting is not all on my shoulders It is found in a letter the Paul wrote to some friends at a local church. It says 17 if anyone is united with the Christ Jesus, that person is a new creation. The old life is goneand seea new life has begun! (2 Corinthians 5:17) This being united or connected to Jesus happens when I invite Him into my life and also when I regularly choose to talk with Him, learn about Him through the Bible and live daily with Him as the main influence in my life. As I do that I am a new person a new me. The old stuff the stuff that was destroying my life and family and relationships is gone. A brand new life has started. Note that Paul is not saying that we arrive all at once we are not perfect the moment we invited Jesus into our lives. That is the beginning of a lifetime of learning and growing and discovering what it means to be a new creation. But what he does say is that this new you is as a result of the choices you make to connect with Jesus and daily to get to know Him more. As we choose to allow the Spirit of Jesus to work in our hearts and minds we are made into a new person. So, this new year can also mean a new you!

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 06.12.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. Listen up. My dad who is in his nineties is getting hard of hearing. He got some hearing aids and that has helped. Sometimes I wonder if I need some of those. Because there are times when Teresa says ‘do you remember me asking you to do such and such’ and my usual response is ‘I don’t recall hearing you say that’. ... Maybe I was hearing but not listening. I read a story this morning of a woman who stopped a future king from doing something he would regret. It is the story of Abigail and David found in 1 Samuel 25. Abigail’s husband, who sounds like a pretty nasty character, was about to be killed by David’s army for being a fool and not listening. When Abigail heard what was about to go down she prepared a feast for the army of 400+ men and approached David with these words Pardon your servant, my lord, and let me speak to you; hear what your servant has to say. The bottom line of the story is that David listened and accepted the words and wisdom of Abigail and averted a disaster. That apostle James says this My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. James 1: 19, 20 James could have said listen up and I am going to save you a world of hurt. Be really quick to hear other people’s sound advice and true help. (sometimes wisdom comes from strange places like the mouth of your wife’s enemy) And even when you really want to put your 2 cents in think about what you are going to say before you say it. Last of all put that anger burner on low. Make sure that your anger comes from the right place. Don’t just react out of hurt but let love and wisdom temper your reactions. Let the Spirit of God direct you actions AND your reactions. Let His presence frame your responses. Good advice? Well then listen up!

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 03.12.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. I don’t really like lemonade. I heard the expression again the other day when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. I’m not sure why but I never really liked that expression. Maybe because I don’t really like lemonade. But I get what it is trying to say. ... Instead, I like what the Bible says along a similar line the apostle Paul was writing this to the believers in Rome We know that all things work together for the good of those who love Godthose whom he has called according to his plan. (Romans 8:28) Paul is saying that ALL things work together for good for those who follow Jesus wholeheartedly and I am thinking that today we could include in that ALL THINGS the new Covid restrictions or the church going to smaller in person gatherings or not being able to see family members around Christmas. ALL things. Both the good AND the difficult God CAN orchestrate for good. These are not just fancy words pulled from the air. Paul is writing from his own experiences. And those experiences included being flogged and almost killed for following Jesus. Suffering through both physical and spiritual adversity and also being imprisoned for his faith. And he was writing to a church that was experiencing, at that very moment, strong persecution and difficult times because they believed and followed Jesus. Paul had discovered that ‘all things work together for good.’ The only two conditions to make this happen is that we love God and answer His call to follow Him and fit into His plans. When we do these two things there is nothing that happens to us that does not come under His watch and care. Nothing that happens that He does not know about. And nothing that His Spirit will not help us work through. Can I say it again ALL THINGS work together for the good of those who love Godthose whom he has called according to his plan. Thank you Jesus for the hope and peace we have because you guide our path and fill our lives!

