
General Information

Locality: Thorsby, Alberta

Phone: +1 780-389-2422

Address: Mission Beach, Pigeon Lake Alberta T0C 2P0 Thorsby, AB, Canada


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Rundle's Mission 03.01.2021

Rundle's Mission acknowledges Metis Week Nov. 15th-21st, and the important role that the Metis have played in our province and the contributions that they continue to make. Everyone is invited to join in virtual activities throughout the week to learn about the Metis people and to celebrate with them. For information visit or their FB page.

Rundle's Mission 27.12.2020

The Annual General Meeting will be by ZOOM on Thurs. Nov. 19th at 7 pm. We encourage all members to join in on this to receive summary information about the 2019 year and make plans for the future. If you would like to join in, please contact Rundle’s Mission and we will notify you of the details. The agenda and year-end financial statement will be emailed to you, along with the ZOOM meeting information. We are actively seeking new board members for Rundle’s Mission Society. If you are interested in becoming a board member please contact us.

Rundle's Mission 15.12.2020

Rundle’s Mission Society Annual General Meeting Dear Members, Rundle’s Mission Society has adjusted some of their activities due to the current health situation but continues to be a place where people can meet and enjoy the history and natural setting. In June we held our Indigenous Day and Teepee Raising event in a simple modified way with only board members and a few guests participating. Rundle’s Mission Retreat centre reopened in July following all the AHS guidelines s...o the Memorial lodge and two houses are available for rentals. Please share that information with family and friends as we are eager to get more rentals of the retreat centre. The popular annual Harvest Supper has been cancelled for this fall but we are looking forward to hosting more events and programs in the future. Of major importance to our membership is the upcoming Annual General Meeting. This was to be held in April but had to be cancelled. Due to the ongoing concern about indoor meetings, we are arranging to have this meeting on-line though ZOOM on Thurs. Nov. 19th at 7 pm. We encourage all members to join in on this to receive summary information about the 2019 year and make plans for the future. If you would like to join in, please contact Rundle’s Mission and we will notify you of the details. The agenda and year-end financial statement will be emailed to you, along with the ZOOM meeting information. We are actively seeking new board members for Rundle’s Mission Society. If you are interested in becoming a board member, please email us by Oct. 30th and you will be contacted. We are also looking for program ideas as well as to increase our general membership, so please give this some thought and again encourage your family, friends, and neighbours to join our society so this important part of the history of Pigeon Lake can continue to operate and contribute to our community. Please email us with your interest in joining our Zoom annual meeting, your interest in becoming a board member, or your suggestions, questions or comments. Email [email protected] phone 780-389-2422 Website Also on Facebook as Rundle’s Mission

Rundle's Mission 29.11.2020

Rundle's Mission will not be holding their annual Harvest Supper due to current health concerns, but look forward to having an awesome one next year. Also there are still some fall weekend dates available for facility rentals. You can check the website or email [email protected]

Rundle's Mission 09.11.2020

Restoration of Historical Plaque Last Wednesday, two volunteers arrived at Rundle’s Mission and restored the historical plaque on the obelisk monument. The volunteers were Bob and Bev Weaver from Calgary, and they are retired Parks Canada employees who travel the province with travel van and trailer, doing this work. We are appreciative of their work and proud of the historical significance of Rundle’s Mission. The photos show the restoration work and the restored plaque.

Rundle's Mission 24.10.2020

"Know our Community" is one of the goals of Thorsby Library. Where to begin such a task? How about with National Historic Sites: Here is a link to information about Rundle's Mission:

Rundle's Mission 10.10.2020

Info from County of Leduc Recreation- We are excited to announce that Leduc County Parks and Recreation is offering three summer programs this year! These camps will take place both online and in-person, and will follow all public health orders, including practising physical distancing. The safety of our participants is the most important thing, and we will make sure to stay safe and have fun together! Registration opens July 6th!! Information and registration at

Rundle's Mission 25.09.2020

Teepee Raising Ceremony at Rundle’s Mission In recognition of National Indigenous Peoples Day, Rundle’s Mission held a small Teepee Raising ceremony on Friday June 19th. Elder Chris Rattlesnake, assisted by Jimmy Rattlesnake, led the event which included a smudge as well as teachings about the teepee. Holly Johnson gave a very interesting and informative talk about how a teepee is constructed, the significance of the poles, as well as some general information about her life and the Plains Cree people. Chelsea from Leduc County Recreation live streamed the event so others could watch it. It was a day of learning for all. Rundle’s Mission would like to thank our guests who helped with the event and welcome the public to view the teepee on the Rundle’s Mission site.

