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Website: www.rachelpopscoaching.com/

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Rachel Pops 02.05.2022

Is fear taking over your life? If your waking thoughts are riddled with anxiety, worry, stress, and fear....it's because you're choosing that. Let it go.... Only you can. Instead, ask yourself what you actually have control over (the answer is you). Worry, anxiety, fear....does not bring anything good. "And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?" Matthew 6:27 "for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." 2 Timothy 1:7 "I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live," Deuteronomy 30:19 You can choose fear, and destroy your own life, or you can choose faith and live. But how? "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Philippians 4:6 "whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Philippians 4:8 #choose #nofear #dontgiveup #inspirationalquotes #lifecoach #choosefaith #faithoverfear

Rachel Pops 05.04.2022

You always have a choice.

Rachel Pops 21.03.2022

Things I have control over: Who I talk to. Who I spend time with. What I say. ... How I think. How I feel. Where I go. What I do. How I respond. What I spend money on. What I believe. What I value. If I like or love someone. How I spend my time. Things I don't have control over: Things other people say. What other people do. What other people think. How other people feel. How other people respond. What other people believe. Where other people go. Who other people spend time with. Who other people talk to. How other people spend money. What other people value. If other people like/love me. If other people like/love someone else. How other people spend their time. We are all FREE. Stop and think about what that means. There is freedom when we give and claim freedom. You cannot have freedom unless you give it and you cannot have freedom unless you choose it. If you don't give freedom, you are prisoner to other people's actions, feelings, and thoughts, as well as circumstances. If you don't claim freedom, you are prisoner to other people's actions, feelings, and thoughts, as well as circumstances. It's not the absence of difficult people and circumstances that will bring you peace...it's your ability to be at peace. Peace IN the storm. Life has storms. End of story. Seal up the hole in your boat and you'll stop sinking every time a wave comes along. Peace and freedom is a 2 part pursuit: - Learning to be content and at peace in any situation - Understanding how to set healthy boundaries If you're struggling with this, I can help.

Rachel Pops 18.03.2022

"It's just a phase"... "They'll grow out of it"... "Hang in there, it gets better"...... I spent years thinking that enjoying my children was a pipe dream... I was waiting for this "phase" to end and there was no light at the end of my tunnel... I remember feeling so incredibly desperate for help, solutions, answers, peace... I'd pick up the phone and dial a number... and hang up before it rang on the other end. I knew I couldn't keep going but nothing really helped... The breaks weren't enough... The child care wasn't enough... The tools and strategies I was learning weren't enough... I started to believe that maybe I wasn't meant to be a mother and the crushing weight of facing the fact that I was failing at something I was supposed to be good at... that so many other people seemed to have no problem with... was too much. What I learned is that there is no "tool or strategy" that will work if you don't know how to use it. Think of someone knowing nothing about being a doctor and handing them a stethoscope...um... what do they do with that?? I was using tools and strategies without knowing who I am or why certain things triggered me... Without knowing who my child was and what triggered them... I can do one thing with one child and get beautiful results, then do the exact same thing with my other child and create conflict and chaos! This has been one of the most difficult journeys, but it's so sweet on the other side. Don't give up. You CAN have peace AND children Yes, even toddlers... Yes, even preteens... Yes, even teenagers... Yes, even adult children... After 2 decades of trial and error, extensive training and personal development, fostering and adopting, parenting 10 children from many different backgrounds, and two Life Coaching certifications, I've taken the things that really brought change and peace and put it together in an 8 week coaching program. If you're ready to do what it takes to transform your family life and bring peace back into your home and relationships, register here www.parentinfreedom.com Classes begin Tuesday, November 30th. End the "phase".

Rachel Pops 02.03.2022

9946 km road trip with 5 kids and NO electronics... a 14 year old daughter with no cell phone and no attitude who loves her parents and her siblings... an 11 year old that could rival a 50 year old when it comes to emotional maturity and takes personal responsibility for her words, actions, and feelings...... an 8 year old who can be highly emotional and in the midst of an outburst will take a deep breath and say, "Sorry, Mom, let me try that again..." and then completely calmly talk about her problem.... a 5 year old who practices self control and let's me know when he's frustrated so I can help him... a 2 year old who is very strong-willed, yet very cooperative... It wasn't always this way, but after 20 years of parenting, 13 years of foster and adoptive parenting, and investing over $50k in understanding relationships and success, I've taken the things that helped me get real results and I'm delivering them over 8 weeks in a group coaching setting. If you want to: Have more joy and cooperation in your relationships Experience more peace in your home Dramatically reduce stress and anxiety - for you and your kids! Know how to recognize what is underneath the behavior and what to do about it Gain the skills to de-escalate a situation quickly Be able to take your children out in public without losing your mind - it's totally possible! Parent in Freedom is an 8 week program delivered through Destiny Global, combining weekly instruction and personal coaching to help you create peace in your home and relationships. Classes begin Tuesday, November 30th. Limited seating available. Register at www.parentinfreedom.com

