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Posts Concerning prophecies 27.06.2021

The Bridegroom will bring NEW JERUSALEM (Renewed Heaven bought down to on a Renewed Earth) For his chosen Bride 144000. Chazun/Revelation 21 1 And I saw a renewed heaven and a renewed earth, a Isaiah/YashaYahu 65:17 for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more.... 2 And I, Yahuchanan, saw the set-apart city, renewed Yarushalaym/Jerusalem, coming down out of the heaven from YAHUAH, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Posts Concerning prophecies 20.06.2021

Are you prepared spiritually with topped up oil like the Five Virgins waiting for their Bridegroom the Messiah return in this last hour we are in. Unlike the other 5 virgins who remained asleep and did not fill up their lamp oil! #SpiritualPreparation #StayAwake #Prayer #StudyGodsWord #Applicate #Align #GetBaptised #PreachTheWordDiligently #MakeDisciplesBaptisingthem

Posts Concerning prophecies 08.06.2021

Fearful meaning those without Faith in Yah & his son Yahushua Mashiach! WAIRUA TAPU!

Posts Concerning prophecies 25.05.2021

Prepare your Pantries for Famines Economic crash ahead. This is the year to prepare! Revelatory https://www.facebook.com/5695410465638//1344033432447932/

Posts Concerning prophecies 05.05.2021

REVELATION 11:14 The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly. WOE MEANING DESTRUCTION...THIRD WOE IS WW111!!! BE PREPARED ... SPIRITUALLY!!! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1009922472704970&id=100010616808270