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Real Self Health 30.01.2021

When we are in pain, there is a reason for it. An easy example is rolling your ankle. Your body sends out signals to create swelling and discomfort to protect you from hurting it further. If you didn’t feel pain, you wouldn’t give that ankle the rest it needs to get better and could risk damaging it further. Digestion pain is a common area that we ignore. We may feel gas, bloating, sharp pains, dull aches or burning. Many of us take a pill or an antacid and move about our da...y because who has time to deal with that? The trouble is that the more we don’t pay attention, the more we get use to feeling shitty. It’s true. Ever have a massage? Is there not parts of your body that get rubbed and you say holy crap, that hurts so much but you didn’t even know you had that pain before laying down? Oprah has a saying that the universe speaks to us in whispers and then throws pebbles and then giant rocks if we don’t listen. Our body is the same. The discomfort is the whisper. Perhaps after eating ice cream, you have to run to the bathroom but it’s totally worth it for the enjoyment, right. Then maybe you have sharp pains after eating and you just need to lay down on your side and it will go away. Then maybe if you don’t listen, you end up with massive pain and an inability to eat anything and you find out you have an autoimmune disease. This is not a judgement but an invitation to start listening to those whispers our bodies give us so we don’t need any boulders thrown at us. Often, this is hard to do on our own. That’s why working with a health coach can help you achieve all your health goals. I can help you understand those whispers and decide what is going on in your body. Pain is an invitation to pay attention. What are you ignoring and how can I help? Click the link in my bio. #healthcoach #nutritioncoach #nutritionist #nutritionalconsultant

Real Self Health 25.01.2021

This is a reminder to eat your fruit! Fruit, contrary to popular belief in some fad diets, is critical to our health and well being. It has essential vitamins and minerals that restore balance to our bodies and our hormones. The sugar in fruit is NOT processed in the body the same way that added sugar in our diet is. It is locked in with fibre and nutrients and therefore is not processed the same way. Please DO NOT FEAR eating fruit. Here, I have prepared a delicious fruit salad to enjoy for a snack throughout the day!

Real Self Health 12.01.2021

Add in the Good Stuff Day Five Find your expanders So far, we have covered some healthy habits to include that will support your physical health and your mental health. In order for you to be functioning at your most optimum, you have to take care of your spiritual health as well. As a holistic wellness coach, I am interested in supporting you as a whole person with a healthy ecosystem that requires a delicate balance. ... Today, I encourage you to find expanders in your life. These are people who are living a life and doing the things you want to be doing and they show you it’s possible for you as well. I find expanders through podcasts, books, documentaries and word of mouth. Today I received this book that I preordered from Sahara Rose. I listen to her podcast @highestselfpodcast and she was also on another podcast I listen to called Expanded @expandedpodcast (get it?) The actual word expanders comes from @tobemagnetic Lacey Phillips as I use to just call them mentors. I like her term better. I encourage all of you to follow both of these amazing expanders. I have realized that I want to learn more about Ayurveda and incorporate that niche into my coaching so I am going to be learning a lot this year about that. So, how do you find your expanders? Be open to receiving them from the Universe. When you hear someone talk or when someone (like me) recommends someone to follow, see where it lands for you in your gut (hello intuition!) and start digging in! Never ever stop growing and learning. The only way to keep growing is to keep surrounding yourself with expanders. In my early 20s, I was drawn to Yoga and Ayurveda. No one I knew was interested in either of these practices. I had no expanders to help me on my journey. Over the years, I have dabbled in Ayurveda but just last week I got that ping that this is my new path and I actually spontaneously started crying. I think it’s because I tapped into my Dharma but I won’t know until I read this book :) Who are your expanders right now?

Real Self Health 09.01.2021

Join me for an awesome and completely FREE Mobility and Meditation class. Grab a mat, a journal and some quiet space because I think you are going to love this one.

Real Self Health 07.01.2021

The long lonely road Most of the time, I’m just that little spec you see on a lonely trail, making the first footprints in the snow and hoping others will see my path and use my footprints as an invitation to join me. Sometimes the path isn’t beaten simply because no one has had the courage to go down that path yet. Let me be that person for you. The quiet has become my friend and the journey my adventure. I will show you the way. ... #healthcoach

Real Self Health 01.01.2021

The Great Big B In the middle of winter, sometimes it’s hard to be inspired to make salads. I like to add a warm element to my salads when it gets cold out. For this one, I marinaded shrimp with coconut aminos, garlic, ginger, red pepper flakes and olive oil and then pan fried them before popping them on top of this colourful salad. I like to use what I have on hand but I also like to ensure that I have a lot of colour in my bowl. This salad brought a pop of energy and warmth... to my day. You could add any warm protein or even a warm grain like quinoa or rice to your salad as well. #salad

Real Self Health 27.12.2020

Add in the Good Stuff - Day Four Sit in Silence This is especially important right now as tensions increase across the United States. We don’t take enough time to be still with the lightening speed of communication these days. ... I consider myself a conscious person and I have to actively put my phone down and away, turn off the television and be still. All I do is breath. We need to do this to create space for ourselves and reignite our intuition. We live in our minds and it’s not the mind that should be making decisions for us, it’s our intuition that knows what we need. Simply sit in silence for 5 minutes and breath. Notice any sounds around you. Notice where your breath is and direct it into your belly watching it rise and fall. That’s it. Do this practice daily. Just like the hot lemon water in the morning. In fact, what a lovely way to stack a good habit. After your make your lemon water tonic, sit in silence with it. Namaste. #bestill #besilent #bemindful #gowithin #selfcare #addinthegoodstuff

Real Self Health 22.12.2020

This is self care in action. For many years, I have lived by this rule. Protecting our hearts is so important to our health. Yes, you should be open to letting people into your life but you should also believe people when they show you who they are. So many times, we don’t trust our intuition, we make excuses and give people chance after chance after chance. Your special gifts are needed in this world and you have NO time for drama and people who are not aligned to your... path. Here’s the thing, when we accept that not everyone is for us, we also allow those people who ARE for us room in our lives. I had a friendship many years ago that was like this. She would treat me a certain way, I would say it’s just her and allow it. I kept her in my life far longer than I should have and that blocked space in my life for those people who were aligned to me. On this journey, the company we keep can either lift us up to our highest potential or hold us back. So, it’s important that you hone this skill of believing people when they show you who they are. You will save yourself time and pain and be lifted onto your path so much faster. And don’t you want that for yourself my dear? Happy Saturday everyone. Being healthy is not just about what you eat and how you move your body. It’s about your mental and spiritual health too. That’s why I’m a holistic health coach. I care about all the bits that make up you.