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 27.11.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. Weak made strong. I grew up with the attitude that you have to be tough strong invincible. You know if you cut your finger off, you just get some crazy glue and glue it back on. But life sometimes throws you curve balls and every so often I have stomach issues. I get all blocked up. Well I ate a bowl of grapes toward the end of last week and guess what it did not sit well and my stomach felt like a hard balloon that... was getting jabbed by a knife. (sorry to be so graphic) This persisted into the weekend and I had a low grade fever on Saturday and was feeling pretty crummy. I was starting to come out of it on Sunday but driving into the church I knew I needed some help to get through the day. I talked with God and asked Him for HIS strength. And I can report He graciously answered my prayer and looking back He was strong when I was weak. The apostle Paul also found this to be true. He had something in his life that caused him distress and difficulty. He tells us that he asked the Lord 3 times to take this weakness away. Listen to what happened I (Paul) asked the Lord three times about this, that it would depart from me. 9 But he said to me, My grace is enough for you, for my power is made perfect (or complete) in weakness. So then, I will boast most gladly about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may reside in me. 10 Therefore I am content with weaknesses, with insults, with troubles, with persecutions and difficulties for the sake of Christ, for whenever I am weak, then I am strong. Strength in weakness who knew? God’s power can show up when we are experiencing difficulty and even distress. He is not bound by any physical weakness His presence can shine through even when we are not functioning at 100%. Sometimes we get the idea that we have to have it all together for God to use our lives or impact others. But I learned on Sunday He is my strength when I am weak. His Spirit can work through my life even when I am struggling and suffering. Thank you Jesus that YOUR grace is sufficient for me and that YOUR power is made strong in my weakness.

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 25.11.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. A Chain Reaction I was at the grocery store yesterday getting some sandwich size zip lock bags. I made some chili on the weekend and need to freeze it in individual serving size portions. At the check out there were a couple of ladies checking their groceries through when one of them turned around and said Hello! To be honest with our masks on, I was not sure who this was maybe one of the ladies from Tim’s but of cour...se I said a warm ‘hello’ back. Just then one of the tellers turned around and responded to my hello and also said a warm hello. It was kind of a chain reaction There are many things that happen in our lives when we invite Jesus to forgive us and to fill our hearts with His presence. The transformation that happens because of this can impact EVERY single area of our existence. I have seen it change people’s outlook on life, attitude toward others, relationships and personal contentment and a resilient hope among other things. The changes in our spirits can make a huge difference in our spiritual, mental and physical lives. I guess you would call that a chain reaction of godly proportions. There is one part of this chain reaction that happens that Jesus highlights when he is talking with some Jewish leaders and teachers back in the day. Check this out 31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. They answered him, We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free? Jesus replied, Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. 36 So if the Son (Jesus) sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8: 31 - 36 Here is how I see it Jesus FREELY chose to come to earth and pay the price for our sin and to break the chains in our lives. When we except Jesus as our King, we are set FREE to live for Him and to impact the lives of others with His love. The way we live and love can be part of the chain reaction and help those who are still in bondage to sin to discover the truth and be set FREE in Jesus as well. I would call that a Holy Spirit chain reaction.

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 19.11.2020

Due to the new health restrictions our 60+ lunch has been cancelled for this week. Hopefully we will see you in January!Due to the new health restrictions our 60+ lunch has been cancelled for this week. Hopefully we will see you in January!

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 14.11.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. MacDonalds and Medicine I was talking with someone on Sunday who was making a trip to Charlottetown today and on their way back they were stopping in Summerside for MacDonalds and Medicine. It is not too often that you hear MacDonalds and medicine in the same sentence. You could make a few jokes about those two being combined. ... However, it reminded me of my mother adding a bit of sugar to a crushed-up aspirin when we were children. I guess it is true that a spoonful of sugar (or MacDonalds) helps the medicine go down I got thinking about this in context of the good news of Jesus. Some people claim that a lot of preachers sugar coat the gospel. They are saying that instead of confronting people with the truth they water it down and make it comfortable rather than in your face. I confess that I have never been an in your face preacher or teacher. However, I totally understand the truth that our sin and rebellion against God has caused our lives to be separated from Him and one day a judgement will happen that will examine our lives. The hard truth is this that those who have a relationship with God here on earth will continue that relationship with Him when they die. And those who choose not to have a relationship with God here on earth He will not force to live with Him in heaven. And there is not a single person on planet earth that is worthy, in themselves, of measuring up to God’s standard of living holy and right. If there is a sugar coating it is that God loves us SO much that He sent His one and only Son to pay the price for our sin and rebellion. John 3: 16 is the most famous verse in the Bible and it explains it like this 16 For God expressed His love for the world in this way: He gave His only Son so that whoever believes (or puts their trust) in Him will not face everlasting destruction, but will have everlasting life. Now check out the next verse to it 17 Here’s the point. God didn’t send His Son into the world to judge it; instead, He is here to rescue a world headed toward certain destruction. THIS is the good news. That there IS a way for us to be forgiven, make right and whole and live daily in a relationship with the God who loves us and wants us to spend our eternity with Him.

