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Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 02.01.2021

Nous vous souhaitons de joyeuses fêtes! L’année 2020 a indéniablement apporté son lot de défis, nous voulons aussi exprimer notre reconnaissance à nos partenaires financiers. Leur soutien indéfectible en cette période difficile a fait toute la différence pour PBSC, ainsi que pour nos autres partenaires et les communautés que nous servons. Nous vous souhaitons, à vous et à vos proches, des vacances reposantes et en bonne santé.

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 17.12.2020

Happy holidays from PBSC! Although 2020 brought many new challenges, we are especially grateful to our funders whose steadfast support during this challenging time has made the world of difference to PBSC, our partners, and the communities we serve. Wishing you and yours a healthy and restful holiday. The Law Foundation of Ontario University of Toronto Faculty of Law McCarthy Tétrault Thomson ReutersWestlaw Legal Aid Ontario - Aide juridique Ontario Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP The Law Foundation of BC

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 12.12.2020

Every time we listen to episode one of our Indigenous Human Rights podcast, we learn something new from Amber Prince & Myrna McCallum. Here is the Expanding Our Vision report from the BC Human Rights Tribunal they reference: http://www.bchrt.bc.ca//indigenous/expanding-our-vision.pdf

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 04.12.2020

Myrna McCallum laying down the education we all need on episode one of our Indigenous Human Rights Program podcast. Tune in: https://www.probonostudents.ca/indigenous-peoples

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 26.11.2020

Our Indigenous Human Rights Program podcast launches today! Sponsored by Thomson Reuters Legal Canada, this show shines a light on the experiences of Indigenous people at human rights tribunals across Canada. In episode one, our students speak with lawyers Amber Prince & Myrna McCallum about their experiences representing Deborah Campbell, an Indigenous mother who took the Vancouver Police to the BC Human Rights Tribunal and won. Listen and learn with us! https://www.probonostudents.ca/indigenous-peoples Photo by Fallon Benson.

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 10.11.2020

Meet Elsa! Elsa Kaka (she, her, hers) is an articled student at Mahon & Company. She received her Juris Doctor from the University of Manitoba in 2020. During a... law school, Elsa was involved with many student groups, most notably the Feminist Legal Forum, the Black Law Students' Association of Manitoba and the Black Law Students' Association of Canada. She also worked as the Manitoba Chapter co-coordinator for Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono from 2018 to 2020. Upon graduating, she was a co-recipient of the Yude M. Henteleff Award in Human Rights and Civil Liberties for her active involvement with Pro Bono Students Canada and other human rights organizations. Elsa continues to be passionate about human rights issues. She published a paper entitled The Supreme Court of Canada’s Justification of Charter Breaches and its Effect on Black and Indigenous Communities in the Manitoba Law Journal Criminal Law Edition in the Fall 2020. She also wrote an article for the CBC entitled, Why is being called 'racist' more offensive than racism itself? White fragility silences voices, says advocate in response to Jagmeet Singh being ordered to leave the House of Commons in June 2020. Elsa is also an R&B singer and co-host of The Ordinary Black Girl Podcast. To learn more, visit: https://mahonlitigation.com/elsa-kaka Read her story here: https://www.cbc.ca//m/pov-racism-white-fragility-1.5619647 Listen to her music here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0WzrOBIAlodflwahacCkO4 Listen to her podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com//the-ordinary-blac/id1514357418 #ArticledStudents #BlackLawStudents #BLSA #LawStudents #feminists #feminism #LawyersOfInstagram #BCLegal #CDNLegal ID: A portrait photo of Elsa smiling, with her arms crossed. She has her hair in a bun on top of her head and is wearing a yellow blazer over a black top. She is wearing black thick-rimmed glasses and white pearl earrings.

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 30.10.2020

Special thanks to our National Research Partner Thomson Reuters Canada Legal for generously donating gift cards to support our Chapters' volunteer appreciation efforts! Your support of our amazing volunteers across the country is so appreciated - Un grand merci à notre partenaire national en recherche Thomson Reuters qui a généreusement fourni des cartes-cadeaux pour aider nos sections à reconnaître le travail de nos formidables bénévoles d’un bout à l’autre du pays!