Rachel Pops 23.02.2022

Kicking off a challenge for the month of November Decluttering, Relationships, Money, Health&Fitness, Emotions, Faith - we're covering it ALL for $21! How it works:... 1. You pick the area you want to focus on. 2. A panel of professional coaches support you in reaching that goal. Drop a in the comments - we're starting TODAY!

Rachel Pops 13.02.2022

I just got these pics taken 3 years ago...and I'm in awe. In awe of how much they've grown and changed...how much I've grown and changed...it seems like so long ago... I hear laughter in my home...I hear silence in my home...I have peace in my home...I have peace in my soul...I am doing things that are fulfilling and exciting to me...I have TIME. ... I am grateful to a very special woman for mentoring me to become the woman I am today. I'm grateful she didn't give up on herself and kept showing up...for me and my family. She has no idea how much she has impacted my family; how she's changed my legacy. Thank you, Hannah <3 Are you wanting something more or different for your life? Would you try it for a month for ONE Create a life you actually want to live.... https://mommastery.com/trial?ref=258 For the month of November I am offering additional accountability in the Freedom To Live group for just $20. Drop a comment to be added to the group.

Rachel Pops 30.01.2022

So much goodness... I recently went on a month long adventure with my family and it was not only an incredible experience, but it was also life changing. (I'll be sharing more about this soon...) Stepping outside of my current life, I had a lot of time to think about what I actually want my life to look like...have you ever done that? ... I asked myself - What do I actually want to wake up and do every day? Who do I want to be? What do I want my health and home and finances to look like? How do I want to spend my time? What do I want my legacy to be? What impact do I want to have on the lives around me? I realized that I wasn't living life the way I really want to, that I was falling back into just going through the motions of what I thought I needed to do every day.... I'm pretty excited about this next part... I'm almost 40! So I decided to commit the month of November to a life redesign! I don't want to do this just for me, so I reached out to some of my fellow coaches and we're extending an offer for you to join us on this transformational journey. ____________________ What you can expect: Coaching in the area YOU want to work on - Home, Health, Fitness, Finances, Faith, Relationships, Emotions Accountability and support inside our private group Practical, simple steps to reach your goals Pro tips to simplify your life Weekly specialized live coaching Access to a panel of professional coaches to answer your questions A chance to win a FREE 60 minute coaching session One month access to Mom Mastery University ____________________ Instead of waiting until January to turn things around, let's finish this year WELL and set ourselves up for a peaceful, healthy, joyful, adventurous, supported next year! Cost of the challenge is $21. $20 for access to the group and coaching, and $1 for access to Mom Mastery University for one month! Register here: https://mommastery.com/training?ref=258 and send me a screenshot of your enrollment! Then etransfer $20 to [email protected] or PayPal me to be added to the group! To enter the draw for the 60 minute coaching session: Comment with the area you want to work on - 2 entries <3 this post - 2 entries Share this post - 5 entries 1 additional entry for each day of participation in the group

Rachel Pops 16.01.2022

Thankful for this beautiful mug, handmade by cousin Will, and for this gorgeous day, hot coffee, laughing kids, and the gift of rest I used to struggle so much with resting... but now it's something that I plan for, prepare for, and work for. We work hard on Fridays preparing for this day... deep cleaning, prepping food, and finishing up projects. ... My day of rest is a day that I do whatever I want: No cleaning Sleep in Do something fun with the family Eat food that's already prepared Nap Go on an adventure Date night Play the piano Dream and create Read Journal Reflect Hang out with a friend When we do this, we feel refreshed and ready for the week. Do you have a rest day? Are you intentional about enjoying your life? Why or why not?