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 27.10.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. In His time I read a Bible story this morning and was struck with the patience of God. Back in the Old Testament the Ark of the Covenant was a central focus of the worship and presence of God for the people of Israel. It had been captured by an enemy nation because of the disobedience of God’s people during a battle. There was a series of events that happen wherever the ark was placed in this enemies country including id...ols being toppled and smashed, plagues and infestations. But it took like 7 months for the rulers of this nation to get the message that the Ark had to go back to where it belonged. I am the type of person who likes to make things happen. ‘Let’s get ‘er done’ is my motto. However I have learned (sometimes the hard way) that God is patient and works things out IN HIS TIME. We have become a society that expect things to happen instantly right now! If our parcel is a day late, we are messaging the company and demanding to know why it hasn’t arrived. However, God is not subject to our timing and agendas. He is, after all, GOD! Look at this part of the letter the apostle Paul sent to the church at Galatia 4 But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. 6 Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, Abba, Father. 7 So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir. (Galatians 4: 4 7) I like that line when the set time had fully come Jesus came. God is patient He is never late and He is seldom early. But it is up to us to respond when He says ‘it’s time’. Time to give our hearts to Him. Time to go deeper in our journey with Jesus. Time to deal with that weight around our feet or on our shoulders. Even when it seems like nothing is happening God IS working and IN HIS TIME His will is going to be done. Whether we are on board or not.

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 23.10.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. In the world but not of the world. I was talking with someone this morning who wants to raise like a 1000 chickens, sell the eggs, get solar panels, buy a couple of pigs and become completely self-sufficient. While I am not opposed to this way of thinking I have observed groups like the Old Order Mennonites, the Amish and Hutterites separating themselves from the world and everything in it. ... A number of people are feeling like this is a great idea and especially those of us who follow Jesus and are seeing our society become more and more secular and even, in some cases, hostile to the Christian faith. The groups I mentioned take the Bible verse of being separate from the world literally. And while this is on some levels appealing I do not think it is what Jesus calls us to do. Just before Jesus was arrested, He prayed for His followers. Check out what He said as He was praying to the Father 13 And now I (Jesus) am coming to you. I have told them (His disciples) many things while I was with them so that they would be filled with my joy. I have given them your commands. And the world hates them because they don’t fit in with it, just as I don’t. I’m not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from Satan’s power. They are not part of this world any more than I am. Make them pure and holy through teaching them your words of truth. 18 As you sent me into the world, I am sending them into the world. (John 17: 13 18) In the world but not of the world. Jesus prayed that we would not be taken out of the world but be kept safe from the enemies’ power. He also prayed that we would become holy like He is holy. And that we would become ambassadors of HIS kingdom of love and hope. I said to Teresa this morning in not so many words that we do not know what the future will bring but we have today. We can live today as forgiven and changed children of God. We are not OF this world any longer. But we live every day wholeheartedly for Jesus. And as we do this, the Holy Spirit may use us to show someone IN the world a new way of living, a different way of navigating through life and the eternal gift of salvation we have in Jesus.

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 08.10.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. One small step Over the last couple of months, I have been waking up regularly with sore shoulders and neck. I know my wife won’t like me saying this but I put it down to an age thing. Well in the middle of the night a couple of days ago it came to me to try a thinner pillow. It’s a small change but you guessed it no more soreness or stiffness. One small choice has made a huge difference in my life. ... Life is filled with these small choices or steps. I can remember my journey with Jesus changed when I put a priority on reading and engaging with the Bible everyday. And when I said yes to allowing the Holy Spirit to regularly influence and impact my life. Think about the small choice that Mary the mother of Jesus made. When she was going about her every day ordinary life an angel appeared to her and invited her to partner with God in an extraordinary adventure. Honestly, did she know what was really in store for her? Here was her response to the angel’s invitation Mary (deciding in her heart): Here I am, the Lord’s humble servant. As you have said, let it be done to me. (Luke 1:38) It was that ‘deciding in her heart’ or making up her mind or choosing to say yes to God that made the difference. I wonder if in your life right now, God is asking you to say ‘yes’ to something? He is asking you to make a small step in grow in your journey with Him or to serve His kingdom and church in a new way. It is sometimes these small choices that have ripple effects in our lives, in our families and also in the eternal destination of people we may not even know yet. Maybe it is a new step in engaging more with the Bible or prayer. Maybe it is taking that step to go to church and connect with some other believers. Or maybe it is becoming involved in a new ministry opportunity or way to serve the One who took the step to die for us and bring salvation to the world. It starts with one small choice to do whatever God is asking of you to say YES!

