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Locality: Vancouver, British Columbia

Phone: +1 604-358-8986

Website: positivefutures.com

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Positive Futures Career Coaching 06.09.2020

I recently learned how to infuse play into my work. The experience has been transformational! Now I understand why Googles campus looks like a playground. When we play, blood floods into our neocortex; the creative, connected, higher-level thinking part of our brain. Its an incredible antidote to stuckness and anxiety! If youd like a great way to add play back into your life, Ive created a free exercise here: https://positivefutures.com/play-language/... Enjoy!

Positive Futures Career Coaching 03.09.2020

Incredible author Bren Brown recently said, "Ive never met a joyful whole-hearted person who was miserable at work in all my 20 years of research." That has been my experience as well. When we spend 8 hours a day forcing ourselves to do something we hate, we simultaneously have to numb ourselves to the pain that causes us. It is nearly impossible to feel grateful (the primary source of joy) and open-hearted when we are suffering. ... Although I usually dont recommend Netflix as a solution to anything, Bren has a terrific talk on Netflix right now. If youd like something super funny, inspiring, and deeply heartwarming, its called The Call to Courage. I highly recommend.

Positive Futures Career Coaching 31.08.2020

So, youve got a business idea that feels like its got potential. When you imagine your life in your new role, you get so excited and then afraid. Will it actually work? How much money is it going to take to get it off the ground? Will my partner and family support me? So often, our initial rush of excitement fizzles into fear. We get paralyzed because were unable to come up with a solid plan to get us from Point A (having an idea) to Point B (making a living doing what we... love). So, we end up putting the whole thing on the back burner and stick with what were already doing now. How do we take a big idea and actually turn it into a business? There are definitely better and worse ways of doing this. Im going to share with you a better way that takes a lot of the pressure off your shoulders. Check my latest article to learn what to do with your big idea to turn it into a working business.

Positive Futures Career Coaching 16.08.2020

Love this career change story. Especially how the abilities he developed as a repair shop owner made him an extra-ordinary doctor. So often people think they cant change careers because theyll lose everything theyve built. Instead, we usually find their previous experience gives them a very unique competitive advantage!

Positive Futures Career Coaching 13.08.2020

Coming up on June 16 is a workshop specifically designed for people who feel called to do something bigger and greater with their life. Something that helps other people, your community and/or our planet. If you arent sure what that would be, then we need to talk! Youre exactly the type of person that I am great at helping. :) You can reach out anytime by phone or email, and you can also come to this workshop. There will be plenty of time for Q&A and to find out what the n...ext steps on your journey could look like. https://www.facebook.com/events/321948205153243/

Positive Futures Career Coaching 24.07.2020

Love this 5-minute talk! "Humans are productive creatures. Were meant to create. When we do work thats not creative, that doesnt reflect who we are, then that imposes depression, anxiety, a sense of meaninglessness." This is why Im a PURPOSE-based career coach!

Positive Futures Career Coaching 22.07.2020

I just watched this great talk with Brit Marling on how she changed careers from a miserable Goldman Sachs banker to a passionate, fully alive filmmaker. She beautifully describes that period of angst where you cant stay in your current job because it is killing your soul, but you cant do what you want because theres no certainty youll survive financially. Brit got to the point where she felt she would ultimately die if she stayed at Goldman Sachs, so it was no longer a... choice, she had to take those first uncertain steps towards doing what she cared most about. As she did, a path forward appeared :) A terrific talk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6ZMaBAlgwM

Positive Futures Career Coaching 03.07.2020

TOMORROW! Want to discover the work that makes you come alive? AND make a good living at it? You dont have to be a world-class performer or speaker to have something to offer. You dont need to have a hidden secret talent that you can market. You dont need to create a viral video. You dont need to take an enormous financial risk to shift careers. ... You can be YOU and do work that is truly meaningful and engaging to you. I invite you to come find out how. Spaces are still available in this workshop and all are welcome. https://www.facebook.com/events/1852638181514429/

Positive Futures Career Coaching 15.06.2020

FOUR KEYS TO DISCOVERING THE WORK YOU WERE BORN FOR Im proud to offer a free mini-guide that will get you started on your purpose discovery journey. Take a look and give the Prison Break Exercise a try!

