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Susanna McWilliams 22.12.2020

Ending 2020 in Forgiveness.. Carolyn Myss, one the greatest medical intuitives of our time, talks a lot about how our ability or inability to forgive can affect the outcome of our health and illnesses. I have seen it first hand ~ how we can not get our spirit back fully, if we hold unto the past, allowing our energy to be in someone else's hands and actions.... A genuine act of forgiveness takes place in our inner landscape where our dissappointed, angry, hurt ego confronts our soul. A self - initiated act of transformation where we retrieve our spirit from the past and unfinished business. Forgiveness towards ourselves, and others. And often, it is in fact ourselves that we find most difficult to forgive. With researchers, mystics and psychologist all in agreement ~ there is no denying the mind body connection, and how forgiveness can promote emotional and physical well being. Something I have been working on for years myself, to find the health that I am now so very grateful for, after almost two decades of illness. And yet, in our human experience, our healing work always continues... If I have hurt you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. If you have hurt me. I forgive you. I'm stepping into 2021 calling in my spirit and power back 100%, determined to live life in love and grace, to the best of my ability. Releasing all that no longer serves me and allowing my cells to breathe in forgiveness, love, peace and deep joy. How are you welcoming in the New Year? What are your intentions? I would love to hear. HAPPY NEW YEAR, LOVES! We did it. We survived 2020! . .

Susanna McWilliams 07.12.2020

Chronic Illness can strip you down . It can strip you of: Your health Your vibrancy... Your finances Your family Your friends Your lovers Your fun Your body Your mind Your entire life as you knew it But, it can NOT strip you of your spirit. It may attempt to rip parts of it off in it's passionate fury, but as long as your spirit has fight left... You can regain: Your health Your vibrancy Your finances Your family Your friends Your lovers Your fun Your body Your mind Your LIFE in unimaginable ways! You are stronger than you even know. I promise you. Please don't give up believing this. . .

Susanna McWilliams 26.11.2020

Gratitude for delicious oat milk hot chocolate, the sun and thrifted vintage finds. . My mantra for 2020: ' If life throws shit at you, turn it into gold.' . Learn from it. Grow from it.... And stay present for all the magic in between. . . #gratitudeattitude See more

Susanna McWilliams 25.11.2020

GRIEF AND CHRONIC ILLNESS . As with any grief, it is normal to go through the stages of grief with chronic illness as well. . The shock... Anger Bargainning Depression . ..and eventually Acceptance. . Grieving looks different for everyone, but maybe today you need the reminder, that it's okay not to be okay all the time. . In this minute, you do not need to find some higher purpose for all your pain. . You do not need to see the lesson and gifts in it all. You are allowed to just feeeeel it all. You are allowed to grieve and sit with that which is lost. . One day ( maybe even tomorrow) you may find the beauty in it all, but it does not have to be now. . Sometimes everything is just heavy. And often the more we allow ourselves to fully sit in the pain of it without bypassing or distractions ~ the faster it also shifts. . And sometimes, even when we think we have worked through our grief, it may hit us all over again. . I see you. . If you are sitting with grief of any kind today, I embrace you. Know that you are not alone. . You are so strong. And so incredibly brave for facing it. . This too shall pass. Susanna . . #chronicillnesswarriors #ebbsandflows #sitwithit

Susanna McWilliams 08.11.2020

When you have been burned at the stake, yet you rise from the ashes. When you have been ostracized for defying norms, yet you stay true to your path. When you have been ridiculed, yet you believe in magic.... When you have been faced with hate and anger, yet you choose love and grace. When you have been misunderstood, yet you know it's not always about you. In fact - it usually never is. When the world has shown you all the reasons to close off your heart, yet you show up with a hopeful heart anyway. And in times when the fire burns the tip of your own tongue and begins to cloud your mind, your heart softens soon after because it already knows the truth. The truth that we are all just projecting and spitting our own shadows and wounding - and burning each other at the stake - till we are ready to sit with our own pain, immerse ourselves in our own fears and judgements, to learn from them and then do the WORK to change them. This is how we rise from the ashes over and over again, no matter how many times we have been burned. This is how we choose to reside in love, despite the raging fire around us, and inside of us. . By the doing the work within. . . #innerpeace #staytruetoyou

