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Rural Fitness 28.01.2021

It’s always been very important to me to teach my kids to move their body, build strength, take care of their heart health and be more concerned with how their body is capable than how it looks. I’m in no way perfect, but if they can see me TRY hopefully it will come more naturally to them as they get older. It’s something we talk about a lot because physical health is talked about. As this last year has transpired, I have become aware that I may not be the best at leading... by good example in mental health. Don’t get me wrong, I believe you cannot have physical health without mental health and vice versa. But am I falling short in talking about it in the same way to my girls about physical health. I saw a post on Facebook the other day about how important it is to show your kids your self care routine, so that they know it’s ok to slow down and take care of you. It stopped me in my tracks. Ive been a bit naive in how important I think it is to show my girls that women are strong and capable, that I’ve lacked in showing them rest, slowing down and vulnerability and that, that’s ok too. We hide emotions from our kids so we don’t scare them or upset them. We hide tears because we want them to think of us a pillars of strength and that nothing ever gets to us and that we are always here to be leaned on when they are upset. But that’s not real life. That’s not relatable. It makes me squeamish thinking about crying in front of my 6 year old because of all the questions I know it will bring. But I think that’s the key here, to be able to talk through it. Anywho... those are my thoughts for the day. I hope you all know I’m here for any questions about physical health, but I’m also a good listener, and would love to be here for your mental health too. Take care out there friends. #bellletstalkday

Rural Fitness 24.01.2021

Hey friends, remember me? I'm still kicking, although sometimes it feels like barely after the last year. I've been very quiet on here, because, like most of you, I've been trying to survive the days and trying to be more present in my real life surroundings. I think of you often, wondering if there's ways I could help anything that you are going through. Are you still active? Are you still able to focus on yourself every once in a while? Are you ok? (If you know of some...thing that I can help you with, please let me know. <3) If this feels like a more of a downer post from me, I apologize. It's been a year, and that's just the way it is. But don't fret, I'm still living a pretty super life that I'm grateful for every day. I'm usually pretty grateful for living in small rural community, but I'd say this year may top the list of saying "I'm so thankful I live in the middle of nowhere". I hope you are able to count your blessings too. For now I'd just like to send out a reminder that you don't have to feel guilty right now for enjoying yourself a little more freely over the holidays. You don't need to lose 10 lbs in January to be the best you. Right now on social media the Ads of gimmicks and companies telling you that you’re one magic pill away from losing weight are many. Sit tight, they'll be over in the next few weeks, so try not to let them send you in a spiral of the "should's of guilt" Drink water, eat real food, move your body, take care of your mind. We got this 2021!

Rural Fitness 06.10.2020

The question isn’t, does this diet work? Many diets work. The question is, will this diet work for me in the long-term, sustainably and enjoyably, without ta...king over every waking moment of my life? When you find the answer to that question, you’ve won.

Rural Fitness 24.09.2020

One week away! If you want two free weeks in the gym, programming provided, contact me now! If you are needing some guidance on getting your health on the right track, now is the time.

Rural Fitness 10.09.2020

Ready?? I’m so excited to get you all back in the gym! And here’s the deal. Starting June 15th week I’ll be taking new clients in the gym with personalized programs to do on your own. You get the the last two weeks in June for FREE with an obligation to stay on board with me for July and August. ... If you have any questions, feel free to contact me and I’ll gladly chat with you.

Rural Fitness 04.09.2020

Here’s a taste of what videos look like if you are getting home workouts from me. If you want to see more, hit me up and I’ll set ya up with a program. All done from home, no equipment needed. #nofluff #nothingfancy #workmomlife #homeworkouts #ruralfit

Rural Fitness 15.08.2020

Are you needing a change in your health regime? Want some accountability? Want to know how people stay motivated and stick with a program? Message me and find out. Affordable, at home programming that isn't like every other program you can do a google search for.