Real Self Health 08.12.2020

Add in the Good Stuff - Day 3 Try a new recipe! Added bonus, try a plant based recipe. Yes! This one is super simple and very fun. I chose to make the plant based lentil Shepard’s pie last night with the help of my step daughter and we whipped up deliciousness - no meat needed. ... I whipped it up out up @fraicheliving cookbook. It has depth of flavour from the mushrooms, red wine and herbs. It has texture from the soft but slightly firm green lentils and don’t even get me started on the double layer of mashed potatoes (sweet potato and yellow flesh). Dig out a cookbook that you have been wanting to try or buy a new one. It is so fun to create in the kitchen. Double Bonus: include your family in the cooking and sip a glass of red wine at the same time. #bliss Show me your creations!!! Share your favourite cookbooks in the comments. #createinthekitchen #plantpowered

Real Self Health 01.12.2020

Add in the Good Stuff - Day 2 Dry Skin Brushing - Daily Have you been turned on to dry skin brushing? On the left is a large brush and on the right is a small one. The large I use for my body and the small I use for my face. The bristles are entirely different. The body brush is firm and a bit rough while the small brush is used for the face and it’s softer for more sensitive skin areas. ... Our skin is our largest organ. Did you know that it is also our primary way to detoxify our body? Ever day, we shed dead skin cells and in those dead skin cells is toxic waste that your body has processed. If you aren’t dry skin brushing, then those dead cells are left on your body and can clog your pores and reabsorb toxins back into the body So what does dry skin brushing do for you? Detoxifies your skin by sloughing off dead skin cells creating a nice glow Cleanses your lymphatic system which is connected to your immune system. Unlike our heart that pumps blood through our body, we have no mechanism to move lymph fluid. The lymphatic system is a network of vessels that transport metabolic waste and when it’s not flowing properly, it can cause diseases like cancer. Exercise and yoga are also great ways to move lymph fluid. Reduces the appearance of cellulite Softens skin by stimulating oil production Stimulates your circulation system by acting like a pump which increases blood flow and carries nutrients through the body How to do it? Body - Before showering, start from the bottom of the body and sweep upwards on your skin in one long stroke, always toward the heart. Work your way up your legs, buttocks, back and arms and finish with your chest. Face - before washing, gentle rub the brush around your face in a circular motion. Where can I buy one? Just about anywhere online and in health food stores. I purchased mine from @gardencityessentials Tip: don’t get your brush wet! #addinthegoodstuff #dryskinbrushing #healthyskin

Real Self Health 28.11.2020

Pssst....It’s time to Add In The Good Stuff Remember how I said I have some exciting things to share with you in January? Well, today is Day 1 of Add In The Good Stuff. As a health coach, the number one thing I tell people is to add in more good stuff into their lives. The brain doesn’t like deprivation. ... One of the reasons that only 6% of New Year resolutions work is because it is really hard to form a new habit and you have to really want it on a subconscious level. Let’s say you set a goal to loose ten pounds, you can do it, but it takes concerted effort and accountability. But adding in healthy practices is a great way to improve your health without all the struggle. If you find a practice you really like, you can stack it before or after a habit you have already solidified. Day 1 - I am sharing the healthy practice of drinking warm lemon water with a pinch of cayenne in the morning. Depending on your body type, you could also do cold lemon water but the warm water is easier on your body in the morning. This tonic helps to flush out toxins your body has been processing while you sleep, it is deeply hydrating and helps to fire up your digestion for the day. If you are a coffee person like me, I encourage you to drink this first. Yes! You will crave your coffee but I promise that it will feel like a treat to have your coffee after this practice. #addinthegoodstuff

Real Self Health 19.11.2020

Warrior 1 (Virabhadrasana) These powerful and challenging poses (there are three variations) are named after the great hero warrior Virabhadra from Hindu mythology. They are active postures that require strength, steadiness, and a fierce determination to hold with integrity. To access this posture:... the front knee is bent, back leg straight, arms extended overhead, and the chest is turned in the same direction as the bent knee. As you look up, soften your gaze and sink into your legs. Be sure that your legs are not too far and not too close together. Breath deeply and sink a little deeper. Like a true warrior, this posture helps us to access that part of the mind that is a warrior - who knows how to stand her ground and sink into her own authority. Be sure to do this posture on both sides to balance your emotions. This posture will fire up your legs and create the heat you’ll need to step into your inner power. Whenever you are feeling unsure of yourself and self conscious, drop into warrior pose to gain clarity. Let me see you rock your warrior! #warriorpose #stepintoyourpower

