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The Transformed Nations Of World Ministry. 07.02.2022

The Side effect--Sickness The story of the biblical woman who had suffered eccentrically from haemorrhage, 12yrs left us with sufficient facts about the side-effect of sickness-she was wrecked from grace to grass, prosperity to penury and was forced into ostracized life due to her health condition, Mark 5:25-26. For examples: physically:... You all know that the body cannot function properly without adequate blood circulation, the Bible also attested to this fact that life is constituent of blood, Lev 17:14. She lost so much strength due to constant blood discharge that she couldn't fulfill her daily schedules. Financially: As her haemorrhage condition persisted, she must have resigned her juicy job to prosecute her health. She spent all her life savings as she moved from hospital to hospital, hoping to get better but all rather was getting complicated until she became financially stretched and bankrupted. Her health condition pushed her to penury. Maritally: One of God's concept of marriage was for a man to leave and cleave to his wife in holy matrimony, Gen 2:26. Hence sexual aspect is legally permitted to be enjoyed but as this woman was always having virginal discharge 12yrs, her husband finds it difficult to enjoy her sexually, thereby making her marriage on the verge of collapse--infidelity, extra-affair, divorce threat etc. Or probably she was single but due to her health condition, no man had ever indicated interest in her. Socially: In the olden days; when a woman is in her menstrual cycle, she's expected to be isolated to designated place according to mosac law, Lev 15:19-27. But her own case is beyond normal menstruation because she bled almost every day for 12yrs. In modern term, she was quarantined, hence she couldn't mingle, relate or interact with others. All her good dreams was marred because she was confined so long the disease. Emotionally: She was emotionally imbalance; left in pain, worry, shame, sorrow, rejection. Nothing excites her anymore. Sickness is bad and can unmake any man that's why Jesus always had compassion for the sick during His earthly ministry. If you're reading this post with any sickness in your body, the power of the Holy Ghost will reach you where you're right now and set you free in Jesus name. Be blessed and remain healthy in Jesus Name!!!

The Transformed Nations Of World Ministry. 20.01.2022

THE BITTER LIFE Some are professionally engaged with bitter life Nothing about others ever excite them Always bittered when others made headway... They've never learnt to celebrate others' success Others' goodnews repulsed them, For they are always about 'selves' They are like Judas Iscariot, only after their personal aggrandizement When Jesus was celebrated with a costly perfume by Mary Magdalene, Judas was sore bittered, for he was a man with selfish tendencies John 12:3-6 Consequently he ended up taking his life Matthew 27:2-5 Bitterness is the root cause of selfishness and depression with an accompanying suicidal thoughts 1 Timothy 6:9,10 Bitterness therefore, aborts God's plans for our lives Hebrews 12:15 Bitter people always look feeble and drained physically, mentally and socially The most intelligent person can suddenly become unproductive in the midst of bitter people, because the atmosphere around is characteristically tensed and unenthusiastic Nehemiah 8:10 psalms 16:11 I've learnt never to get bitter about anything For I've discovered that ideas and inspiration are generated and sustained on the altar of joyful life Isaiah 12:3 Bitterness have made some people look older than their real age Proverbs 17:22 Medically most of those health issues faced by most people are resultant effect of worries, sorrow, sadness, hatred, unforgiving and bitterness proverbs 15:15 Because a simple and happy life does great deal of natural therapy to our physical compositions Proverbs 15:11 No wonder Jesus had to corroborate this fact by saying unless one acts like a child he cannot enter the kingdom of God Matthew 18:3 The antidote for bitterness is to always be thankful and contented psalms 107:1 1Timothy 6:6 Cherishing what you have and be contented with it: don't compete and compare yourself to anybody, never let it be only you_selfishness, never covet other's position, fame, money etc Acts 8:18,19 Hebrews 13:5 For you were created in your own unique way Roman's 12:3 psalms 139:14: Therefore, find out, stay and explore your unique gift, talent, calling etc Jeremiah 1:5 proverbs 25:2 And ask God to announce you through what you have to offer to your world 1Corinthians 3:6. God bless you!!!