Rural Fitness 06.08.2020

It's always been like this but with social media and even more so now with Covid, opposing ideas/opinions/perspectives are magnified. If you are feeling overwhelmed with it all, dont worry, I'm with you. Here's a little something for everyone. I don't care where you stand in your beliefs, you do you. If what I give you helps you do you, then great, I'm so happy to have you. If what I give you makes you shake your head and I make you feel your beliefs are even more rig...ht, then great! I'm still happy to have you. My point is, I'm just here to try to help anyone that wants to listen. Thank you for being here. Cheers to you all. #ruralfitness #ruralhealth #getoutside #ornot #youdoyou #justmove #dowhatyouenjoy #stayhealthy See more

Rural Fitness 29.07.2020

I hope this post finds you in good health, mentally and physically. If you are someone that exercises regularly, but maybe haven't seen results in a while or you're lacking motivation, this is for you. I recently learned about a strategy called "negative visualization". Hold your horses, it's not what you think. ... Simply put, you visual your life or a situation in a way that you are lacking what you have, or things turn out differently than they did. In this scenario, things like "what if I hadn't decided to start working out a year ago" "what if I didn't already have the habit of working out during this stressful time" "What if I wasn't working on my heart health for the last 5 years" The "normal" you are feeling can actually be viewed much differently if you remember how far you've come, what decisions you've made and what events took place to get you to this place. This can work in many other situations as well "what if I hadn't gone on that date X years ago" "what if I decided to work instead of go to school" All of this has to do with something that our brain does to adjust/normalize any situation we go through (good and bad), called Hedonic Adaptation. I'll end this here, because I could go on and on. If this sparks your interest, text, message me or comment and we can continue the conversation. Take Care -Shay

Rural Fitness 21.07.2020

I’ve personally worked with Nina, and have had the brief privilege to hear Becky speak about what she does. Right now is a great time to have a conversation about our mental health.

Rural Fitness 11.07.2020

Rudy sacrificed her face to remind us all about the importance of proper form. I've provided some tips for proper form and exercises you can do to aid proper form. I hope this helps you stay pain free this Spring. #fiveminutefriday

Rural Fitness 27.06.2020

I have been a work from home with kids mom for the last year and a bit. I, by no means am an expert, you can ask Jared. He’ll tell you how much I struggle with the load of work life/mom life and still trying to have my house not look like it’s ravaged by the animals I’m raising. It’s a daily, minute by minute battle. I feel guilty not getting work done and I also feel guilty if I’m not giving the girls attention when I’m working. Here are some things I have learned and... continue to try and put to practice. - wake up early to get an hour of work done before the kids wake up. Then at least if you spend the rest of the day just trying to keep the kids alive, you can still feel like you got something accomplished. -don’t feel like a failure if you start something only to leave it unfinished because the kids needed a snack/their ass wiped/a snack/ a hug/ a snack/ a bandaid/ a snack/ a drink/ a spank / a snack etc. At least you attempted to start! -most importantly remember you are a human doing their best with kids that need you. It’s ok to sit with them and play, or just sit. Because you know as soon as they see you move they’ll need you again. Yes work needs to get done, but kids don’t work to your work schedule. They just don’t. And just because you aren’t accomplishing work doesn’t mean you aren’t being productive. You are being present with your kids, and is there anything more important right now? If you read this long, I hope you got something out of it. If not that’s ok, I needed to hear it myself. As I wrote this one of them continually asked me when I’d be done, so if something doesn’t make sense I probably was busy listening to her jibber jabber and the other one cried for almost the entire time because she needs who knows what. I have yet to accomplish anything today work wise.... but the girls and I have emptied the dishwasher, danced in the kitchen and had a tea party. The day is young.

Rural Fitness 24.06.2020

Mrs. Dubasov is finding ways to keep her students moving while they spend time apart. I was more than happy to share some ideas! If you have kids at home that are looking to burn some energy, get them outside (or inside) to do this quick workout. I highly encourage you to join them and hopefully you all have share some laughs together. Moving our bodies and some laughter is exactly what we need right now. Let's see you Beechy School and Lucky Lake School! Give us a chec...k mark in the comments if you completed this, or better yet, let's see your smiling, sweaty faces! Thank you, Mrs Dubasov for letting me take part in keeping your students moving!

