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Locality: Toronto, Ontario

Phone: +1 647-627-2727

Website: www.runningdogs.ca

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Running Dogs 12.11.2020

Someone didn't mind playing in the rain... Until she did! Tenasi and Touton don't necessarily like the rain, but they're not so affected that they'd refuse to go out. Siena on the other hand!! Siena needs considerable encouragement just to hit up the backyard for a quick pee... This morning @biancatrainsdogs and I took the dogs down to Cherry Beach and Siena was a great sport! Zoomed EVERYWHERE, and copycatted everything Ten and T did... But as soon we got back into the car she melted into a sorry puddle of whimpers, shivers, and cuddles!! Obviously she was promptly wrapped up and comforted ...getting so tired of saying this but, she was comforted without a moment's concern about whether her whining, shivering, and attention seeking would be reinforced and result in her developing into some sort of feeble adult dog with behaviour issues So! What do your dogs think of rainy days?? Love it? Hate it? Or just whatevs? #TorontoDogTrainer #RunningDogs #ForceFreeTraining #EvidenceBasedTraining #RewardBasedTraining #SnackFeederNotPackLeader #GiveYourDogARaise #WellPaidWellBehaved #AnimalBehaviorConsultant #LetThemSniff #RespectYourDog #TheFutureIsForceFree #BullyPuppy #FuckBSL #DontBullyMyBreed

Running Dogs 26.10.2020

While hanging out w this precious babe today, feeling all sorts of joy as we played, I couldn't shake some of the unfortunate things that came across my feed this week. I see and hear more than I want to... and maybe while reveling in the leaves w Siena today, thinking about all of the ways in which her life is going to be so great -- I couldn't help but pay mind to all of the things that will definitely NOT be in her life. Siena will be comforted when she's upset, not igno...red. She will be taught useful skills with patience and understanding so that she can navigate the world confidently, comfortably, and reasonably politely :) -- she won't be bullied w painful tools, or "held accountable" for missteps Siena is going to go on hikes and playdates with her dog friends, and her human friends everyday that she can, because this brings her joy. If, for whatever reason down the line, she ever struggles w the world and behaves in ways that are not appropriate, her world will be modified so that she can recover and she will be taught new, useful behaviours. ...It makes me sad to say this bc it feels like something that shouldn't have to be said. But here it goes... It shouldn't have to be said that loving your dog should NEVER involve coercion, or the intentional use of physical... *I'm trying to find a word other than assault*... interventions (??). Loving your dog should never involve systematically depriving them of your love as if your emotional withdrawl is somehow essential to their wellbeing I hope this all sounds insane to you. To me, these things are antithetical to my concepts of loving and caring. #TorontoDogTrainer #RunningDogs #ForceFreeTraining #EvidenceBasedTraining #RewardBasedTraining #SnackFeederNotPackLeader #GiveYourDogARaise #WellPaidWellBehaved #AnimalBehaviorConsultant #LetThemSniff #RespectYourDog #TheFutureIsForceFree #DontBullyMyBreed #FuckBSL

Running Dogs 10.10.2020

Don't get me wrong, I love bees! But I'm not exactly lining up to get stung What do you do when you hear the buzz of a bee near you? Reactions will vary based on our individual learned experiences, but I think it's pretty safe to say that most people will try to get some space from that bee, that sound, or that location. ...that's a reasonable thing to do if you'd like to reduce the chances of getting stung. At the very least, most people don't approach the or do other ...things that might provoke it, or lead to a sting The shooing, ducking, quick visual sweep to spot the bee, moving away, running away, etc are all *Negative Reinforcement* behaviours, also known as escape/avoidance behaviours. Typically they require a perceived threat, and resolve with a sense of relief If we DON'T move towards the bee, try to touch it, punch the nest, etc that could be because those past behaviours have been adequately punished w the addition of a sting. *Positive Punishment* Now, obviously the buzz itself doesn't hurt, but it can induce a significant stress response. If you like, we can swap bees for mosquitos and say that even the sting isn't really THAT bad, though they tend to occur more frequently. Bees and mosquitos have a huge affect on our behaviour. Personally, I refuse to do my most favourite activity, camping, in the spring when mosquitos are out in numbers. For me, a single bee buzz doesn't cause me to jump out of my seat, but you better believe I'm running if I hear that slightly different buzz of MANY bees!! It's still *just a sound*, but my nervous system isn't sitting back thinking "hmm, maybe that exact sound won't lead to 12 stings on my chest like it did once upon a time" So, question, would YOU like for there to be MORE bees, mosquitos, and other stinging animals in your life, or LESS? And what would you like for your family? #TorontoDogTrainer #RunningDogs #ForceFreeTraining #EvidenceBasedTraining #RewardBasedTraining #SnackFeederNotPackLeader #GiveYourDogARaise #WellPaidWellBehaved #AnimalBehaviorConsultant #LetThemSniff #RespectYourDog #TheFutureIsForceFree

