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Rev. George R. Gunner 12.02.2021

"The Five-fold Ministry" https://fb.watch/3JsvP0byiu/

Rev. George R. Gunner 04.02.2021

Is. 57:1 The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away form the evil to come Over the years in our travels, it’s been our privilege to meet many men and women of God across this nation. But every now and then you meet someone that is special and you know that they are true servants of the Lord. You meet that person and within moments you feel you have known him all your life. John... Noskey was such a person to Pauline and I. We saw that he loved the Lord, loved his wife and children, his family, friends and loved those who did not know his Jesus. His sudden passing made it very hard to understand and we all asked the question why Lord! For here was a man that loved doing the work of God and walked in integrity before His God. When we see the church full of those who are fooling around and not serving the Lord wholly, we ask why do the righteous die? This is when all we can do is trust the Lord knowing that he is in control and that precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of the saints. For his dear wife Vivian, you can thank the Lord for the years you have been blessed to have John as your faithful loving husband. For his children you can thank the Lord you knew this man as your Dad who would do anything for the children he loved so dearly. For the grandchildren you had a special place in Mosum’s heart that you can cherish as you grow older. For the family you had a brother who cared deeply for every one of you and had total respect for you all. For the church we will miss this minister singing, dancing and the faithfulness he showed in serving his God. For the community of Loon River, you can thank God for the godly example John Noskey left. For all of us who knew him as a friend we can all thank the Lord for the honour we had in his friendship. We can all rest assured that John fought a good fight, finished his course, kept the faith and received the crown of righteousness. Even though we feel he was taken from us much too soon we can be thankful for that which we have been given. For those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of Life we know that very soon join we will be joining John and all the saints around the throne of our Lord! Our love, thoughts and prayers are with you Vivian and the Noskey family.

Rev. George R. Gunner 01.02.2021

Join us as we partake of the Lord's supper this morning.

Rev. George R. Gunner 26.01.2021

Enjoyed my interview with Pastor Murray and Tim Shawnoo from Victorious Faith Fellowship Church. We discussed Fear, Faith and First Nations - with everything that is happening in the world, how can we overcome fear? https://www.facebook.com/mshawnoo/videos/10157244115181618/?

Rev. George R. Gunner 17.01.2021

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord (not fb friends) with ALL thine heart; lean not unto thine own understanding (not on Facebook posts) In ALL thy ways acknowledge Him (Christ ), and He shall direct thy path ( including your thoughts). Corrie Ten Boom, who survived imprisonment in a German death camp said, When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer! She also said and I quote, There... is no panic in heaven. God has no problems ,only PLANS. Read Jeremiah 29:11 We must be careful when we hear of those who are refusing to listen to our government leaders and doctors who are trying to stop this pandemic that we fight for our rights. Jesus never fought for his rights even though he could have called tens of thousands of his angels. The Lord is in control and we as the people of God must put our TRUST in our God. He will protect us and He will keep us and He will deliver us Amen! May the peace of God be with all of you!

Rev. George R. Gunner 30.12.2020

Romans 5:5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. (HOPE - feeling of expectation and a desire for good things to happen) As we turn on the news from the tv, radio or internet we hear the negative every hour, all day long. We hear the politicians, doctors, reporters, etc, delivering the latest stats on # of infections and deaths and forecast for days ahead regarding the current pandemic. Eve...n with latest American presidential election and the violence that erupted dividing our neighbours to south causing even you and I to have strong opinions. We listen to conspiracy theories of government taking control, mark of the beast, vaccine shortages or vaccines killing people and the list goes on and on. It seems like we are in a place where all hope is lost causing many to become depressed, discouraged , despondent and even suicidal. There is no hope in this world. Yet, there is a hope, and this hope does not come from the world leaders, the political parties, and not even from the doctors or the vaccines that they are developing, But this hope comes from God. Psalms 62:5 My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my hope(expectation) is from Him. Apostle Paul talks about how this hope comes through the suffering and trials that we must endure. It’s in midst of suffering and trials that we want to quit and give up our salvation. Yet the Word exhorts us to glory in these times of tribulation knowing that there is a purpose God is unfolding through the struggle. The Lord is doing a work in our lives and giving us a hope that will not disappoint. That hope He gives is not based upon man, man’s wisdom, our circumstances or on a vaccine that may or may not work . The hope God gives is based upon the Word of a living God that cannot and will not fail. A Word that you can fully trust, a Word that will give you strength, a Word that will take you through the valley of shadow of death, through the trial and suffering and deliver you into that purpose He created you for. A Word that gives us HOPE ,an expectation that that the Lord is about to turn this thing around and we will see the glory of God and a glorious Church. Hold on to promises Saints of God. We have a Hope! Blessing and prayers