Real Self Health 12.11.2020

I’m just here for the Savasana Did you know that the whole point of the yoga postures (Asanas) is to get yourself to a point to be able to meditate? That’s why we always end our classes in Savasana. There is a reason that everyone loves Savasana at the end of a yoga class. When we move our bodies, we move energy that may be trapped inside. By the time we lay our backs down on those mats, we are in an entirely different body than when we began. One that is now ready t...o soak in the quiet, accept the peace of the moment and let it nourish our bodies. Think about what it feels like to lay down on your back at the start of class and at the end of class. Both feel restful but in entirely different ways. Savasana is the most important pose in yoga. I have seen so many people skip this part in their rush to get back into their day but doing that misses the point of yoga. We are airy creatures aren’t we? We live most of our lives in our heads in the element of air. Thinking, worrying, rethinking, contemplating and we wonder why when someone says we should meditate, we feel it’s impossible to shut off our minds. (Which no one can btw)You are no different than anyone. We all have racing minds. That’s why the series of postures in yoga are meant to get us to the point of being able to sit in meditation without so much anxiety that we just want to get up and run. This month, I’m going to take you on a deep dive into yoga. I will share videos of sequences you can’t easily do no matter how new to yoga you are. Have you ever felt that yoga just isn’t for you? That it’s for all those other people who are (fill in the blank) flexible, thin, strong, etc. No! Look at this picture. Doesn’t it look blissful? The first posture you need to learn is Savasana because it’s the most important. Yep. You can do yoga. Lay on your back, spread out your arms and legs and be still.

Real Self Health 01.11.2020

Happy New Year’s Eve Many people cannot wait to see 2020 hit the road and I understand why. Yet I can’t help but feel that when we look back on this year, when the pandemic is behind us and we are back to ‘normal’, that we will in fact look at this year as our greatest blessing and opportunity. ... We have been on a very fast merry go round, with a ton of masculine (action) Yang energy in the world. We define ourselves by how busy we are and what we are accomplishing. This year was different, wasn’t it? It’s the year the world literally stopped all at once. We had to cancel plans, stop needless shopping and look within to find joy instead of without. I am not saying it was easy, but I do think it was necessary. It’s very sad that so many people died and will continue to die. But we can’t control that. We can only control how we respond (wear a mask, socially distance, get tested, get vaccinated) and how we respond emotionally. We actually have a choice in that. Listen, I saw more people walking, biking, hiking and beaching than ever. People learned to cook, bake, create websites, and so much more. People actually had time for their kids and work finally had to realize that we have families that cannot be compartmentalized. They are part of what makes us great at work as much as what might take us away. So many people are saying goodbye to 2020. I want to say thank you for the lessons and the blessings. And know this, 2021 is just a concept. When the clock strikes midnight, nothing changes if we bring the same energy with us. The new year is just a line in the sand, an arbitrary new start. What will you do with it?

Real Self Health 27.10.2020

December Challenge Complete I am more than a little happy that I completed my December self care challenge. Whether or not you did all 31 days doesn’t matter. I am proud of you. So proud that I could not help jumping for joy. Get ready for January because I am going to show you how to Radically improve your health by adding in small changes to your life every day. Stay tuned.

Real Self Health 11.10.2020

Reflections on 2020 and my one little word. Happy New Year Everyone!

Real Self Health 25.09.2020

Day 30 checkin and a surprise! Only 1 day left in my December challenge. It was rainy, cold and windy today. Yuck! But I am so excited to have 30 days of straight running under my belt. It’s not about the running for me, it’s about the commitment and showing up for myself no matter what! ... One day left and I’d love to know how you have shown up for yourself in December. January is around the corner quite literally and I have a few surprises for you in store. The first one is Yoga! Yes, I will be posting videos of yoga flow for you to follow along with throughout the month of January. How exciting!!!! Please share with all your friends and family this great news. It is time to come into ourselves.

Real Self Health 18.09.2020

Day 29 checkin I was so excited about Spaghetti Squash I almost forgot to post today’s run. This snowman though I have something I will be doing for January that I will share with you soon. I want to bring something to your every day life that makes you feel worthy in January. ... Stay tuned.

Real Self Health 12.09.2020

Spaghetti Squash Bowl This is an @twopeasandpod recipe. I added peppers, onions and mushrooms to my roasted veggies roster in addition to her suggestions. The tomatoes pop and make a nice ‘sauce’. I used broccoli rabe which I love but my family does not. I think I’ll try Kale chips on top next time. The garlic bread crumbs are incredible. What are you waiting for, check out her page, buy her book and make this recipe. YUM!!!

Real Self Health 04.09.2020

Guess what I’m having for dinner tonight? I am so excited for this one. I find myself craving squash in the winter months but I know my family are not as big of fans as I am. I struggle with a lot of digestive issues so it’s critical for me to eat intuitively. What does that mean you ask? It means paying attention to the signals your body is ALWAYS giving you for what it needs. I am craving this squash right now. This is what we call complex carbs and they are critical to yo...ur health. Carbs are NOT bad. Please click the link in my bio for more information about carbs (repost blog) When I eat as close to nature as I can and within the seasons, my body always loves me so much. When I eat chips, fried foods, excessive amounts of meat or dairy, my body revolts. Full on civil war in my gut. I don’t always know what’s going to cause it but I know when I eat foods like this healing spaghetti squash, I always feel good. That’s my dialogue with my body. I created that from over twenty years of tuning in and listening. I can help you create that same connection to your body too. I would love to be your health coach and I offer free consultations. And now that we are all virtually acclimated, it’s no problem. Check out my website and click work with me. #intuitiveeating

Real Self Health 31.08.2020

As we prepare for 2021, remember what your primary job is....to take care of yourself. Give yourself the love, respect, pampering, gifts, understanding, appreciation, recognition, grace, voice, and platform that you so crave from other people. Because in truth, until we give all those things to ourselves, our subconscious can never receive them from others and that is the unseen energy we put out into the world.