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 10.10.2020

Thank you to Michelle Lantier & Rita Samson of the Ontario Human Rights Commission and Ramona Reece of Human Rights Legal Support Centre for training our Indigenous Human Rights Program students on the Human Rights Code last night! We are grateful for your support and excited to launch our human rights clinics.

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 06.10.2020

Today we remember those who lost their lives in service to their country, and remind ourselves that we must work for peace and for justice every day of the year. #remembranceday

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 04.10.2020

"... The law is not majestic. The law is just a reflection of the wishes of the people at any given point in time ... Change is inevitable." - Senator Murray Sinclair #a2jweek Photo via Senator Sinclair's public Facebook page

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 23.09.2020

"Justice must be seen to be believed. And getting people to believe in justice is what the legal system exists for. It’s time they got what they’re entitled to" - Justice Rosalie Abella #a2jweek Photo by Chris Helgren for Reuters via The Globe and Mail

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 13.09.2020

"When it comes to access to justice, it is not enough to simply open the door; we must invite people in." - The Right Honourable Richard Wagner, Chief Justice of Canada #a2jweek Photo by Kenya-Jade Pinto Lorsqu'il s'agit d'accès à la justice, il ne suffit pas d'ouvrir la porte il faut inviter les gens à franchir le seuil , a déclaré le très honorable juge Richard Wagner, juge en chef du Canada.

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 09.09.2020

Our Family Law Program Manager, Dana Rotenberg, will be speaking on TAG - The Action Group on Access to Justice's #A2JWeek panel tomorrow about the Family Justice System & #a2j in a #COVID19 world. Register for that & other informative events here: https://lso.ca/theactiongro/access-to-justice-week/schedule

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 20.08.2020

It's #A2JWeek! A reminder that access to the justice system is a fundamental human right, one which is unattainable to many due to varying intersectional barriers. Every day, we strive to break down those walls. #a2jforall . C'est la Semaine de l'#AccèsàlaJustice! N'oublions pas que l'accès au système judiciaire est un droit fondamental auquel plusieurs n'ont pas accès en raison de divers obstacles intersectionnels. Tous les jours, nous travaillons à faire tomber ces murs.

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 13.08.2020

What are unbundled legal services? | Que sont les services juridiques dégroupés?

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 04.08.2020

The substantial and long-standing disparity in the ability of Ontarians to access the family justice system adversely affects families and the ability of our courts to manage cases justly. The FJC aims to bridge this justice gap. With the benefit of legal advice and well-drafted court forms, clients will be empowered to meaningfully participate in their own cases and assist the Courts to provide just intervention - Roslyn Tsao, Epstein Cole LLP, Founding Partner of the Fam...ily Justice Centre. https://www.probonostudents.ca/family-justice-centre // Les disparités importantes et de longue date dans la capacité des Ontariens et Ontariennes à accéder au système de justice familiale affectent les familles et ont des répercussions sur la capacité de nos tribunaux à gérer les affaires de façon équitable. Le CJF se veut une solution à ces disparités en matière d’accès à la justice. En obtenant des conseils juridiques et en soumettant des formulaires judiciaires bien rédigés, les clients seront en mesure de participer de manière utile à leurs propres affaires judiciaires et aideront les tribunaux à intervenir de manière équitable - Roslyn Tsao, Epstein Cole LLP, Fondateur Partenaire du Centre de Justice Familiale. https://www.etudiantsprobono.ca/centre-de-justice-familiale