Susanna McWilliams 29.10.2020

Bathing and dancing in a magical light of peace today . We are pure consiousness. These bodies and all these things of the world are temporal. If we cling to our body and those things that pass away, we suffer with great fear, anger and grief for that which is lost. The only lasting peace is the peace we nurture within ourselves. . ~ Anna : the Voice of the Magdalenes. ~ ... . Standing in the circle of peace and surrounding you all in divine light and love this weekend . . . . See more

Susanna McWilliams 19.10.2020

Sometimes we all fall off of the 'healthy balanced eating' bandwagon. Me included. . It's okay. Don't beat yourself up. We could all use a little more grace this year. Especially towards ourselves. .... Just try again tomorrow. It's a new day : and maybe one that will bring more inspiration and energy along with it? . I'll be making simple grounding salads for work ~ full of sprouts and seeds after a week of a few too many celebratory vegan treats. ( no regrets by the way - because #mentalhealth and #yayforhealing! ) . Last week my body vibed high and happy on some donuts, this week it's asking to juice and eat more raw. . Our bodies are infinitely wise. Once we learn to tap in, it's much easier to maintain balance with much less judgement, or guilt. With practise, we learn to navigate what our body and mind crave on a cellular level. Ultimately leading to beautiful #foodfreedom. . Have you tapped in and asked your body what it craves? You might be suprised where you are guided at the grocery store. . I was guided to the oyster mushrooms, so guess I'll be cooking with those this week Can't wait! . . #intuitiveeating See more

Susanna McWilliams 09.10.2020

You are allowed to change and shift And, embody ALL that is you. . It may take time to intergrate your light and shadow. A sorting process : of shifting out of that which is broken, to finding what you wish to take into the future. .... Sometimes the new can feel unfamiliar and cause some anxiety, as we no longer have old emotional, or behavioral patterns to go by. . But, in this change - trust that the experiences, mistakes, adventures and successed of this lifetime and pasts have given your soul plenty of material from which to draw wisdom. . With compassion, forgive and release the pain, shame, blame from all time and space that no longer serves your highest good. . Bravely be willing to step into the new unknown, trusting that new patterning will be emerging from within you ~ to guide you every step of the way. . Xx . . See more

Susanna McWilliams 22.09.2020

FEAR, or FAITH? . A question I've asked myself a lot this past year. A question I ask my girls too in the midst of the many transitions they've had. . Every choice we make, contributes a subtle current of energy to our universe ~ so we get to choose what we put out there : fear, or faith.... . The truth of the matter is, we will never completely know the outcome of any choice we make. And if 2020 has taught us anything, it is that the physical world cannot be controlled. So, more than ever, the task before us is to master our inner responces ~ our thoughts and emotions. . These two littles have been through more transitions this year than ever before. 2 schools, 2 new daycare locations, summer camps and a handful of new teachers/caretakers + so much more due to life circumstances, and 'good old Covid.' . Sometimes fear has naturally come up, because any idea of normalicy went out the window for them in March. But, we have actively been practising mastering our OWN perceptions and thoughts in the moments where we cannot control our outer reality. . Now almost every time they feel overwhelmed, they tune into their body and ask what it is that they need to feel more grounded and supported. . One day it may be extra hugs. On others, it's zoning out for bit to watch a comedy. On the third it may be time in nature. And yet on another they'll ask for extra supplements, or life giving foods - if they feel their body is in need of them. . Ultimately, this has allowed them to step into their own power, because while I can hold space for them - THEY get to tune in and choose what they need most to calm the chaos & fear in their little worlds. . Sometimes my heart worries for them, and how this pandemic and entire year will effect them in the long run. . But then ~ magical moments like today happen, where I wake up to little E meditating with her crystals and big E journalling her affirmations and writing songs on the balcony. And I smile soooo big, because I know: I know they have the tools to shift from fear to faith. And, into PRESENCE. . It's all we are ever guaranteed anyway. This very moment. Right here. Right now. . . See more