Rural Fitness 22.06.2020

There are 19 moves, done for 19 seconds each (just follow along my lead) Set your timer for 19 minutes and see how many rounds you can get done. Side note, I didn't do the burpees, because I forgot they were on there....don't pull a Shay....do the burpees. Please let me know if you did the workout! I'd love to hear about it or see a picture of your sweaty face! :)... Take care you guys! Keep moving, eat well, stay rested and hydrated and just remember stressing is no good for your immune system. Love and positivety to everyone <3

Rural Fitness 10.06.2020

Guys, I know going to the gym was essential for getting your workout in, and also importantly to get a mental break from work, life... or kids in my scenario. So I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, but I am saying it’s now more important than ever to be taking care of yourself. I’ll be posting a real life workout video later that you can follow along and do with no equipment. But for now you can experience with me what it’s like to stretch and have relax time post workout. #stayhome #workout #getsleep #stayhydrated #eatwell #begrateful #ruralwellness #ruralisolation #ruralhealth

Rural Fitness 08.06.2020

This one is for the books you guys. Here are some tips so you can be the germaphobes that the world is asking us to be (rightfully so). In all seriousness, please share this, this is a vital time where we need to stay physicallly AND mentally healthy. I hope I could give you some ideas and bring a smile to your face. Stay moving my friends (away from others of course). Stay home, wash your hands (were we not always doing this one, this worries me) and take care!

Rural Fitness 25.05.2020

I have had some inquires regarding Five Minute Friday videoes recently, which was a nice surprise! Thank you for the encouragement. I can't promise this will be a weekly thing as work and having kids seems to be much easier on social media than in real life. That being said I couldn't let my neighbour down any longer! Here it is Muddog, this ones for you! #fiveminutefriday #ruralfitness #mdcfitness #icefishing #luckylakekinsmen #fishingderby Lucky Lake Kinsmen

Rural Fitness 12.05.2020

Get that body moving!

Rural Fitness 29.04.2020

Hey guys, long time no talk. Happy 2020 to you all. I just wanted to drop a note to say I'm still around and kicking. Life with two is a little time consuming to say the least. It's true what they say about the first being good so they trick you into thinking you are a good parent, just to have a second to make you realize you never really did know what the hell you are doing. We love Rudy, don't get me wrong, but I think if I never got out to the gym again, I'd still bu...rn enough calories in a day just by chasing her around and pulling her away from plug ins, cords and any glass she can find in the kitchen. For not being able to walk at 14 months, she sure can boogy around the house. She brings spice to our life and we wouldn't have it any other way. Devyn is busy playing hockey again this winter and I couldn't be happier to be following her around from rink to rink. Anyways, enough about me, back to business! I'm still working with training clients in the gym, although not in person. If you'd like to learn more about monthly programming in the gym, I'd love to chat with you. There are afternoon slots currently available. Something new and exciting that started the end of 2019 is that group fitness is back! I'm not leading these fun sessions, but I do join from time to time and have always enjoyed it! Lauren Wensley has wonderfully led the way on this and I'm thankful to have her give her time to so many willing (sometimes a little less willing, when the going gets tough )clients. If you are curious about getting in on the next round of classes you can let me know or contact her directly. They currently run Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Friday mornings. LL Bootcamp I have set a goal for 2020 to learn something new every month that will benefit my clients directly. If you have something that you are curious about, or are in a current situation that you'd like me to shed some light on , let me know. I love conversing about health and wellness. Cheers to you all and I can't wait to reconnect. Photo cred: Nicole Gerhardt Photography

Rural Fitness 17.04.2020

I am so excited to see all the girls tomorrow. We are going to have so much fun!

Rural Fitness 20.03.2020

Last night was my Meal in the Field from the Beechy Community Auction. You can clearly see we lacked the field aspect of it, but regardless it went over well. Rain during harvest is a set back, but we all agreed it was nice to be able to take the time to sit and visit. Which is a great reminder that it’s ok to take some down time, if you don’t, Mother Nature can force it upon you. I was really proud of this meal because I did my best to use as much locally grown ingredien...ts as I could. So here it goes: Beef from my families farm. Pork from @anjan7 Lentils from @condas6. Tomatoes from Donny Johnson @deanna_meyers_ Potatoes from my Auntie Pearl. Carrots from the Hutterites. Cucumber from the post office (gotta love small towns). If you are curious about any recipes send me a message! BIG THANK YOU to @austin_jack19 for purchasing this from the community auction. I always enjoy it. Also a shoutout to all the people who send meals to the field, this was a two day event for me! #mealsinthefield #mealintheshop #ruralfitness #ruralfit #supportlocal #localingredients #beef #pork #lentils #saskfarming #ruralcommunity #smalltownlife See more