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Locality: Beaumont, Alberta

Address: 5423 55 ST T4X1A4 Beaumont, AB, Canada

Website: www.ppa.church

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Peniel Pentecostal Assembly, Edmonton, Canada 26.06.2021

In Mark 2, Jesus had wrapped up a full day of ministry and went to eat dinner with his disciples as well as some others who had been invited to Levi’s house. The others were sinners and tax collectors and the Pharisees were not ok with this. They made this clear and Jesus said to them, It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.... (Mark 2:17) Have you ever attended a church where everyone looks SO good? From the way they dress, the way their kids behave, the... music, the presentation all of it. So good. I’ve attended quite a few of those. There is a level of pressure to look the same. Maybe self imposed, but pressure all the same. Can we normalize sick people being at church? Can we stop ushering them aside so as to not interrupt service? Can we normalize coming to church and admitting when we are not doing great? Churches should be full of sick people who don’t remain sick because you know Jesus does his thing. But that should mean we are then bringing more sick peoplenot just only hanging around people who have all been healed. A good reminder: The level of care people receive from Jesus is not based on the quality of music or the brand of donuts offered.

Peniel Pentecostal Assembly, Edmonton, Canada 09.06.2021

Is your name written in the book of life?

Peniel Pentecostal Assembly, Edmonton, Canada 21.05.2021

Criteria's for discerning the legitimacy of spiritual surrender by Gerald G May 1.True spiritual surrender is conscious. One is wide-awake and aware of everything happening at the time of surrender. ... 2. It is intentional The surrender is the result of the free and unencumbered use of one's will. It is a free choice. It may be called forth from one's heart, but it is never forced or compelled in any way. 3. It is not directed toward any fully known object The total surrender must be directed toward the true Godhead, existing beyond all image and conception. Thereby, it becomes the giving of one's own mysterious soul to the ultimate mystery that created it, energized and sustained it, and calls it forth.

Peniel Pentecostal Assembly, Edmonton, Canada 06.05.2021

Smith Wigglesworth Praying for a dying friend is never an easy task, especially if you’re a minister with no faith. One day Smith got a call from a devoted frie...nd informing him that his friend’s wife was told by her doctor that she would not survive the night, filled with compassion, Smith asked a fellow pastor in Bradford to accompany him and pray for her miracle, when the pastor refused, he sought another friend who was known for his eloquent prayers and both Smith and his prayer partner hurried to the dying woman, upon entering the house Smith encouraged his friend to pray, but as he began praying he prayed not for the woman, but for the family that would be left behind as the prayers continued directed at the acceptance of the woman’s death, Smith cried out for him to stop! Asking the husband to pray this time only to hear more lack of faith in his prayers, fed up, Smith cried out Lord, stop him! Smith than pulled out a bottle of oil out of his pocket and poured the entire bottle over the body of the dying woman in faith, as he did this at the head of her bed, Smith Wigglesworth experienced a vision of Jesus! He would describe the event by saying suddenly, the Lord Jesus appeared. I had my eyes open gazing at Him. He gave me one of those gentle smiles... I have never lost that vision, the vision of that beautiful, soft smile. After the vision ended the woman sat up in bed filled with new life! She lived to raise multiple children and even outlived her husband!

Peniel Pentecostal Assembly, Edmonton, Canada 20.04.2021

Living in the fast-paced world we live in today, it is so easy to get caught up in distractions and not spend time with the Lord and rest in His presence. As a Christian, one should live from a place of rest in the Lord. When you live in rest, it reveals your faith in God. Recently, the Holy Spirit deeply convicted me of not resting in Jesus. For quite a few months, the Lord daily was telling me to rest and trust. Instead I was too busy trying to make everything happen in my life. Thank God for his forgiveness and he finally got my attention because of His great love. The Lord wants us to be hard workers, passionate, committed, and goal oriented people. However, I’ve learned some things in life will only manifest in your life when you’re willing to just rest in Him and let Him accomplish what He wants to do.

Peniel Pentecostal Assembly, Edmonton, Canada 06.11.2020

FAITH DIET: Heart Vs. Head Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. PROVERBS 3:5... Your own understanding is simply your own mental processes your own human thinking. In other words, we could read this verse, Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own head. Faith will work in your heart with doubt in your head! Many Christians are defeated because when a doubt enters their mind, they say, I’m doubting. But Jesus didn’t say, . . . and shall not doubt in his head. Jesus said, . . . and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe . . . (Mark 11:23). It’s heart faith that gets the job done not head faith. Some of the greatest miracles that have ever happened in my life came when I began to make such faith statements as, I believe from my heart that I receive my healing even though my head was saying, It’s not so. It’s not so! (And I was healed of two serious organic heart problems and an incurable blood disease in my almost totally paralyzed body.) Do you ever have trouble with your head? Then just trust in the Lord with all your heart (not your head), and lean not unto your own understanding! Confession: I trust in the Lord with all my heart. I do not lean to my own understanding. I believe from my heart that what God’s Word says is true. Source: Faith Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin.