Susanna McWilliams 11.09.2020

That face you make when you come home after a long day, want to collapse in bed, but still have to cook...? . See, here's the things. A few years ago I may have been a bit of a snob about eating any processed food, because eating whole foods is always best. Of course. We all know that. . But, is it sustainable day to day reality? If you work full time and come home after 6pm daily with hangry tired kids, will you be inspired to cook a meal fully from scratch every single day...? Probably not. Especially if you have chronic fatigue and it already took every ounce of your energy to get through the day. Am I right? . If you have a consult with me, I will probably tell you that batch cooking is best. Meal prep is inspiring. Eating whole foods is ah-mazing! BUT. If this is not your reality ~ instead of diving into that bag of chips (umm..guilty sometimes ), or ordering easy take out lathered in canola oil and msg that you know you'll have a flare from ~ find some clean packaged options to turn to on those super tired days. Your 'emergency stash', so to say. . Cook grains/noodles/ in batches for the week ( these will usually last 3-5 days in the fridge), mix in your packaged sauce/mix and and throw a few raw veg on top. I'd call that guilt free dinner success. .. And ps. Always best to read labels at the store when NOT hangry. Dedicate some time to researching clean options free of artificial flavours, canola oil, sweeteners, or other unpronouncable ingredients. If you don't know what it is, probably best to leave it on the shelf. . Tell me. Does this sound do-able? What else would you need to make meals easier? Because the last thing we need is more guilt over not 'doing it ALL ' . . . #momlife #dinnerserved See more

Susanna McWilliams 26.08.2020

Finding Balance in The Woods . In March I made a commitment to myself to go into the woods 5 days a week, rain or shine. I knew it would be the key to my mental health ~ staying grounded in the midst of all this universal change. . I have danced and twirled with joy, jumped in puddles like a 5-year old, and also cried at the reality of adulting. I have meditated in bliss by streams, and also thrown pebbles in between breaths of frustration. ... . I have listened to birds, talked to squirrels and encountered a few too many bears. I have hugged trees and felt their solid roots beneath me, while also marvelling at the smallest most fragile beauty, like the fluffiness of moss and the vivid hues of my wild flower boquest.. . The most beautiful part is, that in the midst of all of this, I have felt so incredibly held by my surrounding. No judgements. Just quiet presence for all that is, and for all that is ME. . Nature can heal in this way, I believe. It creates a safe place for us to be all of who we are. It reminds us to ~ ebb and flow like the seasons ~ in all our beautiful, messy, weird, awesome, unique glory. . . #forestbathing #naturemedicine #fullmoonvibes See more

Susanna McWilliams 15.08.2020

This green quinoa salad bowl . Looks simple. IS simple. But, is also chocked full of nutrition. The keys to cooking with chronic illness. . In this : Soaked and cooked quinoa ( easier for digestion), capers, dill ( for a scandi touch), sunflower seeds and hemp seeds with a simple green sauce.... . To make 'Green Sauce' : . Blanch kale and spinach in water till soft, drain the water, add olive oil, salt and pepper and blend with a hand held mixer. Add nutritional yeast for extra flavour ~ if your system can handle it. . Mix sauce into cooked quinoa. Add other ingredients and mix again. Done . Protein, carbs and greens all in one simple meal. And the fab thing is, if you make extra you can use the sauce for pasta, or other dishes throught the week too. Will save you on a busy day. Promise. . #dinnerplans #simplecooking See more

Susanna McWilliams 07.08.2020

THE SOUL SPEAKS . The soul speaks through feelings, longings, yearnings, deep knowing, syncronicities, nature, signs, music, people. . I believe we each have an ache that is craving to be met. Sometimes it is this annoying, inconvenient feeling that will not go away, as much as we may try. We can try to numb it, hide it and ignore it by external measures- but this won't work in the long run. Not if we truly want to find inner freedom and joy. This ache is your soul calling.... . There is a part of you that knows the answer to everything you seek, for you are your own healer. So, leap into yourself. Quiet your mind and LISTEN. Listen to that nagging feeling and follow your intuition, especially when it may not make sence. . It is not a one time act, but rather a dance in life - taking steps and sometimes leaps to follow this deepest calling and yearning of your soul. Your purpose. . See more

