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PelvicPro Physiotherapy Canada 04.07.2021

Before you jump the gun on running Mama... Consider a screen! . . . These are taken from my Running ATHLETE course and they took this from the 2019 Goom guidelines. ... I would argue that even before ATTEMPTING this screen to ask yourself a few questions first... do I have pain in my low back, pelvis, hips at rest? Do I feel heaviness and pressure all the time? Do I leak uncontrollably with a lunge, squat & or a small jump? Has it been 3 months since meeting my mini-me (level 4+ evidence; this is low level) Have I been consistently power walking in anticipation to run? And can I do this symptom free) Runners HATE to be told NOT TO RUN... So this objective test may be a great way to objectively assess readiness to return! Remember that you have to able to complete these tasks with... A) NO symptoms of LEAKAGE, PRESSURE OR PAIN, DRAGGING OR HEAVINESS! & B) GOOD PELVIC CONTROL (is there any contralateral hip drop when you're single legged? Does your hip fall or tilt uncontrollably when you're doing your bridges?) Try in front of a mirror or see a physiotherapist! For a visual of what I mean by these tasks follow my tiktok account @pelvicpro & I'll get this posted while my chicken nugget sleeps. Happy screening! Jane

PelvicPro Physiotherapy Canada 20.06.2021

There are so many ways to modify core exercises. Here's a series of ON ALL FOURS PLANK modifications! . . . If you're having trouble with single arm holds, start with a basic hold + core breath and time yourself!... You may be surprised how quickly you're able to improve! Happy Saturday Pelvic Pros! Also, if it's your first mothers day tomorrow... Drop a comment below! It's my first one tomorrow eeeeeeeek! Cannot wait! Does a secret nanny fairy drop from the sky!???! To help give mommy and daddy some alone time tho? Cheers to ALL birthing people! Jane

PelvicPro Physiotherapy Canada 09.06.2021

Feeling new symptoms now that you're running again Postnatally? U ARE NOT ALONE! . . . But when is it OK to push thru some of these symptoms? Hmmm, let me ask you this...... If you had a major surgery elsewhere... Like a knee ligament repair... You'd rehab first right? Before heading to the track to do sprints or even to go out in your neighborhood for a jog? I know I know... you can't really compare apples to oranges but all I'm saying is birth and delivery, of all forms, is an injury that takes time and rehab to heal. Why aren't we as kind to our bodies postpartum vs. knee surgery??? Why do we do TOO MUCH TOO SOON in the beginning... Go Too far too soon... Go Too fast too soon... I don't know... But here are some things to consider... Bc we don't have clear expectations. I know that in my practice, I see far more clients postpartum than pregnant clients, but thankfully this is slowly changing throughout my yrs of practice. Bc we are competitive athletes who want to challenge ourselves no matter what. Bc we are seeing other moms running with seemingly no problem on instagram. Bc we feel pressure to get back to it to feel better about our body. Bc it's a part of our identity and we can't let go. Bc it used to be a great stress reliever and motherhood is stressing us out. Maybe this resonates with you or maybe not. Who else got a chance to see Ultramarathoner @ultra_sophie 's amazing youtube documentary of her journey returning to running after her third child. I was so emotional watching her story of wanting to train and move more but also trying to respect a body that is HEALING still! Such an inspirational story and I think one that many mom-athletes can relate to! Spend some time curling up with a non-bladder irritant beverage to this 25min documentary today! All love , Jane

PelvicPro Physiotherapy Canada 28.05.2021

Do you train with your monthly gift in mind Pelvic pro? . . . Intuitively, you may be training harder right after your period already. Finding that you're stronger, coordination is better, feeling game to raceeeee and go for performance-driven trainings! Or you're naturally leaning towards restorative exs leading up to your period!... AMAZING! Isn't your intuition incredible and 'spot' on! But just in case it isn't and you have no clue when to ramp up trainings and when to chill based on your hormone levels... Here's a simplified guide. Inspired by Kate's amazing Running ATHLETE course (which she's teaching again by the way! Through pelvic health solutions)! Despite all these suggestions... Sometimes races just so happen on our heaviest flow days. I use clue app still for periods. Please comment below which app you're using if you're getting ur period back Mama! Happy Friday Pelvic Pros! All love , Jane

