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Romonx 27.01.2021

In that following Post, a share from our Cyber Office ' Facebooks Developments recently launched: Package Office Program. 'Workplace' and my representing 'Open Source'. Not that I could open all being accomplished and be open, in its entirety. More, that it is setting forward 'Open Source' as a working premise. Possibly understanding the possible ramifications, in such a straight forward and, a rather simple statement. Of course attatched to the World Community of Linux, it r...epresents Open Source & Free Software, meaning. Anyone can use it. It came from a Univercity Computer Science Program. In those days it was mostly for the BIG names of the day like IBM. Unix was the military Computer \ Operative System of the Day. He applied for and got registered a Creative Commons licencing to help protect Computer Scientists, much like Itellectual Property Rights do, today. Once they are legally registered. they can't be changed. In what I call Creative ways. To use that Knowledge. In collaborating with another student in another universties Comupter Science department. Was my personal Hero... Linus Torvalds born 28 December 1969, a software engineer. Who is the creator and, historically, the principal developer of the Linux kernel. Which is the kernel for GNU/Linux operating systems (distributions) and other operating systems. Such as Android and Chrome OS He was honoured, along with Shinya Yamanaka, with the 2012 Millennium Technology Prize by the Technology Academy Finland in recognition of his creation of a new open source operating system for computers leading to the widely used Linux kernel. Unix... a line by line operating system. 'Opened to Public Use', by the Military. Prior to the Introduction of the re-purposed Internet. Well, we now have and use that System's Technology. 'Open Source' that simple phrase, can actually revolutionize and radically change. The way we operate, as Human Beings... With in, just another short phrase. The basic consideration and arriving at an understanding. Ask the Question. What is Common Ground? If I was an Electrician, I could explain that to you. Without a common ground. Electricity... cannot work. It can't complete the curcuit. Does that give the reader. Cause to pause. The field around you... your aura. If you will... is electrical. One human Individual... is a working. Generator. Living out their Generation. These are more then Rights and Privillages. For whom Determines that, and those dictates? We all determine. What life, is all about. In our Individual realities. Change is Healthy. As good as a rest, they say. :) Just don't get Arrested :) Have a great Day... Your bro... Ro. Your basic Linux Guy.

Romonx 17.01.2021

My main Computer on Linux Mint 19 had a hickup failure, caught a Bug. And did last with this 12 year old H/P tower. Almost six years, The problems with Computer development... is it so fast, and changing constantly. We can use older computers, the problems come in Development of new, and better programming. For operative utilities, such as Bluetooth, for an example are incorporated. Into the operative programs. What drives them? (DRIVERS) Simply said... that is the problem, I...Continue reading

Romonx 05.01.2021

This Wedsite will change... yet it contains elements of what 'Open Source' Production of an informational introduction. What it does represent The Investments of the potential model of the goals of Romonx Associated Artists with its developing directory to \the \guildhouse. i own romonx,com... romonx .org and this website \romonx \rocks....

Romonx 21.12.2020

A bit of a stretch... but imagine having a mobile unit like this for touring and filming in Uganda. I was looking into 4x4 suv's or trucks for the documentary. With camping gear for the rural travels. There are some really cool tents for the roofs of 4x4's and will add some pic's of that. One can dream... why not dream large. That's what this video is. As Romon in Review I look for interesting things to review Futures Technologies. This Series 79 Land-cruiser was developed in...Continue reading