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 22.07.2020

PBSC is thrilled to announce the launch of the Family Justice Centre (FJC), in partnership with Epstein Cole LLP & Legal Aid Ontario - Aide juridique Ontario : https://www.probonostudents.ca//epstein-cole-llp-joins-pro The inequity in access to the family justice system has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the backlogs caused by court closures & the inability of people to pay for legal services due to job and/or income loss. The FJC aims to bridge this justice gap.... The FJC will launch virtually in the fall of 2020, utilizing videoconferencing technology to connect litigants with law students and pro bono lawyers to provide responsive legal services that go beyond summary advice. PBSC wishes to express its immense gratitude to Phil Epstein, Q.C. for his leadership and commitment to furthering access to the family justice system. We are excited to embark on this next chapter in our long-standing partnership. // PBSC est très heureux d'annoncer le lancement du Centre de justice familiale (CJF), en partenariat avec Epstein Cole LLP & Legal Aid Ontario - Aide juridique Ontario : https://www.etudiantsprobono.ca//epstein-cole-llp-s-associ La pandémie de COVID-19 a exacerbé les iniquités en ce qui concerne l’accès au système de justice familiale en retardant le traitement des causes en raison de la fermeture des tribunaux et en augmentant le nombre de personnes qui, parce qu’elles ont perdu leur emploi ou des revenus, n’ont pas les moyens d’obtenir des services juridiques. Le CJF se veut une solution à ces disparités en matière d’accès à la justice. Le CJF sera lancé sous forme virtuelle à l’automne 2020 et utilisera la technologie de la vidéoconférence pour permettre aux plaideurs d’échanger avec des étudiant(e)s en droit et des avocats bénévoles, lesquels fourniront des services juridiques adaptés allant au-delà des conseils juridiques sommaires. PBSC souhaite remercier chaleureusement Phil Epstein, c.r. pour son leadership et son attachement à la cause de l'accès au système de justice familiale. Nous sommes ravis d'entamer ce nouveau chapitre avec ce partenaire de longue date.

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 18.07.2020

Mock Hearing Program for LGBTQ Refugee Claimants Professional guidance for claimants preparing for their IRB Hearing. Facilitated by immigration and refugee law...yers, law students from Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono, and The 519 staff. October 5 onwards. Limited capacity. By appointment only To register, email: [email protected] or call 416-392-6874 Details: https://www.the519.org/programs/mock-hearing-program The Law Foundation of Ontario See more

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 12.07.2020

We are hiring! National Office is looking for a U of T law student to fill the role of part-time Program Coordinator for our Indigenous Human Rights Program #IHRP this fall/winter. Applications due August 31. Details below!

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 25.06.2020

Pro Bono is about #accesstojustice #a2j https://probonostudents.ca/impact . Le travail pro bono est une question d'accès à la justice https://etudiantsprobono.ca/impact

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 12.06.2020

Le travail pro bono est une question de communauté. https://etudiantsprobono.ca/sections . Pro bono is about community. https://www.probonostudents.ca/chapters

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 03.06.2020

PBSC souhaite la bienvenue à Dana Rotenberg, gestionnaire de programme: https://etudiantsprobono.ca//pbsc-souhaite-la-bienvenue-%C . PBSC Welcomes Dana Rotenberg, Program Manager: https://probonostudents.ca//pbsc-welcomes-dana-rotenberg-p

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 22.05.2020

Pro bono is about dignity. https://www.probonostudents.ca/ . Le travail pro bono est une question de dignité. https://etudiantsprobono.ca

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 19.05.2020

Survol de PBSC: une société dotée d’un système de justice accessible, où la dignité et les droits de chaque personne sont respectés. Nous fournissons des services juridiques gratuits aux personnes et aux communautés qui se heurtent à des obstacles en matière d’accès à la justice. https://www.etudiantsprobono.ca/pbsc . We envision a society with accessible legal systems, where the dignity and rights of every person are upheld. Our mission is to provide free legal support to people and communities facing barriers to justice. https://www.probonostudents.ca/who-we-are

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 01.05.2020

We are thrilled to announce the recipients of the 2020 Chief Justice Richard Wagner Award! Congratulations to all of our inaugural winners! We are humbled and excited to see how you will continue to take #actionforjustice in the years to come. https://www.probonostudents.ca//2020-chief-justice-richard We’d like to give special thanks to McCarthy Tétrault for hosting this wonderful event, and for sponsoring the purchase of PBSC’s awards in 2020. . Nous sommes ravis d'annonce...r les lauréats du Prix du Juge en chef Richard Wagner 2020! Félicitations à tous nos lauréats et à toutes nos lauréates de la première année du Prix! Votre engagement nous touche et nous avons hâte de suivre votre parcours pour voir comment vous continuerez de changer le visage de la justice dans les années à venir. https://www.etudiantsprobono.ca//les-laur%C3%A9ates-et-lau Nous tenons à remercier tout particulièrement McCarthy Tétrault d'avoir organisé ce merveilleux événement et d'avoir commandité l'achat des prix PBSC pour 2020. See more

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 27.04.2020

#ClosingTheJusticeGap: Pro Bono Students Canada is on a mission to provide free legal support to people and communities facing barriers to justice. Founded in 1996 at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, and with Chapters at 22 law schools throughout Canada, we are the largest pro bono organization in the country. . Combler L'écart En Matière D'accès À La Justice: PBSC s'est donné pour mission de fournir des services juridiques gratuits aux personnes et aux communautés qui font face à des obstacles en matière d'accès à la justice. Fondée en 1996 à la faculté de droit de l'université de Toronto, et avec des sections dans 22 facultés de droit au Canada, nous sommes la plus grande organisation pro bono du pays.