Real Self Health 15.08.2020

Yep, today is Day 28 checkin How is the self care challenge going for you? Have you been active daily? Have you eaten your greens or meditated? Have you been doing something else for you? I found this meme and thought, yep, that’s how I am feeling about running every day right now and probably how you are feeling about hearing about it. Oh look, there she is in her running gear....again. Guys, I’ve tried to change up the pics but honestly, there are only so many ways to captu...re yourself running. But this is where the magic lies. When you look like this kitty but you still get up and take care of you anyway. Please don’t make a New Years resolution to loose weight this week. I promise you the newness is way more exciting than actually doing it. Instead, take care of yourself every damn day, even if you look like kitty. There is no magic pill. It’s just about showing up for yourself daily. Learn something new and try it. Add in so much good stuff that there is no room for the bad stuff. But please don’t think you have to punish yourself this January to make up for the slowing down and junk you have eaten over the holidays. It’s not sexy or fun or new to care for your body, mind or soul. It’s just about showing up authentically. Sometimes it’s really messy actually because there are tears and tantrums and then surrender. Day 28 peeps - acknowledge how bored you are and do it anyway because showing up is the work.

Real Self Health 01.08.2020

Day 25 checkin Merry Christmas ya filthy animals!!

Real Self Health 26.07.2020

Merry Christmas As a reward for 2020, we were gifted with a glorious white Christmas. Hope you are enjoying time with your family. It’s been a tough year but also a great year for getting clear on what’s important in life.

Real Self Health 17.07.2020

Reflections on running (note I meant 2005 not 2015)

Real Self Health 30.06.2020

Day 24 Checkin Merry Christmas Eve! I am posting a video that reflects a little on my running journey as I am now at my 15th anniversary. More wrinkles but certainly more comfortable and happy with myself than all those years ago. ... Dear running: you saved my life and I am forever grateful. May you find your way into someone else’s life to work your magic. Oh...and dogs :)

Real Self Health 19.06.2020

Day 21 and 22 So, I am doing a job over the holidays that is very expansive; however, it’s also so very intense. Top it off with some difficult kid stuff yesterday and today and trying my best to be a good human through it all. These are often the days that end in tears but I am committed to this challenge so here are photos from yesterday and today. I have managed to squeeze in my run after work and making dinner last night (hence the evening lights) and on my so called lun...ch today, which was really just a small block of time between meetings and running around. This is me doing the best I can and loving myself through it all. Deep breath. Exhale. Sending you all love and support for whatever you are going through. May you be surrounded by grace and love through whatever challenges are coming your way.

Real Self Health 14.06.2020

Day 20 Checkin While I was out for my 20th run of the month today, I was thinking about why this is so important for me every December. Truth: I am not great with long term commitment. I have a hard time showing up day in and day out. The beginning is so exciting and when the shit gets hard, it’s easy to make excuses and move on to the next exciting thing. I can tell you right now, posting on day 1 was a lot more fun than day 20. ... But this commitment to my December challenge helps me to get over all that and JFDI Happy Day 20 peeps.

Real Self Health 01.06.2020

A little live checkin for Day 19!!!

Real Self Health 22.05.2020

Day 19 checkin It is AMAZING to me what putting on lipstick does for my self esteem. It’s like a little pick me up to make me feel beautiful. While some might think it’s egoism, it’s simply one of the many tools in my tool box to lift up my spirits and I only do it for myself. In fact, when I had my makeup done at my wedding, the woman was shocked that I said I wanted my red lipstick because it makes me feel more me. Bottom line - you do what you need to do to make yoursel...f feel good. Don’t worry what others think. Yesterday, I napped for 45 minutes on the couch by myself and I am not someone who can nap. Let me tell you, it was DELICIOUS! As we approach Christmas, feel into what feels right and supported for you. Drop the have tos and should haves because they don’t support your health. Until Day 20...

Real Self Health 04.05.2020

Day 18 checkin Oops, yesterday I was a day ahead of myself. Today is day 18 and another run done! What’s happening with you?

Real Self Health 24.04.2020

Day 17 checkin Yesterday was a weird day for me and I had to split my run into two parts because I got called to pick up my son from school 2k into my run. So I ran to his school, walked him home and then went back out after a meeting. Made dinner and out for some crafting with @thewateringcan Today I crunched my way across 5k of beautiful snow but forgot to take a photo again!!! ... Oh well, that’s life but I haven’t missed a day yet. How’s the challenge going for you?

Real Self Health 22.04.2020

Can you feel it? 2021 is calling to you. Step into the new year with intention. What are you hoping to create? Leave behind? What are you calling in? What do you want more of? Each December, I reflect on my year and I think of one word to set the intention for the year. ... In 2019, my word was space. I wanted to investigate what this word meant in my life. It wasn’t until this year that I realized I drew in the energy of @mamamedicine and her community is called Space by Mama Medicine. Please check it out. Last year I began the year with two words healthy routines because my Aquarian moon does not like feeling controlled by a plan but I can see how this is negatively affecting me. I’m not sure how successful I have been with COVID but I have tried to adopt some new healthy routines. Maybe my Aha moment won’t come until 2021 like it did for 2019. I like starting my year with an intention because it sets my ship on a course but doesn’t feel insurmountable. I like it because even in the so called failure, I learn something about myself. Who has ever keep a New Years resolution past January 14th anyway? Throw that mindset in the garbage. We are on a journey. I don’t know what my word is for 2021 yet but I have been feeling the energy for a while now. I know I am going to go deeper into healing my inner child and shadow and removing some energetic blocks. In fact, I have already started working with a group of like minded people and some professionals to make this happen and I am excited to share that with you in the near future. I know for sure that a goal I have is to be more prepared in all areas of my life. I want to buy the conditioner when there is a quarter of a bottle left, show up for a meeting before anyone else, have a few meals prepared in my freezer for those days I don’t want to cook - those sorts of things that just make me feel peaceful. I struggle with this a lot because I am addicted to the rush of adrenaline I get when I am rushing around as a recovering perfectionist. I will check back in with this when I know my word for 2021. Does this idea resonate with you?