Peniel Pentecostal Assembly, Edmonton, Canada 01.11.2020

The Word became a human being and, full of grace and truth, lived among us. We saw His glory, the glory which He received as the Father's only Son. John 1:14 Jesus, as a human, was "Full of grace". You too are full of His grace when you believe in Christ Jesus because His Holy Spirit lives in you! Think about that for a moment. His Holy Spirit living in you and you are full of God's grace, and - because He choose you! Let this knowledge of what you have and who you are as a believer, fill your heart with His peace! Accept this blessing, with your deepest thoughts, and you will know you are changed! ~Pastor Michael

Peniel Pentecostal Assembly, Edmonton, Canada 23.10.2020

#Newness.... Courage mixed with ruthless decisions to daily execute defined goals is the birthing stool for sustainable impact... Navigate the desert seasons by Razer sharp focus on the gains of building eternal purpose today.... WorkLife balance is a conscious battle field that requires vigilance and innovative policy thrusts on a structured template.... Beyond the cries and protests lies the remoulding work of statesmanship....... #IfiokGlobal

Peniel Pentecostal Assembly, Edmonton, Canada 22.10.2020

One of the greatest lessons we have from our Lord Jesus Christ is servant-hood. In a culture where the leaders dominate and rule over the people, Jesus taught His disciples the complete opposite, servant-hood. Jesus not only exhorted them by asking them to come to this lifestyle, but He also modeled it. His walk and conduct continually was about service and surrender. Jesus even washed the feet of His disciples and He then expected the same from them, If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. John 13:14 Today we must examine our lives and see if we have the signs of a servant in our lives. Are we really looking to serve? Or are we looking to be served? Always remember that before God’s eyes he who serves the most, is the greatest of them all.

Peniel Pentecostal Assembly, Edmonton, Canada 13.10.2020


Peniel Pentecostal Assembly, Edmonton, Canada 07.10.2020

God uses the wilderness to shape you so the promised land doesn't break you. Don't try to get out of that process prematurely. Press into God, learn surrender, develop trust, and allow Him to form you into someone capable of walking in a powerful anointing without being destroyed by it. John Bevre

Peniel Pentecostal Assembly, Edmonton, Canada 01.10.2020

Text Sermons : A.W. Tozer : Our Fear of Emotions So he, leaping up, stood and walked and entered the temple with them-- walking, leaping, and praising God. --Acts 3:8 One cause of the decline in the quality of religious experience among Christians these days is the neglect of the doctrine of the inward witness.... Stamping our feet to start the circulation and blowing on our hands to limber them up, we have emerged shivering from the long period of the theological deep-freeze, but the influence of the frosty years is still felt among us to such an extent that the words witness, experience and feeling are cautiously avoided by the rank and file of evangelical teachers. In spite of the undeniable lukewarmness of most of us we still fear that unless we keep a careful check on ourselves we shall surely lose our dignity and become howling fanatics by this time next week. We set a watch upon our emotions day and night lest we become over-spiritual and bring reproach upon the cause of Christ. Which all, if I may say so, is for most of us about as sensible as throwing a cordon of police around a cemetery to prevent a wild political demonstration by the inhabitants. Born After Midnight, 11.

Peniel Pentecostal Assembly, Edmonton, Canada 25.09.2020

Rev William Lee speaking today morning and evening. Sermon will be live on facebook.

Peniel Pentecostal Assembly, Edmonton, Canada 15.09.2020

According to my humble judgment, the greatest need of the present-day church is prayer. Prayer should be the vital breath of the church, but right now it is gasping for air. One of the great Bible teachers of the past said that the church goes forward on its knees. Maybe one of the reasons the church is not going forward today is because it’s not in a position to go forward we are not on our knees in prayer. We seek out panaceas to resolve the conflicts of the world and to ...heal our own personal and private wounds. Many are consulting the psychiatrist, the doctor, the minister, and anyone else who will listen. But we do not seem to recognize that the great need in our own personal lives is prayer. In fact, prayer is the greatest neglected resource that we have; it’s a power that we simply are not using today. The disciples went to our Lord and said, Lord, teach us to pray (Luke 11:1). They did not ask Him how to pray they weren’t looking for lessons on technique or an outline for ritualistic prayer. They had obviously heard our Lord pray, and they wanted to learn how to pray on the same high level as He did. This is a request many of us today need to make: Lord, teach us to pray. Vernon McGee Thru the Bible by Dr. J. Vernon McGee

Peniel Pentecostal Assembly, Edmonton, Canada 14.09.2020

Christ in His high priestly prayer specifically states, "I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me" (John 17:9). That is what He said; it only remains to learn by reverent comparison with other Scripture just what the words mean. To insist that by these words Christ meant that He never prayed for sinners would be to read into the words more than is there. We must remember that these words were spoken in a particular context; the great High Priest was app...earing before the throne of mercy as Advocate and Intercessor and could at that time include in His prayers only those who were His own. When a high priest of the Old Testament appeared before the mercy seat to offer blood for the sins of Israel, his intercessions extended to Israel only. They were the only ones for whom that atonement was made. They were the only ones who trusted in Him and looked to Him for help. Christ came in fulfillment of the Old Testament type, and it may safely be assumed that the prayer of John 17 was made only for those who accept Christ's atonement and avail themselves of the protection it affords. A. W. Tozer Sermon: Our Ever Living Intercessor