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 20.04.2020

Dans le prolongement de la formation anti-oppression dispensée lors de notre conférence nationale en mai, nous sommes heureux d'accueillir à nouveau cette semaine Sheliza Jamal pour parler des relations de collaboration authentiques, engager des conversations difficiles et affronter les préjugés et la discrimination . Building on the anti-oppression training at our National Conference in May, we are excited to welcome back Sheliza Jamal this week to talk authentic allyship, engaging in difficult conversations, and confronting prejudice & discrimination

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 04.04.2020

As #IndigenousHistoryMonth comes to a close, we want to express gratitude to Elder Dr. Bob Phillips, Elder Sen. Constance Simmonds, and all of the other Elders & Knowledge Keepers we have had the honour of working with. . Alors que le #Moisdelhistoireautochtone touche à sa fin, nous souhaitons remercier l'Aîné Dr Bob Phillips, l'Aînée Sén. Constance Simmonds, et tout(e)s les autres Aîné(e)s et gardien(ne)s du savoir avec qui nous avons eu l'honneur de travailler. Photo: Kenya-Jade Pinto

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 19.03.2020

Projet d'été en vedette: cet été, PBSC UQAM et PBSC Université de Montréal travaillent avec Option Consommateurs sur des questions juridiques liées à la pandémie #COVID19 et la cybersécurité. Le but: promouvoir et défendre les intérêts des consommateurs

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 15.03.2020

Bon #MoisdelaFierté! PBSC reconnait les nombreux obstacles auxquels font encore face les personnes queer et trans dans notre système judiciaire et au-delà. Nous sommes fiers de travailler avec des organisations partout au Canada pour améliorer l'accès à la justice et aux programmes sociaux pour la communauté LGBTQ2+. Ce mois-ci, et tous les mois, nous vous célébrons. . Happy #PrideMonth! At PBSC, we recognize the many barriers that queer and trans folks still face in our legal system and beyond. We are proud to partner with organizations across Canada to increase access to justice and social programming for the LGBTQ2S+ community. This month & every month, we celebrate you.

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 02.03.2020

Summer project spotlight: Pro Bono Students Canada - University of Toronto Chapter is working with ALPHA Education to create needed resources for educators on #humanrights and racial discrimination occurring against Asian Canadians during #COVID19.

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 12.02.2020

Reconciliation involves both acknowledging the truth about racism in our country, and finding a new way forward. Today, and every day, we honour the resilience and beauty of Indigenous peoples and culture. #IndigenousPeoplesDay https://bit.ly/313p4gA

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 30.01.2020

Rising numbers of asylum seekers + long wait times for hearings before the Immigration & Refugee Board of Canada have created an increased need for legal services for newcomers. PBSC students work with The 519 to empower and prepare individuals through mock hearings.

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 19.01.2020

The 519 will be relaunching our Trans ID Clinic virtually. Monday, June 22 onwards, by appointment only. For trans/two-spirit/non-binary folks in Ontario experi...encing poverty or homelessness. Free legal assistance via video calls for ID applications, name changes, gender marker changes, and other related needs. We will work with clients to schedule appointment dates and times. To book an appointment, contact: [email protected] The Law Foundation of Ontario McCarthy Tétrault Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 02.01.2020

Pro Bono Students Canada Lakehead Chapter is working with Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) this summer to create a legal toolkit to equip Indigenous & non-Indigenous communities with needed info about nearby energy projects, and their environmental repercussions.

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 19.12.2019

Summer project spotlight: our uVic Chapter is volunteering with Saanich Volunteer Services Society to create public legal education #PLE on #estateplanning & #foodsecurity for seniors vulnerable to #COVID19.