PelvicPro Physiotherapy Canada 21.05.2021

Comment below pelvic pro if you've had acid reflux during pregnancy! Ahhh I can definitely relate! . . . I was taught this manoeuvre during the gastrointestinal course three years ago and was told that this trick was worth the cost of the course!... My client who's currently in her third trimester does this every evening when she feels the acid reflux come up and says it's been MAGIC! So I thought I'd share it with you! Happy Monday Pelvic Pros! Enjoy your day and also, new body scan for new Mamas will be uploaded very shortly today! Link in bio for YouTube channel 'body scan with JANE'! All Love, Jane

PelvicPro Physiotherapy Canada 09.05.2021

I was todays years old when... Anyone else!?!?!?! . . .... Tidbit I learned last week. So this also means 'serious' runners will get two of the same pair so that one pair can rest while the other is in service. Also tip! As you're phasing out your old pair, you will want to gradually phase in the new pair vs what I just did, throw away the old pair and wear the new one all the time... Walking+++, woops! Also shoutout to tiktok, I never need anything from Sephora again. Happy Friday Pelvic Pros Jane

PelvicPro Physiotherapy Canada 18.11.2020

Happy hump day Pelvic Pros!!! Now let's talk about female erections! . . . People (other than pelvic health physiotherapists) are often surprised to find out that the clitoris looks as large as it does. And... that female erections are even a thing!! Superficially, we can only see the clitoral glans do a little peek-a-boo when it's owner is aroused! ... Truth is, it's got so much more parts to it! It has a neck, wings and bulbs and can be stimulated in these areas as well! DID YOU KNOW... When two superficial pelvic floor muscles are engaged... They work together to support a clitoral erection at the glans or clitoral head!!! Ishiocavernosus is assisted by bulbospongiosus to perform the erection orchestration... quite like the male erection! In fact, these tissues differentiate from common reproductive tissue origins. DID YOU KNOW... when there's tension at these muscles, tension at the nearby myofascial network, trauma to these muscles... There can be: Discomfort with sitting, riding a bike or horse... Pubic symphysis pain Perineal pain Weaker erections A trapped pudendal nerve Incomplete Bladder emptying Seek help from a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist who knows how to assess the superficial muscles if you suspect this is happening to you! Advocate for this Pelvic Pros, as sometimes the checking of these muscles is skipped from the initial assessment! There is hope and help out there! #pelvicprovirtualhealth #pelvicfloorretraining #superficialpelvicfloormuscle #superficialpelvicfloor #ischiocavernosus #bulbospongiosus #femaleerections #clitoris #clitoralfacts #erections #femaleorgasmsmatter #clitoralstimulation #clitishuge #PelvicFloorPhysiotherapy

PelvicPro Physiotherapy Canada 31.10.2020

Nearly typed 'Good Morning Pelvic Pros!' for a 4:00pm post! You can tell who's new mom when... . . . A couple weeks ago, I introduced you to our inner unit system (aka. our deep core muscles) and showed you how they work during restful breathing. But I never mentioned how they 'should' work during physical activity! ... This quote really encompasses the timing in which the inner unit muscles turn 'on' during an endurance or strength workout. Before we activate our bigger, bulkier external muscles... the inner unit turns on like a switch in anticipation to keep the pelvis and spine protected during movement... it shouldn't turn off until you have placed those weights down or fully stopped activity! Just like other stabilization muscles in the body... the inner unit muscles too were not meant to hypertrophy; meaning they were not meant to be like Popeye's biceps. They act more like endurance muscles; able to stay on for a long time at a sub-maximal contraction... so we should be training them in this fashion as well!!!! For example, sometimes with my clients, we'll incorporate long held kegels at a 30-50% max contraction throughout a movement series. Pelvic pain, pregnancy, post-partum, post C section, & low back pain are just to name a few instances where things can go haywire & we would want to train the timing of our inner unit even more! Sometimes these muscles need a wake up call... and reminded to stay awake throughout the entirety of the task you're performing! Practice makes automation... And before you know it, your inner unit will be that annoying house guest we know it to be again! #coremuscles #innerunit #deepdiaphragmaticbreathing #deepcoremuscles #transverseabdominis #pelvicfloorretraining #pelvicfloor #multifidifacilitation #multifidi #timinginnerunit #coreactivation #coreandpelvicfloor