Rachel Pops 01.01.2022

Chaos. Drama. It makes you feel: Out of control and full of anxiety... How do you get rid of it? People say - "Cut out anyone who causes drama!"... but what if that person lives under the same roof or is in your family?? John 16:33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. What does that even mean??? Expect chaos.... storms. They're a part of life. The chaos is OUTSIDE of you... AROUND you... you CAN'T STOP IT. (but you CAN influence it ) So stop trying to control it. You have control of ONE thing... YOU. My life is great... not because of the absence of chaos outside of me ... but because I've learned to rule my own spirit... Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city. Proverbs 16:32 Learning to control the chaos INSIDE of you is the secret.... And when you do that, it doesn't matter who is bringing the chaos - your kids, your husband, your wife, your relative, your neighbor.... You can be at peace If you're feeling like you're in a vortex of chaos and can't find your way out...I can walk this out with you. You don't have to live like that another day... what would that be like? Coach Rachel xo

Rachel Pops 22.12.2021

Last night was what dreams are made of...(this gets interesting... you wanna keep reading )... We are driving in jaw-dropping, beautiful countryside with 5 of our 6 kids... They're laughing and singing... bringing tears to our eyes and that ache of pride in our hearts......Continue reading

Rachel Pops 09.12.2021

Do you have triggers that paralyze you? I do. One is getting slowed down (I like to do life on at least double speed)...... And another is when my kids get sick. This has brought on frustration, anger, anxiety. These two triggers collided this morning... ______________________________________ I get inspired easily... and I usually want to manifest my inspiration as fast as possible. I've been working on transforming a camper (SO FUN) and I've had a hopeful time line for that. I woke up with tons of motivation to finish it up today, but instead am spending this sunny day at the children's hospital with my daughter. In the past, I would have felt frustrated, stressed, full of anxiety, pressure to figure out how to help her, stress about not knowing how to help her, pressure about my delayed plans... But not anymore. I am experiencing peace. Complete peace. Zero stress about her mysterious ailment. Zero stress about my time line or plans. Zero stress about the future. I still feel the trigger sometimes, but it no longer paralyzes me or negatively affects me. How is this possible??? _______________________________________ You may have heard about life coaching and maybe you thought: 1. What on earth is that? 2. That's just a new trend, not a real solution. Or any other number of things. (I've heard them all). This is the career path I chose because I was a client and had such breakthrough that it shocked me and the ripple effect it's had on me and my family has been priceless. Our mental health as a family is better than it's ever been. During covid. During major health issues. While our plans are unknown. Circumstances and people don't have to dictate your mental state. If that's something that you want for yourself or your family, or if you want to learn more about how to become a life coach - let's talk.

Rachel Pops 30.11.2021

I DARE you.... This week: 1. Answer EVERY text and phone call when it comes in or within a short period of time. This means no "not seeing the message".... (I don't answer business calls/ texts outside of business hours, and I have a boundary for family time, too). "Thank you for inviting me to xyz. I am being very careful where I spend my time as I have some priorities that I'm focusing on. I'm choosing not to add anything else to my calendar for this next season." 2. Honor them while holding healthy boundaries for you. "Hey, I'd love to catch up with you and now really isn't a good time. I'm free this time and this time, which one works for you?" 3. Don't make ANY excuses. "I'm sorry I didn't call you back. Please forgive me." (No explaining how busy you were)! 4. Face that conversation even if it's awkward or painful. Bonus challenge: Look for places YOU can improve in honoring the boundaries of others! Who's in?

Rachel Pops 24.11.2021

Are you in a season of pain right now? Pain can destroy you or serve you. You get to choose. ... There is opportunity in a place of pain... it is the labor before the birth... The birth of a baby... The birth of a dream... The birth of something new... The birth of beauty... The birth of a new level of peace... When your body is growing, your bones ache. When your spirit is changing, your soul aches. If you choose to press into the pain and find the opportunity, you can get to the other side much quicker. Avoiding pain, covering it, running from it only prolongs it and brings more pain. What are you choosing to face today?

Rachel Pops 15.01.2021

When you complete this training, you’ll have peace and cooperation in your home and relationships, and a detailed blueprint of your dreams and purpose, WITH the energy, time, and clarity you need to start living your dream life NOW... Imagine what that will feel like! Use the code DreamLife2021 and get 40% off until January 8th at 6pm CST!... Join here www.foundationsofadreamlife.com

