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Randy Ward Author 25.02.2021

One of my great pleasures is having children read my book. My granddaughter read it when we were traveling into the states and I advised her at that time, "Your Papa got into some scary stuff." I was trying to calm any fears she may have. She looked up at me and said,"I know your alright. You sitting here next to me!" I laughed and thought, makes sense! I had another excellent review from Leon. The young child of a friend of mine. His review is attached. Thanks Leon I'll make sure you get a copy of my new book which will be out soon!

Randy Ward Author 05.02.2021

Last night I had a hard time going to sleep because my thoughts were on a post my friend, who is a Canadian posted about his support for Trump. This incredibly selfish leader of the US with his actions and inaction's is killing people. I know that is hard but it is true. It made me wonder if my friend would still support him if it was the children dying. So I wrote the following: If It Were the Children! If the COVID 19 fatality rate for those under 16 was the same as those f...or those over 65, would you act the same? If your children were dying would you put up with your leader saying, it’s a hoax.? Would you put up with him saying, You’re asking for too many ventilators. This will all be over soon. We must get sports stadiums open. You have to be appreciative of me or I won’t talk to you.? Would you ignore the fact he fired the pandemic experts when he entered the White House? Would you say something when he lies to the people? When his only concern is to get the economy going? Would you shelter in place better? Would you put up with a pastor who disregards the law and still calls his people together in God’s house? Would you still meet in a church instead of praising God at home? Would you put up with a leader that said, It’s voluntary to wear a mask, I won’t wear one.? Would you still be satisfied that there was no national stay at home order? How about your Governors, would you be on the phone to them asking them to issue the stay at home order? Would you still travel to Florida and party at spring break? Former United States Vice President Hubert Humphrey said, The moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped. History will judge our leaders’ actions and inaction's. Your family will judge yours! Randy Ward In the midst of a pandemic April 5th, 2020.

Randy Ward Author 19.01.2021

Hello All Its been awhile since you have heard from me but since I have time now I'm working on some writing plus my next book. I was sitting talking with my wife and we starting talking about the earth and how it seems to be fighting back in the age of pandemics, global warming, pollution and other things. So I wrote a poem, a story, I'm not sure what to call it. Maybe just some thoughts. My heart is heavy with the loss of life around the planet and in our country and provin...ce. No one is at fault for this pandemic and we need to stand together. Stay safe , stay healthy. Here is what I wrote: You’re not listening! You didn't listen when I raised the temperature. You didn't hear when I caused the winds to blow and the acid rain to fall. You didn't see when the fires lit up the earth and caused your eyes to water and your nose to run. You disregarded the rising waters. You ignored the smell of death when the soil wouldn't grow food and the wars came. Your taste buds and stomach longed for satisfaction, but you kept up with your destruction. Your skin freezes or burns quicker as I changed the weather, hoping you would stop. Now maybe you'll listen as I separate you, as families stay 2 meters apart. I've taken away your closeness: your lips don't feel another’s, your skin doesn’t touch, your hands are not held as you walk and are not presented in greeting. What more do I have to do? Do I have to erase you so I can heal? I am healing now, as you stay in your houses not polluting the air, water or soil. My waters are not as cloudy, my air is clearer, my soil now sprouts some food for you to eat. I am trying to teach you, but will you hear my cries? Will you see, and not just look, at what you have been doing to me and to you? Healing me heals you! Mother Earth Randy Ward In the mist of a pandemic April 3rd, 2020.

Randy Ward Author 15.01.2021

Believe it. I’m working on the second book!

Randy Ward Author 10.01.2021

I had an excellent time at the first annual WordBridge conference yesterday. I was on a group panel with excellent and experiances authors, a literary agent and editors. The panel consided of Candas Jane Dorsey, Barb Geiger, Stacy Kondla, Danika Stone and myself..