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 11.12.2019

Recent events highlight the horrific and violent reality of systemic racism in the United States and Canada. We share the outrage, the grief, and the distress. Our full statement: https://bit.ly/2ADgs5a . Les événements récents mettent en évidence la réalité horrible et violente du racisme systémique aux États-Unis et au Canada. Nous partageons l'indignation, le chagrin et la détresse. Notre déclaration complète: https://bit.ly/2ADgs5a

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 06.12.2019

As part of our COVID-19 Response, PBSC Manitoba students are working remotely with Community Legal Education Association - Manitoba Inc. this summer to create free, online family law resources. Unknown rights are not rights at all - CLEA

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 19.11.2019

The difficult name-change process is a barrier for trans people when it comes to accessing social and legal services. HuffPost Canada sheds light on #transID clinics & other ways to challenge #transphobia on this #IDAHOTB:

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 05.11.2019

A Message from PBSC’s Ontario Family Law Project (FLP): PBSC recognizes that it is a particularly challenging time for litigants trying to access family court services across Ontario. The FLP would like to share some resources and updates for litigants dealing with their family law matters during this time. 1. While Family Law Information Centres are not physically open, their services are still being provided virtually by both Legal Aid Ontario and the Ministry-funded med...iation and information service providers. Moreover, duty counsel services are currently being provided regardless of financial eligibility. 2. Litigants who are seeking summary legal advice from Legal Aid Ontario can contact 1-800-668-8258. 3. Litigants can receive 30 minutes of free legal advice regarding their matters as well as referrals to other services through the emergency family law referral line operated by the Law Society of Ontario (1-800-268-7568 or 416-947-3310). 4. The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts of Ontario is maintaining a list of resources for separating families in light of COVID (https://afccontario.ca/coronavirus-covid-19/ 5. The scope of court activities can be found at https://www.ontariocourts.ca/s/notices-and-orders-covid-19/; 6. Several courts are now hearing some non-urgent matters. Litigants should not assume they are unable able to bring a non-urgent matter to the attention of court without first checking what processes are available in their jurisdiction.

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 29.10.2019

Thank you so much to the Chief Commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, Marie-Claude Landry, for joining us today and inspiring our future #probono leaders. And that’s a wrap on our 2020 National Training Conference! Thank you to everyone for your engaged participation, especially virtually. We can’t wait to see what you all accomplish this year! - Un grand merci à la présidente de la CCDP, Marie-Claude Landry, de s'être jointe à nous aujourd'hui et d'avoir inspiré nos leaders #probono de demain. Notre Conférence nationale de formation 2020 est maintenant terminée! Merci à tous et à toutes pour votre participation engagée, même virtuelle. Nous sommes impatients de voir ce que vous allez accomplir cette année!

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 18.10.2019

Pro Bono est au cœur de l’accès à la justice. Pro Bono signifie ouvrir la porte à la justice aux personnes qui en ont le plus besoin. C’est pourquoi je considère que vous êtes tous des gardiens de la justice dans notre pays et que je crois que vous effectuez votre travail à un moment critique. . At the heart of Pro Bono is access to justice. Pro Bono is about putting the keys to justice directly into the hands of people who need it the most. That’s why I consider all of you guardians of justice in our countryand why I believe your work is happening at a critical time.

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 01.10.2019

Look who it is! Our former National Director and current Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer at McCarthy Tetrault, Nikki Gershbain, is here to say hi and introduce our keynote speaker! . Surprise! Notre ancienne directrice nationale et l'actuelle responsable de la diversité et de l'inclusion chez McCarthy Tetrault, Nikki Gershbain, est venue faire un tour et présenter notre conférencière d'honneur!

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 26.09.2019

Kicking off our 2020 National Training Conference today virtually! Great to see so many smiling faces #PBSC2020 . Aujourd'hui, nous donnons le coup d'envoi de notre Conférence nationale de formation 2020 en format virtuel! Il est formidable de voir tant de visages souriants #PBSC2020

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 11.09.2019

Nous avons l'honneur d'accueillir Marie-Claude Landry, présidente de la Commission canadienne des droits de la personne, qui prononcera le discours de clôture de la Conférence de formation nationale (virtuelle) de cette année à l'intention de nos étudiants. . We are honoured to welcome Marie-Claude Landry, Chief Commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, to provide keynote remarks to our students at this year's (virtual) National Training Conference.