The Transformed Nations Of World Ministry. 01.01.2022

DON'T LOOK DOWN ON YOURSELF ..., wherewith shall I save Israel? behold, my family is poor in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father's house. Judges 6;15. What does it mean to look down on yourself? ... To look down on yourself is to: -Think low of yourself, judges 6:15, proverbs 23;7, 4:23. -Be dominated with the sense of inferiority, Judges 6:15. -Being without vision, proverbs 29:18. -Being doubtful of your potential to make any meaningful impact, Exodus 4:10-12. -Not being able to discover your purpose in life, Jeremiah 1:5-7. -Assume your background is the determinant factor to your ground in life, John 1:46, judges 6:15. -Being perpetually held down with fear of failure and mediocrity, Joshua 1:6-7. -Always have impossibility mental consciousness, Numbers 13:28-29, John 6:5,6. -Be dominated with the sense of suggestibility, complacency and indecisiveness, Joshua 1:1-2, Deuteronomy 1:6. -Not being able to think out of the box, John 6:5-7, 2Corinthians 10:4,5. Man is the beauty of all creations because he was made in the image and likeness of God! That implies that you're not an accident on earth. Everything you'll need to succeed in life is already deposited inside of you by God! So Why looking down on yourself thinking that you are going to amount to nothing in life? The first statement that the angel who visited Gideon made, was that, "Thou mighty man of valor." Gideon was a poor boy from a very background but the angel of the Lord saw a great warrior. I want you to know that the way God is seeing you is different from the way you are seeing yourself. So you've to begin to allow thought patterns to be aligning with God's. God is banking on you to transform nations for Him because He has deposited the seed of greatness and giants inside of you. So go with that consciousness in you and make a mark in your world. Jesus is Lord!

The Transformed Nations Of World Ministry. 14.12.2021

#Newdawndailydevotional Topic: The Way-Maker Text: John 14;6... "Jesus saith unto him, I am the WAY,... " John 14;6a It's interesting to note that how far one will go in this kingdom is commensurate with one's personal revelation and encounter with the person of Jesus, "And I went up by revelation" Galatians 2;2b. My prayer for the reader of this devotional is that God will open the eyes of your understanding to know Jesus as your way maker! Before someone could be a way maker, He's likely going to possess some certain supernatural creative force, wherewithals and capabilities to straighten the crooked, remove the impossible, clear any seemingly impending obstacles, bringing something out of nothing etc the only one who can do that is Jesus-Way Maker. Therefore, it doesn't matter what where you are right now if only you can believe the tide will turn in your favor in the Name of Jesus. It doesn't matter what this lockdown had caused you, I decree that there will a quantum leap in your finances, businesses, academic and marriage in Jesus name. Let's consider what Jesus the way maker can do: 1. He can make way where seem to be no way for you. Isaiah 43;19 2. He can supernaturally link you up to your Canaanland. Exodus 14;21-22. 3. He can straighten the crooked path for you. Isaiah 40;3-4. 4. He can lighten up your path. John 8;12. 5. He can your affliction to uplifting. Luke 5;1-11, John 8;12. 6. He has master key to unlock every aspect of your life. Revelation 3;7-8. 7. He can make you a joint way-maker by giving you the KEY. Mathew 16;19, John 14;12. Brethren, have you been wondering if you will still amount to something in life, or have you been heated with the vicissitudes of life that you now resort to fate? Whether it's terminal case, financial upheaval, career stagnation or marital problems, I have a good news for you that the way Maker will step in and turn everything around for your good in Jesus name. All you need doing is to continually put your trust in Him. You're blessed!

The Transformed Nations Of World Ministry. 06.12.2021

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but shall have eternal life,,,John 3:16. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High; shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty, psalms 91. At a time like this, It's precariously dangerous to just be on the neutral side because the Scriptures in 1John 5;19 declared that the whole world lie in wickedness. The world original system of operation has been corrupte...Continue reading