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Revolutionary Student Movement 19.10.2020

*English follows* SOLIDARITÉ AVEC SIX NATIONS: Combattons et résistons contre la OPP et l'État canadien !... Le Mouvement étudiant révolutionnaire salue les défenseurses de la terre de Six Nations ! Illes se sont levées pour résister contre le pillage de leur territoire et ont courageusement défié les arrestations et la violence des gangters coloniaux de la OPP. Nous faisons appel à toutes nos sympathisantes de se montrer activement solidaires et de soutenir matériellement leur lutte. Le colonialisme n'est pas chose du passé. Il s'agit d'un processus continu dont nous pouvons témoigner et que nous pouvons combattre. L'État colonial peut sembler invincible, avec toutes ses armes et outils de répression, mais quiconque y résiste sera du côté de la vérité : sa cause est juste et réprésente le futur. Comme Mao Zedong nous l'a enseigné, Les armes sont un facteur important, mais non décisif, de la guerre. Le facteur décisif, ce sont les masses et non le matériel. Depuis l'avènement du colonialisme de peuplement européen sur ce continent, et tout au travers de l'histoire de l'État canadien, peu d'événements ont démontré la véracité profonde de cet enseignement de Mao aussi clairement que les innombrables soulèvements autochtones contre l'ordre colonial. Pour nous communistes, cette histoire est une source riche d'apprentissages et d'inspiration. La glorieuse résistance armée à Kanehsatà:ke, à Ts'peten, à Ipperwash et ailleurs sont d'inoubliables points d'appui pour celleux qui comprennent que le pouvoir politique est au bout du fusil. Ce sont des phares lumineux qui nous rappellent qu'une force armée petite mais déterminée peut, avec le soutien des masses, résister et marquer des victoires politiques contre l'assaut militaire de la bourgeoisie. Cette année seulement, la nation Wet'suwet'en a résisté à l'invasion et à la dépossession de ses territoires traditionnels par l'État canadien ainsi que des compagnies pétrolières. En Nouvelle-Écosse, les Mi'kmaq défendent actuellement leur droit de pêcher et d'user des ressources de leurs territoires. Pour cette raison, les pêcheurses Mi'kmaq ont été attaquées par des racistes qui ont brûlé leurs bateaux pendant la nuit. Au Québec, les Anichinabés ont érigé des barricades dans le cadre d'un appel à un moratoire sur la chasse sportive à l'orignal pour préserver la population décroissante de cette espèce. Partout à travers le pays, les peuples autochtones défendent leur droit à la souveraineté et à l'auto-détermination sur leurs territoires. Le vieil État canadien craint le pouvoir de la classe ouvrière multinationale par-dessus tout. Un Front uni des classes ouvrières autochtones et settler, alliées aux autres classes nationales autochtones, menées par un Parti, peut faire de notre colère et de notre résistance une arme tranchante, une grande Guerre populaire. Seule une Guerre populaire peut nous débarrasser du colonialisme et du capitalisme. VICTOIRE AUX DÉFENSEURSES DE LA TERRE DE SIX NATIONS ! À BAS LA OPP ET L'ÉTAT CANADIEN ! LIBÉRATION AUTOCHTONE PAR LA GUERRE POPULAIRE ! GUERRE POPULAIRE JUSQU'AU COMMUNISME ! STAND WITH THE SIX NATIONS: Combat and Resist the OPP and the Canadian State! The Revolutionary Student Movement salutes the heroic Six Nations Land Defenders! They have stood up in resistance against the plunder of their rightful territory, bravely defying arrests and violence by OPP colonial gangsters. We call on all our supporters to stand with them in active solidarity and material support. Colonialism is not a thing of the past. It is an ongoing process that we can witness but also fight. The colonial State may seem unstoppable, with all its guns and tools of repression, but whoever resists them will have the truth on their side, which is that their cause is justified and represents the future. As Mao Zedong taught us: Weapons are an important factor in war, but not the decisive factor; it is people, not things, that are decisive. Since the advent of European settler-colonialism on this continent, and all through the history of the Canadian State, few events have demonstrated the profound truth of Mao’s teaching more clearly than the countless Indigenous uprisings against this colonial order. We communists look to that history as a source of rich lessons and inspiration. The glorious armed resistance at Kanehsatà:ke, at Ts'peten, at Ipperwash, and elsewhere are unforgettable points of reference for those who understand that political power grows from the barrel of a gun. They are shining beacons which remind us that a small but determined armed force, with support from the masses, can withstand and score political victories against the full military onslaught of the bourgeoisie. This year alone, the Wet'suwet'en have been resisting invasion and displacement on their traditional territories by the vile Canadian State and oil companies. In Nova Scotia, the Mi'kmaq are defending their right to fish and use the resources of their territories. As a result the Mi'kmaq fishers have been attacked by racists and had their boats burned overnight. In Quebec, the Algonquin people have erected barricades in a call for a moose moratorium to preserve the withering moose population. All over this country Indigenous people are defending their right to sovereignty and self determination over their lands. The old Canadian ruling class fears the power of the multinational working class above all. A United Front of the Indigenous and settler working classes allied to the other Indigenous national classes and led by a Party can turn our anger and resistance into a sharp weapon, a mighty People’s War. Only through People's War we can be rid of colonialism and capitalism. VICTORY TO THE SIX NATIONS LAND DEFENDERS! DOWN WITH THE OPP AND THE CANADIAN STATE! INDIGENOUS LIBERATION THROUGH PEOPLE'S WAR! PEOPLE'S WAR UNTIL COMMUNISM! #landback #shutdowncanada #Oct9DayofAction #FermetureCanada #1492LandBackLane