PelvicPro Physiotherapy Canada 26.10.2020

I am now 6 weeks postpartum and trying to get comfortable in my new skin... although, I can't say I'm happy with my new body... I did want to take a moment to reflect and thank it for all the hard work it did to allow for my baby boy to be here in this world; happy, healthy, and producing some incredibly explosive poops. Happy Thursday Pelvic Pros! #bodyimagehealing #stretchmarks #healingbodyandmind #postpartumbody #grateful #thankyoubody #fourthtrimesterbody #fourthtrimester #bodyimagehealing #PostPartumCare #PostPartumPreNatalWellness #postpartumhealing #newmommies #newmombod #stretchmarksandall

PelvicPro Physiotherapy Canada 17.10.2020

Happy Monday Pelvic Pros! I made this post originally to accompany the instagram post prior about the '9 reasons that contribute to having entryway pain with penetrative sex!' Sometimes we need to temporarily or permanently redefine what sex looks like to us during 'rehab' of our sexual health concerns/pain with our healthcare team. Penetrative sex is certainly NOT the only way to serve it up! . . .... When else would one consider redefining what sex means to them... Transitional surgeries... Hormonal transitions... Ie. Menopause, breastfeeding period Recent break up with partner... Being long-distance with partner... Having persistent pelvic pain (ie. IC, persistent UTIs)... Sexual interests evolve... Partner's interest changes... Trauma Post-chemotherapy or radiation therapy... Recent or persistent musculoskeletal or neuro injury... Can you think of any other reasons why one would redefine what sex means to them? Comment below! Who would you want on your healthcare team to help assist you in redefining what sex is? Here are some suggestions: - Sex therapist - Pelvic floor physiotherapist - Occupational Therapist with special interest in sexual health - Family Doctor - Talk therapist - Sex expert If you are going through a transition to redefine what sex means to you... I hope this post validates that you are not alone. Enjoy your Monday Pelvic Pros. #redefinesex #intercourseisnottheonlyoption #sexualredefinition #SexPainisNOTNORMAL #redefinitionofsex #penetrativesex #vibratorplay #analbeads #roleplay #SexualHealthMatters #SexualDysfunctionsSuck #sexdysfunction

PelvicPro Physiotherapy Canada 29.09.2020

Pain with sex is complex!!! The fancy medical word for pain with sex is dyspareunia. One can experience surface-type pain or deeper pain upon penetration, but here I've only shown possible reasons to explain pain at the entrance of the vulva! It can feel like burning, stingy, sharp, or cutting discomfort that is localized. . . . I have personally experienced both superficial and deep dyspareunia, which were at its worst during my university days prior to going to school for p...hysiotherapy & prior to learning about pelvic floor physiotherapy. I had no idea there were ways to manage pain with sex... I was... a) way too shy to bring this up to a Doctor, b) didn't place a lot of value on my sexual health at that time, c) embarrassed by it and thought it was due to the way I was built, d) angry and frustrated that this was happening to me, e) unhappy and unexcited about having sex with my partner at the time. My personal connection with having dyspareunia makes guiding someone through managing discomfort with sex incredibly incredibly rewarding for me as a pelvic health physiotherapist. Please please please seek out help from your family doctor or pelvic health physiotherapist bc there is hope and help! You are not alone!! Remember you do not need a referral to see one of us! We're primary care practitioners! :) Link in bio to learn how to book an appointment. Next week I'll be posting reasons why one can experience deep dyspareunia so stay tuned Pelvic Pros! #Dyspareunia #superficialdyspareunia #painwithsex #SexualHealthMatters #pelvicprovirtualhealth #PelvicFloorPhysiotherapy #chemotherapyandpelvicfloor #radiationandpelvicfloor #hormonedeficienciesandpelvocfloor #dyspareuniasucks #painwithpenetrativesex