Real Self Health 07.04.2020

Boundaries December is an incredibly triggering month for many people. I imagine with COVID restrictions, it’s even harder for people. I didn’t grow up learning about boundaries. I didn’t know that it was okay to set boundaries with my family and friends until probably eight years ago. ... But now that I pushed past the uncomfortableness of setting boundaries for others, for my time, for my energy, I have created space in my heart for so much more. Try this: think of one person or situation that you are anxious about dealing with. Now call that person and tell them (in a loving way) what you need from them or that situation. Be clear. Do it when you are both in a good frame of mind. Follow through. You communicate your own self worth to others and to yourself through the boundaries you set, keep and adhere to. Remember that if someone else sets a boundary with you that you should also respect that. Take a deep belly breath!

Real Self Health 26.03.2020

Day 14 checkin I ran yesterday and today. Both days were hard and I forgot to take pictures so I am sharing a cute photo of my son instead to spread some Christmas cheer. Even on the hard days, we show up but we don’t have to like it or celebrate it. ... Hopefully day 15 will be better. How are you doing? Any cute Christmas photos to lift our spirits?

Real Self Health 24.03.2020

Day 12 Checkin (last night) Look at that sky!!! I was thinking on my run last night about all of you and wanting you to know that you are doing the most important sacred job in the world - taking care of you my dear. ... Yes, we have kids, partners, families and friends but we are actually here to take care of ourselves and the rest will flow. Take a look around you with fresh eyes. Are you taking care of yourself? It’s an inside out job and it’s 24/7. So be gentle, and just for today, acknowledge your sacred job here. Sending you so much love on your journey.

Real Self Health 11.03.2020

Day 11 Checkin Yesterday was a busy day preparing for Christmas so I didn’t post but here I am running yesterday for day 11. I did not have greens or meditate :( Today will be tougher because it’s raining but yesterday was so beautiful out and I found this cool tree. ... How are you doing?

Real Self Health 02.03.2020

Day 10 Checkin Can’t get your greens in today because you have been swamped or have run out? That’s when I rely on Greens from @genuinehealth. They are incredibly energizing, non GMO and tasteless. Today I ran 4K for day 10 and took my pooch but she accidentally tripped me and now my hands are bruised and ripped up. How is day 10 going for you?

Real Self Health 22.02.2020

Day 9 Checkin run greens (check out that parsley) homemade chicken and veggie soup ... Just so you know, I have so many mentors and people I look up to to teach me and lead by example and I am honoured to be able to do that for anyone in this community - pay it forward because we never know who we will inspire. Share my challenge with someone you think would appreciate community and support. #beamentor #bealeader #inspiresomeone #communitysupport

Real Self Health 06.02.2020

Crystal’s December Self Care Challenge Every December, I run daily. It doesn’t matter how long or how fast. It’s the commitment to self care and movement of my body that matters the most. This year, I have added in daily greens and meditation. The energy of December is exciting and all encompassing and we end up giving up WAY too much of ourselves. I am not about pushing my body beyond my limits but I am about showing up for myself in a loving way. Running outside for me hel...ps to clear my energy (I am an empath), keep my digestion moving and gives me my daily dose of Vitamin N. If you are following along, I am checking in daily to be accountable to all of you and to create a we are in this together feeling. There is no judgement here but a ton of love coming from me to you. Any day is a good day to join and post your progress and remember that we need to be gentle on ourselves not perfect. Some things I encourage you to try daily ( add in 1 thing a day if that’s easier) meditation journaling lemon water eat or drink greens take a daily probiotic laugh focus on your sleep routine be active make your own food Will you join us?

Real Self Health 23.01.2020

December Challenge Day 8 Checkin Got my run in today and the sunlight made that a lot easier in this cold weather. I was tired today so I was slower than normal. Then I made some green juice (kale, romaine, green apple, lemon, ginger and cucumber) and my dogs wanted to share with me. What’s going on for you in Day 8?

Real Self Health 15.01.2020

December Challenge Put a check mark next to all the things you have done today for the challenge. Were you active?... Did you get some greens in today? Did you meditate? Did you journal? Did you get out into nature? Did you forgive someone? Let me know what challenges you are facing right now. Today, I have a broken heart and it’s hard to take care of yourself when you feel that way. Just do one thing. That’s all. One thing.

Real Self Health 12.01.2020

Checkin Day 3 & 4 Oops. Forgot to post yesterday so posting both today. Get your greens in by juicing. One of my favourite green juices is kale, celery, apple, lemon and ginger. So good for digestion too.

Real Self Health 23.12.2019

Checkin Day #3 December Challenge Not going to lie, I was slower today :) But day three is in the books and today I didn’t feel like a smoothie so I got my greens in the form of a salad with a little feta for some post workout protein. ... Today I am: -drinking lots of water -grateful for my body -embracing getting older by caring for myself (that meant walking a bit and stopping to stretch my legs) -going to eat some Lindt dark chocolate without guilt (cause it’s December peeps!) -realized that I don’t have to struggle to achieve Now you...show me one thing you are doing to care for yourself today. How is the December challenge going on day three? Where are your pics???

Real Self Health 08.12.2019

Why Greens Daily? Greens are a superfood because of their phytonutrients (fight off disease). Carbs, Fat and Protein are called our Macronutrients because our bodies need them in large quantities. ... Greens contain Micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) that our bodies need in smaller quantities but are equally important. A deficiency in micronutrients can cause hair loss, muscle cramping, migraines, and so much more! They also contain fibre, which isn’t a nutrient but just as important in our diet to help us eliminate which gets rid of food particles and waste byproduct that gets stuck in the folds of our intestines and putrefies causing inflammation, increased blood pressure and toxicity. December is the time to pack yourself FULL of greens because it is also a secret weapon against cravings!!!! Yes! Cravings happen mostly because our body is looking for certain nutrients. So, here’s how to do it this December. green smoothies greens supplements (try @genuinehealth ) salads wraps stuffed with romaine, spinach and other veggies add them to soups steam them with garlic, olive oil and lemon juice add them to an omelette in the morning #eatyourgreens

Real Self Health 06.12.2019

This is soul reading. Grab a cup of tea and tuck into this article from a wonderful Shamanic healer that I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with this year.