Revolutionary Student Movement 09.10.2020

We are sharing an article about the peasants of the Tiago dos Santos Camp in Brazil, where peasants lead by the League of Poor Peasants (LCP) have conducted a seizure of land. The Military Police in Brazil have recently established a siege around this camp, preventing the peasants from receiving supplies. This cowardly violence must be denounced. The whole world must stand behind the peasants of Brazil! https://tribuneofthepeople.news//urgent-military-police-c/

Revolutionary Student Movement 25.09.2020

Vocal in Demanding the Release of the Revolutionary Poet Varavara Rao and All Political Prisoners While India is reeling with Covid-19, the country’s central ...and state governments have refused to release an old man from prison. Varavara Rao, a 81 year old revolutionary poet, is in jail on the Bhima Koregaon case. Meanwhile, some inmates of that jail have died due to Covid-19. Prominent personalities of the country and abroad have become vocal in demanding the release of this revolutionary poet. As revolutionary student and youth organisations, we demand the release of Varavara Rao and all political prisoners around the world. On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the victory of the Dalits in the war against the upper caste Peshwas at Bhima Koregaon, Maharashtra, Hindutva forces yet again attacked the people and on 28 September 2018 Varavara Rao, Sudha Bharadwaj, Vernon Gonsalves, Arun Ferreira, Gautam Navlakha were arrested from Delhi, Pune, Faridabad, Mumbai, and Hyderabad on multiple charges. Later Shoma Sen, Anand Teltumbde, Surendra Gadling, Mahesh Raut, Sudhir Dhawale, Rona Wilson and many other social workers, lawyers, poets and professors were arrested as well. They were charged under various unconstitutional laws like Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA), sedition and so on. Also arrested was the 90 percent physically disabled Professor G N Saibaba, who is being held in the small ‘Anda Cell’ of the Nagpur Jail. The jail crucially does not have the infrastructure to keep someone in Saibaba's condition. As a result, his physical condition is deteriorating day by day. The Indian state is also continuing to target the veteran Maoist theoretical leader Kobad Ghandy by conspiring to block his release from jail on new false charges despite him suffering from cancer. On 28 May, poet Varavara Rao fell unconscious in jail. He was admitted to J J Hospital in Mumbai. Although his condition was just slightly stable, he was brought back to jail on 1 June. Varavara Rao’s family was not allowed to visit the hospital. They didn’t even get a chance to talk to the poet on the phone. In this situation, Varavara Rao’s wife applied for bail in the NIA court but that application was rejected. Although article 21 of the Indian Constitution guarantees the right to life even if a citizen is imprisoned. On June 26, the NIA court again rejected the bail plea of Varavara Rao regarding illness. Varavara Rao has since contracted Covid-19 which in his current condition could prove to be fatal. We have seen that in India different national and local parties make different promises during elections, but there is little difference between them in terms of anti-people policies and anti-people laws like UAPA, sedition etc. Almost all parties have been using these laws to suppress dissent. However, in spite of this repressive policy of the state, the protests and movements of workers, peasants, students and social workers in different parts of India have not stopped. And this is why the ruling class fears even the elderly Varavara Rao, or the physically challenged Professor Saibaba. That is why they have to be kept in jail even during the coronavirus crisis. In contrast to the increasingly fascistic old Indian state, at least 100 leading intellectuals in the world, such as Noam Chomsky, Homi K Bhabha, Partha Chatterjee and Gerald Horne have written letters to the President and Chief Justice of India demanding the release of Varavara Rao. 375 prominent personalities of India including Amol Palekar, Shabana Azmi, Shankha Ghosh, Aparna Sen, Kaushik Sen have written an open letter to the Central Government of India. Meanwhile, recently 14 Indian MPs wrote a letter to Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray requesting that the revolutionary poet Varavara Rao be transferred from Taloja Jail in to a hospital. Several inmates have already died of coronavirus in that jail. Officially, the number of Covid-19 confirmed cases in India is about half a million, more than 16,000 died. Almost every day new records of infections and deaths are being