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 05.10.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. Successes and failures I am in the middle of apply drywall compound and sanding the showroom in what used to be our garage. This has to be one of the most frustrating jobs it is easy to use up 2 hours and the next day you look at it and think did I do anything at all? But the big question is my mind right now is will I ever get it finished? Will I ever get this done?... There is a verse in the Bible that often comes to my mind in times like these. The disciple Paul is writing to some other believers. This is what he writes being confident of this, that he (God) who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. In many ways, you and I are under construction. We are an unfinished project. So, our successes and failures are part of the work being done. God’s plan for redeeming us and the world is a process, we are not yet complete and it sure seems, at least sometimes, like life is a jumbled unsanded mess, with mud splattered all over the floor. Doesn’t it? But here is the promise that He, the Spirit of God, who HAS begun a good work in you will complete it. So, when you look in the mirror and think ‘man, I have such a long way to go’ it’s okay, because the Spirit is working, molding, shaping, growing, moving deeper, building up and sometimes tearing down. To use a drywall metaphor He is filling in the cracks and then sanding the filler smooth. He is not done in your life yet. Our job is to allow the master workman to complete the work HE has begun in your heart and life. Let Him know that you are willing to molded and shaped, to learn and grow. Because the finished product will be amazing and powerful and bring honour to the One who is our King.

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 05.10.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. Kosher salt. Last week I made the trip to Summerside to pick up a few things we cannot get locally. My good wife asked me to get some Kosher salt, some hemp hearts and some pepper from the bulk food place there. She stressed that the salt needed to be fine so that it would work in our salt shakers. Well when I got there, I could only find ONE kosher salt and I looked at all the rest but I was pretty sure this was the one... she wanted. You can tell where this is going it was coarse salt and not the one she wanted. Okay here is the question I have was that a mistake or a sin? A pastor friend of mine once described sin as something that goes against the will and nature of God. I know this is a bit vague for you black and white people but here is an obvious example. If you kill someone that is a sin because it is against both the will and nature of God. This is communicated clearly in the 10 Commandments. It is against His will (Thou shalt not kill) but also against His nature for God is love. Here is something that the apostle John writes about sin 4 But those who keep on sinning are against God, for every sin is done against the will of God. 5 And you know that he became a man so that he could take away our sins, and that there is no sin in him, no missing of God’s will at any time in any way. 6 So if we stay close to him, obedient to him, we won’t be sinning either; but as for those who keep on sinning, they should realize this: They sin because they have never really known him or become his. (1 John 3: 4 6) All of us have made mistakes. And all of us have sinned. We have all done something against the will and nature of God. Here is the good news Jesus became a man so He could take away our sins! We can be forgiven and made right because of His death on the cross. But there is more good news. It is what John says in these verses we just read if we stay close to him (Jesus), obedient to him, we won’t be sinning either. So, it is possible that if we walk in the Spirit, live in line with God’s will and character that we can live without sinning. There is true freedom in this and the Holy Spirit has the power to help us walk in a way that we please God and honour Him with our lives. Praise the Lord!

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 21.09.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. I am thankful for In our community and for many parts of Canada, this is the harvest season. Locally, it is potato harvest time and today (after it has dried out a bit from the rain at the end of last week) the harvesters and the trucks will be out in full force. My son and his family are thinking of going out to a field that has already been picked to find some potatoes that were missed. This is totally legit and allow...ed by the farmers. Those farmers who are participating in the harvest have invested a lot of time and energy and resources to get to the point where reaping the results can happen. I think the same is true in our spiritual lives. God (the farmer) invest a lot of time and energy and resources (He gave His only Son to die on the cross) to see the fruit of the Spirit in us and the outworking of His life in us. Look at what the apostle Paul says to some friends at the church at Galatia The Holy Spirit produces a different kind of fruit: unconditional love, joy, peace, patience, kindheartedness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. You won’t find any law opposed to fruit like this. 24 Those of us who belong to the Anointed One (Jesus) have crucified our old lives and put to death the flesh and all the lusts and desires that plague us. 25 Now since we have chosen to walk with the Spirit, let’s keep each step in perfect sync with God’s Spirit. 26 This will happen when we set aside our self-interests and work together to create true community instead of a culture consumed by provocation, pride, and envy. (Galatians 5: 22 26) I am thankful when I see the fruit or harvest of these qualities and characteristics working out in my life. I know it is a result of the Holy Spirit working deeply and profoundly in my life. I have a part to play in that I invite Him to come into my heart and also to walk in step with His will and plans. But the harvest is mostly as a result of His presence and willingness to take some lumpy ground (me) and work it and plant His word in my mind and heart. Thank you, Lord, for working in and through me and producing the fruit of YOUR Spirit in my life!