Rachel Pops 28.12.2020

What do you do when you have obstacle after obstacle in your path?? (Keep reading for a parenting tip)... I don't know about you, but just about EVERY time I make plans, one of two things happens: 1. Something comes up and I have to change the whole plan or... 2. There's a huge obstacle in the way of achieving my goal So what is the point in planning anything?? It seems like so.much.work. to get anything done... Do you ever feel like you're the only one who deals with this and other people just seem to "have it easy"? A wise mentor of mine taught me something that shifted my perspective and empowered me... A person who can solve problems is of high value in relationships and in the marketplace...and the bigger the problems you can solve, the higher your value. Do you know what the marketplace pays for? Value. So what if we see problems in our daily life, not as inconveniences, but as opportunities to develop and strengthen the skill of problem solving....welcoming them with excitement instead of trying to avoid them? And what if we taught our kids this??? I'm committed to helping women - moms - overcome what's standing in their way and create powerful families and an AMAZING life and legacy! If you'd like to learn more about how you can increase your value, your productivity and create cooperative, peaceful relationships, watch this short video.... www.foundationsofadreamlife.com

Rachel Pops 21.12.2020

I remember the first time I invested in myself....4 years ago. It was SCARY. $67/ month...USD! I thought things like, "Man, this HAS to work! WHAT am I doing? What if I'm wasting this money? How are we going to keep paying this?? We've got too many bills and kids for me to be spending money on myself." Then so much changed that we made a one time investment of $799 for the 2 of us to attend a weekend conference... same thoughts again. I felt like I was CRAZY for dropp...ing that much money... but by noon on day 1, we knew we'd done the right thing. Then we invested $1200 for another conference + trip expenses and childcare expenses (more like $5k). We kept learning, kept growing, and it's changing our lives! Now an opportunity to invest is a no brainer. Would you trade $5 for $100? OF COURSE YOU WOULD! The MORE we invest in ourselves, the easier life gets, the more we have a say in our own lives, the more we can pursue what we're passionate about, the more we can help people. We had to start small, but I'm so glad we did. Investing in yourself is the best investment you can make. Decide that in 2021 you're going to start or continue investing in yourself. I just invested again today in a month long program and I can't wait to see what comes from it! Share in the comments how you've invested in your personal development or how you're going to start investing in yourself this year

Rachel Pops 16.12.2020

I was just talking to a mom who is feeling overwhelmed parenting their 6 kids and not on the same page with her husband. Here's what I shared with her and maybe it will help you, too. Model what you want to see and verbalize it Think of what you wish they were like and choose to see them as if they already are. ... Speak life over them constantly, even when they are misbehaving - remind them of who they are in Christ, call them up to the good you see in them. Choose love and accept failures. Trying to control others (even our kids) will stress you out and create a miserable environment. Choose how you will act based on WHO you are, not how you feel or how they act. Completely let go of the outcome. Look at God's kids! COMPLETE screw ups. Yet He loves us. Your job is NOT to conform kids behavior - it's to model what love, forgiveness, belief, honor, patience, self control look like by doing it yourself with every action. Apologize when you speak harshly and take responsibility for your own actions, thoughts, feelings. No one can make anyone else feel or do anything. They will mirror you. It takes time and so much repetition, but it's less work and more rewarding than trying to control! You will fail, you will succeed, you will grow... and it's all ok. You're human. It's not about not failing... it's about what you do when you fail. Start doing these things and you will start to see things shift! You can do this, mama! If you are so overwhelmed that you don't know where to begin and would like more help to create cooperative relationships and peace in your home so you can live a life that's productive and fulfilling, watch this short video www.foundationsofadreamlife.com

Rachel Pops 06.12.2020

You know how a seed is created with everything in it that it needs to succeed? ...so were you. You have everything you need already inside of you...it just needs to be activated.... What if you could live a life that is exciting and peaceful... Have a marriage you're excited about... cooperative relationships with your kids, actually enjoying them... And have time, energy, AND clarity to pursue the dreams deep inside of you that seemed out of your reach? Just like a seed is activated by water and sunshine, you already have the components needed to thrive - are you ready to activate it? When you complete this training, you'll be equipped with the skill sets and tools you need to create a peaceful environment, thriving relationships, and you'll be able to start living your dream life...use the code DreamLife2021 and get 40% off the program, until December 31st, 6pm CST! What are you waiting for...are you ready to make 2021 the best year of your life? Join here www.foundationsofadreamlife.com

Rachel Pops 17.11.2020

Celebrated Christmas today... & it was perfect. Yes, on the 19th. Why? Because I've learned that if I can be flexible, letting go of the outcome & my expectations, good can come from all things Choose to pivot..choose to enjoy itCelebrated Christmas today... & it was perfect. Yes, on the 19th. Why? Because I've learned that if I can be flexible, letting go of the outcome & my expectations, good can come from all things Choose to pivot..choose to enjoy it