Rundle's Mission 13.09.2020

In recognition of National Indigenous Peoples Day, Rundle's Mission is hosting a small gathering for board members and a few members of the public, on Friday June 19th at 11 am for a teepee raising ceremony. If you would like to attend please contact Sharon @ 780-913-3368

Rundle's Mission 03.09.2020

I just discovered the trails at Rundle Mission!! Rode my mountain bike around them all....AMAZING! So beautiful and peaceful! I stopped to take a photo of a meadow and right on cue....a deer walks through

Rundle's Mission 26.08.2020

DID YOU KNOW ..The Pigeon Lake mission was established during an increasingly tense situation when periodic food shortages in the region became more serious. Robert Rundle sought an alternative supply of food for the people in the area and longed to find a suitable place to encourage agriculture. He tested soils as he traveled, and recruited the interest of others. He reported: Rode to Battle River, thinking it a most desirable spot for a Mission Station & I still think so, ...but the country here is in too unsettled a state to permit of anything of the kind being established. Rundle encouraged people to plant gardens in the Battle Lake region as early as 1845 and at the mission site on Pigeon Lake in 1847. These gardens offered an extra source of food. In later years the Rev. Thomas Woolsey planted wheat, barley, oats, turnips, cabbage and potatoes. Some of his crops produced well, but Woolsey did not stay long in the region and left in 1858. John McDougall reports on the hay crops grown at the mission and carried, on horseback, the first plow to the site. In 1965 the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada recognized Rundle’s Mission for its role in the introduction of agriculture to the area. The historical background of the Mission with its links between the Indigenous people and the settlers is depicted in stone on the obelisks erected to commemorate the founding of Rundle’s Mission. See more

Rundle's Mission 16.08.2020

This is one of the books that has been written about the life of Robert Rundle. It is historical fiction but gives an interesting account of life during that time period. The Methodist Man by Terrence Rundle West It’s 1840, and Robert Terrill Rundlesent from Cornwall, England, to Christianize the "wild" Indians of the Canadian plainsenters a harsh world. The whites cling to their isolated forts, while the Blackfoot Confederacy and the Plains Cree Alliance struggle for cont...rol of their hunting grounds and the diminishing buffalo herds. So sets the stage for The Methodist Man, a novel by Terrence Rundle West. Rundle was one of four Methodists the Hudson Bay Company invited to establish missions in Rupert’s Land, a vast territory that stretched from what is now Alberta to northern Quebec, Nunavut to the western states of Montana, Minnesota, and the Dakotas. Rundle was based in Fort Edmonton and assigned the Saskatchewan region. During his eight-year mission, Rundle spent his fondest months in the area around Rocky Mountain House and Gull Lake, where he befriended many mixed-bloods, Cree, and Assiniboine. He faithfully recorded these burgeoning relationships in his diary, along with his many strugglesphysical, spiritual, emotional, and environmentalas he set about fulfilling his vocation. Terrence Rundle West, a descendent of Reverend Rundle’s older brother, John, has used these first-hand accounts as the basis for his fictionalized account of Rundle’s time in the northwest. He adeptly brings to life such historic figures as Chief Factor John Rowand and Chief Trader Ted Harriott of the Hudson Bay Company, Cree Chief Maskepetoon, Peigan (Blackfoot) Chief Many Swans, Assiniboine (Sioux) Chief Piapot, and Jesuit priest Jean De Smet. A long-established way of life for fur traders and First Nations alike was coming to an end, and Rundle found himself in the middle as the various factions fought to survive. Rundle made a significant impact during his time in the Saskatchewan. His name is found on landmarks throughout Alberta, from schools, to parks, to a mountain overlooking the town of Banff. The Methodist Man by Terrence Rundle West is a fast-paced, suspenseful journey into a vanished world on the Canadian prairies during the 1840s.

