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Parkland Right to Life 12.02.2022

Quote: Out of the thousands of recommendations made in each cycle, sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) and abortion make up a relatively small minority: about four percent and half a percent, respectively. Recommendations on these topics are also much more likely to be noted rather than supported by the country being reviewed. The pressure on abortion and SOGI comes from a relatively small group, mostly wealthy Western European countries and their allies. In e...ach UPR cycle, less than half of the almost 200 UN member states have ever made a recommendation on these issues. Iceland has distinguished itself as the most aggressive in promoting both abortion and SOGI. In the recently concluded cycle, Iceland made more than ten percent of all SOGI recommendations and more than twenty percent of all abortion recommendations. Like the findings of other UN human rights experts, none of the recommendations made in the UPR are legally binding. However, the structure of the UPR shows how little agreement exists among UN member nations on abortion and SOGI. It also reveals how closely aligned the UN’s human rights experts are with the priorities of rich donor countries. A C-Fam investigation reveals that the influence of these wealthy countries has also infiltrated the UPR at the level of regular citizens. Non-government stakeholders are invited to submit their own reports on countries’ human rights records. C-Fam has found local organizations submitting abortion and SOGI friendly reports are actually funded by the European Union, Canada and other powerful governments. These organizations present themselves as part of the grassroots. A coalition called the Sexual Rights Initiative receives funding from Denmark, the Netherlands, and Canada to assist locally based organizations in submitting reports to the UPR promoting SOGI and abortion. The donor countries then make recommendations in the UPRsometimes verbatimbased on the content of the reports they helped to create. https://c-fam.org//c-fam-investigation-reveals-lack-of-agr

Parkland Right to Life 28.01.2022

Join Campaign Life Coalition for the 2022 Theme Launch for the 25th National March for Life on Thursday Feb 10th at 12 noon 1pm EST. https://marchforlife.ca/event/2022-theme-launch/

Parkland Right to Life 18.01.2022

Raquel Dancho reveals the dangers of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) where people in deep loneliness feel this is their only option.

Parkland Right to Life 03.01.2022

Excellent letter to the editor in the Chemainus Valley Courier! Check it out!

Parkland Right to Life 31.12.2021

"It’s time to get in line with countries around the world and end abortion after the first trimester. Women and children deserve better than abortion, and Canada should be a country that can provide that." https://www.chemainusvalleycourier.ca//no-abortion-law-in/

Parkland Right to Life 12.11.2020

Do you know anyone living in or near Regina who might be interested in this job?

Parkland Right to Life 02.11.2020

Quote: The moment a child is born alive, everyone recognizes the baby as a human being, said Lugosi. But it’s a pure fiction to pretend that one second before that baby is born it is not a human being. It defies logic, common sense, biology. The law should live in the world of truth, not in the world of fiction. The Ontario Superior Court dismissed the appeal, and in September the Ontario Court of Appeal also rejected Lugosi’s bid for appeal. He had until Nov. 13 of this ...year to file leave to appeal to the nation’s top court. If the case moves forward, Lugosi suspects attorneys general from Canadian provinces and activist groups from both sides of the abortion debate will want to be involved. He anticipates some abortion advocates will try to dismiss the challenge as an attempt to dig up the old debate about personhood. Many times, the Supreme Court of Canada has said that unborn children are not persons under law and have no legal rights, he said. We are not contesting that. We are not challenging those decisions. We don’t need to. Personhood is bestowed at the time of birth. But being a human being is entirely different.

Parkland Right to Life 16.10.2020

Quote: During the oral arguments, held before a court last Friday, the plaintiffs argued that the event promotion should have been allowed as a matter of freedom of expression. James Kitchen, a lawyer for the Justice Centre For Constitutional Freedoms, which is representing the pro-life group, cited the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.... The expression of pro-life opinions is part of the diversity of expression found in a free society, and is protected by the charter, said Kitchen, as reported by The Canadian Press.

Parkland Right to Life 03.10.2020

The following request comes from Coalition for HealthCARE And Conscience. Please watch this two minute video explaining why it's critical that we ask legislators to oppose the expansion of euthanasia and assisted suicide in Canada, Euthanasia: Panacea or Pandora's box?: https://youtu.be/bECmV6OEDTo.... If you haven't emailed your MP yet, please write them right away at canadiansforconscience.ca/federal_government It takes about two minutes. Once you've emailed them, we ask you to call their office to let them know of your concerns. You can find their phone number and contact information at https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en. This follow up phone call will increase the impact of your voice exponentially!

Parkland Right to Life 26.09.2020

Quote: Our biggest fear has always been that having a disability would become an acceptable reason for state-provided suicide, Krista Carr, executive vice-president of Inclusion Canada, told the House of Commons justice committee Tuesday. Bill C-7 is our worst nightmare.... Catherine Frazee, professor emeritus at Ryerson University's School of Disability Studies, argued that the government is making it possible for people with disabilities to kill themselves while doing whatever it can to prevent suicide for everyone else. Why only us? she asked. Why only people whose bodies are altered or painful or in decline? Why not everyone who lives outside the margin? Roger Foley, a 45-year-old with a neurodegenerative disease that has left him hospitalized, unable to move or care for himself, recounted how he's been denied home care and allegedly been pressured by hospital staff to seek an assisted death. My life has been devalued. I have been coerced into an assisted death by abuse, neglect, lack of care and threats, said Foley. He has launched a court challenge based on his right to an assisted life. Carr told the committee that every national disability organization is opposed to Bill C-7 but their voices are are getting drowned out by people who do not experience the systemic marginalization, the poverty and the very difficult lack of supports and life circumstances that people with disabilities experience that lead them into situations where MAID (medical assistance in dying) is either promoted to them or they feel like it's their only option. https://www.ctvnews.ca//assisted-dying-bill-sparks-ferocio