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Locality: Montague, Prince Edward Island

Address: 130 St Andrews Point C0A1RO Montague, PE, Canada

Website: Ruralcoalitionofpei.ca

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Rural Coalition of PEI 05.12.2020

A small tribute to Veterans this Remembrance Day. Gary Robbins

Rural Coalition of PEI 26.11.2020

This letter was written by a resident of Three Rivers. December 10, 2020 Three Rivers Facebook page states that they now have 7,200 residents that are working together to form a great community. This is yet another example of the disinformation that has been thrown at the public for the last 4-5 years. The truth is sometimes hard to accept and for the Three Rivers public affairs office, even harder to share. That said, the people have the right to know it so let’s start at t...he beginning. In 2016 the combined population of the seven communities that wanted to amalgamate was 4514. They only agreed to amalgamate after their representatives were placed behind closed doors until an agreement was ironed out. The minutes of those meetings have yet to be made public leaving those town people in the dark as to what took place and what promises may have been made (bribes). The remaining 2939 residents voiced their wishes not to be involved in this amalgamation, even going so far as to organize their own vote that stated a definite NO to joining this amalgamation. This information was forwarded to the ruling government so they could clearly understand their wishes. Their response was to FORCE the 2939 people into Three Rivers by means of annexation, no vote, no discussion, no rights of freedom at all. This is the truth and if this truth in any way gives the impression that we the forced residents of Three Rivers are now or ever going to agree to being herded like sheep to the slaughter it is only in the minds of those who wish it so. It is plainly clear that Three Rivers was built on a foundation of manipulation, force and the wants not the needs of some of the people. the Rural Coalition of PEI has and is trying hard to raise money to take this situation to court, we have a good lawyer, and he is ready to proceed. I am asking you, the people, to help and stamp out this kind of thing before it spreads right across our island. Having the MGA (Municipal Government Act) rescinded will fix this. Mike MacCormack Resident of Three Rivers

Rural Coalition of PEI 20.11.2020

The PC Government of Premier Dennis KING and his MLA`S has silence all voices of the residents of incorporated and unincorporated areas in PEI This was done by the PC government actions in recent months,1ST, it was on September 1,2020, when the PC Cabinet approved the AMALGAMATION of West River in which the residents of Bonshaw had said no to this amalgamation by a signed petition.This was an incorporated community. 2ND ,It was on November 19, 2020, during the third reading o...f Bill 66, an Act to Amend the Municipal Government Act, in which there was nothing included to give a voice to the rural residents of unincorporated areas during any amalgamations talks. During a debate in the Legislative assembly on November 2017, between Steven Myres and Minister Mitchell ,Steven Myres asked a question to Premier MacLauchlian " Why won`t you listen to the voices of the people? Why won`t you allow us to have a plebiscite in rural PEI about this issue?" This same question is still relevant today, as we now have a PC government- who will not allow any resident of PEI to have a voice on amalgamations. This is the same PC government that made a commitment to the Rural Coalition of PEI and it`s members that there would be no forced amalgamations on PEI. The Rural Coalition of PEI INC is asking the residents of PEI for their support, as the Rural Coalition continues with its work to bring a voice for all residents of PEI during these amalgamation times. The Rural Coalition of PEI INC membership is $10.00 per year or a donation can be made to Rural Coalition of PEI Box 863 Montague PEI C0A1R0 or by email transfer at [email protected] Thanks Rural Coalition

Rural Coalition of PEI 16.11.2020

This is the sixth in a series of articles which the Rural Coalition of PEI INC is posting to hold the PC government and their MLS`s accountable for their actions. During a debate on the MGA ACT in December 2017,Jamie Fox told the PEI Legislative Assembly when speaking about the unincorporated areas having no vote on any amalgamations,he said Minister Mitchell, i just want to draw out a picture here.I`m in a unique situation.If you look at District 19, I have Summerside-I repr...esent part of it and then,of course,I have Bedeque,then I have Kinkora,I have Borden-Carleton,I also have half of Crapaud.I just want to let you honestly know that since the bill came to the floor a year ago-whenever it was-I have never yet met one person in the area that was for it or tried to lobby towards it except for one individual Bruce MacDougall. He was the only individual that said: This is a good thing for rural PEI. But across the whole District 19,not one person in those unincorporated areas,or even in the incorporated areas of Kinkora, Borden-Carleton,Crapaud and them- actually said: Jamie, this is a good thing and we need to get the unincorporated areas on board. Now that Jamie Fox is Minister,he has forced the residents of Bonshaw into amalgamation with West River against their wishes. Is this what the residents of PEI wants our elected MLA`s to do and disregard their rights. The Rural Coalition of PEI INC is asking for your support in helping to get a legal challenge started to give voting rights to the people of the unincorporated areas. You can become a member for $10.00 or make a donation to Rural Coalition of PEI INC at BOX 863 Montague PEI C0A1R0 or by email transfer to [email protected]. Thanks Rural Coalition

Rural Coalition of PEI 03.11.2020

I have just read Hansard from the P.E.I. legislature on November 19 2020. It was unbelievable that a Minister would lie when questioned about the forcing of ama...lgamation on the people of the Island. He made reference several times that he had meetings. However what he neglected to say was NO meetings were ever held with the residents, only the mayor or council. So he had NO input from the people. His condescending remarks referring to the "little" communities was as if he was looking down his nose at them. He then had the nerve to bring in Ms.C Mackinnon. The lead person in KILLING our DEMOCRATIC rights in the M.G.A. How she sleeps at night knowing what she has done is hard to fathom. What is also upsetting is that both the leaders of the greens and liberals know full well how the laws were broken in forcing the new municipality of West River on the people. The people said "NO", signed and sent a petition to the Minister who stated numerous times he would not force amalgamation. More lies from his mouth. It is very upsetting to realize that not one party can be trusted. Time for a NEW PARTY that has the best interests of Islanders who they are supposed to SERVE in a DEMOCRACY. We are headed towards a Dictatorship. Stand up people before you are jailed for questioning government. See more

Rural Coalition of PEI 31.10.2020

This is the fifth in a series of articles which the Rural Coalition of PEI INC is posting to hold the PC government and their MLA`s accountable for their actions.On November19,2020 in The Assembly of PEI,during a debate on an Act to Amend the Municipal Government Act,The Leader of the Opposition:Interesting you bring up CDC in Bedeque,of course,which is one of the areas where there was a real hotspot of concern,of O`leary and Three Rivers being the other two,in my mind, that ...Continue reading

Rural Coalition of PEI 15.10.2020

Thank you so much to the Monks from the Eastern end of our island ! They came with Jackets , hats, boots, apple sauce and a sweet little birthday gift for me t...he writing on the front of the carving means to lighten the burden of the heart so thoughtful and kind ! We are very blessed to all our communities across PEI who have supported Lennon house from the start and continue to support us thank you so much ! See more