Rundle's Mission 09.08.2020

This message was received by email from Terrence Rundle West, the Canadian author who wrote the book "The Methodist Man" which is a historical fiction book about Robert Rundle. Invitation To A Reading In The Comfort of Your Home Beat the Shut-in Covid-19 Blues... Sensing that books, music, television, puzzles and card games are beginning to wear thin after weeks and weeks of isolation, here’s a suggestion for a different distraction recorded stories on tape. For relaxation they’re hard to beat. With this in mind I’ve enlarged my website to include eight short stories from my award-winning book, The Run of the Town. Three of these were aired on CBC Radio. The stories are read by Virginia West and were recorded in a Toronto studio. In one reading, The Roll Up Yonder, an unexpected tragedy leads to the singing of several hymns. The University of Alberta’s Da Camera Singers recorded these hymns expressly to accompany the readings. Please pass this invitation along to family, friends and contacts on social media - Email, Facebook, Twitter, Messenger, etc. How to access these stories: 1. Go to my website at 2. Click on, Terrence Rundle West, Author 3. Click on Play Audio 4. Click on the story of your choice. I hope you’ll find these stories to be a comforting and relaxing distraction. Sit back, close your eyes, and give in to the joy of being read to. Terry West

Rundle's Mission 01.08.2020

Update from Mike Black April 18/20 Well, Spring has finally arrived! Got a note from a diehard skier this morning marking what is probably the end of the season. Took his last ski yesterday at Rundle’s! I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who supported the area trails this winter. Despite numerous adversities, the skiing was pretty good. Remember.. Rundle’s, as well as PLPP trails are open for hiking, biking and running, although vehicle access to the Park is restricted. Just watch your distancing! Happy & Healthy Trails to All.. Michael

Rundle's Mission 16.07.2020

Another Youth Education Event at Rundle’s Mission. On March 5-7th, 2020 a group of 10 young people aged 10-14 led by Dawn Coyote attended a retreat at Rundle’s Mission. On Friday, the History of the Mission was brought to life through historical interpretation and a variety of activities. The day began with Robert Rundle (aka Lorne), who reminisced about his adventures as the first Methodist missionary in western Canada and his life at the mission. Then the group examined h...istorical artifacts from the site and had an overview of the Cree syllabic alphabet. Traditional games of skill were played indoors. A wiener roast over an outdoor fire was enjoyed by all. In the afternoon, participants completed six escape room activities to solve puzzles, and codes highlighting the interactions of the Missionaries and local Indigenous People. The group competed by building life size travois outdoors, culminating in team races. The day closed by extending a long rope representing a time-line where group members attached cards relating important historical events of Rundle’s Mission. Meg and Lorne Millar, educational facilitators of the day, were impressed by the participant’s interest and engagement in the activities. Meg Millar commented,I hope they return to visit again. See more

Rundle's Mission 12.07.2020

Do you know the History of Robert Terrilll Rundle? Ever since his arrival at Edmonton House in 1840, the British Methodist missionary Robert Rundle wanted to establish a mission outside the Hudson’s Bay Company fort. When the Company finally gave him permission in 1847, he selected a site on the north shore of Pigeon Lake. That site is now the site of Rundle’s Mission. Here was a lake full of fish, soil for crops and a spring which flowed the year round. Besides bringing the... Christian message, Rundle dreamed of helping First Nations people grow food. As a young man in England, Rundle had a keen interest in the missionary work of the Methodist Church. In 1839, a call came from the Hudson’s Bay Company. They required a clergyman to serve as a missionary to the First Nations people and as Company chaplain at Edmonton House. On March 16, 1840, Rundle started his journey from Liverpool to Edmonton. Rundle soon discovered that when he was at the Fort he met First Nations people on Company terms. In their camps, away from the trading, a different exchange took place. Rundle offered his Gospel message and teaching in return for their hospitality, food and shelter. He introduced syllabics to the Cree of the area, thus providing them with a means of reading and writing their own language. See more

Rundle's Mission 02.07.2020

Ski Trail Update from Mike Black April 4/20 Trails at Hidden Springs and Rundle’s have been groomed and trackset and are in excellent shape. Tracksetting at Pigeon Lake Provincial Park has been suspended for the rest of the season and vehicular access is closed until further notice. The trails are still in pretty good shape but must be accessed by foot, just mind your distance when on all the trails. It’s shaping up to a great weekend and maybe one of our last good skis of the season much warmer weather is in the forecast. Have a good one!