Real Self Health 02.12.2019

Day 2 Checkin If you haven’t read my post from yesterday, go back and have a look. Showing up for December on the 2nd day. It’s a winter snowy wonderland today but nice and sunny. ... Today’s greens are hidden by the blueberries in this smoothie. Ingredients 1 cup spinach, kale, Swiss chard blend 1 cup coconut milk 1/2 cup strawberries 1/2 cup blueberries 1/2 banana 1/4 cup almonds (soaked overnight if you don’t have a high powered blender) Blend greens and liquid and then add the rest. It’s beat if some of the fruit is frozen to make it cold. Otherwise, use some ice. I will be doing day two of meditation. Yesterday I did fifteen minutes and it felt like five hours!!! Just goes to show how much I need it. Check in with your pics, share what you are doing (even if you miss some days), invite your friends to join you and I. Cheers to a healthy December and a happy New Year. Imagine waking up New Years Day without that dread of getting back on the wagon? #decemberchallege #smoothie #dailygreens #daikymeditation #nojanuaryregret #staythecourse

Real Self Health 21.11.2019

Good Bye November! December Challenge My suggestions to all of you for December is to treat it like its January. We all have a ton of steam to get fit in January but why not do it now to help you manage ... stress bloat weight anxiety 2020! Keep doing you in December. Enjoy the holidays but do something active every day and eat or drink some greens every day. You will thank yourself on January 1st. Every December, I run daily no matter how long or how far. This year, I am adding meditation and greens. I won’t change anything else. I will eat all the treats and enjoy the holidays. Who wants to join me to Add in the Good Stuff!?

Real Self Health 04.11.2019

Sometimes life requires ice cream with marshmallows. Don’t forget that life is about balance. If we take excellent care of ourselves and listen to our body’s own intuition, we begin to understand what it needs. Last night, this little boy needed ice cream and his mama to listen to him.

Real Self Health 20.10.2019

Nature is so important to our well-being. I took this while out for a walk on Thursday evening and it looks like a painting it’s so beautiful. Zero filters. What I love most about it is that everything is technically dead going into winter in Ontario but the beauty is still absolutely breathtaking. What lesson can you take from this? I feel it reminds us that their is a season for everything and yet still beauty in all of it. We need to reconnnect to the rhythms of nature a...nd flow more. If we resist, it persists! What are you resisting? Get out into nature to clear your mind and let Gaia be your greatest teacher. #gaia #natureheals #naturehealsthesoul #whatyouresistpersists

Real Self Health 14.10.2019

Hey RSH fam....lets give this baby a try!

Real Self Health 24.09.2019

In Flanders Field..... As time goes by, may we always value our freedom and remember those who fought and lost their lives.

Real Self Health 21.09.2019

Just a girl and her dog on a record breaking weather day in November. Sucking it all up while we can.

Real Self Health 08.09.2019

Make Hay While the Sun Shines I think we can learn something from this eleven year old smiling pup! She loves water so it was the perfect day here in Ontario to take her for a hike and swim. We were in awe at how much pep she still has when it comes to water. And of course we had to take advantage of our unseasonably warm weather and hit up our favourite patio for tacos and beers. ... Life is about living! What did you do this weekend that brought you joy? #makehaywhilethesunshines #olddogsofinstagram #bringjoy #warmweather #smilingdog

Real Self Health 01.09.2019

Next Level Lunch Who says you can’t have a smoothie bowl for lunch? Swipe to see the ingredients. #smoothiebowl

Real Self Health 25.08.2019

Anxiety B R E A T H!!! Friendly reminder that anxiety may be at an all time high right now and can show up as any of the following (and more):... restlessness trouble sleeping decreased or increased appetite escapism Bouts or crying feeling irritated lashing out at others withdrawing from loved ones having bouts of OCD We have to acknowledge that a worldwide pandemic, racial tensions and an historic election can make even the most calm personalities feel differently. It’s important to take excellent care of our health at these times. We CAN control what we eat, our exercise, what we listen to, how much we are on social media, what relationships we allow in our lives, how we spend our free time and so much more. We have more control than we think. Start with one thing you can do to ground yourself in your body. B R E A T H #anxiety #anxietyrelief Photo credit https://unsplash.com/@healing_photographer

Real Self Health 05.08.2019

Lunch Break! A little post power yoga snuggle never hurt anyone before getting back to work. This one focused a lot on my core and felt really good to stretch from my leg workout yesterday. Got Five Minutes? Stop scrolling, set a timer and go do these moves:... 1 minute jumping jacks Rest 15 seconds 1 minute plank hold Rest 15 seconds 1 minute Mountain Climbers Rest 15 seconds 1 minute squats Rest 15 seconds Now go take a picture with your favourite animal or human, pass this along and get back to work! Betcha feel better! All or something #allorsomething #lunchbreak

Real Self Health 18.07.2019

Motivation Monday (posted on a Tuesday) So I did this little thing two weeks ago - I got married! It was a surprise wedding to my whole family, including my kids. We decided to get married after eight and a half years being together as a blended family at the end of July and we were married on October 17. It was a whirlwind of planning and secrecy. At the same time, we went through at major transition at work. It was an intense few months. So it’s time I fess up. I did not w...ork out one single day since the end of September and while my nutrition was still good, it was by no means great. Luckily, my solid understanding of what my body needs helped to not veer too far off course. However, I could feel the difference in my body. But you know what, I didn’t have a single ounce more commitment to give. You may have also noticed that I really didn’t post much. I had nothing more to give. What I decided to do was practice acceptance and gratitude for what I was able to show up for. A quick post here, an evening walk there, a delicious green juice on my wedding morning. But yesterday, yes two weeks after my wedding, I was finally able to begin anew. I worked out for the first time with @thebettyrocker for my November challenge. I am not going to lie, it was tough. Why am I telling you all this? Because this is real life and this is what it means to commit to a healthy lifestyle for most people. It is not being perfect but it does mean coming in and out of life’s challenges with grace. I want you to know every day is the perfect day to care for yourself and that might mean giving yourself time to be busy for a while and not putting so much pressure on yourself. The important thing is that you always come back to that home space in your body. I already feel better with only one work out in. #accountability #motivationmonday