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 16.09.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. I am thankful for In my conversation with some friends yesterday, I was remembering growing up on a grape farm. My parents being good Mennonites always sold the grapes to Welsh’s first (as in Welsh’s grape juice) but would sell it to the local winery if no one else would buy them. Around Christmas the winery would deliver a bottle of their best wine to their suppliers including my parents. My mother who was firmly again...st drinking of any alcohol would comment that she now had some good drain cleaner and subsequently pour the bottle of wine down the kitchen sink. Later when my then brother in law from France learned about this he thought it was a crime against humanity lol. In the book of Ephesians, the apostle Paul says 18 Don’t drink wine excessively. The drunken path is a reckless path. It leads nowhere. Instead, let God fill you with the Holy Spirit. 19 When you are filled with the Spirit, you are empowered to speak to each other in the soulful words of pious songs, hymns, and spiritual songs; to sing and make music with your hearts attuned to God; and to give thanks to God the Father every day through the name of our Lord Jesus the Anointed for all He has done. (Ephesians 5: 18 20) There are some wise words here, and some words to live by. Let God fill you with the Spirit! Amen to that!!! Sing to each other and make music in your heart to God! Give thanks to God the Father EVERY DAY through the name of Jesus for ALL He has done. I am thinkin’ that if we did these three things every day our life would be powerful and filled with wonder. We need the filling of the Spirit and the overflow of that is music and spiritual songs. And the practice of giving thanks every day because of the connectedness we have in Jesus and His power and presence in our lives helps us work through the challenges and the joys of human existence. Maybe my mom should have even been thankful for the bottle of wine given by the local winery at Christmas - lol. What are you thankful for today?

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 06.09.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. I am thankful for Okay I confess that I am the type of person who thinks a lot more about the future than about the past. I have always been that way. Sometimes Teresa will say do you remember when this and that happened and I am thinking is she making up a story or did this really happen and I forgot all about it?... But last night at our discipleship group, we were sharing around the table how we have experienced God’s hand and presence in our lives. There were some powerful moments shared of His care and direction. When I ran across this Bible verse this morning my thought was ‘right on King David!’ It is from Psalm 9:1 and David says I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. I don’t know about you but I have many things to give thanks to Jesus for. My wife and family, my parents and the heritage and faith they taught me from an early age. Great friends and a church family willing to grow and change and listen to the Holy Spirit. (And no, we are not perfect) The many blessings and challenges in the work I do. Being able to make a difference in the world in both small ways and bigger ways. Having food to eat and a place to live sometimes we take these for granted but for many people this is a daily struggle. More than anything though, is that I have come to know, experience and trust in Jesus. This is a privilege and a blessing beyond words. As was shared last evening as I look back, I can see the presence and direction and actions of the Spirit of Jesus in my life, too numerous to count. His forgiveness from sin, His continued direction and discernment, His love and compassion and His willingness to allow me to be part of growing His kingdom are just a few of the wonderful deeds I have experienced and continue to experience. What about you? What are the wonderful deeds that you can give thanks to the Lord for? Wholehearted thanksgiving and remembering God’s wonderful actions in our lives are good to reflect on and tell others about. He is good and His mercy last forever.

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 19.08.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. I am thankful for What gives you joy? Is it when the Buffalo Bills football team win their first 4 games of their season? Something that hasn’t happened in like 30 years? ... Okay, maybe you are not a sports fan, but is it family, friends, happy times in life? The problem is that life is not always easy, sometimes it is really hard. So why does the apostle Paul write to some followers of Jesus these words Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus - 1 Thessalonians 5:16 18 (NIV) If I was talking with the early disciple Paul, I might want to ask are you sure that these three things ARE God’s will for me ALL the time? I can see the ‘pray continually’ is God’s will. Because He wants us to be in a one on one relationship with Him a growing friendship and building a strong connection. I believe our conversations with Him are to be real, continuous and intimate. It is the other things that Paul says are the will or God in Jesus to rejoice always and to give thanks in ALL circumstances. Is it even possible to give thanks for everything that happens to us? To be honest I think there is a place for complaining. David does it in the Psalms quite a bit. However almost always he also recognizes the hope and strength we experience when we have God’s Spirit active in our lives. In the midst of lamenting, David also gives thanks for God’s presence and power that is available to His people. It is this that we can find joy in. That God’s love for us does not diminish because of circumstances. His care for our lives does not slow down because of hard times. And I think the apostle Paul is saying that it is also good to say thank you because what we are dealing with is temporary there is greater glory and eternal reward yet to come. I am thankful that God’s love never fails, it never gives up and it never runs out on me. What are you thankful for?