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 09.09.2019

In light of #socialdistancing guidelines, we are excited to still be proceeding with this year's National Training Conference from May 7-9 in an online format. Looking forward to meeting our new and returning student leaders! . À la lumière des lignes directrices de #socialdistancing, nous sommes heureux de continuer à organiser la Conférence de formation nationale de cette année, du 7 au 9 mai, dans un format virtuel. Nous avons hâte de rencontrer nos nouveaux et anciens étudiants leaders !

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 22.08.2019

Thanks to our partner Thomson Reuters Canada Legal, PBSC law students can participate in free online legal research training this spring/summer! As part of PBSC’s COVID-19 response, PBSC students will build on their previous PBSC legal research training and learn how to refine their WestlawNext research skills while staying home and staying safe. Thank you TR Canada Legal for supporting PBSC law students. Stay tuned for registration details!... . Grâce à notre partenaire Thomson Reuters Canada Legal, ce printemps/été les étudiants en droit de PBSC peuvent participer à une formation virtuelle gratuite en recherche juridique ! Dans le cadre de notre réponse à la crise du COVID-19, les étudiants de PBSC s'appuieront sur leur formation antérieure en recherche juridique et apprendront à peaufiner leurs compétences en matière de recherche WestlawNext - tout en restant chez eux et en assurant leur sécurité. Merci à TR Canada Legal de soutenir les étudiants en droit PBSC.

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 12.08.2019

To our non-profit partner organizations: PBSC has assembled a roster of law student volunteers who can provide remote assistance to our non-profit partner organizations facing COVID-19-related legal issues. We’ve got over 500 law students from 22 Canadian law schools ready to act. If you are a non-profit organization that would benefit from volunteer law student assistance this summer with your COVID-19-related legal issues, please fill in this form: https://forms.gle/ACXYqaa...hDVoJdbRg6 If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] . A nos organisations partenaires à but non lucratif : Le PBSC a constitué une liste d'étudiants en droit bénévoles qui peuvent fournir une assistance à distance à nos organisations partenaires confrontées à des problèmes juridiques liés au COVID-19. Nous avons plus de 500 étudiants en droit de 22 facultés de droit canadiennes prêts à agir. Si vous êtes une organisation à but non lucratif qui pourrait bénéficier de cette aide bénévole pendant l’été, veuillez remplir ce formulaire: https://forms.gle/ACXYqaahDVoJdbRg6

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 10.08.2019

We know that many of you are understandably under a lot of stress. You’re writing exams, finishing up your year and thinking about next steps in circumstances that are rapidly evolving. Many of you don’t have the time or the mental energy to take on pro bono work right now. We get that and 100% support it. However, some of you might find that giving back helps to alleviate feelings of overwhelm or helplessness. And there are a lot of people and organizations facing new or new...ly complicated legal needs relating to COVID-19. For that reason, we’re assembling a roster of law students to do virtual pro bono work for organizations facing COVID-19-related legal issues. Any PBSC law student entering 2L or 3L in fall 2020 can participate, if they wish. Like all of our volunteer programs, law students will work under lawyer supervision and will provide legal information, not legal advice. Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee each interested student a volunteer opportunity. If you would like to volunteer (now or post exams), please review and fill in the form below. We’ll be in touch with details in the coming weeks. https://forms.gle/AtNmur9qBMbRnB256 Stay safe and take care of one another. . Cher(e)s bénévoles de PBSC: Nous savons que beaucoup d'entre vous sont soumis à beaucoup de stress. Vous passez des examens, finissez votre année d’études et réfléchissez aux prochaines étapes dans un contexte qui évolue rapidement. Beaucoup d'entre vous n'ont peut-être pas le temps ou l'énergie mentale d’entreprendre un travail bénévole en ce moment. Nous le comprenons parfaitement. Cependant, certains d'entre vous trouveront que redonner de l’aide atténue les sentiments d'accablement ou d'mpuissance. Il y a beaucoup de personnes et d'organisations confrontées à des besoins juridiques nouveaux à cause du COVID-19. C’est pour cette raison que nous constituons une liste d’étudiants et d’étudiantes en droit pour faire du bénévolat virtuel pour les organisations confrontées à des problèmes juridiques liés au COVID-19. Tout étudiant de PBSC entrant en 2 e ou 3 e année à l'automne 2020 peut y participer s'il le souhaite. Comme tous nos projets de bénévolat, les étudiants travailleront sous la supervision d'un avocat ou d’une avocate et fourniront des informations juridiques et non pas des conseils juridiques. Malheureusement, nous ne pouvons pas garantir à chaque étudiant intéressé une opportunité de bénévolat. Si vous souhaitez faire du bénévolat (maintenant ou après les examens), veuillez lire et remplir le formulaire ci-dessous. Nous vous contacterons avec plus de détails dans les prochaines semaines. https://forms.gle/AtNmur9qBMbRnB256 Prenez soin de vous et des vôtres.