Susanna McWilliams 27.07.2020

Words matter . Lately, she'll wrap her little arms around me tight, give me the softest of kisses and say 'Mama, I think you're such a strong brave woman,full of sooo much magic' . It makes me want to cry everytime, because like everyone else, I'm just trying to navigate one of the most challenging years of my life the best way I know how.... . Despite her not being aware of my internal struggles, her intuitive wisdom and words fill my heart up everytime. . So, incase you need to hear it today too: . I think YOU are: . STRONG BRAVE And full of sooo much MAGIC ! . Maybe, today we can all spread the love and challenge ourselves to tell someone how amazing we think they are doing in the midst of life? How much we appreciate them? We never know what internal struggles they may be going through, and when they'll need to hear those words the most. . . See more

Susanna McWilliams 12.07.2020

Oh hello Thursday! ( insert day of the week here). I'm going to make you a good one, I say. . ' I can't wait to see what suprises you have in store for me today '. Something I say every morning when I get out of bed. . Not because every day is easy to wake up to. And, definately not because I don't want to press snooze on my alarm, as it jolts me awake at 6.30am. But, because I know it helps start my day right. ... . Instead of dreading the day ahead and automatically assuming ' sh*t will hit the fan' ( like maybe it did the day before), it welcomes expansive opportunities and little miracles for the NEW day. . By staying in gratitude, I'm more present for when the Universe does suprise me with it's sweetness. And if things go sour, it's easier to laugh it off too because well ~ suprise!! 'You asked for it sucka' A perfect opportunity to have a mini freak out ( I have some reactive and sailor under my zen too - trust me), chuckle at the the hilarity of life lessons, and then move on... . Because, tomorrow is always a new day. Thankfully. And, aren't we lucky if we get to wake up to it? . I sure think so! And, for this reason, I'm working on not taking it all so bloody seriously all the time. . . #thursdaymusings #allaboutperspective #laughitoff See more

Susanna McWilliams 24.06.2020

The goal is to get toxins OUT and Nutrients IN . For adults and kids alike, there are a few autoimmune key concepts that I work with: . #1. Looking for food allergies and food sensitivities. If these are present they can effect gut permability, which in turn essentially effects- everything. An estimated 80% of your system is in your gut, so if your gut health is off most likely it is effecting you as a whole.... . #2. Excessive inflammation. Are you eating foods that may be causing inflammation for you? High sugar, high processed fat diet? With a high stress lifestyle? Yup. That would do it. . #3. Heavy metals and other chemicals and toxins. These are no joke! Most of us have them to some degree, but some of us have been 'lucky ' enough to get an extra dose. Did you know first borns take on their mothers toxic load? In fact, some studies show that toxins can be passed on up to 4 generations, so if your grandparents were exposed to high levels of mercury ( mad hatter anyone?) ~ most likely you have been too. Our toxic load often correlates with auto-immune disease. . #4.Deficiencies. It is important to slowly get toxins out ( if highly sensitive there any many ways to do this gently with food) and then build up the body with more nutrient dence foods, and in some cases also good quality supplements. Everyone is unique in this regard, but there are a few deficiences, such as vitamin D deficiency, that has been linked to a multitide of autoimmune diseases. .. #5. And last, but not least, the undeniable mind body connection. We can cut out all the toxins and eat the healthiest organic food, but if we do not look the mind body connection, we are missing a huge link in our potential to thrive. . Our bodies are infinitely wise and capable of finding balance again when provided with the right tools. And yes - I'm talking to you. YOUR body is one of them! . Start somewhere. Start small. And know that every little step counts. . . #autoimmuneprotocol #chronicillnesswarriors See more

Susanna McWilliams 17.06.2020

I'm feeling that inner fire That September inspiration hitting. Anyone else? . Sometimes somethings gotta give, and for me this past year it's been this professional platform. .... Working a full time ( and a half) job, enrolling in a new course and parenting amidst a pandemic has taken priority. Me morphing, shifting and embodying all kinds of newness has been a healing journey of epic proportions I've wanted to fully be present for. . But - I'm feeling inspired to come out of my cocoon more and share on here again. So, hello . How can I serve YOU best? What topics would you like to hear about regarding living with allergies and chronic illness? Mind- body tools? Let me know in the comments what content you enjoy best, or DM me. Let's talk! I would love to hear what's on your mind. . I'm here for you. Xx. . .