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 09.08.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. I am thankful for Next weekend we celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving. I am looking forward to getting together with some of our family and enjoying a great meal and some time together. However, for many people in areas where Covid 19 is advancing, this is not possible. These are days of concern, isolation and worry. How can we be thankful when these things seem to infiltrate our days? ... Check out what the apostle Paul wrote to a church in the city of Philippi Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus - Philippians 4:6 7 (NIV) Now the do not be anxious about anything is easier for some people than others. However, Paul is giving a formula of how to deal with challenges and difficult times. He says that in EVERY situation, THROUGH this amazing gift of prayer and talking directly to the Father with a THANKFUL heart GIVE it to God. (my translation of this verse) If we do that the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds. Thankfulness is a stress reliever! Who knew? I have shared this before but when I am dealing with a difficult issue I imagine the issue or problem in my hands and then I kind of physically give that issue to God. I hand it over to Him. It is not that I release my responsibilities but I know that He can bring His strength, power, wisdom and creativity to help solve the issue and challenge I am facing. Now honestly, I sometimes have to do this a number of times because I keep worrying about it and keep takin it back. But when I have released it and shared my burden with Him thankfulness comes because of His care for my life, His love for my soul and His willingness to partner with me in this crazy world we live in. I am thankful for a Heavenly Father who genuinely loves me and is willing to walk step by step with me through the good and the difficult times of life. What are you thankful for?

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 28.07.2020

This Thursday, Oct. 8th, at 12:00 pm is our 60+ Lunch. You will need to register with Marilyn or Wanda or the church if you would like to join in. We are looking forward to a delicious Thanksgiving meal. Food, friendship and fun. See you there!

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 13.07.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. Why did Jesus leave? Teresa has told me that during her childhood when her favorite cousins from out west left from visiting she would cry and be really upset. We don’t like it when people leave. So why did the disciples return to Jerusalem with GREAT joy when Jesus ascended into heaven. Check this out from Luke 24 ... 50 When he had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted up his hands and blessed them. 51 While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven. 52 Then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. 53 And they stayed continually at the temple, praising God. If you really think about it Jesus could have stayed. He had risen from the dead so He was immortal. He could have stayed but He left why? I think there are two main reasons. After Jesus paid the price for sin bought our pardon and forgiveness through His sacrificial death that part of His work was completed. As we personally accept that sacrifice and make it ours we are rescued from both the affects of sin on our souls and the judgement of sin by God. Now it says that Jesus is seated at the right hand of God interceding for us. Jesus also promised that He would send ANOTHER to be with His people. The early disciple were told to wait for this other, who is the Holy Spirit. You could say the Spirit of Jesus. When Jesus walked planet earth, he was bound by physical rules even though He was God He could only be at one place at one time. However, the God’s Spirit can be a multiple places at the exact same time. He can be with you right now and also with me right now. By leaving for heaven and by sending the Spirit, in effect Jesus presence could be anywhere and everywhere, not just in one place. The disciples understood this. They weren’t losing Jesus, instead He could be with all of them, wherever they were at the same time. So here is what is actually going on Jesus is representing and advocating for us with the Father in heaven and the Holy Spirit is representing Jesus and the Father to us in this time and place. No wonder the disciples were filled with great joy! Because, this is Christ’s promise to every one of His children Jesus is with you by His Spirit, and He will never leave you or forsake you. Do I hear an amen?