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 29.07.2019

In light of escalating public health concerns regarding COVID-19, and as a preventative measure, PBSC National is recommending that all in-person PBSC activities be suspended until further notice. https://bit.ly/3b4C7Av Étant donné l'inquiétude croissante en matière de santé publique concernant le COVID-19, et comme mesure préventive, le Bureau national de PBSC recommande que toutes les activités en personne de PBSC soient suspendues jusqu'à nouvel ordre.

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 11.07.2019

Still on a high from last week's PBSC Osgoode Chapter & PBSC Toronto Chapter’s Volunteer Appreciation Event, where the Rt. Hon. Richard Wagner, Chief Justice of Canada, spoke on humility & dignity in the practice of law and presented the inaugural #ActionforJustice award to 2 deserving volunteers. . Toujours très touchés par l'événement d'appréciation des bénévoles PBSC Osgoode et PBSC Toronto de la semaine dernière, au cours duquel le très honorable juge en chef du Canada Richard Wagner, a remis le premier prix #Actionpourlajustice à deux bénévoles exceptionnels. : Kenya-Jade Pinto

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 22.06.2019

Today is the last full day to submit nominations for our inaugural Chief Justice Richard Wagner Award Big thanks to our national law firm partner @McCarthy_ca for supplying all participating PBSC Chapters with their very own award to take home! bit.ly/pbsc-cjrwa2020

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 07.06.2019

PRESS RELEASE: 'Pro Bono Students Canada Launches Chief Justice Richard Wagner Awards' // COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE: Le Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono lance le Prix du juge en chef Richard Wagner https://bit.ly/2SEeybd

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 31.05.2019

DEADLINE EXTENDED! We are now accepting applications for our new Program Manager until February 26th. Spread the word! bit.ly/395bkD4

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 26.05.2019

Il reste qu'une semaine pour désigner votre bénévole du PBSC pour le Prix du juge en chef Richard Wagner! Aidez-nous à reconnaître les personnes qui se consacrent à améliorer l'accès à la justice et à inculquer l'esprit pro bono à travers le pays. #actionpourlajustice bit.ly/pbsc-cjrwa2020 . One week left to nominate your PBSC volunteer for the inaugural Chief Justice Richard Wagner Access to Justice Award! Help us recognize the individuals working to increase #a2j & the spirit of #probono across the country. #actionforjustice bit.ly/pbsc-cjrwa2020

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 24.05.2019

Grateful to our national partner McCarthy Tétrault for generously hosting the #ActionForJustice event on March 5th to honour our inaugural Chief Justice Richard Wagner Award winners from Osgoode Hall and the University of Toronto. There's still time to nominate an outstanding volunteer from your Chapter! http://bit.ly/pbsc-cjrwa2020 . Nous sommes reconnaissants envers notre partenaire national McCarthy Tétrault de généreusement accueillir l'événement #actionpourlajustice le 5 mars pour honorer les lauréats de notre premier prix du juge en chef Richard Wagner de Osgoode Hall et de l'Université de Toronto. Il reste encore du temps pour déesigner la candidature d'un bénévole exceptionnel de votre section ! http://bit.ly/pbsc-cjrwa2020

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 16.05.2019

PBSC's National Office is looking for a new Program Manager! Are you: Passionate about #a2j in Canada? An experienced PM with knowledge of the legal sector?... Interested in #familylaw? We have the dream job for you! Please share widely https://bit.ly/395bkD4

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 08.05.2019

Nous remercions McCarthy Tétrault, l’équipe PBSC de Québec et nos conférenciers Mme Tourki et Me Silverman pour une soirée conviviale, enrichissante et súper stimulante portant sur l’évolution des droits LGBTQ2+. . A special thanks to McCarthy Tétrault, our PBSC team in Quebec and our guest speakers Dalila Tourki and Max Silverman for being part of an enriching and stimulating exchange focusing on the evolution of LGBTQ2+ rights.