set. The Indian government is putting at risk the lives of Varavara Rao and others, who have been detained in attempts to demobilise and demoralise the people. The Government of India will be held responsible for the death of Varavara Rao or if any of the other political prisoners are infected with the virus during their detention during the coronavirus crisis. We once again demand the Government of India to immediately release the revolutionary poet Varavara Rao and all other political prisoners. When it comes to the issue of political prisoners in Manipur, there is a large number of people behind bars under draconian acts such as Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA), National Security Act (NSA), and Sedition law. Anyone with a voice of dissent, raising his or her voice against the government, the state, people who are demanding their democratic right to self determination are put behind bars. To understand the gravity of the situation, we can cite some newspaper reports. A report published in 2015 in The Hindu, a reputed Indian newspaper, says Manipur, which accounts to only 0.2 per cent of the country’s population, has registered nearly 65 per cent of cases under Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, (UAPA). Out of the 975 cases of UAPA registered in the country in 2014, 630 are from the small north-eastern State of Manipur.. Another report in Times of India published this year indicates that the situation has slightly changed but the number of people charged under UAPA in Manipur still remains high. The report quoting Nation Crime Bureau Records tells us that in the year 2018, people charged under UAPA is 289 in Manipur, this number is higher than that of Kashmir for that year. Though Kashmir is known for state repression, Manipur has faced its own share. In Manipur some of the Political Prisoners who are in prison, charged with the National Security Act (NSA) or under trial (not yet convicted): Moirangthem Ranapratap @ Paikhomba Meitei ,KCP, PWG (Marxist Centre). He is currently in Tihaar Central Jail, Delhi (still under trial) Khoirom Ranjit @ Rocky, Convenor, KCP, PWG (Marxist Centre). He is in Tihaar Central Jail, Delhi, right now. (still under trial) Sapamcha Kangleipal @ Chiranglen, Manipur Maoist. He is currently in Sajiwa Central Jail, Manipur. Moirangthem Inaocha @ Premananda, People’s Liberation Army. He is now incarcerated in Sajiwa Central Jail Manipur In the last few years, hundreds of opposition leaders have gone missing in Bangladesh. Even under this Covid-19 crisis, the suppression of opposition views in Bangladesh has not been stopped. Political activists, including cartoonists, are being imprisoned for criticizing the government during the pandemic. Journalists are being thrown into jail for disclosing information about government irregularities and corruption. Journalist Kajal was abducted and later unjustly arrested and kept in jail. The fascist Hasina-Awami government is strangling the masses of people with both the right steps not being taken to deal with Covid-19 and the continued repression of dissidents. In this case, the Hasina government is not at all different from the reactionary governments of other countries like the Modi government of India. In Nepal, the repression of truly revolutionary forces has continued with comrade Uma Bhujel "Shilu" being re-arrested for the tenth time following a court release order. Uma Bhujel "Shilu" is a Central Committee member of the Biplab led Communist Party of Nepal. The repression of dissident voices has also been seen among the imperialist nations. In Canada, the state's genocidal policy against the Indigenous nations has intensified as resistance to capitalism and settler-colonialism has increased internally. Most recently this has been seen with the response and aftermath to the RCMP invasion of Wet'suwet'en territory in northern British Columbia. The state has been quick to attack and arrest those defending their lands or those active in the blockades called in solidarity with the Wet'suwet'en nation in order to deal a blow to the Canadian state's economy. DEMAND THE IMMEDIATE AND UNCONDITIONAL RELEASE OF REVOLUTIONARY POET VARAVARA RAO! DEMAND THE IMMEDIATE AND UNCONDITIONAL RELEASE OF ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS! Signatories: Revolutionary Student-Youth Movement/Bangladesh Revolutionary Student Movement/Canada Revolutionary Student Front/West Bengal (India) Socialist Students' Union of Manipur (SSUM) All-Nepal National Independent Student Union (Revolutionary) All-Nepal National Independent Student Union (Revolutionary) Young Revolutionaries/France Jeunesse Debout/Canada