Rundle's Mission 24.06.2020

Important Information from Mike Black,March 7th, includes info on ski trails and Alberta Parks proposed closures. Please read complete post. What with the weather being all over the map, trails will remain user tracked probably until Monday. Currently, fresh falling snow is softening up the track nicely. Ahhh. the joys of spring skiing,... Important message.. I am a political person. I can’t help it. Especially in these difficult times in Alberta. On the other hand, I’ve kept politics out of my updates and comments for years. I cannot bite my tongue on this one though. I urge anyone who cherishes our beautiful Park to take a moment and write Premier Kenny, Environment and Parks Minister Jason Nixon and your MLA to let them know how you feel about cutting funding, closing, privatizing and selling off Alberta’s Parks, Recreation and Natural Areas. I also urge everyone to become, and stay informed as to what this government has in mind. Be assured, this is just the tip of the iceberg! Here’s what I had to say.. I have been a volunteer X-Country ski tracksetter at Pigeon Lake Provincial Park for over ten years, and I love my job! For a portion of that time PLPP was placed in the care of a private operator. In that time the quality of summer trail maintance noticeably deteriorated, which made it far more difficult and time consuming in regards to clearing brush and deadfall to make the trails safe for skiers and tracksetting. The local skiing community and Alberta Parks in Central Alberta have come together over the years and proudly supported efforts on every front to make this a success, and we are all grateful for that! The heart and soul, health and well being of our community depends to a large degree on our Parks system. People come to our area to ski, sled, fish, eat, sleep and shop. This is what helps makes the Pigeon Lake Area a thriving and vibrant community during the winter months. I also believe that Albertans rely on our Parks to refresh and renew their connection with nature and the natural world. Let’s not allow this experience to be diminished . I sincerely hope I’m not offending anyone with this mailing, but I feel now is the time to stand up and defend our Parks, Recreation and Natural Areas which are currently under attack. I do know that the large majority of Albertans take great pride in their Parks, so I’m confident our voices will be heard! In that regard, I’m also confident that, by and large, I am preaching to the choir. All the best in Skiing.. Michael Black Jason [email protected] Jason [email protected] Write your MLA..Write your MLA Petitions can be found at [email protected]

Rundle's Mission 19.06.2020

Winter Fun On Sunday Feb. 23rd, Rundle’s Mission hosted a successful Winter Afternoon. The weather cooperated and over 30 people enjoyed an outside fire with hot dogs and hot chocolate. Some of the outdoor enthusiasts went cross country skiing on the trails or sledding down the hill, while others enjoyed the fire and visiting, touring the site, or learning about the historical significance of the area. A special thanks to Leduc County Mayor Tanni Doblanko and Councillor Glenn Belozer for attending. Thanks also to Mike Black who sets and maintains the ski trails, and offered his expertise on ski waxing. Also a general thanks to our members and volunteers who helped with the event. Rundle’s Mission is a significant part of the history of our area. Further info can be found at:

Rundle's Mission 01.06.2020

Weekend Update from Mike Black Despite the warm temps of late, trails in the Pigeon Lake Region remain in good shape. Tracks are glazed in exposed areas, with a light dusting of fresh snow to soften things up. More snow in the forecast! Should be a great day to get out and enjoy..... Rundle’s Mission will be hosting their annual 'Winter Afternoon’ social on Sunday, February 23rd starting at 1PM with a short waxing clinic followed by free hot dogs, tea, coffee and hot chocolate around the campfire. Bring your skis, snowshoes or just hike the packed trail for a nice afternoon session in the woods.