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 21.04.2019

As the 18th Chief Justice of Canada, C.J. Richard Wagner is a vocal proponent of closing the justice gap and ensuring all people have the means of exercising their fundamental human right to access to justice. We are proud to award this honour in his name #actionforjustice

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 06.04.2019

Are you a lawyer or partner organization working with one of our PBSC chapters? Want to recognize an outstanding volunteer for their commitment to #probono & #a2j? Nominate them for the inaugural Chief Justice Richard Wagner Award! bit.ly/pbsc-cjrwa2020 #actionforjustice . Êtes-vous un(e) avocat(e) ou un organisme partenaire qui travaille avec une de nos sections PBSC ? Reconnaissez un(e) bénévole exceptionnel pour leur engagement envers #probono et proposez leur candidature pour le premier Prix du juge en chef Richard Wagner! http://bit.ly/pbsc-cjrwa2020 #actionpourlajustice

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 26.03.2019

BIG NEWS PBSC is launching a national #a2j award in honour of Chief Justice Richard Wagner to recognize outstanding student volunteers. Stay tuned for more info next week! #actionforjustice

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 10.03.2019

Nous vous souhaitons de joyeuses fêtes! Nous remercions nos bénévoles, nos coordonnateurs(trices) étudiant(e)s, nos superviseur(e)s locaux/locales, nos organismes partenaires, nos avocat(e)s superviseur(e)s, les doyen(ne)s, nos partenaires financiers et les membres de notre conseil d'administration pour leur grand dévouement à la mission de PBSC. Grâce à votre aide, nous offrons présentement 584 projets pro bono d'un bout à l'autre du Canada, ce qui constitue un record pour PBSC! ~ Happy Holidays from PBSC! Thank you to our Volunteers, Student Coordinators, On-site Supervisors, Partner Organizations, Lawyer Supervisors, Deans, Funders, and Board Members for your incredible dedication to our mission. With your help, we are running a record 584 pro bono projects across Canada!

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 24.02.2019

There’s probably an analogy to be drawn that people trying to seek out legal assistance is not much different than those people in the U.S. who are trying to get medical coverage but can’t afford it. #a2j #itsyourright https://cfjctoday.com//the-system-is-broken-many-cant-aff/

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 19.02.2019

In recognition of #TransDayofRemembrance, PBSC hosted The 519 at University of Toronto’s Faculty of Law for "Beyond Binary: Gender Identity & Expression Training". Thank you to everyone who attended for committing to better understand and serve the needs of queer & trans individuals, and special thank you to Luke Fox from the 519 for coming and sharing space with us! #TDOR

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 09.02.2019

Don't forget to register for our #BeyondBinary event in partnership with The 519 in recognition of #TDOR! We'll talk #genderpronouns, #LGBTQ2S barriers, & being an effective #ally, all over lunch! Secure your spot: http://bit.ly/beyondbinary2019

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 04.02.2019

International Transgender Day of Remembrance (#TDOR) is observed each year on November 20th to remember those whose lives have been lost as a result of transphobia worldwide. This remembrance day, PBSC and The 519 would like to invite you to a special #BeyondBinary training session aimed at providing participants with the capacity to better understand and serve the needs of #queer and #trans individuals. The session will include topics such as gender identity & expression; u...nderstanding gender #pronouns and how to use them properly; barriers facing the transgender community; and how to be an effective #ally. Lunch will be served! Learn more & register here: http://bit.ly/beyondbinary2019

Pro Bono Students Canada / Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono 20.01.2019

Need help with an ID application? Seeking a name or gender marker change? We've got you! . PBSC is excited to partner with SKETCH, The 519 & Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP to deliver our returning Trans ID Clinic at 2 locations across #Toronto! . Checkout both flyers for complete details and locations for the Monday clinic at The 519 & the Wednesday clinic at SKETCH .... --- #clinic #identification #trans #id #pbsc #probono #accesstojustice #A2J See more