Revolutionary Student Movement 07.09.2020

Free all political prisoners! Attend the upcoming international webinar to support revolutionary poet Varavara Rao against the old Indian State's attempt to murder him! - /Revolutionary Student-Youth Movement #revolution #india #newdemocracy #socialism #VaravaraRao #FreeVaravaraRao

Revolutionary Student Movement 18.08.2020

A study group in Nova Scotia has recently declared their intentions to become recognised as a formal section of the Revolutionary Student Movement. Read the declaration here: http://mer-rsm.ca/declaration-of-affinity-with-the-mer-rsm/

Revolutionary Student Movement 07.08.2020

In yet another repulsive bout of settler-colonialist violence, the reactionary actors of the Israeli state have recently pledged to assert its sovereignty over further areas of occupied Palestine, annexing vast areas of the West Bank, which along with the Gaza Strip remains today the only sizable pieces of land which is acknowledged to be Palestinian. This vile announcement of intent comes after a recent Israeli election and decades of encroachment on the West Bank by Israeli... settlers, who for years have been displacing Palestinian families off the little land they have left to call their own in a bid to further the evil Zionist plan of expansion and elimination. As early as July 1st, this despicable plan could spring into action, attempting another feeble blow against the mighty Palestinian people and their invincible resistance to Zionist settler-colonialism and its imperialist benefactor, the United States of America, both enemies of the people of the world who the masses feel only a deep class hatred for. All of the progressive people in occupied Palestine and the rest of the world must stand together with the heroic Palestinian people against the monumental and impudent audacity of the Israeli settler-colonialists and their plan of further expansion! We must never forget that each further act of violence and repression they deal to the Palestinian people is only one further noose around their neck, and that the end of this noose is held firmly in the hands of the Palestinian people who will feel no remorse as they bring about the sorrowful end of the only 'Western democracy' of the Middle East. With the people of the whole world against them, no amount of Galils or Tavors will be able to prevent the Israeli state from crumbling to pieces. So then may the whole world come together, against the planned annexation of the West Bank, against the existence of vulgar State of Israel, and in support of the complete liberation of the gallant people of Palestine! Hands off the West Bank! -Revolutionary Student Movement Vancouver Attached are images of graffiti sent in from our supporters. The statement on the pavement reads "Free Palestine!" and was spotted outside of the Temple Sholom Reform Synagogue, a Zionist organisation in Vancouver. Check out: Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network LE CRI ROUGE Secours Rouge Montréal Free Ahmad Sa'adat Secours Rouge Collectif Palestine Vaincra #FreePalestine #Palestine #WestBank #Zionism

Revolutionary Student Movement 21.07.2020

A photo of one of our leaflets sent in from a supporter at a BLM rally.

Revolutionary Student Movement 05.07.2020

On the 19th of June in 1986, the revolutionary prisoners of the Communist Party of Peru and the People's Guerrilla Army led a glorious resistance against the plans of the genocidal old state to annihilate them, over 250 fighters of our class valiantly giving their lives in their last rebellion on what would become known as the Day of Heroism. In the years leading up to 1986, the prisoners of war in the El Fronton, Lurigancho, and Callao prisons had effectively seized control ...of the inner affairs of the prisons. As Chairman Gonzalo said, they, "Having become prisoners of war, they never knelt down and persisted in fighting, mobilizing and producing amid fiery struggles. They converted the sordid dungeons of the decrepit and rotten Peruvian State into shining trenches of combat. The prisoners had amassed libraries containing the works of Marx and Lenin and Mao, developed rules and schedules for themselves, and had prepared themselves with weapons and defenses. Then, on the 18th of June, the prisoners in El Fronton, Lurigancho, and Callao took hostages and released a list of 26 demands, chief among them that they would not be transferred to the new maximum security Canto Grande prison, where years later another massacre would occur. The fascists of the Peruvian state responded by sending in the military and rejecting attempts from international organisations such as the Red Cross to mediate between the prisoners and the government, and bombarded the prisons with thousands of soldiers. The gallant revolutionaries fought to their deaths, holding out for over 24 hours as they sang the Internationale and other revolutionary songs. In the aftermath of the battle, over 100 prisoners were murdered by the pigs, whose fear of the revolutionaries shone through in such vile acts of cowardice. Their martyrdom inspires people all across the world today, and their contributions continue long after their deaths! See more