Real Self Health 12.07.2019

Homemade Weeknight Chicken Ramen When I was growing up, I lived on Ramen. You know, that square packaged stuff with powdered soup mix. I even use to eat it raw right from the bag as a snack A lot has changed over the years and what I realized is that anyone can cook. I taught myself to cook by watching the food networks in my 20s. Seriously, I didn’t know how to peel and mince garlic or use ginger until some of those celebs taught me. That and a really great kitchen knife a...nd cutting board. Thanks to Rachel Ray, I always use a bowl to catch my scraps so I can work efficiently and cleanly. Thanks to @jamieoliver I can make comforting stews, delicious curries and homemade burgers. There are teachers everywhere you just have to be open to them. At Costco, I found healthy ramen noodles made from rice and millet (gluten free) and they were so delicious in this soup. Why not give a new recipe a try or learn to cook something new or simply learn a new kitchen skill? It is the one thing that I believe everyone should be taught in school but sadly we are not. I can’t think of a more important life skill than to feed yourself nourishing and delicious food. We have come to rely on take out way too much and our health is suffering. @kmellors reminded me this week that many years ago, I taught her that McDonalds fries has something like 19 ingredients and she still remembers that. I am not sure if this is something that they fixed but it’s horrific that a three ingredient dish (potatoes, oil, salt) can be so Frankensteined. This is why we need to learn to cook! I promise you, you will never regret it. If you need some guidance on how to cook, don’t be afraid to ask, You Tube or send me a message. There are teachers everywhere. #learntocook

Real Self Health 10.07.2019

Nature is medicine!

Real Self Health 23.06.2019

What’s your worth? Listen, it’s time for all of us to get real here. Time for all of us to separate our worth from our wealth. Hard? Yes! ... We have grown up in a capitalist society and we were raised with the old adage time is money but our time is not money. Time is just a way of measuring our experience in an ever changing multiverse. Money is also arbitrary. It is simply symbolic. Most of our money doesn’t actually even exist - it is a theoretical number in a bank - a modern day promissory note. You are not your bank account. I read somewhere that women are not taken seriously until they are taken serious financially. I think that is the way our entire society has been organized, not just for women. So why am I talking about money on a health account? Because your relationship to money is deeply connected to your self worth - it’s just how we’ve been raised in a capitalist society. I always find that I am at odds with time and money. That it’s a battle between spending time or spending money. I envision a world where we don’t have this problem anymore. Where we don’t value money more than the time we spend doing what we love or being with those we love. I envision a world where money doesn’t divide us into classes and worthiness. Because truly, dear one, it’s all an illusion. You are worthy even if you don’t have a lot of money. Your ideas are just as important even if you earn less money. You have a lot to offer the world, as you are. The only way to change the world is to change the world. We are on the precipice of new structures in our world. It all feels like it’s out of our control and happening to us and not for us. This could not be further from the truth. Here are some ideas to take control of your time and money: -re-evaluate your possessions and give things away you don’t need or use -re-think what you throw away in all areas of your life and look for ways to reuse and repurpose. -Rejoice in beauty by going into nature, looking at your children often, admiring your spouse, reading a book, enjoying art -transform the way you eat. Eat locally as much as possible. #redefineyourself

Real Self Health 27.05.2019

Seasons Know that there is a reason and a season for everything. I want my community to know you are all strong and resilient. There is beauty all around you, even when it feels like you are being pressed upon. When we resist change, we suffer. Nature is our natural teacher. Nature shows us how to let go and then how to be reborn. Go into nature and she will remove all your burdens into the ether. ... The sun is always shining, even if we can’t always see it this brightly. Tough times ahead energetically my friends. Be like nature and flow.

Real Self Health 25.05.2019

Don’t forget that your candles can be filled with nasty chemicals that are bad for your health.

Real Self Health 17.05.2019

Apples We are so fortunate to live in Canada. We are even more fortunate to live in Niagara where fruit trees abound. To me, Niagara has a magical quality about it. It is woven into the fabric of my soul. Growing up tromping through forests and picking grapes from vines and apricots off the tree in my grandmothers backyard left a deep impression on me. Fruit trees call to the rhythm of my very core and the bounty they produce are nothing short of miraculous. ... Apples, in particular, are one of the most amazing fruit you can eat, especially if you pick it and eat right off the tree (as long as it’s not sprayed). The phytochemicals in apples make them the perfect brain food. Red skinned apples have anthocyanins, a pigment which helps to increase digestion and encourage weight loss. Apples are the ultimate colon cleanser because the pectin helps rid your gut of bacteria, viruses, yeast and mold. Apples are hydrating at a cellular level and contain precious trace minerals our bodies are lacking. It’s Apple season so go get yours!!!

Real Self Health 03.05.2019

Soup season peeps! Get cooking.

Real Self Health 23.04.2019

Who wants to try the healthier version with me?