Running Dogs 05.10.2020

Always ready for a shoot Whenever we got to Cherry Beach, as soon as we get to the furthest point, Ten and T leap up onto these concrete blocks. Anyone of them, one after the other, all of them in a row... But why!!??!? Because I think it makes for great photos! ... But ACTUALLY because I pay them well for being such great models They've learned time and time again that jumping up on any of these blocks, standing together, and having patience while I work the angles... pays well and pays reliably #GiveYourDogARaise (They throw in the big smiles, wide eyes, alert ears on their own) #WellPaidWellBehaved For great poses I use "up up" a lot, I also use my hand as a visual target as a means of getting them to look one way or another (they've learned that following my hand w their eyes also gets paid!) Do you have some sneaky dog photo tricks!??? #TorontoDogTrainer #RunningDogs #ForceFreeTraining #EvidenceBasedTraining #RewardBasedTraining #SnackFeederNotPackLeader #AnimalBehaviorConsultant #LetThemSniff #RespectYourDog #TheFutureIsForceFree

Running Dogs 16.09.2020

Looking after this cutie patootie today and she is making me laugh and breaking my heart every waking moment! Siena is @biancatrainsdogs puppy, but @twotonetouton is 100% certain that Siena is her biological daughter (I don't have the heart to break it to her!) ...though, she's also certain that the new croissant plush toy is also her biological daughter sooo... Siena has been getting the royal treatment ever since she found her way into the care of @benevolentbullyrescue ...(an extraordinary rescue btw! A rescue w the policies and practices that all force free trainers would fawn over * yes, this is your cue to follow that account*) and then into Bianca's arms! It doesn't end there though! Since she came home Siena has been hanging with some of the best trainers in the city! Puppy play group w @creaturecomfortsdogtraining - park hangs w @helicoptertailco or @benevolentbeasts - babysitting w @torontocanineexplorers - puppy meet ups w @jujugrooms - training chats w @catostrainingco - hair bun chewing w yours truly the list goes on! I'm honoured to be a member of #TeamSiena Puppies are so much fun, but there is no denying that they are demanding and can take a lot of work! I love the "it takes a village" philosophy, it shares the load but also spreads the love #TorontoDogTrainer #RunningDogs #ForceFreeTraining #EvidenceBasedTraining #RewardBasedTraining #SnackFeederNotPackLeader #GiveYourDogARaise #WellPaidWellBehaved #AnimalBehaviorConsultant #LetThemSniff #RespectYourDog #TheFutureIsForceFree

Running Dogs 07.09.2020

Tenasi appreciation post It's hard to know where to start, but this weekend I watched him do a bunch of not-terribly-significant things that still had me admiring his ability to navigate the world. We're at our family cottage; me, Ten, my Dad and brother. We're closing up for winter, lots to do, not the typical leisurely stay so I'm not able to give him a ton of my time, but I've be quite aware of how he's chosen to spend his time.... Cleaning out the garage: Ten spends most of the day lying down on the drive way, sphinx-style, just watching stuff and soliciting tummy rubs everytime we come out Chopping wood: Ten sits near by chewing on a stick Chainsawing wood: Chews stick from a distance Clearing debris on the road: Ten gracefully moves through the forest near by us sniffing all the things, stops when we stop, continues when we move... Though he seems otherwise oblivious to us Clearing fallen trees in the forest: Ten gleefully bounds about as he shows off not one, but two mystery bones chews on them from a distant vantage point Walking through our cousin's properties: Ten bounds ahead on the trail, puts paws on window sill to let cousin's know we're here, solicits many butt rubs before sitting a distance away waiting for the stories to be finished All of these simple things feel like very Tenasi things to do! I guess what I'm saying is I feel like he's very much himself, he is confident and comfortable in doing things that he likes to do. He loves all the humans in his life, and likes to be with us, but he also has his own interests and he's free and able to do those things. Sometimes I feel like he's a wild animal who I am so privileged to have the trust of Little off the cuff Ten appreciation #TorontoDogTrainer #RunningDogs #ForceFreeTraining #EvidenceBasedTraining #RewardBasedTraining #SnackFeederNotPackLeader #GiveYourDogARaise #WellPaidWellBehaved #AnimalBehaviorConsultant #LetThemSniff #RespectYourDog #TheFutureIsForceFree