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 07.07.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. Whatever you do The phrase ‘kingdom of God’ has been in the news recently. In fact, the ‘Kingdom of God’ is even trending on twitter. Why you ask?... It is because the nominee to become a supreme court justice, Amy Coney Barrett made this statement at a commencement speech at Notre Dame University 5 or so years ago She stated, a legal career is but a means to an end. . . and that end is building the kingdom of God." Mrs. Barrett obviously sees her faith intersecting with her vocation. This brought to mind something that the apostle Paul wrote to some Jesus followers. He said 23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord(Colossians 3: 23) WHATEVER you do so that really means everything you do do it wholeheartedly understanding that whatever we do, we do it as if we are working for Jesus. If you did your work or did your household chores that way would it change your attitude and commitment toward them? Would you see your jobs as more than something to get through? Paul goes on to say 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. So I am thinkin’ that Mrs. Amy Barrett got it right. What we do for our work, our career, what we spend our time and energy on IS a means to an end. And that end is growing God’s kingdom while we are physically on planet earth. We all have this calling and vocation. We all are invited to be participants in His work, no matter what our ‘day job’ is. And God promises a reward for serving Jesus. Something to look forward too, to work towards and to anticipate when we reach heaven.

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 01.07.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. How do you grieve? Over the next couple of days there will be funerals and memorials for the two young men who drowned because of an overturned boat accident. Our local high school has cancelled all classes to allow classmates and students to attend and grieve. ... Grief happens in many ways and there are stages of grieving. And grief can happen not just from losing someone we love and are connected too, but through other losses in our lives. For example, you can experience grief through the loss of a job or even the loss of some freedom because of an illness or health condition. In the key sermon that Jesus shared with His followers there is a line about grieving. It says Blessed are those who mournthey will be comforted. Matthew 5: 4 This is the second line in what we call the Sermon on the Mount. ‘Blessed, or highly favoured by God, are those who mourn.’ Most times we do not feel very blessed or highly favoured when we are dealing with loss and sorrow. These are times that are gut wrenching, sometimes mind numbing and many times very hard. So what did Jesus mean here. I can only give you my two cents worth and I certainly do not have all the answers especially when it comes to grieving. Jesus said blessed are those who mourn they WILL be comforted. How does that happen, where does the comfort come from? We know from experience that those around us, our friends and family, can bring comfort and strength during these difficult times. We also know that remembering and expressing thankfulness for sharing a life can bring some kind of comfort. But I think Jesus was talking about a supernatural comfort in this Bible verse. We have a God who is compassionate and deeply cares about our lives. The Bible says that He knows how many hairs are on our head, so we can take from this that He knows the details of our lives and what we are dealing with and going through. And I think during this desperate and heart-breaking times He can pour comfort and hope into our hearts when it seems like life is only filled with hurt and despair. The Holy Spirit can bring healing and strength in the same way that you would put a healing ointment on a wound. You and I can invite Him into our hurt. We can lean on Him as we grieve and depend on Him to journey through the loss with us. My prayer today is that those who are grieving and feeling the loss, will experience the love, hope, strength and comfort of our compassionate Heavenly Father.

O'Leary Church of the Nazarene 12.06.2020

Good day everyone, I hope this message finds you well. God moves in mysterious ways. At the Charlottetown Market, Teresa met a young man who was interested in how we make our soap. She checked with me if I would be willing to let him come and watch. We arranged that for last Sunday afternoon. ... Most of the time for me, making soap is relaxing and an enjoyable experience and I also enjoy sharing that with someone who is interested in the process. This young man began to tell me his story and revealed that he and his wife are followers of Jesus. What I heard about his journey from Rwanda to Prince Edward Island was quite amazing it was his wife that was sure that PEI was were God was leading them. He was happy to hear I was a Jesus follower as well and then quite taken back when I revealed that being a pastor was my day job. Tears came to his eyes and God presence was in the soap lab as he came to grips how God had again led his life and had directed our two paths together in His time and His plan. Jeremiah the prophet spoke God’s words to His people who were in exile because of their sin and rebellion ‘For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ There can be times in our lives, in the middle of tragedy or difficulties, that we forget or wonder if God has a plan for our lives. But understand this His will and desire for our lives is filled with hope and a future. And even when we are getting older and maybe less able to take the world by storm we also know that this is physical life is not the end but there is an eternal future in store for us. The first part of God’s plan is that we know Him, know His forgiveness and rescue from sin that was bought by Jesus on the cross. Then we are filled with God’s Spirit so that we can be connected to and guided by this incredible Father God. And don’t be surprised at divine encounters along the way moments when it becomes really clear that God is directing and moving in and through your life. Because as I discovered again on Sunday He moves in mysterious and awesome ways. We follow and serve an amazing God!