Real Self Health 05.04.2019

Roasted Cauliflower Chowder This recipe comes from @twopeasandpod and it is an incredible way to enjoy cauliflower. Cruciferous vegetables are important to add to your diet for their ability to stave off a variety of cancers. They are good for the lungs because of their sulphuric-rich nature and help to regenerate lung tissue. Cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower are high in vitamin A, C, E, and K. Cauliflower contains the trace mineral boron, which is also known to suppo...rt the endocrine system. For this recipe, I chopped a whole head of cauliflower into bite sized pieces, peeled three garlic cloves and tossed it all with olive oil, salt, and pepper and roasted at 400 degrees for 25 minutes turning once. Roasting the cauliflower gives it an amazing deep flavour. Chop an onion, couple carrots and a couple celery and sauté in butter or olive oil until translucent. Add a tsp if thyme and stir. Add four cups of veggie stock and the bay leaf. When cooled, add the cauliflower and chop the roasted garlic and add. Let that simmer for ten minutes. Add 3/4 cup of milk and 3-4 cup of old white cheddar and melt in the soup. Serve with rustic bread! Ingredients -1 head of cauliflower, chopped -2 carrots, peeled and chopped -2 celery ribs, peeled and chopped -3 garlic cloves, peeled -1-2 Tbs olive oil -1tsp fresh thyme, minced -1 bay leaf -4 cups veggie stock -3/4 cups whole milk or milk alternative -3/4 cup old white cheddar or vegan cheese that melts well -salt and pepper to taste

Real Self Health 29.03.2019

Back to school decisions....

Real Self Health 27.03.2019

An @joyoushealth recipe was posted last week and I accepted the call to cook! Golden soup is simple and the most delicious, nourishing soup. I ate it for breakfast and lunch!! The creamy coconut is the stuff of my dreams. Butternut squash is super high in Vitamin A and beta carotene which plays an important role in vision, bone growth and health of the immune system. Vitamin A also helps the surface of the eye, mucous membranes and skin to act as barriers to bacteria and viruses, reducing the risk of eye infections, respiratory problems and other infectious diseases. I’d say that’s some delicious medicine! #vitaminpower #joyoushealth

Real Self Health 20.03.2019

I made a batch of this back in May and it was so good and felt so nourishing that I ate it for breakfast, lunch and dinner until it was gone. So many immune boosting properties too!

Real Self Health 15.03.2019

Takin Back My Power When we can’t control outside forces at work, we can control the inside forces. We can feel the feels, get angry, cry, thrash, sleep. And then we get up and take our power back. I can control how I move my body, what I put into my body, and what I think and believe about myself. So that’s exactly what I’m doing in this moment. Take that 2020

Real Self Health 12.03.2019

Untamed ~ @glennondoyle Reading this amazing book, maybe you have heard of it . Can you abandon the world’s expectations of you and live a life of freedom? I’m struck by the idea that rebirth needs destruction. ... Rebirth means death. Once a truer, more beautiful vision is born inside us, life is in the direction of that vision....We are alive only to the degree to which we are willing to be annihilated. Our next life will always cost this one. If we are truly alive, we are constantly losing who we just were, what we just built, what we just believed, what we just knew to be true. What version of yourself are you holding onto? Is there a certain weight you always thought you’d be and that’s the woman you identify with now? Did you use to be an athlete and can’t let that go? Do you use to want to be (fill in the blank). September is a month full of fiery Mars energy. Just look at what is happening in the world right now with all the fires. Within, we are burning up old karma, old outdated beliefs of who we are. A forest, once it has burned, begins its rebirth immediately. There are some species of plants that can only grow from the rich soil produced as a result of a forest fire. Burn it up! Allow the old, outdated versions of you to becomes the ashes of your new life. September always brings this beginning energy. But of course, 2020 has made that familiar energy feel different. It’s no longer the outward signal from back to school that shows us we can have new beginnings, now we are asked to go within to find that rebirth. What do you want from life? What you think about, you bring about. Be clear with your intentions for yourself and the collective, especially this week. Do not be afraid of the little deaths that happen to us in every day and in every moment. I can tell you that I need to let go of a version of myself that no longer exists. Doors closing for years, but I’ve just hung onto that identify. It gives me a sense of power because I feel intelligent and respected. But maybe doors closing is the universe whispering that it’s time to let go. To allow death, grieve and move on. All I know if that it takes courage to fail and grow.

Real Self Health 25.02.2019

This is an essential for cold and flu ‘season’ in my home. Anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-microbial. Give it a try. If you start to feel under the weather, take a few spoonfuls a day.

Real Self Health 23.02.2019

Behind the scenes Just a girl and her dog doing the research. This is often what my life looks like behind the scenes of Real Self Health. I’m not sure what I was working on here: blog post, website development, marketing, free content, meal planning? It doesn’t matter. This is life. Don’t be fooled by the accounts that have perfect lighting, perfect food, perfect kids dressed and posed perfectly. 99% of my life looks like this (and worse) but we live in a world (right now) t...hat only values the 1% that we post. I wish I was that girl who had her space neatly tidied all the time, hair done and life organized. I don’t. What I do have is passion, gumption, intellect, courage, an ear to listen, an education to share and life experiences that have built the foundation of my coaching. I posted something a while back about having a wishbone where your backbone ought to be. If I waited to become all the things that I think you all feel are valuable, I’d never be here right now. If I waited until I felt worthy, I’d never be writing this right now. If I waited until I was the perfect weight, I’d never be here right now. If I waited until I was excellent at business, I’d give up. I am on a journey and so are you. As Michelle Obama eloquently puts it, we are always in the process of #becoming I have a secret to share and that’s this: for the first time in almost 41 damn years, I feel worthy. I feel intelligent. I feel beautiful. I feel deserving. I feel like a good mom. I feel like I can help all of you. Do you know why? Because I decided I am. No one else told me. I decided. Powerful?

Real Self Health 03.02.2019

Restorative Practices I’m tired to my very core today from planning and executing the last few weeks of my life. After a very successful themed birthday party for my step daughter yesterday, I am in need of self care and self care feels like doing nothing ‘productive’ today. The only thing my soul needed was nature. It helps me reset. No makeup, messy hair, full heart.