Positive Futures Career Coaching 07.06.2020

One of the core lessons I teach clients in my Career Revisioning Program is the art of "holding a vision." This is one of the least understood, but most important keys to turning your dream into a reality. When we hold the vision, it doesnt mean working hard or going back to school. But neither are we making a vision board and expecting the cheques to roll in. Holding the vision is about allowing others to help you.... This is the key that allows the impossible to happen. Holding the vision was taught to me by an enlightened man from Malaysia by whom I was fortunate enough to be directly mentored.....

Positive Futures Career Coaching 22.05.2020

When I was 28, I defined success as being a profitable business owner. I was sure that if I owned my own business, where I defined the culture and could reap the benefits of my own work, I would be happy. Three years later I was successful. I owned a software company with 13 staff, selling product in ten countries, and was making a good income. However, I felt terrible! During that time, I was working 70 hours per week doing work I didnt enjoy, and would come home every ni...ght feeling unfulfilled, exhausted and frustrated. I had actually created a career prison because I wasnt clear on what I actually wanted beyond being profitable and in charge of a company. I learned the hard way the difference between an unexamined definition of success and a brand new way of seeing it that unlocked all the doors for me.

Positive Futures Career Coaching 02.05.2020

If you feel tied down by your job, and drained at the end of the day, an important ingredient is likely missing from your career. Part of what makes a poor-fitting career such a prison for us it that it literally takes away our freedom. And humans are meant to be free. When were not free, our wellbeing suffers. We experience high levels of stress from using willpower all day. That has a huge impact on our physical health and our most important relationships.... And its a major sign that your full potential is untapped. That your gifts are being left up on the shelf instead of being put to use. Read on to find out why freedom is an integral part of building your career. Yes - its not only possible to have at work, but its absolutely necessary.

Positive Futures Career Coaching 21.04.2020

HOLIDAY HOURS Dec 17 - 21: Regular hours, 9-5 PST Dec 22 - Jan 6: Closed Jan 7 onwards: Regular hours, 9-5 PST... Happy Holidays!

Positive Futures Career Coaching 06.04.2020

Yesterday we started to tell the story of Eduardo Fritis. Eduardo is an adventurer. If this was the 1600s he might be captaining a tall ship, boldly exploring the new world. He also has a deep love for kids and grew up in South America where a lot of kids suffer from poverty. After going through the Re-Visioning Program we came up with a powerful vision which led to a story called Shoes to the World, a socially empowering organisation delivering shoes to kids that need them most in impoverished communities in South America. This is how a bold adventurer makes money using this process. Other people share their vision and end up finding companies who create a great new position just for them. Others start side-hustles and slowly create a business and income for themselves that way.

Positive Futures Career Coaching 25.03.2020

Eduardo is a powerful Chilean man who was working as a Real Estate Agent in Vancouver. He came to me in 2010, pounded his fist on my desk and said Jeff, I must sail around the world! I said, Okay, do you have a boat? No... Do you have enough money to buy a boat [a bit sheepishly] No I said, Okay, lets get to work. How you will make money will be specific to your talents, nature, purpose and core values. There are endless ways to do it but it all starts with a vision. We will explore the next chapter in Eduardos vision tomorrow...

Positive Futures Career Coaching 20.03.2020

Positive Future exists for one reason: to help you stop working for a living and start doing what you love while making good money. I spent 20 years figuring out how to do that for myself and a few more learning how to make it available to others. My greatest joy is watching people regain their freedom and confidence as they discover who they are, what makes them valuable, and how to do what matters most to them.