Revolutionary Student Movement 26.06.2020

On this day in 1894, Jose Carlos Mariategui was born, opening his eyes to a Peru that was wrought with instability and violence. An exceptional self-taught Marxist, Mariategui would write the Seven Interpretive Essays on Peruvian Reality, one of the first materialist analyses of Latin American society, and form an early theses that would mirror the ones that Chairman Mao made universal. He was present at the congress of the Italian Socialist Party where the split leading to t...he constitution of the Italian Communist Party would take place, and himself would constitute the Socialist Party of Peru, which became the Communist Party of Peru that would be reconstituted by Chairman Gonzalo and lead the People's War which today continues to rage on. Mariategui's contributions Marxism are still felt today in Peru, where the masses who make revolution under the immortal red banner of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Gonzalo Thought and the great leadership of Chairman Gonzalo uphold him as the founder of their Party. Long live Jose Carlos Mariategui and his undying thought on the 126th anniversary of his birth! See more

Revolutionary Student Movement 10.06.2020

An underground Marxist-Leninist-Maoist organisation in the People's Republic of China has shared a statement with the Revolutionary Student Movement. We share their statement to bring light to the fact that even in the deepest fortresses of revisionism the bright light of revolution shines, and that the immortal science of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism will inevitably lead the whole world into luminous Communism. Read the statement from the Chinese comrades on the COVID-19 pandemic and the revisionist CCP leadership here: http://mer-rsm.ca/china-under-the-covid-19-epidemic/

Revolutionary Student Movement 22.05.2020

The PCR-RCP Vancouver has issued a statement on the current situation regarding the protests in the USA and Canada and the history of settler-colonialism and police brutality in these countries.

Revolutionary Student Movement 05.05.2020

47 years ago today, General Secretary Ibrahim Kaypakkaya of the TKP/ML was martyred in the hands of the fascist Turkish state. Tortured for months to the brink of death, he refused to give any information to the enemy, remaining unflinchingly defiant until the end. Nearly five decades later, the guiding thought that he established, along with his work on the Kurdish national question and his elucidation of the Turkish old state's ideology, Kemalism, as a form of fascism still guides the People's War in Turkey today. Martyrs and leaders of the people never die, and likewise Comrade Kaypakkaya is immortal! Long live Comrade Kaypakkaya, the TKP/ML, and the people of Turkey in their struggle for liberation! #socialism #turkey #communism #revolution #TKPML

Revolutionary Student Movement 21.04.2020

On May 17th 1980, the People's War in Peru began in the city of Chuschi when revolutionaries burnt the ballot boxes there. Since then, the People's War has only developed reaching Strategic Equilibrium in the late 1980s, a point of equal power between the new and old states. In the mid-1990s the People's War suffered a bend in the road and is developing toward regaining the heights that it saw and overcoming them to establish the People's Republic for New Democracy country-wi...de. The People's War achieved these heights under the Great Leadership of Chairman Gonzalo, who developed and synthesised the ideology of the workers further into Marxism-Leninism-Maoism in the late 1970s to the early 1980s. Today, Chairman Gonzalo is left to rot in a cell by the fascistic old Peruvian state, but the People's War wages on despite this! We salute our brave comrades in Peru and their advanced detachment the Peru People's Movement in their struggle to reorganise the Communist Party and intensify the People's War against the old state of national traitors and landlords. We stand with them in demanding the immediate release of Chairman Gonzalo, the world's foremost political prisoner. Long Live the People's War in Peru! Long Live the Peru People's Movement! Freedom for Chairman Gonzalo! (Poster created by a red artist and supporter of the Red Star in the Swiss State! For more information check out: rssers.wordpress.com)

Revolutionary Student Movement 02.04.2020

Today is Nakba Day, or Catastrophy Day, a Palestinian holiday that commemorates the violence and displacement that followed the declaration of Israel. Settler-colonialism and imperialism everywhere are great enemies of the people. They must be destroyed! #Palestine #FreePalestine