Rundle's Mission 30.05.2020

It should be a great weekend for this event.

Rundle's Mission 23.05.2020

Weekend up date from Mike Black (Feb. 14/20) Tracks at Rundle’s, Hidden Springs and Pigeon Lake Provincial Park have been groomed and trackset. Looking like cooler temps will prevail and the days are definitely stretching out. Skiing West of the Fifth is shaping up to be ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS this weekend! Reminder. Rundle’s Mission will be hosting their annual 'Winter Afternoon’ social on Sunday, February 23rd starting... at 1PM with a short waxing clinic followed by free hot dogs, tea, coffee and hot chocolate around the campfire. Bring your skis, snowshoes or just hike the packed trail for a nice afternoon session in the woods. See more

Rundle's Mission 05.05.2020

Feb. 8/20 Weekend update from Mike Black A couple of cms of fresh snow a few days ago have revived glazed trails in the Pigeon Lake Area! Below zero temps are making skiing at Pigeon Lake Provincial Park and Rundle’s Mission the perfect getaway this weekend, that is, if you’re not skiing the Birkie today. Chance of a little more snow showing in the forecast will only improve conditions. Have a great weekend!

Rundle's Mission 19.04.2020

Did you know? For more than 150 years, Rundle's Mission has been part of the community on Pigeon Lake's north shore. The Rev. Robert Terrill Rundle established the mission in 1847. For almost 50 years missionaries and the Nakoda and Cree people met at this place. The mission served as a place of worship, refugee, hospitality and schooling.

Rundle's Mission 09.04.2020

Jan. 25th weekend update from Mike Black Trails in the Pigeon Lake Area remain user tracked. PLPP is in fair condition due to heavy traffic.. please remind snowshoers to walk to the side of the packed trail, while Rundle’s is in great shape! Grooming and tracksetting will resume when temps remain below zero.

Rundle's Mission 02.04.2020

Come and enjoy a Winter Afternoon at Rundle's Mission

Rundle's Mission 22.03.2020

Cross-country ski update from Mike Black - Sat. Jan 18th Man, what a difference 10 degrees makes! Kind of like skiing on 220 grit sandpaper instead of 80. Trails at PLPP and Rundle’s remain user tracked and in great condition. Looks like an absolutely fabulous day for skiing in the Pigeon Lake area tomorrow! Can’t speak to the wonky weather next week, but it looks pretty good just the same. Grooming and tracksetting will resume when temps drop 5-10 degrees.

Rundle's Mission 06.03.2020

Message from Mike Black who maintains the cross-country ski trails in the area. Thanks Mike It’s been a difficult and frustrating week. First off.. Two Twits in a SXS decided to tour the freshly tracked PLPP trails last Sunday. Take pictures and then call Alberta ... Parks complaint/concern line at 403-350-5066 as soon as possible. Secondly.. the weather has not co-operated to allow me to renovate the damaged tracks. On the bright side, Rundle’s still remains in excellent condition. As nite time temps drop over the next few days, it looks as though Monday or Tuesday might provide a window of opportunity. I’ll keep you posted. Have a great weekend! See more

Rundle's Mission 02.03.2020

Rundle's Mission has cross-country ski trails that are open to the public. They are maintained by Mike Black. Thanks Mike

Rundle's Mission 17.02.2020

Christmas greetings to all our members as well as community friends and neighbours.

Rundle's Mission 26.01.2020

Rundle’s Mission was the site of a tipi raising ceremony and feast on National Indigenous Peoples Day, June 21, 2019. Mrs. Maxwell’s grade 5 class and Miss Hawkin’s grade 5/6 from Thorsby Elementary class spent the day at the Mission exploring the historic site, learning about Cree traditions and helping to raise the tipi. The Pigeon Lake Samson Cree band provided speakers and elders to lead the students and members of the public through the tipi raising and a traditional feast. A hearty thank you to all who helped make the day a success the folks from Samson band, Rundle Mission staff and volunteers and the staff from Leduc County Parks and Recreation. Rundle’s Mission invites you to come to the lake, see the tipi and explore the trails and amenities of Rundle Mission. It is a wonderful meeting place!